watin - add a text to a <div> - watin

I have found a site with a <div> field containing an editable text. I can isolate my <div>, but I can't find any method to add a text field there (tried AppendText, Text, TextField and any other I could think about).
How can I insert my text?

This was answered on the WatiN mailing list with the fololwing:
.SetAttributeValue("Innerhtml", "text to be inserted")
I have not tested the above.


Finding a div tab in Capybara?

I'm currently trying to find this tab and click on it. I'm trying to find a easier way of clicking on this button. In my code, I tried to use find command and it's unable to find this tab.
<div role="tab" aria-disabled="false" aria-selected="true" class="ant-tabs-tab-active ant-tabs-tab">Animals</div>
Not sure what I'm doing wrong.
It looks like you need to study CSS selectors a bit more. 'Animals' is text content and CSS does not provide a way to query on text content. In Capybara you can use the text option to filter matching nodes by their text content so combining valid CSS with the text filter like
find('div[role="tab"]', text: 'Animals').click
find('div.ant-tabs-tab', text: 'Animals').click
would be ways of clicking on that element
Note: I would recommend https://flukeout.github.io/ to learn what you can and can't do with CSS selectors.

CKEditor moving br tags

I'm having a problem with CKEditor changing my original paragraph formatting with negative side effects.
I start with a basic paragraph loaded into CKEditor using setData():
<p><span style="font-size:50px">My Text</span></p>
... more document content ...
In the editor, I move the cursor to the end of the phrase "My Text" and press enter (with config.enterMode=CKEDITOR.ENTER_BR setting enabled). Inspecting the markup inside the editor I now see:
<p><span style="font-size:50px">My Text<br><br></span></p>
... more document content ...
Then, when I call getData() to pull the contents from the editor and save the document to a database, the HTML extracted by getData() looks like this:
<p><span style="font-size:50px">My Text</span><br> </p>
... more document content ...
This is a problem because while editing, the <br> tag was inside the <span> and was subject to the 50px font size style. The user saw a 50px blank line before the next piece of document content. After saving the HTML to a database and reloading later the <br> tag is now outside the <span> and is not subject to the 50px font sizing and the blank line appears much smaller than before.
The round trip fidelity of the text formatting is not preserved and the user is frustrated by the results.
Can someone help me understand the results I'm seeing with <br> tags being reformatted and moved around during the editing life cycle, and how I might fix this problem?
Using CKEditor v4.4.1

Ckeditor inline editor <p> tags being added on init despite presence of <h2> tag

SOLVED. Update - I was mistaken in my original assumption. See my answer below.
I have an app where I initialise inline ckeditors on various contenteditable divs.
I am well aware that CKEditor needs to add
to the markup of an empty editor to prevent content collapse, however I have a specific situation where contenteditable div that contains ONLY this html:
<h2>This is a heading</h2>
Has its markup modified to this:
<p><br></p><h2>This is a heading</h2><p><br></p>
When I call
CKEDITOR.inline(element, config);
Where element is the contenteditable div
I am using 4.4.1
This only happens when the markup in the contenteditable div is purely a heading. If there is also a paragraph in the markup this does not happen.
It appears that CKEditor is ignoring the heading when determining whether or not it needs to add content to an empty editor.
To be clear everything else works as I would expect, just this very specific issue.
Any ideas how to fix this?
Ok I figured out this was not ckeditor at all but some of my own code that was adding the tags.
I had some script which was checking whether the innerHtml of the element was a p tag, and if not, it was wrapping the whole thing in p tags.
The reason this was not more obvious is because the p tags were empty and hence collapsed. Only when calling CKEDITOR.inline(element, config) on the element did CKEditor do its thing and fillEmptyBlocks, which created the height of the p tags. This seemed then that they only appeared when the editor was instantiated.
In fact they were there already.

How to find xpath expression to select this text

I have this html code , trying many times to get the pure xpath for text "sample text" then "author" text in separate xpath and i don't find any criteria for that!!!
<div class="Text">
“sample article here with quotation marks .”
so please help , it make me mad!!
The first part you can get by getting the div by class, get br inside and retrieve the preceding-sibling's text:
The second part is easier, just get the text of a tag inside the div:

Selenium: Extracting only Text with out any sub elements from <p>

Below is the sample code
I want this Text
<sup> not this </sup>
.(Need this too).
<sup> and not this </sup>
Using Selenium RC, selenium.getText("//...") bring us the all the text including which are in < sup >.
Is there any way to get the text from <p> without <sup> tags ?
Please let me know. Thanks
Your only option is to get the text of the three elements and manipulate the parts you don't want away. That, or resort to using getEval() to run some JavaScript that get's the <P> element's innerHTML property, then remove the parts inside the <SUP> elements yourself.
