Fitting values with polyfit in Matlab - performance

I have made some measurements with tic-toc of X=qr(A) and [Q,R]=qr(A), where A is a random matrix, with dimensions nxn (n=[100:100:1000]).
Now I want to create a function that describes the time measurements i have made. I want the polynomial to be cubic and i want to use the polyfit function for creating it. Though, i can't understand what arguments to pass to polyfit. The last argument will be 3 (cubic), but what should the other two arguments be?

n is the first argument, and the time is the second. Both should be with the same length


How to find out time complexity is exponential?

I run an implemented algorithm. I captured the running time based on each input data. For example in image below first column is the input size and second column is running time based on input size. Is there anyway to find that the time complexity of this algorithm is exponential based on input and running time?
At the first, you should rely on analysis of algorithm.
The second - data range is too short to reliably determine curve behavior.
In general case you could calculate logarithm of the second column values. For exponent a plot of Log(F(x)) versus x should be roughly linear, because (formula is edited)
Log(A * B^(C * x)) = Log(A) + x * (C / Log(B))
What is the problem you are trying to solve?
Do you want to see if it's exponential for this particular instance or are you attempting to figure out a generic way of doing this?
If first one,
Put your points in.
Hit Plot.
From the shape of the graph it looks like it's exponential.
If you are trying to solve this in the generic way, watch:
If you are guessing that it's exponential you can attempt to see what the params are for a given form of the function. You should also account for errors (ie you may get slightly different functions for different points)

Algorithm to generate a (pseudo-) random high-dimensional function

I don't mean a function that generates random numbers, but an algorithm to generate a random function
"High dimension" means the function is multi-variable, e.g. a 100-dim function has 100 different variables.
Let's say the domain is [0,1], we need to generate a function f:[0,1]^n->[0,1]. This function is chosen from a certain class of functions, so that the probability of choosing any of these functions is the same.
(This class of functions can be either all continuous, or K-order derivative, whichever is convenient for the algorithm.)
Since the functions on a closed interval domain are uncountable infinite, we only require the algorithm to be pseudo-random.
Is there a polynomial time algorithm to solve this problem?
I just want to add a possible algorithm to the question(but not feasible due to its exponential time complexity). The algorithm was proposed by the friend who actually brought up this question in the first place:
The algorithm can be simply described as following. First, we assume the dimension d = 1 for example. Consider smooth functions on the interval I = [a; b]. First, we split the domain [a; b] into N small intervals. For each interval Ii, we generate a random number fi living in some specific distributions (Gaussian or uniform distribution). Finally, we do the interpolation of
series (ai; fi), where ai is a characteristic point of Ii (eg, we can choose ai as the middle point of Ii). After interpolation, we gain a smooth curve, which can be regarded as a one dimensional random function construction living in the function space Cm[a; b] (where m depends on the interpolation algorithm we choose).
This is just to say that the algorithm does not need to be that formal and rigorous, but simply to provide something that works.
So if i get it right you need function returning scalar from vector;
The easiest way I see is the use of dot product
for example let n be the dimensionality you need
so create random vector a[n] containing random coefficients in range <0,1>
and the sum of all coefficients is 1
create float a[n]
feed it with positive random numbers (no zeros)
compute the sum of a[i]
divide a[n] by this sum
now the function y=f(x[n]) is simply
if I didn't miss something the target range should be <0,1>
if x==(0,0,0,..0) then y=0;
if x==(1,1,1,..1) then y=1;
If you need something more complex use higher order of polynomial
something like y=dot(a0[n],x[n])*dot(a1[n],x[n]^2)*dot(a2[n],x[n]^3)...
where x[n]^2 means (x[0]*x[0],x[1]*x[1],...)
Booth approaches results in function with the same "direction"
if any x[i] rises then y rises too
if you want to change that then you have to allow also negative values for a[]
but to make that work you need to add some offset to y shifting from negative values ...
and the a[] normalization process will be a bit more complex
because you need to seek the min,max values ...
easier option is to add random flag vector m[n] to process
m[i] will flag if 1-x[i] should be used instead of x[i]
this way all above stays as is ...
you can create more types of mapping to make it even more vaiable
This might not only be hard, but impossible if you actually want to be able to generate every continuous function.
For the one-dimensional case you might be able to create a useful approximation by looking into the Faber-Schauder-System (also see wiki). This gives you a Schauder-basis for continuous functions on an interval. This kind of basis only covers the whole vectorspace if you include infinite linear combinations of basisvectors. Thus you can create some random functions by building random linear combinations from this basis, but in general you won't be able to create functions that are actually represented by an infinite amount of basisvectors this way.
Edit in response to your update:
It seems like choosing a random polynomial function of order K (for the class of K-times differentiable functions) might be sufficient for you since any of these functions can be approximated (around a given point) by one of those (see taylor's theorem). Choosing a random polynomial function is easy, since you can just pick K random real numbers as coefficients for your polynom. (Note that this will for example not return functions similar to abs(x))

Theory on how to find the equation of a curve given a variable number of data points

I have recently started working on a project. One of the problems I ran into was converting changing accelerations into velocity. Accelerations at different points in time are provided through sensors. If you get the equation of these data points, the derivative of a certain time (x) on that equation will be the velocity.
I know how to do this on the computer, but how would I get the equation to start with? I have searched around but I have not found any existing programs that can form an equation given a set of points. In the past, I have created a neural net algorithm to form an equation, but it takes an incredibly long time to run.
If someone can link me a program or explain the process of doing this, that would be fantastic.
Sorry if this is in the wrong forum. I would post into math, but a programming background will be needed to know the realm of possibility of what a computer can do quickly.
This started out as a comment but ended up being too big.
Just to make sure you're familiar with the terminology...
Differentiation takes a function f(t) and spits out a new function f'(t) that tells you how f(t) changes with time (i.e. f'(t) gives the slope of f(t) at time t). This takes you from displacement to velocity or from velocity to acceleration.
Integreation takes a function f(t) and spits out a new function F(t) which measures the area under the function f(t) from the beginning of time up until a given point t. What's not obvious at first is that integration is actually the reverse of differentiation, a fact called the The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus. So integration takes you from acceleration to velocity or velocity to displacement.
You don't need to understand the rules of calculus to do numerical integration. The simplest (and most naive) method for integrating a function numerically is just by approximating the area by dividing it up into small slices between time points and summing the area of rectangles. This approximating sum is called a Reimann sum.
As you can see, this tends to really overshoot and undershoot certain parts of the function. A more accurate but still very simple method is the trapezoid rule, which also approximates the function with a series of slices, except the tops of the slices are straight lines between the function values rather than constant values.
Still more complicated, but yet a better approximation, is Simpson's rules, which approximates the function with parabolas between time points.
You can think of each of these methods as getting a better approximation of the integral because they each use more information about the function. The first method uses just one data point per area (a constant flat line), the second method uses two data points per area (a straight line), and the third method uses three data points per area (a parabola).
You could read up on the math behind these methods here or in the first page of this pdf.
I agree with the comments that numerical integration is probably what you want. In case you still want a function going through your data, let me further argue against doing that.
It's usually a bad idea to find a curve that goes exactly through some given points. In almost any applied math context you have to accept that there is a little noise in the inputs, and a curve going exactly through the points may be very sensitive to noise. This can produce garbage outputs. Finding a curve going exactly through a set of points is asking for overfitting to get a function that memorizes rather than understands the data, and does not generalize.
For example, take the points (0,0), (1,1), (2,4), (3,9), (4,16), (5,25), (6,36). These are seven points on y=x^2, which is fine. The value of x^2 at x=-1 is 1. Now what happens if you replace (3,9) with (2.9,9.1)? There is a sixth order polynomial passing through all 7 points,
4.66329x - 8.87063x^2 + 7.2281x^3 - 2.35108x^4 + 0.349747x^5 - 0.0194304x^6.
The value of this at x=-1 is -23.4823, very far from 1. While the curve looks ok between 0 and 2, in other examples you can see large oscillations between the data points.
Once you accept that you want an approximation, not a curve going exactly through the points, you have what is known as a regression problem. There are many types of regression. Typically, you choose a set of functions and a way to measure how well a function approximates the data. If you use a simple set of functions like lines (linear regression), you just find the best fit. If you use a more complicated family of functions, you should use regularization to penalize overly complicated functions such as high degree polynomials with large coefficients that memorize the data. If you either use a simple family or regularization, the function tends not to change much when you add or withhold a few data points, which indicates that it is a meaningful trend in the data.
Unfortunately, integrating accelerometer data to get velocity is a numerically unstable problem. For most applications, your error will diverge far too soon to get results of any practical value.
Recall that:
However well you fit a function to your accelerometer data, you will still essentially be doing a piecewise interpolation of the underlying acceleration function:
Where the error terms from each integration will add!
Typically you will see wildly inaccurate results after just a few seconds.

Interpolation of function with accurate values for given points

I have a series of points representing values of a function, an example is below:
The values for X and Y can be real (non-integers). The function is monotonic, non-decreasing.
I want to be able to interpolate / assess the value of the function for any X (e.g. 1.5), so that a continuous function line would look like the following:
This is a standard interpolation problem, so I used Lagrange interpolation so far. It's quite simple and gives good enough results.
The problem with interpolation is that it also interpolates the values that are given as input, so the end results are for the input data will be different (e.g x=1, x=2)
Is there an algorithm that can guarantee that all the input values will have the same value after the interpolation? Linear interpolation is one solution, but it's linear the distances between X's don't have to be even (the graph is ugly then).
Please forgive my english / math language, I am not a native speaker.
The Lagrange interpolating polynomial in fact passes through all the n points, Although, for the 1d problem, cubic splines is a preferred interpolator.
If you rather want to fit a model, e.g., a linear, quadratic, or a cubic polynomial, or another function, to your data than I think you could still put the constraints on the coefficients to ensure the approximating function passes through some selected points. Begin by choosing the model, and then solve the Least Squares fitting problem.

Excel Polynomial Curve-Fitting Algorithm

What is the algorithm that Excel uses to calculate a 2nd-order polynomial regression (curve fitting)? Is there sample code or pseudo-code available?
I found a solution that returns the same formula that Excel gives:
Put together an augmented matrix of values used in a Least-Squares Parabola. See the sum equations in
Use Gaussian elimination to solve the matrix. Here is C# code that will do that
After running that, the left-over values in the matrix (M) will equal the coefficients given in Excel.
Maybe I can find the R^2 somehow, but I don't need it for my purposes.
The polynomial trendlines in charts use least squares based on a QR decomposition method like the LINEST worksheet function ( ). A second order or quadratic trend for given (x,y) data could be calculated using =LINEST(y,x^{1,2}).
You can call worksheet formulas from C# using the Worksheet.Evaluate method.
It depends, because there are a lot of ways to do such a thing depending on the data you supply and how important it is to have the curve pass through those points.
I'm guessing that you have many more points than you do coefficients in the polynomial (e.g. more than three points for a 2nd order curve).
If that's true, then the best you can do is least square fitting, which calculates the coefficients that minimize the mean square error between all the points and the resulting curve.
Since this is second order, my recommendation would be just create the damn second order terms and do a linear regression.
Ex. If you are doing z~second_order(x,y), it is equivalent to doing z~first_order(x,y,x^2,y^2, xy).
