Algorithm to generate a (pseudo-) random high-dimensional function - algorithm

I don't mean a function that generates random numbers, but an algorithm to generate a random function
"High dimension" means the function is multi-variable, e.g. a 100-dim function has 100 different variables.
Let's say the domain is [0,1], we need to generate a function f:[0,1]^n->[0,1]. This function is chosen from a certain class of functions, so that the probability of choosing any of these functions is the same.
(This class of functions can be either all continuous, or K-order derivative, whichever is convenient for the algorithm.)
Since the functions on a closed interval domain are uncountable infinite, we only require the algorithm to be pseudo-random.
Is there a polynomial time algorithm to solve this problem?
I just want to add a possible algorithm to the question(but not feasible due to its exponential time complexity). The algorithm was proposed by the friend who actually brought up this question in the first place:
The algorithm can be simply described as following. First, we assume the dimension d = 1 for example. Consider smooth functions on the interval I = [a; b]. First, we split the domain [a; b] into N small intervals. For each interval Ii, we generate a random number fi living in some specific distributions (Gaussian or uniform distribution). Finally, we do the interpolation of
series (ai; fi), where ai is a characteristic point of Ii (eg, we can choose ai as the middle point of Ii). After interpolation, we gain a smooth curve, which can be regarded as a one dimensional random function construction living in the function space Cm[a; b] (where m depends on the interpolation algorithm we choose).
This is just to say that the algorithm does not need to be that formal and rigorous, but simply to provide something that works.

So if i get it right you need function returning scalar from vector;
The easiest way I see is the use of dot product
for example let n be the dimensionality you need
so create random vector a[n] containing random coefficients in range <0,1>
and the sum of all coefficients is 1
create float a[n]
feed it with positive random numbers (no zeros)
compute the sum of a[i]
divide a[n] by this sum
now the function y=f(x[n]) is simply
if I didn't miss something the target range should be <0,1>
if x==(0,0,0,..0) then y=0;
if x==(1,1,1,..1) then y=1;
If you need something more complex use higher order of polynomial
something like y=dot(a0[n],x[n])*dot(a1[n],x[n]^2)*dot(a2[n],x[n]^3)...
where x[n]^2 means (x[0]*x[0],x[1]*x[1],...)
Booth approaches results in function with the same "direction"
if any x[i] rises then y rises too
if you want to change that then you have to allow also negative values for a[]
but to make that work you need to add some offset to y shifting from negative values ...
and the a[] normalization process will be a bit more complex
because you need to seek the min,max values ...
easier option is to add random flag vector m[n] to process
m[i] will flag if 1-x[i] should be used instead of x[i]
this way all above stays as is ...
you can create more types of mapping to make it even more vaiable

This might not only be hard, but impossible if you actually want to be able to generate every continuous function.
For the one-dimensional case you might be able to create a useful approximation by looking into the Faber-Schauder-System (also see wiki). This gives you a Schauder-basis for continuous functions on an interval. This kind of basis only covers the whole vectorspace if you include infinite linear combinations of basisvectors. Thus you can create some random functions by building random linear combinations from this basis, but in general you won't be able to create functions that are actually represented by an infinite amount of basisvectors this way.
Edit in response to your update:
It seems like choosing a random polynomial function of order K (for the class of K-times differentiable functions) might be sufficient for you since any of these functions can be approximated (around a given point) by one of those (see taylor's theorem). Choosing a random polynomial function is easy, since you can just pick K random real numbers as coefficients for your polynom. (Note that this will for example not return functions similar to abs(x))


optimize integral f(x)exp(-x) from x=0,infinity

I need a robust integration algorithm for f(x)exp(-x) between x=0 and infinity, with f(x) a positive, differentiable function.
I do not know the array x a priori (it's an intermediate output of my routine). The x array is typically ~log-equispaced, but highly irregular.
Currently, I'm using the Simpson algorithm, buy my problem is that often the domain is highly undersampled by the x array, which produces unrealistic values for the integral.
On each run of my code I need to do this integration thousands of times (each with a different set of x values), so I need to find an efficient and robust way to integrate this function.
More details:
The x array can have between 2 and N points (N known). The first value is always x[0] = 0.0. The last point is always a value greater than a tunable threshold x_max (such that exp(x_max) approx 0). I only know the values of f at the points x[i] (though the function is a smooth function).
My first idea was to do a Laguerre-Gauss quadrature integration. However, this algorithm seems to be highly unreliable when one does not use the optimal quadrature points.
My current idea is to add a set of auxiliary points, interpolating f, such that the Simpson algorithm becomes more stable. If I do this, is there an optimal selection of auxiliary points?
I'd appreciate any advice,
Set t=1-exp(-x), then dt = exp(-x) dx and the integral value is equal to
integral[ f(-log(1-t)) , t=0..1 ]
which you can evaluate with the standard Simpson formula and hopefully get good results.
Note that piecewise linear interpolation will always result in an order 2 error for the integral, as the result amounts to a trapezoid formula even if the method was Simpson. For better errors in the Simpson method you will need higher interpolation degrees, ideally cubic splines. Cubic Bezier polynomials with estimated derivatives to compute the control points could be a fast compromise.

How to compute Discrete Fourier Transform?

I've been trying to find some places to help me better understand DFT and how to compute it but to no avail. So I need help understanding DFT and it's computation of complex numbers.
Basically, I'm just looking for examples on how to compute DFT with an explanation on how it was computed because in the end, I'm looking to create an algorithm to compute it.
I assume 1D DFT/IDFT ...
All DFT's use this formula:
X(k) is transformed sample value (complex domain)
x(n) is input data sample value (real or complex domain)
N is number of samples/values in your dataset
This whole thing is usually multiplied by normalization constant c. As you can see for single value you need N computations so for all samples it is O(N^2) which is slow.
Here mine Real<->Complex domain DFT/IDFT in C++ you can find also hints on how to compute 2D transform with 1D transforms and how to compute N-point DCT,IDCT by N-point DFT,IDFT there.
Fast algorithms
There are fast algorithms out there based on splitting this equation to odd and even parts of the sum separately (which gives 2x N/2 sums) which is also O(N) per single value, but the 2 halves are the same equations +/- some constant tweak. So one half can be computed from the first one directly. This leads to O(N/2) per single value. if you apply this recursively then you get O(log(N)) per single value. So the whole thing became O(N.log(N)) which is awesome but also adds this restrictions:
All DFFT's need the input dataset is of size equal to power of two !!!
So it can be recursively split. Zero padding to nearest bigger power of 2 is used for invalid dataset sizes (in audio tech sometimes even phase shift). Look here:
mine Complex->Complex domain DFT,DFFT in C++
some hints on constructing FFT like algorithms
Complex numbers
c = a + i*b
c is complex number
a is its real part (Re)
b is its imaginary part (Im)
i*i=-1 is imaginary unit
so the computation is like this
polar form
a = r.cos(θ)
b = r.sin(θ)
r = sqrt(a.a + b.b)
θ = atan2(b,a)
a+i.b = r|θ
sqrt(r|θ) = (+/-)sqrt(r)|(θ/2)
sqrt(r.(cos(θ)+i.sin(θ))) = (+/-)sqrt(r).(cos(θ/2)+i.sin(θ/2))
real -> complex conversion:
complex = real+i.0
do not forget that you need to convert data to different array (not in place)
normalization constant on FFT recursion is tricky (usually something like /=log2(N) depends also on the recursion stopping condition)
do not forget to stop the recursion if N=1 or 2 ...
beware FPU can overflow on big datasets (N is big)
here some insights to DFT/DFFT
here 2D FFT and wrapping example
usually Euler's formula is used to compute e^(i.x)=cos(x)+i.sin(x)
here How do I obtain the frequencies of each value in an FFT?
you find how to obtain the Niquist frequencies
[edit1] Also I strongly recommend to see this amazing video (I just found):
But what is the Fourier Transform A visual introduction
It describes the (D)FT in geometric representation. I would change some minor stuff in it but still its amazingly simple to understand.

Testing if a vector is in a population of vectors

Suppose that I have an object that has N different scalar qualities, each of which I've measured (for example, the (x,y) coordinates at the tips of the major arms of a leaf). Together, I have N such measurements for each object, which I'll save as a 1D list of N reals.
Now I'm given a large number R of such objects, each with its corresponding N-element list. Let's call this the population. We can represent this as a matrix M with R rows, each of N elements.
I'm now given a new object B, with its 1D N-element list. I'd like to hand Mathematica my matrix M and my new object B, and get back a single number that tells me how confident I can be that B belongs to the population represented by M.
I'd also be happy with a probability, or any other number with a simple interpretation. I'm willing to assume that everything is uncorrelated, that the values in columns of M are normally distributed, and other such typical assumptions.
When N=1, Student's t-test seems the right tool. There seem to be tools built into Mathematica that can solve precisely this problem when N>1, but the documentation (and web references) presume more statistical depth than I have, so I don't have confidence that I know what to do. I feel like the solution is tantalizingly just out of reach. If anyone can provide a code example that solves this problem, I would be very grateful.

Single Pass Seed Selection Algorithm for k-Means

I've recently read the Single Pass Seed Selection Algorithm for k-Means article, but not really understand the algorithm, which is:
Calculate distance matrix Dist in which Dist (i,j) represents distance from i to j
Find Sumv in which Sumv (i) is the sum of the distances from ith point to all other points.
Find the point i which is min (Sumv) and set Index = i
Add First to C as the first centroid
For each point xi, set D (xi) to be the distance between xi and the nearest point in C
Find y as the sum of distances of first n/k nearest points from the Index
Find the unique integer i so that D(x1)^2+D(x2)^2+...+D(xi)^2 >= y > D(x1)^2+D(x2)^2+...+D(x(i-1))^2
Add xi to C
Repeat steps 5-8 until k centers
Especially step 6, do we still use the same Index (same point) over and over or we use the newly added point from C? And about step 8, does i have to be larger than 1?
Honestly, I wouldn't worry about understanding that paper - its not very good.
The algorithm is poorly described.
Its not actually a single pass, it needs do to n^2/2 pairwise computations + one additional pass through the data.
They don't report the runtime of their seed selection scheme, probably because it is very bad doing O(n^2) work.
They are evaluating on very simple data sets that don't have a lot of bad solutions for k-Means to fall into.
One of their metrics of "better"ness is how many iterations it takes k-means to run given the seed selection. While it is an interesting metric, the small differences they report are meaningless (k-means++ seeding could be more iterations, but less work done per iteration), and they don't report the run time or which k-means algorithm they use.
You will get a lot more benefit from learning and understanding the k-means++ algorithm they are comparing against, and reading some of the history from that.
If you really want to understand what they are doing, I would brush up on your matlab and read their provided matlab code. But its not really worth it. If you look up the quantile seed selection algorithm, they are essentially doing something very similar. Instead of using the distance to the first seed to sort the points, they appear to be using the sum of pairwise distances (which means they don't need an initial seed, hence the unique solution).
Single Pass Seed Selection algorithm is a novel algorithm. Single Pass mean that without any iterations first seed can be selected. k-means++ performance is depends on first seed. It is overcome in SPSS. Please gothrough the paper "Robust Seed Selestion Algorithm for k-means" from the same authors
John J. Louis

Obtaining a k-wise independent hash function

I need to use a hash function which belongs to a family of k-wise independent hash functions. Any pointers on any library or toolkit in C, C++ or python which can generate a set of k-wise independent hash functions from which I can pick a function.
Background: I am trying to implement this algorithm here: for the Distinct Elements problem.
I have looked at this thread: Generating k pairwise independent hash functions which mentions using Murmur hash to generate a pairwise independent hash function. I was wondering if there is anything similar for k-wise independent hash functions. If there is none available, would it be possible for me to construct such a set of k-wise independent hash functions.
Thanks in advance.
The simplest k-wise independent hash function (mapping positive integer x < p to one of m buckets) is just
where p is some big random prime (261-1 will work)
and ai are some random positive integers less than p, a0 > 0.
2-wise independent hash:
h(x) = (ax + b) % p % m
again, p is prime, a > 0, a,b < p (i.e. a can't be zero but b can when that is a random choice)
These formulas define families of hash functions. They work (in theory) if you select a hash function randomly from corresponding family (i.e. if you generate random a's and b) each time you run your algorithm.
There is no such thing as "a k-wise independent hash function". However, there are k-wise independent families of functions.
As a reminder, a family of functions is k-wise independent when if h is picked randomly from the family and x_1 .. x_k and y_1 .. y_k are picked arbitrarily, the probability that "for all i, h(x_i) = y_i" is Y^-k, where Y is the size of the co-domain from which the y_i were selected.
There are a few families of functions that are known to be k-wise independent for small k like 2, 3, 4, and 5. For arbitrary k, you will likely need to use polynomial hashing. Note that there are two variants of this, one of which is not even 2-independent, so be careful when implementing it.
The polynomial hash family can hash from a field F to itself using k constants a_0 through a_{k-1} and is defined by the sum of a_i x^i, where x is the key you are hashing. Field arithmetic can be implemented on your computer by taking letting F be the integers modulo a prime p. That's probably not convenient, as it is often better to have the domain and range be uint32_t or the like. In that case you can use the field F_{2^32}, and you can use polynomial multiplication over Z_2 and then division by an irreducible polynomial in that field. Otherwise, you can operate in Z_p where p is larger than 2^32 (or 64) and take the result of the polynomial mod 2^32, I think. That will only be almost k-wise independent, but sometimes that's sufficient for the analysis to go through. It will not be easy to re-analyze the KNW algorithm to change its hash families.
To generate a member of a k-wise independent family, use your favorite random number generator to pick the function randomly. In the case of polynomila hashing, that means picking the as referenced above. /dev/random should suffice.
The paper you point to, "An Optimal Algorithm for the Distinct Elements Problem", is a nice one and has been cited many times. However, it is not easy to implement, and it may be slower or even take more space than HyperLogLog, due to hidden constants in the big-O notations. A number of papers have noted the complexity of this algorithm and even called it infeasible compared to HyperLogLog. If you want to implement an estimator for the number of distinct elements, you might start with an earlier algorithm. There is plenty of complexity there if your goal is education. If your goal is practicality, you also want to stay away from KNW, because it could be a lot of work just to make something less practical that HyperLogLog.
As another piece of advice, you should probably ignore the suggestions to "just use Murmur hash" or "pick k values from xxhash" if you want to learn about and understand this algorithm or other random algorithms that use hashing. Murmur/xx might be fine in practice, but they are not k-wise independent families, and some of that advice on this page is not even semantically well-formed. For instance, "if you need k different hash, just re-use the same algorithm k times, with k different seeds" isn't relevant to k-wise independent families. For this algorithm you want to implement, you'll end up apply the hash functions an arbitrary number of times. You don't "need k different hash", you need n different hash values generated by first picking randomly from a k-independent hash family and second applying the chosen function to the streaming keys that are the input to algorithms like this.
This is one of many solutions, but you could use for example the following open-source hash algorithm:
Then, to generate different hashes, you just have to provide different seeds.
Considering the main function declaration :
unsigned int XXH32 (const void* input, int len, unsigned int seed);
So if you need k different hash values, just re-use the same algorithm k times, with k different seeds.
Just use a good non-cryptographic hash function. This advice perhaps will make me unpopular with my colleagues in theoretical computer science, but consider your adversary.
Nature. Yeah, maybe it'll hit the minuscule fraction inputs that cause your hash function to behave badly, but there are plenty of other ways for things to go wrong that a k-wise independent hash family won't fix (e.g., the random number generator that chose the hash function didn't do a good job, bugs, etc.), so you need to test end-to-end anyway.
Oblivious adversary. This is what the theory assumes. Oblivious adversaries cannot look at your random bits. If only they were so nice in real life!
Non-oblivious adversary. Randomness is pointless. Use a binary tree.
I'm not 100% sure what you mean by "k-wise independent hash functions", but you can get k distinct hash functions by coming up with two hash functions, and then using linear combinations of them.
I have an example in my bloom filter module: Ignore the get_bitno_seed_rnd function, look at hash1, hash2 and get_bitno_lin_comb
