YAML syntax for unique columns in Propel - yaml

As far as I know to make a column unique the structure below should be used:
column_name: { ..., index: unique }
I want to make multiple columns unique at once. How am I going to do this?
Thanks in advance.

AFAIK you cannot do that. Oh, and you should use the XML format instead of the YAML one.
EDIT: actually, there is a possibility to handle that in YAML:
my_index: [title(10), user_id]
See this fixtures file from the plugin for more information.

If you're talking about a composite unique key (e.g., having a unique key based on the combination of multiple fields in the same table), here's how you'd do that :
<unique name="document-version-index">
<unique-column name="document_id" />
<unique-column name="version_id" />
As for the yaml syntax, I know you can do it in doctrine (see below), but not sure exactly of the propel format.
Doctrine format (--> from stackoverflow thread: primary key + composite primary key causing problem ) :
pet_name: {type: string(32)}
owner_id: {type: integer}
fields: [pet_name, owner_id]
type: unique


Data modelling for ecommerce website using Amplify + GraphQL + DynamoDB

I'm using Amplify from AWS to build a small ecommerce project using React as frontend.
I'd like to know how I should write the "Product" and "Order" types in the schema in order to be able to write productId's to a product array in the Order table when users complete a purchase.
My schema.graphql file:
type Product #model {
id: ID!
name: String!
price: Int!
category: String!
images: [String]!
type Order #model {
id: ID!
products: [Product] #connection
My question is about the last line, do I need to define that [Product] connection there or I can use [String] to store product id's in a simple string array?
Point 1: In dynamoDB, you only need to define the data type of your partition key and sort key, and these can be string, number etc. For all the other attributes, you don't need to define anything.
Point 2: The dynamoDB designers prefer using a single table per application, unless it's impossible to manage data without multiple tables. Keeping this in mind, your table can be something like this.
Please observe: Only Id aka partition key and Sk aka sort key column is fixed here, all other columns can be anything per item. This is the beauty of DynamoDB. Refer to this document for dynamoDB supported data types.

Dynamically generate GraphQL schema

One of my application requires Graphql schema that can have fields added & resolved on the fly based on the data. for example need something like
type Data {
email: [String]!
col1 :[Int]!
col2: [Int]!
where col1 == nameOfColumnOne, col2=nameOfColumnTwo etc will & be added based on the data and possibly set on the fly.
I am kind of stuck on this and will appreciate some help on this one please.
Couldn't you just have a resolver columns that resolves a list of these columns that will grow over time? It makes more sense to me. I don't believe that you can achieve this modeling that you want.
you would have a type Column which defines what a column is supposed to be, and have:
type Data {
email: [String]!
columns: [Column]!
Hope it helps you :)

Doctrine2 + CodeIgniter and database table creation issue

I'm using Doctrine2 with codeIgniter, I've created some models in yml format. Using command line I've created the Proxies and Entities. When I'm trying to create the database tables, I'm getting the following error:
Invalid mapping file 'Entities.category.dcm.yml' for class
Here's Entities.category.dcm.yml:
type: entity
table: categories
type: integer
id: true
strategy: AUTO
type: string
length: 50
nullable: false
type: string
length: 255
First of all, check the paths configured for your entities and for the YML mapping driver.
Also, your Entities.category.dcm.yml contains mappings for Entities\Category, and not Entities\category.
As you can see in the base FileDriver Doctrine ORM does direct matching for mapped classes, and applies no normalization on the class names. Category and category are therefore different.

How do I setup query cache results for built in doctrine2 repository functions?

I have a site that is for a video game I play and am working on improving the performance of the site by implementing some additional caching. I've already been able to implement query result caching on custom repository functions, but haven't been able to find anywhere that explains how I can include query result caching on the built in functions (findOneById, etc). I'm interested in doing this because many of my database queries are executed from these 'native' repository functions.
So as an example I have a character entity object with the following properties: id, name, race, class, etc.
Race and class in this object are references to other entity objects for race and class.
When I load a character for display I get the character by name (findOneByName) and then in my template I display the character's race/class by $characterObject->getRace()->getName(). These method calls in the template result in a query being run on my Race/Class entity tables fetching the entity by id (findOneById I assume).
I've attempted to create my own findOneById function in the repository, but it is not called under these circumstances.
How can I setup doctrine/symfony such that these query results are cache-able?
I am running Symfony 2.1.3 and doctrine 2.3.x
I've found out that it isn't possible to enable query cache on doctrine build in functions. I will post a link which explains why later after I find it again.
Your entities probably look something like this:
type: entity
table: Character
id: true
type: bigint
type: string
length: 255
targetEntity: Race
referencedColumnName: id
type: entity
table: Race
id: true
type: bigint
type: string
length: 255
targetEntity: Character
mappedBy: race
If that's the case, then modify your Character entity mapping so that it eagerly loads the Race entity as well:
targetEntity: Race
referencedColumnName: id
fetch: EAGER
Doctrine documentation on the fetch option: #ManyToOne

Doctrine YAML Data Fixture Question

where can i learn more abt creating database markup in yaml and data fixtures.
i followed a tutorial and they create a relationship like so: under relations in both User and Car. my qn is why is 'type: many' in Car. can i have it in User instead (just curious)?
abt data types. different database have different database support. i thought that in MySQL (InnoDB as used here) integer shld be tinyint(x), bigint(x), int(x) ... or string shld be varchar not string? isit not strict what i shld use here?
type: INNODB
collate: utf8_general_ci
charset: utf8
type: integer
primary: true
autoincrement: true
name: string(300)
email: string(300)
phone: string(9)
car_id: integer
local: car_id
foreign: id
type: integer
primary: true
autoincrement: true
brand: string(300)
class: User
foreign: car_id
local: id
type: many
"it is only necessary to specify the relationship on the end where the foreign key exists" in my example, that will be? do they mean the FK table (car) or the FK column (user)?
i dont see TEXT data type, is that clob (Character Large OBject)? – iceangel89 0 secs ago [delete this comment]
what is foreignAlias? is there a alias too?
this will be abit long, i just wish to clarify some of the code examples in the Doctrine YAML Schema Files docs page. focus on the relationships section -> in // comments
type: string(255)
type: string(255)
type: integer
class: Contact // if the table is named Contact, class will be Contact also?
local: contact_id
foreign: id
foreignAlias: User // whats alias for?
foreignType: one // one contact ... to ...
type: one // one user?
type: string(255)
type: string(255)
type: string(255)
type: string(255)
type: string(255)
class: User
local: id
foreign: contact_id
foreignAlias: Contact
foreignType: one
type: one
regarding the many to many example, what does the following mean?
export: all
validate: true
tableName: group_table
refClass: GroupUser
where can i learn more abt creating database markup in yaml and data fixtures.
Doctrine manual, “YAML schema files” and “Data Fixtures” chapters.
can i have it in User instead (just curious)?
Yes, but this section will be called foreignType then. Here, an example:
type: integer
primary: true
autoincrement: true
name: string(300)
email: string(300)
phone: string(9)
car_id: integer
local: car_id
foreign: id
foreignType: many
abt data types...
Well, Doctrine column types and database column types are “slightly” different. Just compare list of Doctrine column types and, say, MySQL's one.
I know this is old, but these are things I've found confusing, and still do. In fact I'm not expert in all the possibilities, this is just based on what works for me. I think you may be looking for many-to-many relations, but I completely avoid the Doctrine support for them, and instead define my own association tables explicitly, so I only ever use one-to-many and one-to-one relations.
As noted in UPDATE1, you only specify the relationship on the end that has the foreign key.
In this case, User has a column car_id that is a foreign key that
refers to the id column of Car. So on the User end, the relation
is with Car, the local column containing the key value is
car_id, and the column in the other (foreign) table to which it refers is id.
Doctrine defines its own data types, and automatically maps them
onto the data types of the particular database you are using.
develop7 gave links to the documentation, or you can look in the
doctrine sources.
foreignAlias gives a name to the relation on the foreign side.
There is no alias because the name of the relation on the side
containing the foreign key is given by the name used at the level
below relations:, which is commonly specified as the name of the
table to which the foreign key refers.
Regarding UPDATE 2:
class: Contact The yaml for User says that it has a relation named Contact which refers to the class Contact. By default, class names and table names are the same; the yaml schema deals only with class names, though it is possible to tell it to use a different table name for a given class.
foreignAlias: User The name of the relation from Contact to User is "User". As explained above, there is nothing called "alias", the name of the relation from User to Contact is "Contact", because that's the name in the list of relations for User under which this line appears. Of course these default relation namings fall apart if you happen to have more than one relationship between the same two classes; you need the ability to give explicit relation names that differ from the class names. The names of relations are important because you use them in DQL joins.
foreignType: one A Contact (the foreign side) has one User
type: one A User (the local side) has one Contact.
Note that this example is a little unusual in showing explicitly both sides of the same relation. Normally, you'd show it only on the side containing the foreign key (the User side). Since a User contains a foreign key pointing to a Contact, the "type" can only be "one". But the foreignType could be "many", indicating that a given Contact could be pointed-to by many Users, though in this case it is specified that only one User can refer to a given Contact.
I don't actually know what would happen if you specified the type as "many". Implementing that would require an extra association table like many-to-many relations do, and I don't happen to know if Doctrine would create such a table "automatically" as it does for many-to-many relations. For my use of Doctrine, I avoid implicit machinery based on naming conventions that I don't understand as much as possible, so I turn off "detect_relations" and avoid many-to-many relations.
