How to Place Buttons Side-By-Side Xcode WatchKit - xcode

I am working on my first WatchKit app. I wanted to have one button in each corner of the Apple Watch. However, my project ends up looking like this:
Here is my interface.storyboard:
How can I put my buttons in the corner? I have aligned each button to the correct place in the interface (e.g. - horizontal left and vertical top for the yellow buttton). Thanks for your help.

Use 2 WKInterfaceGroup objects and set their alignment as:
Set your groups layout to horizontal and
For 1st Group set its vertical alignment to top
For 2nd Group set its vertical alignment to bottom
Now Add two buttons in each group and set their horizontal alignments:
set 1st button to Left align and 2nd to Right align. do it for the 2nd group buttons too.
For Further assistance and help see WatchKit Programming Guide


How to center multiple buttons in a ViewController?

I have 3 buttons which I would like to center at the top of my ViewController, so that they remain centered regardless of the screen size of the iPhone or iPad. I have tried to:
Use leading space and trailing space on the buttons either side of the view controller to center them.
Put the buttons in a View and then center the view relative to the ViewController.
Add the constraints as ratios.
Use constraints on buttons.
None of these methods seem to work for me and I cannot figure out how to solve this. I have looked around for solutions but I cannot find anything that allows me to do this.
None of these methods seem to work for me and I cannot figure out how to solve this. I have looked around for solutions but I cannot find anything that allows me to do this.
It's easy to "center" the group of buttons using nothing but constraints. Here's an example:
To achieve this, I first constrained Button 2 to the horizontal center of the safe area, and I constrained it's top to the safe area's top plus 128px. Then I constrained the top of Button 1 and Button 3 to be equal to the top of Button 2. Finally, I constrained the trailing of Button 1 to the leading of Button 2 plus 100px, and the leading of Button 3 to the trailing of Button 2 plus 100px. Here's how the constraints are listed:
I'm not sure why this isn't working for you -- you didn't give us any information about how your attempt failed. The other methods you listed should also work. For example, you can certainly put the buttons inside a view and center the view in the safe area or main view.
If you want the spacing to be proportional to the width of the screen, you can use the multiplier field of the constraints. For example, delete the horizontal spacing constraint between Button 1 and Button 2, and then create a new one that constrains the centerX of Button 1 to centerX of Button 2. Next, select the constraint that you just created and set it's multiplier field to, say, 0.5. You can do the same for Button 3, but set the multiplier to 1.5. Now you'll have Button 2 centered in the safe area, and the other two buttons placed half way between the edge and center of the safe area, regardless of the screen dimensions. You can change the values to get different spacing, of course.

Location of Add/Delete Buttons for an NSTableView in OS X

I think I must be missing something simple but being new to Xcode... Specifically I am coding in Swift but I believe this is more of a .xib file question. It is easy to have add and delete buttons outside of an NSTableView (like the native Mail app's Preferences->Signatures panel) but how do you integrate these into what seems to be the NSTableView itself? (more like the native Mail app's Preferences->Accounts panel) Ideally I want the option to have more than just add / delete buttons present but once I understand the process adding more functionality should be easy.
These buttons are not integrated, it's just an NSSegmentedControl aligned to the bottom of the table view.
To get this particular appearance of the NSSegmentedControl
Set Style to Small Square
Set Mode to Momentary
Set the Image of Segment 0 to NSAddTemplate
Set the Image of Segment 1 to NSRemoveTemplate
Set the width of Segment 0 and 1 to Auto
Set the width of Segment 2 to a fixed width.
The particular example you showed is just some buttons in a container view abutting the bottom of the scroll view that contains the table view. The container view draws a background to match the buttons and a border. It's probably actually "underlapping" the scroll view by a point so you don't get a doubled border between them.
In fact, if you look carefully, the container view is one point too narrow, so that its right border doesn't match the right border of the scroll view. That kind of proves that it's not part of or in the scroll view.
I also had the same question & I posted an answer here :)
But what I think is its a NSView containing 2 NSButtons for + & - as posted in my answer linked above.

What will be the constraint for equally spaced buttons in swift programming?

[When i run this in Xcode beta, only left most button is visible. Other buttons seems to be collapsed. Can somebody help me on this to fix the constrains for the 3 buttons, please?][1]
For me, it works when I set the width for one of the buttons (in the screenshot below the one in the middle), for the other buttons the "equal widths"-constraint.
For the horizontal and vertical position I centered the button in the middle and set its space to the top to a fixed value. The buttons on the left and on the right are then centered vertically to the middle button. Like this:
The current best practice for this kind of task is to use UIStackView if possible (iOS 9.0 and up). You can just place all three buttons in a UIStackView on the storyboard (or in code), set its distribution property to "Equal Spacing" and just set constraints on the overall stack view itself to make it as wide as your overall scene, etc.
There's a good video overview from Apple here:

VB / C#: Resizing two controls equally

I have made a window in which I will be having two groups/panels and some buttons in between them. I want to code the resizing behavior in a way that when the window expands, the two panels increase their widths while keeping the distance between them constant.
Please see this mockup:
As you see above, I want the 'Local' and 'Server' Panels to resize while keeping the distance in between them same. If I use anchors (Top+Left+Right+Bottom), the left panel will overlap the right one and the right's width one will go out of the window. I want them to share the increased width of the window equally.
As for the buttons in between, I have kept ancors as Top only. By removing Left anchor from button, it automatically places itself in the center of the window when window is expanded, which is just the way I want it to be.
Any ideas how to manage resizing of panels?
Use the TableLayoutPanel control.
First add the TableLayout to the Form and set its Dock() property to Fill.
Next you'll need to setup 3 columns and two rows. Add the two buttons to the middle column with each one is in its own row. Afterwards, setup the column values so they are like this:
Leave the rows at 50% on both.
Now add your two GroupBoxes to the 1st and 3rd columns in the 1st row.
For both GroupBoxes, set Dock() to Fill, and RowSpan() to 2.
For the top Button, turn on only the Bottom Anchor.
For the bottom Button, turn only the Top Anchor.
For the TableLayoutPanel, set Padding() to 5,5,5,5.
Here is what it looked like when I was all done:
Resize the window and observe how the controls behave...

Center an object between two objects with auto layout

I am laying out a calculator using Interface Builder and I ran into some issues with the layout of buttons.
I have 3 columns of number buttons, similar to most calculators, and I had no problem placing the left and right columns as the auto-layout feature of Xcode snapped them in the correct distance away from the edge of the window on the left and the operator buttons on the right; however, there was no automatic help for centering the middle column of buttons between those two.
I can eyeball it pretty well but I really prefer to have everything perfectly aligned. Is there any way to center a button between two other UI objects like this? here is a picture of the layout:
You can place all the buttons in their own View. Place the view where you want the buttons. Then you could align the left buttons to the left of the view, align the right buttons to the right of the view, and finally center the middle buttons. Then adjust your view you made accordingly. I did something very similar. Hope this helps.
