Dynamically generate GraphQL schema - graphql

One of my application requires Graphql schema that can have fields added & resolved on the fly based on the data. for example need something like
type Data {
email: [String]!
col1 :[Int]!
col2: [Int]!
where col1 == nameOfColumnOne, col2=nameOfColumnTwo etc will & be added based on the data and possibly set on the fly.
I am kind of stuck on this and will appreciate some help on this one please.

Couldn't you just have a resolver columns that resolves a list of these columns that will grow over time? It makes more sense to me. I don't believe that you can achieve this modeling that you want.
you would have a type Column which defines what a column is supposed to be, and have:
type Data {
email: [String]!
columns: [Column]!
Hope it helps you :)


Can one combine two types to make a third in GraphQL schema syntax?

I have a feeling this will be deemed Not How You Do It In GraphQL, but I'm pretty new to it, so please be patient and verbose with me.
Let's say I've got two GraphQL types that I'd like to be able to utilize separately:
type UserSpecs {
name: String!
age: Int!
bio: String!
type UserCollections {
interests: [Interest]
buddies: [Relationship]
chats: [Chat]
type Query {
updateCollections(collections: UserCollections): User
updateUserSpecs(specs: UserSpecs): User
In my .gql file, I'd like to also define the User type as the combination of UserSpecs and UserCollections, though. In TypeScript, for instance, one would do this:
type User = UserSpecs & UserCollections
Short of manually duplicating the contents of UserSpecs and UserCollections into a third type, which would not be DRY and would create two sources of truth to maintain, does the GraphQL schema syntax have any way of combining two types to make a third?
Similarly, if it's possible to create a User type, then disassemble it into the UserSpecs and UserCollections types I'm after, that would be equally helpful.
Thank you in advance!

Group queries in GraphQL (not "group by")

in my app there are many entities which get exposed by GraphQL. All that entities get Resolvers and those have many methods (I think they are called "fields" in GraphQl). Since there is only one Query type allowed, I get an "endless" list of fields which belong to many different contexts, i.E.:
query {
newsRss (...)
newsCurrent (...)
weatherCurrent (...)
# ... many more
As you can see, there are still 3 different contexts here: news, users and weather. Now I can go on and prefix all fields ([contextName]FieldName), as I did in the example, but the list gets longer and longer.
Is there a way to "group" some of them together, if they relate to the same context? Like so, in case of the weather context:
query {
weather {
Thanks in advance!
If you want to group them together , you need to have a type which contain all fields under the same context . Take weather as an example , you need to have a type which contain currentWeather and forecastWeather field. Does this concept make sense to your application such that you can name it easily and users will not feel strange about it ? If yes , you can change the schema to achieve your purpose.
On the other hand, if all fields of the same context actually return the same type but they just filtering different things, you can consider to define arguments in the root query field to specify the condition that you want to filter , something like :
query {
query {
to query the current weather and forecast weather respectively.
So it is a question about how you design the schema.

How to query in GraphQL with no fixed input object contents?

I want to query to get a string, for which I have to provide a input object, however the input data can have multiple optional keys and quite grow large as well. So I just wanted something like Object as data type while defining schema.
// example of supposed schema
input SampleInput {
id: ID
data: Object // such thing not exist, wanted something like this.
type Query {
myquery(input: SampleInput!): String
here data input can be quite large so I do not want to define a type for it. is there a way around this?

GraphQL: Querying for a list of object which have relationship to another object

I have set up my schema on GraphCMS and finding graphQL to be very convenient.
I have a workout object and a workoutCategory object. Those two are linked by a many to many relationship.
I'd like to write a query that allows me to get the list of workout which are part of a certain category.
I'm writing the query as follow:
workout(where:{ workoutCategories: { id: "xxxxxxx" } }) {
graphCMS gives me a syntax error on the workoutCategories which does not make sense to me yet
Field workout categories is not defined by type WorkoutWhereUniqueInput
What do I need to do to be able to achieve my goal?
Thanks in advance
Turns out I need to query on 'workouts' (see the 's' at the end) and not on 'workout'...

Select distinct value from a list in linq to entity

There is a table, it is a poco entity generated by entity framework.
class Log
int DoneByEmpId;
string DoneByEmpName
I am retrieving a list from the data base. I want distinct values based on donebyempid and order by those values empname.
I have tried lot of ways to do it but it is not working
var lstLogUsers = (context.Logs.GroupBy(logList => logList.DoneByEmpId).Select(item => item.First())).ToList(); // it gives error
this one get all the user.
var lstLogUsers = context.Logs.ToList().OrderBy(logList => logList.DoneByEmpName).Distinct();
Can any one suggest how to achieve this.
Can I just point out that you probably have a problem with your data model here? I would imagine you should just have DoneByEmpId here, and a separate table Employee which has EmpId and Name.
I think this is why you are needing to use Distinct/GroupBy (which doesn't really work for this scenario, as you are finding).
I'm not near a compiler, so i can't test it, but...
Use the other version of Distinct(), the one that takes an IEqualityComparer<TSource> argument, and then use OrderBy().
See here for example.
