Magento custom payment methods not showing on frontend checkput page - magento

Magento custom payment method not showing on front end checkout page
I am trying to create a custom payment method to connect to an external payment provider.
But no mater what module I am building or using, my new payment method will not show on front end, in the checkout page.
I have tried the create payment module tutorial at:
and the really great tutorial at:
The modules are built and I can see and configure them on admin panel.
But the new payment option will not show on front end.
Following some tips I found on the topic I have tried:
Making sure that the currency is set correctly in both modules and
make sure that allowed countries are allowed in module
I am working with cache disabled and just to make sure flushing it every time a I
change something, (either through system or directly at var/cache folder).
I have disabled two other modules I previously installed:
CurrencyManager & Skipstep1.
I will greatly appreciate any help, as this is the only thing left for me to get my store online :), and I could not find a solution for a few days now.
Thank you


Magento Hooks - Will Magento allow me to do this?

I'm going to be starting a E-Commerce project and the client is interested in using Magento. In this project, when a customer adds something to the cart, I'll need to pull them out of the flow, where they'll proceed through a custom wizard-esque area.
They basically design a document using a drag and drop interface. After they finish, that document will be saved as a PDF, and I want them redirected to checkout
So my questions are
Does Magento have hooks available for after an item is added to the
cart ?
If I pull them away to this other section of the site (Wizard
portion), changes they make will potentially add costs to
their cart. Would I still have access to products, prices, and the
cart so that I can continue to modify their cart until they return
to checkout ?
Magento users Event-Observer pattern, where you can hook into virtually any action which is performed and execute your custom code,
Refer to below links,
So you have to figure out which event you can use and plugin your custom code.
As long as i remember all the cart info ( products/prices ) is stored in the $_SESSION. So you can get all the information from there you need, modify it via your so-called wizzard and udpate the session information after that!
Cheers! :)

PayPal Website Payments Standard Error

I currently have my online store set up using Magento and i’m adding my products, I’ve tried to implement the PayPal Website Payments Standard but there is an error. When the user has passed through to the checkout section, after entering all their details, they fail to submit the order. The button is pressed to confirm order and redirect to the PayPal payment stage, the button will load saying that it's submitting the information, but nothing happens, it starts processing, then never goes through to the page. I've checked that the extension for Mage_paypal is enabled and it is.
If you would like try purchasing one of the test products on at the moment, you’ll be able to see what I mean.
2 things ..
Make sure that you have index management and cache management done
Try disabling and then enabling Mage_PayPal Module[Reindex the magento database after that]

Magento checkout cart feature control

I have a site, 1.5 magento, and the cart functionality (and the customer account functionality) seem to be disabled. When i attempt to go to the url 'checkout/cart', just the homepage displays.
Ive checked all the usual suspects..including:
checked the url_rewrites table (there is one entry in their referencing checkout/cart...but goes from checkout/cart to checkout/cart, so dont see this is an issue, but did edit it just to rule it out)
enabling/disabling of the module itself, looking at both the etc/modules files and removing, and checking the module listing in system->config->advanced area.
trying to step through the code..try detect where the change over of pagedata occurs - struggling here.
looking for certain terms in the codebase...and database SQL file.
the htaccess file, looking for a rewrite
local/community modules..and any rewriting of the checkout
Im starting to think a hack is in place here to show the homepage when visiting checkout url. The url : remains in the address bar, but i see homepage data.
Anyone know where else i can check...or easily locate the cause of this issue?
Many thanks
Did you look in backend under Configuration -> Sales -> Checkout ?
There is a field called "Enable One-Page Checkout" which has to be enabled. If you disable it, your store will just run fine but neither registered customers nor guests can check out anymore.
Turns out this was rewrites added to the rewrite table manually. Didnt find them at first.

Magento Payment Module like PayPal (external URL redirect)

i need help in magento payment module programming.
I want to develop a payment module for magento which should working like the "PayPal Standard Payment".
The Module in the backend is done. I can choose my new module and can activate/deactivate it.
In The Frontend i see my new payment-type on the Payment-Information site.
Now, the next step which i don't know how to start it is, to tell magento, when my new payment-type is chosen and the order is placed, redirect to the acquirers site(and send chosen data with POST-form), where the customer can fill his credit card informations and so on.
I have searched for information and tutorials but still not found any good tutorials.
Thanks a lot for any helpful answers,
If you go to Mage_Checkout_OnepageController and in savePaymentAction you can see that it loads the redirect url in session.
So what you need to do is, you implement in your payment model the method getCheckoutRedirectUrl() which basically returns the url from config or from hard coded value.
Magento will handle the rest.

In Magento 1.5, how do I set orders to be shown as Complete once Invoice, Shipping and Payment are all in place?

In Magento and earlier our invoices would show as Processing until we had created an invoice, packing slip and authorised payment. At that point it would show Complete as all items were in place.
Since the upgrade to 1.5.1 even when I create invoice, packing slip and capture payment the process is still marked as Processing when it should now move to Paid.
Has anybody else seen this? How can I resolve this?
#Jonathan Day has it - they re-wrote this part and there are new 'Order Statuses' options in your system menu. These work fine out the box on a fresh 1.5 install with the payment gateways and 'noddy' payment methods, e.g. 'send in a cheque'.
You might want to try backing everything up, moving your public_html and installing a new Magento 1.6 RC1 build to see if it works on a 'fresh install on old db' rather than a Magento Connect upgrade. If it does work then move your themes and modules back across.
