I was wondering how one would align the items in the toolbar to the right of the interface instead of the default alignment of the left.
Add a flexible spacer item left of your button to push it to the right side.
I am working on my first WatchKit app. I wanted to have one button in each corner of the Apple Watch. However, my project ends up looking like this:
Here is my interface.storyboard:
How can I put my buttons in the corner? I have aligned each button to the correct place in the interface (e.g. - horizontal left and vertical top for the yellow buttton). Thanks for your help.
Use 2 WKInterfaceGroup objects and set their alignment as:
Set your groups layout to horizontal and
For 1st Group set its vertical alignment to top
For 2nd Group set its vertical alignment to bottom
Now Add two buttons in each group and set their horizontal alignments:
set 1st button to Left align and 2nd to Right align. do it for the 2nd group buttons too.
For Further assistance and help see WatchKit Programming Guide
Why I cannot add new alignment constraints on my scroll view ?
In order to add alignment constraints, you must select two or more items before pressing the Align button. This is how Interface Builder knows which two objects to align. You can select the items by dragging a box around them, or you can hold down Shift and select the items.
If you are aligning to centre horizontally/vertically (which doesn't require a second view for reference) and still get this issue, then go to the size inspector (ruler icon in the top right navbar) and change the layout dropdown to Automatic.
This should then enable values and the button in the alignment constraints dialog.
I am laying out a calculator using Interface Builder and I ran into some issues with the layout of buttons.
I have 3 columns of number buttons, similar to most calculators, and I had no problem placing the left and right columns as the auto-layout feature of Xcode snapped them in the correct distance away from the edge of the window on the left and the operator buttons on the right; however, there was no automatic help for centering the middle column of buttons between those two.
I can eyeball it pretty well but I really prefer to have everything perfectly aligned. Is there any way to center a button between two other UI objects like this? here is a picture of the layout:
You can place all the buttons in their own View. Place the view where you want the buttons. Then you could align the left buttons to the left of the view, align the right buttons to the right of the view, and finally center the middle buttons. Then adjust your view you made accordingly. I did something very similar. Hope this helps.
I have a menu animated with two arrows
one in the left of the button and one in the right of the button
the direction of the arrow is right for the right arrow and left for the left arrow
I want when I click in the arrow in the right show me another one without exit the corrent view ,the same for the left arrow but he show me another button(option) to choose
and when I click on the right or the left button I want that he show me the new button with an animation it appears like a train animation when he change the button
can you give me an idea how can I do this ??
You can create an UIScrollView with UIButtons and put two UIButtons to left and right scroll.
You can follow this tutorial for it -
How can I change the z-value, or just send to back or to front the objects in Interface Builder?
i.e. I would like to move to front the "Label" in this View:
You need to reorder then in Interface Builder. It seems like you're using Xcode 4. So, first, click on the arrow in the bottom left corner of IB to expand the side panel:
Next, click and drag the views that you'd like to rearrange.
The lower an item is on the list from the top of the list, the higher its "z-index".
with that object selected, goto (menu) Editor>Arrangement> . There will be 4 options with activated appropriate options.
xCode 10.3 (2019):
I had the same problem when copying/pasting a background image view. I couldn't drag it to change its z-order in the Document Outline panel (in Interface Builder).
The answer was just to restart xCode.
I think that re-indexed/re-built the storyboard and I could drag it higher in the list (thus making it lower in the z-order + behind the other controls).