I have multiple Unity projects on this PC, however this problem only affects one of them, the one which is connected to Plastic SCM named "My Daughter's Adventure". Please ignore the name :). If I try to open a c# script from Unity, it opens it like this. However, the correct .sln file does indeed exist in the correct folder, shown here.
If I try to open one of my "offline" projects, everything works fine. Image here.
Now, I can open the .sln file manually and then open the script file from Unity. That brings back Intelisense and that little code dropdown menu, but this method has been kind of bipolar. Sometimes everything works fine, otherwise I get errors in Unity regarding the name of the script that doesn't correspond with anything and it asks me fix "compile errors" even if there aren't any.
Do note that I tried everything, at least what I could find online in terms of fixing this, including the preference settings in Unity. I'm also kinda new to Unity and Visual Studio. It took me 3 hours just to identify the problem and made an account just for this problem. Can anyone help me?
So I am wondering how come my IDE1100 is not working. I went to the only question related to this and it was about xamarin, Other Answer, I am not working with xamarin at all. I clicked on the error for more help it said I don't have F1 button workign but it was working then the issues said I didn't have the RazorAssembly.cs or Assembly.cs files were missing. Okay so I did what they told me to do n the link above but unloading and reloading that also did nothing for me. I then ran clean build again then ran a code analysis on the solution and I got all these weird code naming violations and I did not have the originally. It all started from trying to create a new migration because I was changing variable names. I figured well I don't need the database only one person in it and then bam just like that the issue reappeared. I have no clue of what I done to actually create this error. I don't want to restart the whole project again. I am using VS 2022 with MVC project.
So it turns out that it was me that messed up but it would not show my errors at all when I tried to build.
so I clicked on where my mouse is at in the picture and just clicked on the plus sign. It was initially build + intelisense but when I clicked build only it actually showed me an error that was easy to fix. I had to change the view names because I changed them. usually it would show me this error even in build + intelisense this never happened before like wth and you see the name stuff is gone too this is baffeling is this actually normal with vs 2022.
Issue : I setup Zend Studio before I installed Zend server and start a important project. Now the PROJECT_LOC for this one project is in C:\Users\Username\Zend\workspaces\proejctname\projectname.
So it's not the end of the world, BUT it is slowing down progress when I have to move the files to the htdocs to test.
I searched online with no luck no how to change it.
If I right click on the project and go to proprieties, then click Resources/linked Resources, I can see it. But if I highlight it the edit button is not clickable. I search for a config file, but was unable to locate the value for PROJECT_LOC.
I have searched all the config files and the internet to no avail. Can I setup another project and import these files thus doing what I need without finding out how to change PROJECT_LOC.
Thanks for any help guys!
I've had the same problem with Zend, several times in fact. I could never figure out how to fix it so I wood have to completely delete the project and re-add it. This would sometimes fix the issue and sometimes not so I just assumed it was an error in the install or on my computer.
I'm getting this error message on my PC when I try to build my Windows Phone app:
Xap packaging failed. Object reference not set to an instance of an object
I'm using Dropbox. On my laptop, It works perfectly fine and I can debug etc...On my PC however, I can't.
I tried many things such as:
Delete obj/Debug Folder
Check for files which are missing on the Solution Explorer
So far, nothing has helped.
Any idea how I can fix this?
You should check, in every folder of your project, for missing files or wrong references.
You can get this problem just with a single missing image, if its Build Action property is set to Content or similar...
Check your files and then Rebuild your project!
This can happen if a file is removed from the disk itself, but not from the Solution through Visual Studio. Delete the file through Visual Studio (it should be marked with a little yellow hazard icon) and Rebuild.
Credit to Andreas Hammar via http://blog.jayway.com/2011/06/03/wp7-build-error-xap-packaging-failed/ - his solution worked for me.
I am adding this reply because although the problem with app icons is covered in brief in some of the answers above, I wanted to give exact steps since it just happened to me. I got this error and then found this web page:
Xap Packaging Error
It turned out that my App icon file name was wrong due to a rename. I double-clicked on WMAppManifest.xml, found in the Properties folder, to open the editor for that file. I simply used the button to update the App Icon, re-found the file and selected it, and the error went away after rebuilding the project.
The problem lies in your startup object in your Application. I have met this error to many times.
It usually happens when I change the name of my class/namespace Application class. Or it might even be conflicting with your dropbox locations.
To Fix this.
Right click your main project or Alt+Enter
Go to the silverlight tab and set your startup object
Try the following:
Have Visual Studio closed
Download all your files to your computer
Delete Bin and obj folders completely.
Open the .sln
If if fails expand the References in te Solution explorer and make sure all your dll's are found. If a dll have a yellow exclamation point that means its not found. I'm thinking that one of your references are set to an absolute path on your laptop and that's missing on your PC.
If someone comes across this post and still has the issue I had where XAP packaging failed and that VS2012 can not find the file then check for spaces in the file name.
I had the issue where my tiles were "tilename 99.png" and it keep giving me the XAP packaging failed message. So I finally changed the file name to "tilename_99.png" and it worked.
Hope this helps someone in the same predicament.
In my case, I'd accidentally moved Background.png to a resource folder. Moved it back and it worked!
In my case, this error didn't go away even after trying all the above methods. Actually I had renamed the ApplicationIcon.png to "xyz.png". And reverting this, fixed the issue.
One more possibility is that you have a wrong path to an image in the project/options/Application dialog (icon, bg image, etc).
I had this error message, after some frustration I look in the obj folder, is was no part of the solution(but visual studio need it) but I had some conflicts files with dropbox. I deleted the obj folder rebuild, visual studio recreates the folder and the content of it and problem solved.
Ahh finally found my problem.
I'm using Visual Studio 2012, which doesn't always point out the "missing" file and makes it a little harder to fix.
Relink the "linked" configuration file in the main project. It is a linked file because the original file remains in a referenced assembly, not in the current assembly. The file wasn't marked YELLOW so it wasn't obvious that it would be the problem, but when I double clicked on it, it failed to open, so I knew this was the problem file.
The silverlight application itself had a "linked" file called "ServiceReferences.ClientConfig" which contains information needed by a referenced project to make a web service call.
So the main project didn't have the web service reference itself, but it referenced a project which did, which is why it linked the "ServiceReferences.ClientConfig" file.
Keep rebuilding the main project file, and commenting out, and excluding project by project, file by file, until you CAN build the main project again. At that point it should be clear(er) which part of the solution is causing the problem.
When I try to open any activity in design mode designer fails with message "The document contains errors that must be fixed before the designer can be loaded. Reload the designer after you have fixed the errors". The project builds and runs fine though. This happens even with a fresh newly created solution. I mean that if I create a new workflow project and add a new item -> activity the problem persists.
If I click "Reload the designer" I get the following error: "Undefined CLR namespace. The 'clr-namespace' URI refers to a namespace 'System' that is not included in the assembly". If I build the project the error disappears but the designer doesn't start working.
I'm using VS2010 Premium. The only plugin installed is ReSharper. However I tried removing it but it didn't solve the problem. I've also asked a friend of mine to reproduce the same error on his computer but everything worked well.
The problem was that there are several types of editor for .xaml files. If you right click open with you can choose one of them. In my case WPF designer was selected by default though it's better to choose automatic selection.
Hope this information will be helpful for someone else :)