Project disappers from workspace - aptana3

Aptana 3 was working alright until today. Im on Ubuntu 11.10 using Aptana Studio 3, build:
While Aptana is loading, the projects can be seen in the workspace area on the resource perspective, but when the loading gets completed , projects disappears and just the Local Filesystem is shown.
If any one knows how to get around this bug so that I can atlaest open the projects ?

This happened to me, and I fixed it by doing this:
go to the project explorer, click in the small triangle that it has
in the top right corner
choose the top level elements option
select projects (working sets was selected I don't know why)
And that solved the problem for me. Hope this helps!


XCode Project Navigator Bug

Recently, while developing an app for iOS, XCode has begun to exhibit buggy behavior that hasn't gone away even after reinstalling my entire Mac (which leads me to believe that something in the project settings may be causing this). In the left panel, switching to a pane other than the Project Navigator then switching back to it causes Project Navigator to expand ALL of the folders in my project. In addition, if I attempt to make a new group by right clicking and selecting New Group, a new folder shows up momentarily, then disappears again. The .pbxproj file is modified as well, but the new folder doesn't show up even if I restart XCode. Has anyone been able to fix this before? I wasn't able to find any posts anywhere relevant to this (it's kind of a hard problem to Google...). Thanks!
Update: I tested the bug by creating another app; the new app didn't have these issues, so I concluded that the project I made must have been corrupted somehow. I deleted and re-cloned the project from GitHub, which fixed the problem. Something went wrong with Xcode's settings for my project; I'm curious as to what the problem was, so if anyone has had experience please let me know!

Blue question mark on files in solution explorer

I often get blue question marks on files in my VS2012 Solution Explorer when opening a solution bound to Perforce through P4VS.
Looks like something is having trouble to "synchronize" with the depot/workspace/whatnot. Hitting "Refresh View" always solves the issue but I'm growing tired on doing this everyday:
This is my VS version:
Microsoft Visual Studio Professional 2012
Version 11.0.61030.00 Update 4
And P4VS:
This is persistent across P4VS versions for a few months now, and seems to be affecting sometimes individual files, sometimes entire projects, with no apparent pattern.
How can I diagnose what's going wrong, be it a server issue, a VS issue, a workspace issue?... The Perforce Source Control output shows nothing special.
Actually it's not entire folders, it's entire projects. It appears that even if refreshing a project "fixes" the issue for one run, re-opening the solution brings it back. Whereas I think that for individual files, refreshing them solves the issue once and for all. I'll play with it a bit more to confirm that.
To help diagnose what is going wrong you should probably turn on logging, and check the preferences that will show everything in the output window. For the P4VS log, go to:
Tools- > Options -> Source Control -> Perforce - Logging
(This is not the same thing as the Visual Studio Activity log.)
There could be a possibility that you are getting disconnected and refresh reconnects you. I am not sure if you have your connection set to use solution-specific settings, since you did not mention the connection dialog coming up.
This "solved" the issue for me, at least for the entire projects that went blue-question-marked:
1) Tools > Options
2) Source Control
3) Perforce - General
4) Tick the option "Treat Solution/Project as directory when
Not sure why but that's one less annoyance for me every day. Thanks to Perforce support for suggesting that.
The file is probably not marked for version control. I noticed this icon in one file and opened Perforce to check. For whatever reason, this file was not marked for add in Perforce. After marking the file for add and submitting, the blue question mark went away.

Convert unavailable/unloaded project

I have a project in my solution that currently is unloaded. When I try to reload the project I get the error:
The project has not been converted
and the project snaps back to: projectName (unavailable)
I don't know how this has happened and I can't seem to find a way to open the project and convert it. Is there some simple way that I am missing?
Also, the options given when right clicking the project name are: reload/edit/cut/remove.
Turns out that sp1 had some kind of bug in it so after repairing it everything is fine now. Strange.

How do you change the PROJECT_LOC in Zend Studio

Issue : I setup Zend Studio before I installed Zend server and start a important project. Now the PROJECT_LOC for this one project is in C:\Users\Username\Zend\workspaces\proejctname\projectname.
So it's not the end of the world, BUT it is slowing down progress when I have to move the files to the htdocs to test.
I searched online with no luck no how to change it.
If I right click on the project and go to proprieties, then click Resources/linked Resources, I can see it. But if I highlight it the edit button is not clickable. I search for a config file, but was unable to locate the value for PROJECT_LOC.
I have searched all the config files and the internet to no avail. Can I setup another project and import these files thus doing what I need without finding out how to change PROJECT_LOC.
Thanks for any help guys!
I've had the same problem with Zend, several times in fact. I could never figure out how to fix it so I wood have to completely delete the project and re-add it. This would sometimes fix the issue and sometimes not so I just assumed it was an error in the install or on my computer.

Xcode 4 shows no files after loading project

I've loaded a project in Xcode 4 after not looking at it for a while. Xcode shows its progress bar and indicates in text that the project is loading, and it appears to finish, but then there are no files shown in the hierarchy or flat views. There is nothing showing in any view (except for one breakpoint in the breakpoints view).
Any ideas? Xcode gives me zero indication that anything is wrong, it shows me nothing.
I just had the same issue. After a few hours scratching my head and trying all kind of things, I finally found a fix: remove the whole package 'project.xcworkspace' inside the XXXXX.xcodeproj package.
More specifically, when you find the 'XXXXX.xcodeproj' file, right-click it, and select 'Show Package Contents'. This will get you inside the package where you will find the 'package.xcworkspace' file. It is best to do this while the Xcode project is closed.
Maybe that will work for you or for others with the same issue in the future...
Some of the project views have the "Recently Changed" filter icon. For me the problem was: i had that enabled in the Project Navigator, so it was only showing the files i recently changed. It looks like this.
I'm using Xcode 6.1 though.
I had a similar issue. After archiving a project the files would disappear from the project navigator.
It turned out that somehow XCode had added the word "main" to the searchbar below the project navigator so that almost all files where invisible. Quite frustrating.
It might be the same case for you..
For those who make it here, I was opening a older version of a similar iOS project after upgrading to the latest XCode (6.2), and was seeing the symptoms labeled in this question (missing files, folders etc.)
My solution: at the bottom left of the screen, unselecting 'Show only files with source-control status" which happened to be set on (it's blue when on). The icon looks like a 4-pt star inside a square.
remove the whole package 'project.xcworkspace' inside the XXXXX.xcodeproj package. may cause to any other error so please ignore and trying finally
You can quit xcode and reload again your project it help you
This happened to me when I tried to do an alt-tab, on a VM running in TeamViewer in Windows - Click the search bar below, enter delete multiple times and the invisible search term cleared up
I had the same issue. Besides the answers above, it could also be that you have already accidentally opened the project in another Xcode window... Close that and reopen everything and it should work.
