What's the difference between Prolog rules and queries? - prolog

I'm new to logical programming and find it difficult to understand the difference between rules and queries, I feel they are basically the same. Any help to clarify this would be greatly appreciated.

Syntactically, they are largely the same; "p(1)." could be either a rule or a query, depending on where you put it.
Semantically, they are not. "p(1)." as a rule tells Prolog "p(1) is true". "p(1)." as a query asks Prolog "is p(1) true?".

A rule is a definition such as
foo(X) :- bar(X), baz(X).
as it appears in a Prolog program.
A query is either the right hand side of a definition like the above, i.e. (bar(X), baz(X)) or what you type at the Prolog interpreter prompt to get the program running.

A query is a statement you are asking to have proven (which in the process of doing so may instantiate variables, which can server as your "output"); rules make up the "program" used to develop that proof.

Your intuition is correct: they're both variations on a Horn clause. The basic structure of a Horn clause is:
head(...) :- body.
If you have a head without a body, you have a fact. If you have both, you have a predicate. If you have just a body, then you have a query.


What does the 'line' predicate mean in Prolog?

I am currently trying to understand some Prolog code for a game, but I somehow can't find any documentation about a specific predicate or rule that the programmer used, called 'line'.
He uses it in the argument list of other predicates, but neither is it customly defined by him nor can I find it in any documentation or anywhere else on the internet. I can't even call it seperately in my Prolog interpreter, even though it works perfectly in his code.
Can anyone tell me, what this predicate means or does?
solve([line(_, Line, Constr)|Rest]) :-
(specifically the line(_, Line, Constr) part)
This isn't a predicate, this is a data structure, in Prolog terminology, a compound term. Check out this glossary: https://www.swi-prolog.org/pldoc/man?section=glossary.
You probably have a list of lines, and each line is represented as a triple of values. Based on what you show it is a bit difficult to guess what exactly it contains. The _ in the first argument is the way the programmer says "I don't care about this value".
A compound term is the only non-atomic data structure in Prolog. A list for example is a nested compound term like .(a, .(b, .(c, []))) but the language has built-in functionality to let you write this as [a, b, c].
You can think of compound terms, with their names and arity, as the typed objects of Prolog (but please don't push this analogy too far).

Prolog single-variable query returns an error. Why?

I've created a simple Prolog program (using GNU Prolog v1.4.4) with a single fact:
When I run the following query:
I get:
As I'd expect. When I run this query:
I get:
uncaught exception: error(instantiation_error,top_level/0)
when I expected to get:
X = sunny
Anyone know why?
Prolog is based on first-order logic but X is a second order logic query (the variable stands for a rule head / fact, not only a term): you ask "which predicates can be derived?" or in other words "which formulas are true?". Second order logic is so expressive that we lose many nice properties of first-order logic (*). That's why a second order variable must be sufficiently instantiated to know which rule to try at the time it is called (that's what the error message means). For instance the queries
?- X=member(A,[1,2,3]), X.
?- member(A,[1,2,3]).
still allow Prolog to try the definition of the member predicate (in fact the two definitions are equivalent) but
?- X, X=member(A,[1,2,3]).
will throw an exception because at the time X should be derived, we don't know that it's supposed to become the predicate member(A,[1,2,3]).
Your case is much simpler though: you can wrap sunny as a term into a predicate such that Prolog knows which rules to try. The facts
define the predicate weather such that now we only have a first-order variable as argument in our query:
?- weather(X).
X = sunny ;
X = rainy.
Now that we are talking about the term level, everything works as you expected.
(*) Although the problem of finding out if a formula is valid is undecidable in both cases, in first order logic at least all true formulas can be eventually derived but if a formula is false, the search might not terminate (i.e. first-order logic is semi-decidable). For second order logic there are formulas that can neither be proved not disproved. What is worse is that we cannot even tell if a second-order formula belongs to this category.

Prolog Predicates Exam Questions

I'm studying for an Artificial Intelligence exam and struggling to understand how to answer certain questions focusing on Predicates. The two questions in particular are:
Define a predicate which behaves as follows -
?- stage_name(billie, Name).
Name = rose
?- stage_name(jenna,Name).
Name = clara
Write a predicate that takes two argument and is true if both actors are on the same show. Thus
is true, whilst
is not
I don't really understand how I would answer these questions, and I'm finding very little Prolog information online. I would appreciate some help. Apologies for the formatting.
stage_name(jenna,Name) :- Name=clara.
Given a query, Prolog looks for an appropriate predicate according to the input parameters and the name and "executes" it. The result is either true/false if no output parameter is given. In this case there is one (Name) which can be seen from the leading capital letter. Note that there are two possible ways to implement this. The former is probably the most common (predicates of this form are called "facts" whereas predicates such as the lower are called "rules").
As mentioned in my comment, I don't really understand the connection between the two given predicates. Also it feels like there is something missing such as a facts that determine which person is on which show...
Assuming such facts are missing, I would write the Prolog program as follows:
onShow(david, s1).
onShow(clara, s1).
onShow(bernie, s2).
same_show(P1, P2) :- onShow(P1,X), onShow(P2,X).
The predicate is only true if both P1 and P2 visit the same show X.
A "comma" represents a logical AND operator. Having different rules with the same name and parameter count represents logical OR. Edit: As Boris mentioned in a comment, this is not exactly true. This association simply helped me to understand the connection between "Logical Predicates" and "Prolog Predicates".
Visit SWISH to test your Prolog programs.

Prolog: "if then else", using cut

This is an easy question: I've seen this example in a Prolog text book.
It is implementing if-then-else using a cut.
if_then_else(P, Q, R) :- P, !, Q.
if_then_else(P, Q, R) :- R.
Can anyone explain what this program is doing, and why it is useful?
The most important thing to note about this program that it is definitely not a nice relation.
For example, from a pure logic program, we expect to be able to derive whether the condition had held if we pass it the outcome. This is of course in contrast to procedural programming, where you first check a condition and everything else depends on the condition.
Also other properties are violated. For example, what happens if the condition actually backtracks? Suppose I want to see conclusions for each solution of the condition, not just the first one. Your code cuts away these additional solutions.
I would also like to use the relation in other cases, for example, suppose I want to detect superfluous if-then-else constructs in my code. These are solutions to queries similar to:
?- if_then_else(NoMatter, Same, Same).
If if_then_else/3 were a pure relation, we could use it to answer such queries. As it is currently implemented, it yields incorrect results for such queries.
See logical-purity and if_/3 for more information.

Prolog negation and logical negation

Assume we have the following program:
and the query (which returns false):
\+ a(X), v(X).
When tracing, I can see that X becomes instantiated to tom, the predicate a(tom) succeeds, therefore \+ a(tom) fails.
I have read in some tutorials that the not (\+) in Prolog is just a test and does not cause instantiation.
Could someone please clarify the above point for me? As I can see the instantiation.
I understand there are differences between not (negation as failure) and the logical negation. Could you refer a good article that explains in which cases they behave the same and when do they behave different?
Great question.
Short answer: you stumbled upon "floundering".
The problem is that the implementation of the operator \+ only works
when applied to a literal containing no variables, i.e., a ground
literal. It is not able to generate bindings for variables, but only
test whether subgoals succeed or fail. So to guarantee reasonable
answers to queries to programs containing negation, the negation
operator must be allowed to apply only to ground literals. If it is
applied to a nonground literal, the program is said to flounder.
If you invert the query
v(X), \+ a(X).
You'll get the right answer. Some implementations or meta interpreter detect floundering goals and delay them until all the variables are ground.
About your point 1), you see the instantiation inside the NAF tree. What happens there shouldn't affect variables that are outside (in this case in v(X)). Prolog often acts in the naive way to avoid inefficiencies. In theory it should just return an error instead of instantiating the variable.
2) This is my favourite article on the topic: Nonmonotonic Logic Programming.
WRT point 2, Wikipedia article seems a good starting point.
You already experienced that understanding NAF can be difficult. Part of this could be because (logical) negation it's inherently difficult to define even in simpler contest that predicate calculus (see for instance Russel's paradox), and part because the powerful variables of Prolog are domed to keep the actual counterexamples of failed if negated proofs. See if you can understand the actual library definition of forall/2 (please read the documentation, it's synthetic and interesting) that's the preferred way to run a failure driven loop:
%% forall(+Condition, +Action)
% True if Action if true for all variable bindings for which Condition
% if true.
forall(Cond, Action) :-
\+ (Cond, \+ Action).
I remember the first time I saw it, it looked like magic...
edit about a tutorial, I found, while 'spelunking' my links collection, a good site by J.R.Fisher. It's full of interesting stuff, just a pity it's a bit terse in explanations, requiring the student to answer itself with frequent execises. See the paragraph 2.5, devoted to negation by failure. I think you could also enjoy section 3. How Prolog Works
