SiteMinder Post to FCC with C# - siteminder

I have been successful in posting to CA SiteMinder from the client, however, when I attempt to do a server side post I get no response from the server, but I do get a Status 200 (OK). I should be getting SMSESSION back in the response, or response headers. I get nothing back from the post. So, my code is as follows (I posted my entire code behind file, just review the server side post method):
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
using System.Configuration;
using System.Web.Services;
using System.Text;
using System.Net;
using System.IO;
using System.Collections;
namespace SiteMinder_SiteMinder_Side
public partial class login : System.Web.UI.Page
com.ezmultifactor.demoappliance.Service1 service = new com.ezmultifactor.demoappliance.Service1();
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (Request.Cookies["reauthen"] == null)
Response.Redirect(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["secureauthUri"] + "?returnSession="+Server.UrlEncode(Request.QueryString["target"].Replace("-SM-","").Replace("$SM$","")));
if (ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ClientOrServerPost"] == "client")
if (ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ClientOrServerPost"] == "server")
protected string createPramString()
String Params = String.Empty;
Params+=(String)Session["userName"]+"="+ Server.UrlEncode((String)Session["userNameValue"]);
Params+="&"+(String)Session["password"]+"="+ Server.UrlEncode((String)Session["passwordValue"]);
if ((String)Session["name1"] != "e" && (String)Session["value1"] != "e")
Params += "&" + (String)Session["name1"] + "=" + Server.UrlEncode((String)Session["value1"]);
if ((String)Session["name2"] != "e" && (String)Session["value2"] != "e")
Params += "&" + (String)Session["name2"] + "=" + Server.UrlEncode((String)Session["value2"]);
if ((String)Session["name3"] != "e" && (String)Session["value3"] != "e")
Params += "&" + (String)Session["name3"] + "=" + Server.UrlEncode((String)Session["value3"]);
if ((String)Session["name4"] != "e" && (String)Session["value4"] != "e")
Params += "&" + (String)Session["name4"] + "=" + Server.UrlEncode((String)Session["value4"]);
if ((String)Session["name5"] != "e" && (String)Session["value5"] != "e")
Params += "&" + (String)Session["name5"] + "=" + Server.UrlEncode((String)Session["value5"]);
if ((String)Session["name6"] != "e" && (String)Session["value6"] != "e")
Params += "&" + (String)Session["name6"] + "=" + Server.UrlEncode((String)Session["value6"]);
if ((String)Session["name7"] != "e" && (String)Session["value7"] != "e")
Params += "&" + (String)Session["name7"] + "=" + Server.UrlEncode((String)Session["value7"]);
if ((String)Session["name8"] != "e" && (String)Session["value8"] != "e")
Params += "&" + (String)Session["name8"] + "=" + Server.UrlEncode((String)Session["value8"]);
if ((String)Session["name9"] != "e" && (String)Session["value9"] != "e")
Params += "&" + (String)Session["name9"] + "=" + Server.UrlEncode((String)Session["value9"]);
if ((String)Session["name10"] != "e" && (String)Session["value10"] != "e")
Params += "&" + (String)Session["name10"] + "=" + Server.UrlEncode((String)Session["value10"]);
if ((String)Session["name11"] != "e" && (String)Session["value11"] != "e")
Params += "&" + (String)Session["name11"] + "=" + Server.UrlEncode((String)Session["value11"]);
if ((String)Session["name12"] != "e" && (String)Session["value12"] != "e")
Params += "&" + (String)Session["name12"] + "=" + Server.UrlEncode((String)Session["value12"]);
if ((String)Session["name13"] != "e" && (String)Session["value13"] != "e")
Params += "&" + (String)Session["name13"] + "=" + Server.UrlEncode((String)Session["value13"]);
return Params;
protected void ServerPost()
HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)HttpWebRequest.Create((String)Session["PostURL"]);
request.Method = "POST";
string postData = createPramString();
byte[] byteArray = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(postData);
request.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
request.ContentLength = byteArray.Length;
request.UserAgent = "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.01; Windows NT 5.0)";
//request.PreAuthenticate = true;
//request.Credentials = CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials;
Stream dataStream = request.GetRequestStream();
dataStream.Write(byteArray, 0, byteArray.Length);
WebResponse response = request.GetResponse();
dataStream = response.GetResponseStream();
for (int i = 0; i < response.Headers.Count; ++i)
Response.Write(response.Headers.Keys[i]+" : "+response.Headers[i]);
StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(dataStream);
string responseFromServer = reader.ReadToEnd();
protected void ClientPost()
//Create HTML Doc
StringBuilder createhtm = new StringBuilder();
createhtm.Append("<body onload=\"document.forms.SecurePass.submit()\">");
createhtm.Append("<form action=\"" + (String)Session["PostURL"] + "\" method=\"post\" id=\"SecurePass\">");
createhtm.Append("<input type=\"text\" style=\"display:none\" name=\"" + (String)Session["userName"] + "\" " + "value=\"" + (String)Session["userNameValue"] + "\">");
createhtm.Append("<input type=\"password\" style=\"display:none\" name=\"" + (String)Session["password"] + "\" " + "value=\"" + (String)Session["passwordValue"] + "\">");
if ((String)Session["name1"] != "e" && (String)Session["value1"] != "e")
createhtm.Append("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"" + (String)Session["name1"] + "\" " + "value=\"" + (String)Session["value1"] + "\">");
if ((String)Session["name2"] != "e" && (String)Session["value2"] != "e")
createhtm.Append("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"" + (String)Session["name2"] + "\" " + "value=\"" + (String)Session["value2"] + "\">");
if ((String)Session["name3"] != "e" && (String)Session["value3"] != "e")
createhtm.Append("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"" + (String)Session["name3"] + "\" " + "value=\"" + (String)Session["value3"] + "\">");
if ((String)Session["name4"] != "e" && (String)Session["value4"] != "e")
createhtm.Append("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"" + (String)Session["name4"] + "\" " + "value=\"" + (String)Session["value4"] + "\">");
if ((String)Session["name5"] != "e" && (String)Session["value5"] != "e")
createhtm.Append("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"" + (String)Session["name5"] + "\" " + "value=\"" + (String)Session["value5"] + "\">");
if ((String)Session["name6"] != "e" && (String)Session["value6"] != "e")
createhtm.Append("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"" + (String)Session["name6"] + "\" " + "value=\"" + (String)Session["value6"] + "\">");
if ((String)Session["name7"] != "e" && (String)Session["value7"] != "e")
createhtm.Append("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"" + (String)Session["name7"] + "\" " + "value=\"" + (String)Session["value7"] + "\">");
if ((String)Session["name8"] != "e" && (String)Session["value8"] != "e")
createhtm.Append("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"" + (String)Session["name8"] + "\" " + "value=\"" + (String)Session["value8"] + "\">");
if ((String)Session["name9"] != "e" && (String)Session["value9"] != "e")
createhtm.Append("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"" + (String)Session["name9"] + "\" " + "value=\"" + (String)Session["value9"] + "\">");
if ((String)Session["name10"] != "e" && (String)Session["value10"] != "e")
createhtm.Append("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"" + (String)Session["name10"] + "\" " + "value=\"" + (String)Session["value10"] + "\">");
if ((String)Session["name11"] != "e" && (String)Session["value11"] != "e")
createhtm.Append("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"" + (String)Session["name11"] + "\" " + "value=\"" + (String)Session["value11"] + "\">");
if ((String)Session["name12"] != "e" && (String)Session["value12"] != "e")
createhtm.Append("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"" + (String)Session["name12"] + "\" " + "value=\"" + (String)Session["value12"] + "\">");
if ((String)Session["name13"] != "e" && (String)Session["value13"] != "e")
createhtm.Append("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"" + (String)Session["name13"] + "\" " + "value=\"" + (String)Session["value13"] + "\">");
protected void LoadSession()
String credential = service.DecryptData(Request.Cookies["reauthen"].Value);
String[] splitcredential = credential.Split('_');
Session["userName"] = "USER";
Session["password"] = "PASSWORD";
Session["userNameValue"] = splitcredential[1];
Session["passwordValue"] = splitcredential[2];
Session["PostURL"] = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["postURL"];
if (ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ShowSession"] == "true")
foreach (string key in Session.Keys)
Response.Write(key + "-" + Session[key] + "<br />");

The answer was easier than I expected, after pulling the headers from siteminder, I was able to pull the "set-cookie" header. Inside that header is a string starting with "SMSESSION=" if you create a cookie called SMSESSION with the value from the header (i.e. the encrypted value after "SMSESSION="). You will be able to redirect back to your protected resource logged in.
Be sure to pay close attention to the bottom of the encrypted string not to grab other values you don't want.
my code is as follows:
The parameter string may look a little confusing because I am calling other modules, but you should be able to get what you need out of the code:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
using System.Configuration;
using System.Web.Services;
using System.Text;
using System.Net;
using System.IO;
using System.Collections;
using MFA.WebControls;
using System.Web.Security;
namespace SiteMinder_SiteMinder_Side
public partial class login : System.Web.UI.Page
//Config Values for Siteminder on this page are
// appsetting name "ClientOrServerPost" possible values "server"/"client"
// appsetting name "postURL" possible values "This is the url of the .fcc file on the webserver"
// appsetting name "ShowSession" possible values "true"/"false"
// appsettings name "serviceurl" possible values "the URL of the tdez webservice"
// appsettings name "CookieDomain" this is set in the admin "value should exist"
com.ezmultifactor.demoappliance.Service1 service = new com.ezmultifactor.demoappliance.Service1();
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ClientOrServerPost"] == "client")
if (ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ClientOrServerPost"] == "server")
//Specifically for the Server Post
protected string createPramString()
String Params = String.Empty;
Params+=(String)Session["userName"]+"="+ Server.UrlEncode((String)Session["userNameValue"]);
Params+="&"+(String)Session["password"]+"="+ Server.UrlEncode((String)Session["passwordValue"]);
if ((String)Session["name1"] != "e" && (String)Session["value1"] != "e")
Params += "&" + (String)Session["name1"] + "=" + Server.UrlEncode((String)Session["value1"]);
if ((String)Session["name2"] != "e" && (String)Session["value2"] != "e")
Params += "&" + (String)Session["name2"] + "=" + Server.UrlEncode((String)Session["value2"]);
if ((String)Session["name3"] != "e" && (String)Session["value3"] != "e")
Params += "&" + (String)Session["name3"] + "=" + Server.UrlEncode((String)Session["value3"]);
if ((String)Session["name4"] != "e" && (String)Session["value4"] != "e")
Params += "&" + (String)Session["name4"] + "=" + Server.UrlEncode((String)Session["value4"]);
if ((String)Session["name5"] != "e" && (String)Session["value5"] != "e")
Params += "&" + (String)Session["name5"] + "=" + Server.UrlEncode((String)Session["value5"]);
if ((String)Session["name6"] != "e" && (String)Session["value6"] != "e")
Params += "&" + (String)Session["name6"] + "=" + Server.UrlEncode((String)Session["value6"]);
if ((String)Session["name7"] != "e" && (String)Session["value7"] != "e")
Params += "&" + (String)Session["name7"] + "=" + Server.UrlEncode((String)Session["value7"]);
if ((String)Session["name8"] != "e" && (String)Session["value8"] != "e")
Params += "&" + (String)Session["name8"] + "=" + Server.UrlEncode((String)Session["value8"]);
if ((String)Session["name9"] != "e" && (String)Session["value9"] != "e")
Params += "&" + (String)Session["name9"] + "=" + Server.UrlEncode((String)Session["value9"]);
if ((String)Session["name10"] != "e" && (String)Session["value10"] != "e")
Params += "&" + (String)Session["name10"] + "=" + Server.UrlEncode((String)Session["value10"]);
if ((String)Session["name11"] != "e" && (String)Session["value11"] != "e")
Params += "&" + (String)Session["name11"] + "=" + Server.UrlEncode((String)Session["value11"]);
if ((String)Session["name12"] != "e" && (String)Session["value12"] != "e")
Params += "&" + (String)Session["name12"] + "=" + Server.UrlEncode((String)Session["value12"]);
if ((String)Session["name13"] != "e" && (String)Session["value13"] != "e")
Params += "&" + (String)Session["name13"] + "=" + Server.UrlEncode((String)Session["value13"]);
return Params;
protected void ServerPost()
HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)HttpWebRequest.Create((String)Session["PostURL"]);
request.Method = "POST";
string postData = createPramString();
byte[] byteArray = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(postData);
request.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
request.ContentLength = byteArray.Length;
request.UserAgent = "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.01; Windows NT 5.0)";
request.AllowAutoRedirect = false;
Stream dataStream = request.GetRequestStream();
dataStream.Write(byteArray, 0, byteArray.Length);
WebResponse response = request.GetResponse();
dataStream = response.GetResponseStream();
String[] headers = new String[response.Headers.Count];
//for (int i = 0; i < response.Headers.Count; ++i)
// Response.Write("*" + response.Headers.Keys[i] + "~" + response.Headers[i]);
// headers[i] = response.Headers.Keys[i] + "*" + response.Headers[i];
StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(dataStream);
string responseFromServer = reader.ReadToEnd();
HttpCookie smsession = new HttpCookie("SMSESSION");
smsession.Value = ripOutSession((String)((HttpWebResponse)response).GetResponseHeader("Set-Cookie"),"sessionData");
smsession.Domain = ripOutSession((String)((HttpWebResponse)response).GetResponseHeader("Set-Cookie"), "domainData");
smsession.Path = "/";
smsession.Expires = Convert.ToDateTime(ripOutSession((String)((HttpWebResponse)response).GetResponseHeader("Set-Cookie"), "expireData"));
protected void ClientPost()
//Create HTML Doc
StringBuilder createhtm = new StringBuilder();
createhtm.Append("<body onload=\"document.forms.SecurePass.submit()\">");
createhtm.Append("<form action=\"" + (String)Session["PostURL"] + "\" method=\"post\" id=\"SecurePass\">");
createhtm.Append("<input type=\"text\" style=\"display:none\" name=\"" + (String)Session["userName"] + "\" " + "value=\"" + (String)Session["userNameValue"] + "\">");
createhtm.Append("<input type=\"password\" style=\"display:none\" name=\"" + (String)Session["password"] + "\" " + "value=\"" + (String)Session["passwordValue"] + "\">");
if ((String)Session["name1"] != "e" && (String)Session["value1"] != "e")
createhtm.Append("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"" + (String)Session["name1"] + "\" " + "value=\"" + (String)Session["value1"] + "\">");
if ((String)Session["name2"] != "e" && (String)Session["value2"] != "e")
createhtm.Append("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"" + (String)Session["name2"] + "\" " + "value=\"" + (String)Session["value2"] + "\">");
if ((String)Session["name3"] != "e" && (String)Session["value3"] != "e")
createhtm.Append("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"" + (String)Session["name3"] + "\" " + "value=\"" + (String)Session["value3"] + "\">");
if ((String)Session["name4"] != "e" && (String)Session["value4"] != "e")
createhtm.Append("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"" + (String)Session["name4"] + "\" " + "value=\"" + (String)Session["value4"] + "\">");
if ((String)Session["name5"] != "e" && (String)Session["value5"] != "e")
createhtm.Append("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"" + (String)Session["name5"] + "\" " + "value=\"" + (String)Session["value5"] + "\">");
if ((String)Session["name6"] != "e" && (String)Session["value6"] != "e")
createhtm.Append("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"" + (String)Session["name6"] + "\" " + "value=\"" + (String)Session["value6"] + "\">");
if ((String)Session["name7"] != "e" && (String)Session["value7"] != "e")
createhtm.Append("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"" + (String)Session["name7"] + "\" " + "value=\"" + (String)Session["value7"] + "\">");
if ((String)Session["name8"] != "e" && (String)Session["value8"] != "e")
createhtm.Append("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"" + (String)Session["name8"] + "\" " + "value=\"" + (String)Session["value8"] + "\">");
if ((String)Session["name9"] != "e" && (String)Session["value9"] != "e")
createhtm.Append("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"" + (String)Session["name9"] + "\" " + "value=\"" + (String)Session["value9"] + "\">");
if ((String)Session["name10"] != "e" && (String)Session["value10"] != "e")
createhtm.Append("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"" + (String)Session["name10"] + "\" " + "value=\"" + (String)Session["value10"] + "\">");
if ((String)Session["name11"] != "e" && (String)Session["value11"] != "e")
createhtm.Append("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"" + (String)Session["name11"] + "\" " + "value=\"" + (String)Session["value11"] + "\">");
if ((String)Session["name12"] != "e" && (String)Session["value12"] != "e")
createhtm.Append("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"" + (String)Session["name12"] + "\" " + "value=\"" + (String)Session["value12"] + "\">");
if ((String)Session["name13"] != "e" && (String)Session["value13"] != "e")
createhtm.Append("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"" + (String)Session["name13"] + "\" " + "value=\"" + (String)Session["value13"] + "\">");
protected void LoadSession()
Session["userName"] = "USER";
Session["password"] = "PASSWORD";
Session["PostURL"] = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["postURL"];
if (loginUserID() != "Empty")
com.ezmultifactor.demoappliance.Service1 service = new com.ezmultifactor.demoappliance.Service1();
service.Url = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["serviceurl"];
String userdelimpass = service.EncryptData("_" + Session["userNameValue"].ToString() + "_" + Session["passwordValue"].ToString() + "_Succsful");
HttpCookie reauthen = new HttpCookie("reauthen");
reauthen.Value = userdelimpass;
if (ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["CookieDomain"] != null)
reauthen.Domain = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["CookieDomain"];
reauthen.Expires = DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(3.1);
if (ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ShowSession"] == "true")
foreach (string key in Session.Keys)
Response.Write(key + "-" + Session[key] + "<br />");
protected String ripOutSession(string validSessionHeader, string valuetoreturn)
String SMSESSION = validSessionHeader;
String SMSESSIONMinusSpace = SMSESSION.Replace(" ", "");
String[] SplitSession = SMSESSIONMinusSpace.Split(';');
String SaveSession = String.Empty;
String SaveDomain = String.Empty;
String SaveExpire = String.Empty;
String FinalResult = String.Empty;
for (int i = 0; i < SplitSession.Length; i++)
if (SplitSession[i].Contains("SMSESSION"))
SaveSession = SplitSession[i];
if (SplitSession[i].Contains("domain"))
SaveDomain = SplitSession[i].Replace("domain=", "");
if (SplitSession[i].Contains("expires"))
SaveExpire = SplitSession[i].Replace("expires=", "");
String[] splitSaveSession = SaveSession.Split(',');
for (int i = 0; i < splitSaveSession.Length; i++)
if (splitSaveSession[i].Contains("SMSESSION"))
SaveSession = splitSaveSession[i].Replace("SMSESSION=", "");
if (valuetoreturn == "sessionData")
if (valuetoreturn == "domainData")
if (valuetoreturn == "expireData")
FinalResult = SaveExpire;
return FinalResult;
public static String loginUserID()
string userid = "";
ContextUser user = (ContextUser)HttpContext.Current.Session["currentuser"];
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(user.UserID.ToString()))
userid = user.UserID.ToString();
else { }
return userid;
return "Empty";
public static String loginUP()
string up = String.Empty;
ContextUser user = (ContextUser)HttpContext.Current.Session["currentuser"];
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(user.Password.ToString()))
up = user.Password.ToString();
else { }
return up;
protected void LoadUserFromContext()
String loginValue = loginUP();
String RemoveDomain = loginUserID();
bool containDomain;
containDomain = (RemoveDomain.Contains("#"));
string[] UserSplit = RemoveDomain.Split(new Char[] { '#' });
if (containDomain == true)
RemoveDomain = UserSplit[0];
Session["userNameValue"] = RemoveDomain;
Session["passwordValue"] = loginValue;
protected void LoadUserDataFromCookie()
FormsAuthenticationTicket ticket = FormsAuthentication.Decrypt(Request.Cookies[FormsAuthentication.FormsCookieName].Value);
String CookieDecryptedValueUserData = ticket.UserData.ToString();
String CookieDecryptedValueUserName = ticket.Name.ToString();
String RemoveDomain = CookieDecryptedValueUserName;
bool containDomain;
containDomain = (RemoveDomain.Contains("#"));
string[] UserSplit = RemoveDomain.Split(new Char[] { '#' });
if (containDomain == true)
RemoveDomain = UserSplit[0];
Session["userNameValue"] = RemoveDomain;
Session["passwordValue"] = CookieDecryptedValueUserData;


HTTPContext.Request Method Equivalent in .Net 6

We used to write code in .Net Framework for DataTable filtering on server side.
This was the old code where HttpContext.Request was working fine. Now in .Net 6 how we can establish the same search and get HttpContext as well in any controller or model class from jquery.
This function is static and I am stuck in HttpContext.Request line where this is throwing exception "Httpcontext does not exist" even if we use IHttpContextAccessor here. How can we access that variable as that is defined in Program.cs.
public static DataTable FilterTable(DataTable dt, ref int Fcount, JQPM p)
p.sColumnslist = p.sColumns.Split(',');
string Fstring = ""; Int32 intVal = 0;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(p.sSearch))
string[] Arr = p.sSearch.Trim().Split(' ');
for (int i = 0; i < Arr.Length; i++)
if (Arr[i] != "")
Fstring = "0=1 ";
for (int j = 0; j < p.sColumnslist.Length; j++)
if (Convert.ToBoolean(System.Web.HttpContext.Request["bSearchable_" + j]))
if (dt.Columns[p.sColumnslist[j]].DataType.Name == "String")
Fstring += " or " + p.sColumnslist[j] + " LIKE '%" + Arr[i] + "%'";
else if (dt.Columns[p.sColumnslist[j]].DataType.Name == "DateTime")
Fstring += " or " + p.sColumnslist[j] + "Format LIKE '%" + Arr[i] + "%'";
if (Int32.TryParse(Arr[i], out intVal))
Fstring += " or " + p.sColumnslist[j] + " = " + intVal;
//Fstring += " PartyName LIKE '%" + Arr[i] + "%'";
//if (Int32.TryParse(Arr[i], out intVal))
// Fstring += " or SaleVoucherNo = " + intVal;
//Fstring += " or SaleDateFormat LIKE '%" + Arr[i] + "%'";
//dt = GetDatatable(dt, Fstring, ref Fcount, p); Fstring = "";
dt = SearchDatatable(dt, Fstring, ref Fcount, p); Fstring = "";
//dt = GetDatatable(dt, Fstring, ref Fcount, p);
dt = GetDatatable(dt, ref Fcount, p);
return dt;
System.Web.HttpContext has changed to Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HttpContext; you will need to pass the instance of this from where HttpContext is available into this function.
public static DataTable FilterTable(DataTable dt, ref int Fcount, JQPM p)
public static DataTable FilterTable(Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HttpContext httpContext, DataTable dt, ref int Fcount, JQPM p)
If you are retrieving "bSearchable_" + j from the QueryString and it will only contain that key once you can then use
httpContext.Request.Query["bSearchable_" + j].ToString();
where httpContext is the instance you pass in.

Convert logic to Streams (Java) (nested for loops with counter)

I'm new to Streams and want to convert some logic to using them:
this is the logic:
for (String headerKey : map.keySet()) {
int counter = 1;
for (String value : map.get(headerKey)) {
if (map.get(headerKey).size() != 1) {
System.out.println("Response header: " + headerKey + "[" + counter++ + "]: " + value);
} else {
System.out.println("Response header: " + headerKey + ": " + value);
the problem is the "counter"...
I got as far as:
private static long after(Map<String, List<String>> map) {
return map.keySet().stream().map(key -> output(key, map)).count(); // use print() here instead of output()
private static String output(String key, Map<String, List<String>> map) {
counter = 1;
long longString = map.get(key).stream().map(value -> print(value, key, map.get(key))).count();
return "" + longString;
private static String print(String value, String key, List<String> strings) {
if (strings.size() != 1) {
System.out.println("Response header: " + key + "[" + counter++ + "]: " + value);
} else {
System.out.println("Response header: " + key + ": " + value);
return "";
And I suppose I can put the print() method at the indicated spot,
but I don't know how to get the counter to behave as in the original code...
All comment/ideas are welcome :)
Thanks beforehand!
Create a helper method like
static Stream<String> values(List<?> list) {
return list.size() == 1? Stream.of(": " + list.get(0)):
IntStream.range(0, list.size()).mapToObj(ix -> "[" + ix + "]: " + list.get(ix));
Instead of re-evaluating the list.size() == 1 condition in each iteration, it selects the right shape of the operation upfront. When the size is not one, rather than trying to maintain a counter, stream over the index range in the first place.
This method now can be used when streaming over the map, like
.flatMap(e -> values(e.getValue()).map(("Response header: " + e.getKey())::concat))

How to create and remove many Child Objects without bogging down the CPU or RAM in AS3

I am making a companion app for a Monopoly-esque game I'm designing. My goal is to have all the properties have a MovieClip that displays who owns it and how much it has been upgraded. There are literally hundreds of properties, and each one bogs down my run time by about a second (I set up a 1-sec timer to see how long it takes to run).
I have a MovieClip that will "spawn in" each property as I need. The idea being, I have a button that tells this MC to go to frame 10, and frame 10 will have code that adds the child for Property 10, and then that child contains all the necessary code. This child spawning MC looks like this:
// I used a "fakeChild" as a placeholder to get something spawned in so that there is something to be removed
var fake_Child: fakeChild = new fakeChild();
var property_Pale15: propertyPale15 = new propertyPale15();
var property_Red15: propertyRed15 = new propertyRed15();
addChildAt(fake_Child, 1);
And every subsequent frame for a given property looks like this (the property in this case is "Pale 15")
addChildAt(property_Pale15, 1);
I currently only have two test properties, and each one bogs down my timer by about a second, which is very bad. The properties themselves have an immense amount of code, which looks like this:
import flash.ui.Mouse;
var myPropertyData:SharedObject = SharedObject.getLocal("myLocalData");
var propertyName: String = ("Pale 15");
propertyDisplay.text = propertyName;
var propertyValue: int;
var propertyRent: int;
var activePlayer: int;
var currentRank: int;
btnProperty.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, activateProperty);
function activateProperty(e:MouseEvent):void{
propertyValue = MovieClip(root).valuePale15;
if(MovieClip(root).buyupgradeAction == true && loanedProperty.visible == false){
}else if(MovieClip(root).paycostAction == true && bridgeProperty.visible == false && loanedProperty.visible == false){
function buyupgradeProperty(e:MouseEvent = null){
// Active Player (if Owner) Upgrades Property
if(activePlayer == 1 && MovieClip(root).activePlayer == 1 && currentRank < 10){
MovieClip(root) -= propertyValue * 0.8;
currentRank += 1;
currentRankDisplay.text = currentRank;
propertyRent = propertyValue * currentRank * currentRank * 0.1;
MovieClip(root).transactionLog = (MovieClip(root) + " upgraded " + propertyName + " to Rank " + currentRank + " for $" + propertyValue * 0.8 + " (" + MovieClip(root).Time_txt.text + ")")
}else if(activePlayer == 2 && MovieClip(root).activePlayer == 2 && currentRank < 10){
MovieClip(root) -= propertyValue * 0.8;
currentRank += 1;
currentRankDisplay.text = currentRank;
propertyRent = propertyValue * currentRank * currentRank * 0.1;
MovieClip(root).transactionLog = (MovieClip(root) + " upgraded " + propertyName + " to Rank " + currentRank + " for $" + propertyValue * 0.8 + " (" + MovieClip(root).Time_txt.text + ")")
}else if(activePlayer == 3 && MovieClip(root).activePlayer == 3 && currentRank < 10){
MovieClip(root) -= propertyValue * 0.8;
currentRank += 1;
currentRankDisplay.text = currentRank;
propertyRent = propertyValue * currentRank * currentRank * 0.1;
MovieClip(root).transactionLog = (MovieClip(root) + " upgraded " + propertyName + " to Rank " + currentRank + " for $" + propertyValue * 0.8 + " (" + MovieClip(root).Time_txt.text + ")")
}else if(activePlayer == 4 && MovieClip(root).activePlayer == 4 && currentRank < 10){
MovieClip(root) -= propertyValue * 0.8;
currentRank += 1;
currentRankDisplay.text = currentRank;
propertyRent = propertyValue * currentRank * currentRank * 0.1;
MovieClip(root).transactionLog = (MovieClip(root) + " upgraded " + propertyName + " to Rank " + currentRank + " for $" + propertyValue * 0.8 + " (" + MovieClip(root).Time_txt.text + ")")
// Active Player buys Property
if(MovieClip(root).activePlayer == 1 && currentFrame == 1){
MovieClip(root) -= propertyValue;
MovieClip(root) += 1;
MovieClip(root).stageProperties.propertyColor.color = (0xFF0000);
propertyRent = 0;
MovieClip(root).transactionLog = (MovieClip(root) + " purchased " + propertyName + " for $" + propertyValue + " (" + MovieClip(root).Time_txt.text + ")")
}else if(MovieClip(root).activePlayer == 2 && currentFrame == 1){
MovieClip(root) -= propertyValue;
MovieClip(root) += 1;
MovieClip(root).stageProperties.propertyColor.color = (0x0000FF);
propertyRent = 0;
MovieClip(root).transactionLog = (MovieClip(root) + " purchased " + propertyName + " for $" + propertyValue + " (" + MovieClip(root).Time_txt.text + ")")
}else if(MovieClip(root).activePlayer == 3 && currentFrame == 1){
MovieClip(root) -= propertyValue;
MovieClip(root) += 1;
MovieClip(root).stageProperties.propertyColor.color = (0x00FF00);
propertyRent = 0;
MovieClip(root).transactionLog = (MovieClip(root) + " purchased " + propertyName + " for $" + propertyValue + " (" + MovieClip(root).Time_txt.text + ")")
}else if(MovieClip(root).activePlayer == 4 && currentFrame == 1){
MovieClip(root) -= propertyValue;
MovieClip(root) += 1;
MovieClip(root).stageProperties.propertyColor.color = (0xFFFF00);
propertyRent = 0;
MovieClip(root).transactionLog = (MovieClip(root) + " purchased " + propertyName + " for $" + propertyValue + " (" + MovieClip(root).Time_txt.text + ")")
function paycostProperty(e:MouseEvent = null){
if(MovieClip(root).activePlayer == 1 && activePlayer == 2){
MovieClip(root) -= propertyRent;
MovieClip(root) += propertyRent;
MovieClip(root).transactionLog = (MovieClip(root) + " paid " + MovieClip(root) + " $" + propertyRent + " for landing on " + propertyName + " (" + MovieClip(root).Time_txt.text + ")")
}else if(MovieClip(root).activePlayer == 1 && activePlayer == 3){
MovieClip(root) -= propertyRent;
MovieClip(root) += propertyRent;
MovieClip(root).transactionLog = (MovieClip(root) + " paid " + MovieClip(root) + " $" + propertyRent + " for landing on " + propertyName + " (" + MovieClip(root).Time_txt.text + ")")
}else if(MovieClip(root).activePlayer == 1 && activePlayer == 4){
MovieClip(root) -= propertyRent;
MovieClip(root) += propertyRent;
MovieClip(root).transactionLog = (MovieClip(root) + " paid " + MovieClip(root) + " $" + propertyRent + " for landing on " + propertyName + " (" + MovieClip(root).Time_txt.text + ")")
}else if(MovieClip(root).activePlayer == 2 && activePlayer == 1){
MovieClip(root) -= propertyRent;
MovieClip(root) += propertyRent;
MovieClip(root).transactionLog = (MovieClip(root) + " paid " + MovieClip(root) + " $" + propertyRent + " for landing on " + propertyName + " (" + MovieClip(root).Time_txt.text + ")")
}else if(MovieClip(root).activePlayer == 2 && activePlayer == 3){
MovieClip(root) -= propertyRent;
MovieClip(root) += propertyRent;
MovieClip(root).transactionLog = (MovieClip(root) + " paid " + MovieClip(root) + " $" + propertyRent + " for landing on " + propertyName + " (" + MovieClip(root).Time_txt.text + ")")
}else if(MovieClip(root).activePlayer == 2 && activePlayer == 4){
MovieClip(root) -= propertyRent;
MovieClip(root) += propertyRent;
MovieClip(root).transactionLog = (MovieClip(root) + " paid " + MovieClip(root) + " $" + propertyRent + " for landing on " + propertyName + " (" + MovieClip(root).Time_txt.text + ")")
}else if(MovieClip(root).activePlayer == 3 && activePlayer == 1){
MovieClip(root) -= propertyRent;
MovieClip(root) += propertyRent;
MovieClip(root).transactionLog = (MovieClip(root) + " paid " + MovieClip(root) + " $" + propertyRent + " for landing on " + propertyName + " (" + MovieClip(root).Time_txt.text + ")")
}else if(MovieClip(root).activePlayer == 3 && activePlayer == 2){
MovieClip(root) -= propertyRent;
MovieClip(root) += propertyRent;
MovieClip(root).transactionLog = (MovieClip(root) + " paid " + MovieClip(root) + " $" + propertyRent + " for landing on " + propertyName + " (" + MovieClip(root).Time_txt.text + ")")
}else if(MovieClip(root).activePlayer == 3 && activePlayer == 4){
MovieClip(root) -= propertyRent;
MovieClip(root) += propertyRent;
MovieClip(root).transactionLog = (MovieClip(root) + " paid " + MovieClip(root) + " $" + propertyRent + " for landing on " + propertyName + " (" + MovieClip(root).Time_txt.text + ")")
}else if(MovieClip(root).activePlayer == 4 && activePlayer == 1){
MovieClip(root) -= propertyRent;
MovieClip(root) += propertyRent;
MovieClip(root).transactionLog = (MovieClip(root) + " paid " + MovieClip(root) + " $" + propertyRent + " for landing on " + propertyName + " (" + MovieClip(root).Time_txt.text + ")")
}else if(MovieClip(root).activePlayer == 4 && activePlayer == 2){
MovieClip(root) -= propertyRent;
MovieClip(root) += propertyRent;
MovieClip(root).transactionLog = (MovieClip(root) + " paid " + MovieClip(root) + " $" + propertyRent + " for landing on " + propertyName + " (" + MovieClip(root).Time_txt.text + ")")
}else if(MovieClip(root).activePlayer == 4 && activePlayer == 3){
MovieClip(root) -= propertyRent;
MovieClip(root) += propertyRent;
MovieClip(root).transactionLog = (MovieClip(root) + " paid " + MovieClip(root) + " $" + propertyRent + " for landing on " + propertyName + " (" + MovieClip(root).Time_txt.text + ")")
function saveData(e:MouseEvent = null){ = propertyRent; = currentRank; = currentFrame; = loanedProperty.visible; = bridgeProperty.visible;
function loadData(e:Event = null){
propertyRent =;
currentRank =;
loanedProperty.visible =;
bridgeProperty.visible =;
function newData(e:Event = null){
if(MovieClip(root).gameSave == 1){ = 0; = 0; = 1; = false; = false;
function propertyOwner(e:Event = null){
if(activePlayer == 1){
MovieClip(root).stageProperties.propertyColor.color = (0xFF0000);
}else if(activePlayer == 2){
MovieClip(root).stageProperties.propertyColor.color = (0x0000FF);
}else if(activePlayer == 3){
MovieClip(root).stageProperties.propertyColor.color = (0x00FF00);
}else if(activePlayer == 4){
MovieClip(root).stageProperties.propertyColor.color = (0xFFFF00);
function colorChange (e:MouseEvent = null){
MovieClip(root).stageProperties.Pale15.transform.colorTransform = MovieClip(root).stageProperties.propertyColor;
I tried to keep the code as general as possible so I could copy and paste for the other properties. Currently, this property is able to be purchased, upgraded, and dish out rent to the proper players based on what buttons are active, as well as tell a "Property Display" to change colors on the board based on who owns what.
Note: I have used AS3 for a very long time, but have no formal training, it is all self taught. I have tried many many times to understand how "parent/child/private class/etc" work, and I cannot grasp it. I wonder if there is a better way to do what I'm trying to do.
Ok, let me write some scripts in order to explain what OOP-thinking is about. Also, I strongly advise you to read and understand the idea of MVC pattern because scripts below represent [M] and [C], while [V] is not really important and adding it later on is not too difficult too as long as you have the architecture of your application straight.
First, let's define the gameboard cell, a place the players can pass by or visit.
// A data [M]odel class.
public class Place
// What do we call this place.
public var title:String = "";
// A guest list.
public var visitors:Array = new Array;
// The Person class will be defined later.
public function visit(who:Person):void
// Add the guest to the list of visitors.
public function leave(who:Person):void
// Remove the visitor and remove its location record.
var anIndex:int = visitors.indexOf(who);
visitors.splice(anIndex, 1);
Person class so it would be able to visit and leave places.
// A data [M]odel class.
public class Person
// Personal name.
public var title:String = "";
// A place of residence.
public var stayingAt:Place;
To glue them together we need some controller that allows to move people from place to place. The idea is to NEVER address the [M] objects Person and Place directly, so the [C] script below ensures that a Person is always leaving and visiting properly, doesn't sit over 10 Places, etc.
// A [C]ontroller class.
public class City
// City name.
public var title:String = "";
public function move(who:Person, where:Place):void
// Remove the guest from where it is currently staying.
if (who.stayingAt)
who.stayingAt = null;
who.stayingAt = where;
Now, in terms of Monopoly, what a Building is? It is a kind of Place, but with more complicated behavior. Then a Player is a Person who has money, can own buildings ant take turns to do things.
// A data [M]odel class.
public class Player extends Person
public var money:int;
public var color:uint;
public var turnsToAct:int;
// A list of owned buildings.
public var owns:Array = new Array;
// Charges money from the Player
// then returns how much was actually charged.
public function charge(value:int):int
var acharge:int = 0;
if (value <= 0)
// You cannot charge non-positive sums.
else if (money - value < 0)
// Bankruptcy handling block.
acharge = Math.max(0, money);
turnsToAct = 1000000;
money -= value;
acharge = value;
money -= value;
return acharge;
So, a Building be like...
// A data [M]odel class.
public class Building extends Place
public var owner:Player;
public var color:uint;
public var cost:int;
public var rent:int;
public function purchase(who:Player):void
owner = who;
color = owner.color;
// Building can take rent from a visiting Player.
// So, the "visit" method needs some additional behavior.
override public function visit(who:Person):void
// Invoke previously defined visit logic.
// If the Building is not owned, there's no rent.
// There's also no rent, if the owner visits.
if (!owner || who == owner) return;
// Person class does not have "charge" method. Read up "typecasting".
// The following one line is actually that HORRIBLE block
// of code named "paycostProperty" in your question. += (who as Player).charge(rent);
// Seriously.
So, there are some things left to do (I am getting lazy and not going to program here the whole Monopoly thing):
Devise City.init() method so that it creates an ordered list of Players, an ordered list of Places and Buildings and moves all the Players to the first cell.
Compose the logic to control turns and the flow of the Player taking its turn: cast a die, move, make decisions, complete its turn.
Design the [V] components to display Players' stats, Places and Buildings with all their possible states, the City to visualise the overall state of things.

Custom MVC htmlhelper not rendering correctly

I Have a HtmlHelper code like below
sskIconsHtml +=
"<a href=\"#\" class=\"ssk ssk-twitter social-icon si-borderless si-text-color si-twitter\" title=\"Twitter\"";
sskIconsHtml += (socialSharing != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(socialSharing.TwitterShortenedUrl))
? " data-url=\"" + socialSharing.TwitterShortenedUrl + "\""
: string.Empty;
sskIconsHtml += " data-text=''";
sskIconsHtml += (socialSharing != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(socialSharing.TwitterText))
? " data-title=\"" + socialSharing.TwitterText + "\""
: string.Empty;
sskIconsHtml +=
" ><i class=\"icon-twitter\"></i><i class=\"icon-twitter\"></i></a>";
If you see the data-text I am passing a value of empty string But where it rendered in the browser it is rendering like below see the data-text property.
<i class="icon-twitter"></i><i class="icon-twitter"></i>

Oracle: FROM keyword not found where expected error in select statment

I am getting below error in my function.
Error: FROM keyword not found where expected
And here is my Function:
private int BauteilLieferzeit(string Materianummer)
OracleCommand cmd = new OracleCommand(
" Select MATNR, AVG_DAUER" +
" AVG " +
" (mi, Z.APL_ANFDATUM, " +
" as AVG_DAUER " +
" from ZDATA AS Z " +
" where MATNR = '" + Materianummer + "'"
, OraVerbindung._conn);
OracleDataReader r = cmd.ExecuteReader();
if (r.HasRows)
int Restminuten = OraVerbindung.Lieferzeit;
while (r.Read())
Restminuten = r.GetInt32(1);
return Restminuten;
return OraVerbindung.Lieferzeit;
return OraVerbindung.Lieferzeit;
In Oracle this is not a valid syntax
from ZDATA Z
instead (remove "AS")
Additionally consider the use of bind variables instead of string concatenation:
" where MATNR = '" + Materianummer + "'"
search for "SQL Injection".
Use this. Included the issue highlighted by Marmite also. But the error FROM keyword not found where expected would be due to missing comma in select statement.
Edit: Removed AVG_DAUER column as it is getting derived later.
private int BauteilLieferzeit(string Materianummer)
OracleCommand cmd = new OracleCommand(
" Select MATNR," +
" AVG " +
" (mi, Z.APL_ANFDATUM, " +
" as AVG_DAUER " +
" from ZDATA Z " +
" where MATNR = '" + Materianummer + "'"
, OraVerbindung._conn);
OracleDataReader r = cmd.ExecuteReader();
if (r.HasRows)
int Restminuten = OraVerbindung.Lieferzeit;
while (r.Read())
Restminuten = r.GetInt32(1);
return Restminuten;
return OraVerbindung.Lieferzeit;
return OraVerbindung.Lieferzeit;
