What does the 'line' predicate mean in Prolog? - prolog

I am currently trying to understand some Prolog code for a game, but I somehow can't find any documentation about a specific predicate or rule that the programmer used, called 'line'.
He uses it in the argument list of other predicates, but neither is it customly defined by him nor can I find it in any documentation or anywhere else on the internet. I can't even call it seperately in my Prolog interpreter, even though it works perfectly in his code.
Can anyone tell me, what this predicate means or does?
solve([line(_, Line, Constr)|Rest]) :-
(specifically the line(_, Line, Constr) part)

This isn't a predicate, this is a data structure, in Prolog terminology, a compound term. Check out this glossary: https://www.swi-prolog.org/pldoc/man?section=glossary.
You probably have a list of lines, and each line is represented as a triple of values. Based on what you show it is a bit difficult to guess what exactly it contains. The _ in the first argument is the way the programmer says "I don't care about this value".
A compound term is the only non-atomic data structure in Prolog. A list for example is a nested compound term like .(a, .(b, .(c, []))) but the language has built-in functionality to let you write this as [a, b, c].
You can think of compound terms, with their names and arity, as the typed objects of Prolog (but please don't push this analogy too far).


functor vs predicate - definition for students

The question of the difference between a functor and a predicate in prolog is asked often.
I am trying to develop an informal definition that is suitable for new students.
A functor is the name of a predicate. The word functor is used when
discussing syntax, such as arity, affix type, and relative priority
over other functors. The word predicate is used when discussing
logical and procedural meaning.
This looks "good enough" to me.
Question: Is it good enough, or is it fundamentally flawed?
To be clear, I am aiming to develop a useful intuition, not write legalistic text for an ISO standard!
The definition in https://www.swi-prolog.org/pldoc/man?section=glossary is:
"functor: Combination of name and arity of a compound term. The term foo(a,b,c) is said to be a term belonging to the functor foo/3." This does not help a lot, and certainly doesn't explain the difference from a predicate, which is defined: "Collection of clauses with the same functor (name/arity). If a goal is proved, the system looks for a predicate with the same functor, then uses indexing to select candidate clauses and then tries these clauses one-by-one. See also backtracking.".
One of the things that often confuses students is that foo(a) could be a term, a goal, or a clause head, depending on the context.
One way to think about term versus predicate/goal is to treat call/1 as if it is implemented by an "infinite" number of clauses that look like this:
call(foo(X)) :- foo(X).
call(foo(X,Y)) :- foo(X,Y).
call(bar(X)) :- bar(X).
This is why you can pass around at term (which is just data) but treat it as a "goal". So, in Prolog there's no need to have a special "closure" or "thunk" or "predicate" data type - everything can be treated as just data and can be executed by use of the call/1 predicate.
(There are also variations on "call", such as call/2, which can be defined as:
call(foo, X) :- foo(X).
call(foo(X), Y) :- foo(X, Y).
This can be used to implement "meta-predicates", such as maplist/2, which takes a list and applies a predicate to each element:
?- maplist(writeln, [one,two,three]).
where a naïve implementation of maplist/2 is (the actual implementation is a bit more complicated, for efficiency):
maplist(_Goal, []).
maplist(Goal, [X|Xs]) :-
call(Goal, X),
maplist(Goal, Xs).
The answer by Peter Ludemann is already very good. I want to address the following from your question:
To be clear, I am aiming to develop a useful intuition, not write legalistic text for an ISO standard!
If you want to develop intuition, don't bother writing definitions. Definitions end up being written in legalese or are useless as definitions. This is why we sometimes explain by describing how the machine will behave, this is supposedly well-defined, while any statement written in natural language is by definition ambiguous. It is interpreted by a human brain, and you have no idea what is in this brain when it interprets it. As a defense, you end up using legalese to write definitions in natural language.
You can give examples, which will leave some impression and probably develop intuition.
"The Prolog compound term a(b, c) can be described by the functor a/2. Here, a is the term name, and 2 is its arity".
"The functor foo/3 describes any term with a name foo and three arguments."
"Atomic terms by definition have arity 0: for example atoms or numbers. The atom a belongs to the functor a/0."
"You can define two predicates with the same name, as long as they have a different number of arguments."
There is also the possibility of confusion because some system predicates that allow introspection might take either a functor or the head of the predicate they work on. For example, abolish/1 takes a functor, while retractall/1 takes the predicate head.....

How is predicate logic represented in Prolog?

may be a strange and broad question and not a 100% programming question, but I hope this is ok. I recently had a discussion about, that a lot of programs in Prolog don´t follow strict predicate logic (of Frege) but often are "object oriented" which I am trying to grasp.
I know that Prolog is based on first order predicate logic especially Horn Clauses and that they are a special form of modus ponens. A fact and a rule if they occur solo are simply clauses, but as soon as I add more than one occurrence they become a predicate.
How are the quantors of first order predicate logic represented and related to fact , rule , predicate or the Prolog concept in general? What does the functor express and what the arguments in relation to predicate logic. How is predicate logic and first order predicate logic reflected in Prolog and where does prolog leave their concepts? e.g. how would I define a point, a line and a vertical line in predicate logic and first order predicate logic.
How do I formulate this in predicate logic and first order predicate logic what is the semantic and logic difference between
Or a line and point in this example. Are point and line not predicate logic?
For me it is " point(X) the set of all points" and when I pick a concrete point "there exists one point(110, 12)."
line(point(W,X), point(Y,Z)).
vertical(line(point(X,Y), point(X,Z))).
horizontal(line(point(X,Y), point(Z,Y))).
Any info helps! Many thanks, H
A chapter of Programming in Prolog by W.Clocksin and C.Mellish is devoted to explain the relation of Prolog with logic. Citing from there
If we wish to discuss how Prolog is related to logic, we must first establish what we
mean by logic. Logic was originally devised as a way of representing the form of
arguments, so that it would be possible to check in a formal way whether or not they
are valid. Thus we can use logic to express propositions, the relations between propositions and how one can validly infer some propositions from others. The particular
form of logic that we will be talking about here is called the Predicate Calculus. We
will only be able to say a few words about it here. There are scores of good basic
introductions to logic you can turn to for background reading.
If we wish to express propositions about the world, we must be able to describe
the objects that are involved in them. In Predicate Calculus, we represent objects by
terms. A term is of one of the following forms:
A constant symbol. This is a symbol that stands for a single individual or concept.
We can think of this as a Prolog atom, and we will use the Prolog syntax. So
greek, agatha, and peace are constant symbols.
A variable symbol. This is a symbol that we may want to stand for different
individuals at different times. Variables are really only introduced in conjunction
with quantifiers, which are discussed below. We can think of them as Prolog
variables and will use the Prolog syntax. Thus X, Man, and Greek are variable
A compound term. A compound term consists of a function symbol, together
with an ordered set of terms as its arguments. The idea is that the compound
term represents some individual that depends on the individuals represented by
the arguments. The function symbol represents how the first depends on the second. For instance, we could have a function symbol standing for the notion of
"distance" and two arguments. In this case, the compound term stands for the
distance between the objects represented by the arguments. We can think of a
compound term as a Prolog structure with the function symbol as the functor.
We will write Predicate Calculus compound terms using the Prolog syntax, so
that, for instance, wife(henry) might mean Henry's wife, distance(point1, X)
might mean the distance between some particular point and some other place to
be specified, and classes(mary, dayafter(W)) might mean the classes that Mary
teaches on the day after some day W to be specified.
Thus in Predicate Calculus the ways of representing objects are just like the ways available in Prolog.
Seems not appropriate to put the entire chapter here... there is also a program, very explanatory, in appendix B, that performs an automatic translation of WFFs into clauses.
The book is very readable, just a pity it's not among the titles in Free Prolog Programming Books section.
I know that Prolog is based on first order predicate logic especially Horn Clauses and that they are a special form of modus ponens.
In a sense, inverse "modus ponens":
a :- b
You want to show "a true", and to do so, you have to show "b true"
A fact and a rule if they occur solo are simply clauses, but as soon as I add more than one occurrence they become a predicate.
No, they are all predicates. The "predicate" is an object/agent/program/platonic-phenomenon which expresses that there (objectively) is some "relationship" between "things", and you can ask the Prolog Processor about that relationship. There is no direct meaning associated to all of that though, it's "strings related to strings via strings". We are working with syntactic machines after all (i.e. computers).
Enter this logic program:
p(x,y). % Predicate p/2 states that there is a relationship p between x and y
And now, you can query the database about what the program is saying:
?- p(x,y).
true. % a p relationship exists (fact, but could also be rule)
?- p(x,A).
A = y. % the thing related to x via p is y
?- p(A,y).
A = x. % the thing related to x via p is y
?- p(A,B).
A = x, % things related via p are x and y
B = y.
?- p(c,d).
false. % not REALLY "false" but "as far as I can tell, there
% is no relationship p between c and d"
Note the interpretation of "false", which is not the "strong false" of classical logic. Even though it is traditionally state that Prolog works in classical logic, this is not really the case:
From "Logic Programming with Strong Negation" (David Pearce, Gerd Wagner, FU Berlin, 1991), appears in Springer LNAI 475: Extensions of Logic Programming, International Workshop Tübingen, FRG, December 8–10, 1989 Proceedings):
According to the standard view, a logic program is a set of definite Horn clauses. Thus, logic programs are regarded as syntactically restricted first-order theories within the framework of classical logic. Correspondingly, the proof theory of logic programs is considered as the specialized version of classical resolution, known as SLD-resolution. This view, however, neglects the fact that a program clause, a_0 <— a_1, a_2, • • •, a_n, is an expression of a fragment of positive logic (a subsystem of intuitionistic logic) rather than an implicational formula of classical logic. The classical interpretation of logic programs, therefore, seems to be a semantical overkill.
It should be clear that in order to explain the deduction mechanism of Prolog one does not have to refer to the indirect method of SLD-resolution which checks for the refutability of the contrary. It is certainly more natural to view Prolog's proof procedure as a kind of natural deduction, as, for example, in [Hallnäs & Schroeder-Heister 1987] and [Miller 1989]. This also is more in line with the intuitions of a Prolog programmer. Since Prolog is the paradigm, logic programming semantics should take it as a point of departure.
How are the quantors of first order predicate logic represented and related
to fact, rule, predicate or the Prolog concept in general?
That is a long story. Note that Prolog is primarily about "programming using logic", and also about "modeling using logic". The two aspects certainly overlap well for problems that can be solved using explicit enumeration, but Prolog is not made for specifying general FOL constraints describing a sought-for solution. In fact, certain FOL constraints cannot be represented and other have to be transformed into nominally equivalent expression that are agreeable to the machine. Look up "skolemization". For example: https://www.cs.toronto.edu/~sheila/384/w11/Lectures/csc384w11-KR-tutorial.pdf
On the flip side, Prolog provides "meta-predicates" which generate solutions by calling other predicates, so it's making forays into second-order logic. As it must - nobody can survive in the FOL desert for long.
What does the functor express
Nothing. It just stands for itself. Pure syntax. Look up "Herbrand Universe".
How do I formulate this in predicate logic and first order predicate logic
what is the semantic and logic difference between
It's you who imbues vertical and line with meaning. So, feelings. You want a "vertial line", so you would say, the "thing" is the "line" and "vertical" is an attribute of the "line". So vertical(line) sounds appropriate. Or maybe attribute(line,vertical). It depends.
line(point(W,X), point(Y,Z)).
You have to aspects:
Predicates express "relationships". "Function symbols" are used to construct "things with structure": you can form trees of stuff with function symbols on nodes and integers/strings/variables on leaves. These are called "term". But terms can appear as predicates or as things, depending on the context, it's quite fluid. So you can for example construct a Prolog program with another Prolog program.
line(point(W,X), point(Y,Z))
These are terms!
If you type this into a file program.pl:
point_on_line(point(X,Y),line(point(W,X), point(Y,Z))).
The terms appear as "things" related by predicate point_on_line/2. The whole line is itself a term.
If you type this into a file program.pl:
line(point(W,X), point(Y,Z)).
The terms appear as "predicates", and point appears both as predicate point/2 and as "thing" about which predicate line/2 is talking.
This is actually a vast subject and it takes some time getting used to it, much more than functional programming. I had some Prolog and Logic courses at uni but 20 years later I found out that I had badly misunderstood a lot of aspects.

How to identify wasteful representations of Prolog terms

What is the Prolog predicate that helps to show wasteful representations of Prolog terms?
In a aside of an earlier Prolog SO answer, IIRC by mat, it used a Prolog predicate to analyze a Prolog term and show how it was overly complicated.
Specifically for a term like
it revealed that this has to many [].
I have searched my Prolog questions and looked at the answers twice and still can't find it. I also recall that it was not in SWI-Prolog but in another Prolog so instead of installing the other Prolog I was able to use the predicate with an online version of Prolog.
If you read along in the comments you will see that mat identified the post I was seeking.
What I was seeking
I have one final note on the choice of representation. Please try out the following, using for example GNU Prolog or any other conforming Prolog system:
| ?- write_canonical([op(add),[Left,Right]]).
This shows that this is a rather wasteful representation, and at the same time prevents uniform treatment of all expressions you generate, combining several disadvantages.
You can make this more compact for example using Left+Right, or make all terms uniformly available using for example op_arguments(add, [Left,Right]), op_arguments(number, [1]) etc.
Evolution of a Prolog data structure
If you don't know it already the question is related to writing a term rewriting system in Prolog that does symbolic math and I am mostly concentrating on simplification rewrites at present.
Most people only see math expressions in a natural representation
x + 0 + sin(y)
and computer programmers realize that most programming languages have to parse the math expression and convert it into an AST before using
but most programming languages can not work with the AST as written above and have to create data structures See: Compiler/lexical analyzer, Compiler/syntax analyzer, Compiler/AST interpreter
Now if you have ever done more than dipped your toe in the water when learning about Prolog you will have come across Program 3.30 Derivative rules, which is included in this, but the person did not give attribution.
If you try and roll your own code to do symbolic math with Prolog you might try using is/2 but quickly find that doesn't work and then find that Prolog can read the following as compound terms
This starts to work until you need to access the name of the functor and find functor/3 but then we are getting back to having to parse the input, however as noted by mat and in "The Art of Prolog" if one were to make the name of the structure accessible
now one can access not only the terms of the expression but also the operator in a Prolog friendly way.
If it were not for the aside mat made the code would still be using the nested list data structure and now is being converted to use the compound terms that expose the name of the structure. I wonder if there is a common phrase to describe that, if not there should be one.
Anyway the new simpler data structure worked on the first set of test, now to see if it holds up as the project is further developed.
Try it for yourself online
Using GNU Prolog at tutorialspoint.com enter
:- initialization(main).
main :- write_canonical([op(add),[Left,Right]]).
then click Execute and look at the output
sh-4.3$ gprolog --consult file main.pg
GNU Prolog 1.4.4 (64 bits)
Compiled Aug 16 2014, 23:07:54 with gcc
By Daniel Diaz
Copyright (C) 1999-2013 Daniel Diaz
compiling /home/cg/root/main.pg for byte code...
/home/cg/root/main.pg:2: warning: singleton variables [Left,Right] for main/0
/home/cg/root/main.pg compiled, 2 lines read - 524 bytes written, 9 ms
'.'(op(add),'.'('.'(_39,'.'(_41,[])),[]))| ?-  
Clean vs. defaulty representations
From The Power of Prolog by Markus Triska
When representing data with Prolog terms, ask yourself the following question:
Can I distinguish the kind of each component from its outermost functor and arity?
If this holds, your representation is called clean. If you cannot distinguish the elements by their outermost functor and arity, your representation is called defaulty, a wordplay combining "default" and "faulty". This is because reasoning about your data will need a "default case", which is applied if everything else fails. In addition, such a representation prevents argument indexing, and is considered faulty due to this shortcoming. Always aim to avoid defaulty representations! Aim for cleaner representations instead.
Please see the last part of:
It uses write_canonical/1 to display the canonical representation of a term.
This predicate is very useful when learning Prolog and helps to clear several misconceptions that are typical for beginners. See for example the recent question about hyphens, where it would have helped too.
Note that in SWI, the output deviates from canonical Prolog syntax in general, so I am not using SWI when explaining Prolog syntax.
You could also programmatially count how many subterms are a single-element list using something like this (not optimized);
single_element_list_subterms(Term, Index) :-
Term =.. [Functor|Args],
( Args = []
-> Index = 0
; maplist(single_element_list_subterms, Args, Indices),
sum_list(Indices, SubIndex),
( Functor = '.', Args = [_, []]
-> Index is SubIndex + 1
; Index = SubIndex
Trying it on the example compound term:
| ?- single_element_list_subterms([op(add),[[number(0)],[op(add),[[number(1)],[number(1)]]]]], Count).
Count = 7
| ?-
Indicating that there are 7 subterms consisting of a single-element list. Here is the result of write_canonical:
| ?- write_canonical([op(add),[[number(0)],[op(add),[[number(1)],[number(1)]]]]]).
| ?-

Prolog: "if then else", using cut

This is an easy question: I've seen this example in a Prolog text book.
It is implementing if-then-else using a cut.
if_then_else(P, Q, R) :- P, !, Q.
if_then_else(P, Q, R) :- R.
Can anyone explain what this program is doing, and why it is useful?
The most important thing to note about this program that it is definitely not a nice relation.
For example, from a pure logic program, we expect to be able to derive whether the condition had held if we pass it the outcome. This is of course in contrast to procedural programming, where you first check a condition and everything else depends on the condition.
Also other properties are violated. For example, what happens if the condition actually backtracks? Suppose I want to see conclusions for each solution of the condition, not just the first one. Your code cuts away these additional solutions.
I would also like to use the relation in other cases, for example, suppose I want to detect superfluous if-then-else constructs in my code. These are solutions to queries similar to:
?- if_then_else(NoMatter, Same, Same).
If if_then_else/3 were a pure relation, we could use it to answer such queries. As it is currently implemented, it yields incorrect results for such queries.
See logical-purity and if_/3 for more information.

What does +,+ mode in Prolog mean?

So am being told a specific predicate has to work in +,+ mode. What does that mean in Prolog?
When one wants to give information on a predicate in prolog, those conventions are often used :
arity : predicate/3 means predicate takes 3 arguments.
parameters : predicate(+Element, +List, -Result) means that Element and List should not be free variables and that Result should be a free variable for the predicate to work properly. ? is used when it can be both, # is mentionned on the above answer but is not really used as much (at least in swi-pl doc) and means that the input will not be bound during the call.
so telling that somepredicate works in +, + mode is a shortcut for telling that :
% somepredicate/2 : somepredicate(+Input1, +Input2)
In order to give you a definite answer you need to tell us more than just +,+. For predicates whose arguments are only atoms, things are well defined: p(+,+) means that the predicate should only be called with both arguments being atoms.
But if we have, say lists, things are more complex. There are two meanings in that case. Consider member/2 which succeeds for member(2,[1,2,3]).
Are the queries member(2,[X]) or member(2,[X|Xs]) now +,+ or not?
The direct interpretation which is also used in ISO Prolog says that (quoting Mode of an argument, from ISO/IEC 13211-1:1995):
+ the argument shall be instantiated,
In that sense both queries above are +,+.
However, there is another interpretation which implicitly assumes that we have access to the definition of the predicate. This interpretation stems from the mode declarations of DEC-10 Prolog, one of the first Prolog systems. So lets look at member/2:
member(X, [X|_]).
member(X, [_|Xs]) :-
member(X, Xs).
A mode member(+,+) would now mean that when executing a goal, this mode will hold for all subgoals. That is, member(2,[X]) would be +,+ whereas member(2,[X|Xs]) is not
because of its subgoal member(2,Xs).
People do confuse these notions quite frequently. So when you are talking about lists or other compound terms, it helps to ask what is meant.
For more on modes see this answer.
It means that the arguments to the predicate will both be input arguments (though not pure input).
This page has a succint description of all of Prolog's call modes.
