I have created a custom payment module and a custom gateway successfully using the following tutorials:
However, my problem now is that my module would not show up when I checkout an item with recurring profiles.. how do I enable my payment module for nominal items such as these? also what are the requirements if any?
Currently only Paypal Express can be seen (if enabled), what are the conditions on why the Paypal Express payment module can be seen on checkouts with nominal items?
Your payment method class must implement Mage_Payment_Model_Recurring_Profile_MethodInterface interface. Look at class Mage_Paypal_Model_Express. When you implement it - it becomes available in shopping cart when you checkout cart with nominal items only (as Paypal Express works now, see link from Oğuz Çelikdemir).
I am using magento 1.9.I want to display at checkout that "No Payment method required".How to proceed checkout without Payment Method. Or i have to create custom payment method? Thanks
By default this functionality not available in Magento. But you can follow the below steps to remove the payment step and customize this as per your need.
I have a issue related to virtuemart
my site is in multiple language so payment method is displaying ony for english langusge in cart.
for other language payment method option is not displaying on cart
I am getting a error message("Sorry, none of the payment methods suits the characteristics of your order. You're welcome")
please help me
virtuemart version is 3.0
I have fixed it myself.
Actually, I was missing some settings in virtue mart admin section.
We have to setup payment method and shipping method for each language separately.
I am new to Magento .So please forgive me if I am asking something silly.
I am working on a Magento shop where I have a requirement that when I select some product in certain category say X, then I am redirected to one page checkout where I have default shipping method and do not want any payment method. i.e. Skip shipping and payment method step in chekout.
Whereas if I click some other categories then I get redirected to onepage checkout with shipping and payment option.
So basically what I need in form of code is -
then Checkout without Shipping and payment method
Checkout with Shipping and Payment options.
As far as I have explored the magento structure , it is far too complex then other CMS. I am not able to even find files where i have to make changes in code. Anybody out there who can guide me for right approach toward the solution? Or is there any extension which fulfills such requirement?
Thanks in advance.
First, create the new payment method for the category (and shipping method if you need that too).
Then I would probably extend the controller, though you probably could also use an observer.
Extend magento core controller (Checkout/OnepageController)
Keep in mind that the customer may have products from another category in their cart, and what to do in that case.
I'm wondering if it's possible to enable the Magento admin to edit the cost of shipping for an order already placed?
Unfortunately Magento is pretty limited when it comes to modifying existing orders.
You can extend the core functionality by using a 3rd Party Extension, such as Re - Authorize + Order Editor + Grid manager + Invoice Editor
That extension will include the functionality to modify the shipping method and prices on existing orders.
Magento custom payment method not showing on front end checkout page
I am trying to create a custom payment method to connect to an external payment provider.
But no mater what module I am building or using, my new payment method will not show on front end, in the checkout page.
I have tried the create payment module tutorial at:
and the really great tutorial at:
The modules are built and I can see and configure them on admin panel.
But the new payment option will not show on front end.
Following some tips I found on the topic I have tried:
Making sure that the currency is set correctly in both modules and
make sure that allowed countries are allowed in module
I am working with cache disabled and just to make sure flushing it every time a I
change something, (either through system or directly at var/cache folder).
I have disabled two other modules I previously installed:
CurrencyManager & Skipstep1.
I will greatly appreciate any help, as this is the only thing left for me to get my store online :), and I could not find a solution for a few days now.
Thank you