How to find xpath expression to select this text - xpath

I have this html code , trying many times to get the pure xpath for text "sample text" then "author" text in separate xpath and i don't find any criteria for that!!!
<div class="Text">
“sample article here with quotation marks .”
so please help , it make me mad!!

The first part you can get by getting the div by class, get br inside and retrieve the preceding-sibling's text:
The second part is easier, just get the text of a tag inside the div:


XPath: How do I find a page element which contains another element, using the full text of both?

I have an HTML page which contains the following:
<div class="book-info">
The book is <i>Italicized Title</i> by Author McWriter
When I view this in Chrome Dev Tools, it looks like:
<div class="book-info">
"The book is "
<i>Italicized Title</i>
" by Author McWriter"
I need a way to find this single div using XPath.
There are many book-info divs on the page, so I can't just look for a div with that class.
Any part of the text within the book-info div might also appear in another, but the complete text within the div is unique. So I want to match the entire text, if possible.
It is not guaranteed that an <i> will exist within the book-info div. The following could also exist, and I need to be able to find it as well (but my code is working for this case):
<div class="book-info">
"Author McWriter's Legacy"
I think I can detect whether the div I'm looking for contains an <i> or not, and construct a different XPath expression depending on that.
Things I have tried:
//div[text()=concat("The book is ","Italicized Title"," by Author McWriter")]
//div[text()=concat("The book is ","<i>Italicized Title"</i>," by Author McWriter")]
//div[text()=concat("The book is ",[./i[text()="Italicized Title"]," by Author McWriter")]
//div[concat(text()="The book is ", i[text()="Italicized Title"],text()=" by Author McWriter")]
None of these worked for me. What XPath expression would?
You can use this combination of XPath-1.0 predicates in one expression. It matches both cases:
//div[#class="book-info" and ((i and contains(text()[1],"The book is") and contains(text()[2],"by Author McWriter")) or (not(i) and contains(string(.),"Author McWriter&apos;s Legacy")))]

Xpath not contains

Is there a way to select the xpath which doesn't contain ng-show
Please find the xpath below:
I'm familiar with not(contains()), but it has 2 parameters.
I would like it to not contain the ng-showitself, because I have a few more element containing ng-show and I don't want to select any of them.
<span ng-show="displayValue" class="ng-binding">0 km</span>
Thanks in Advance
Try this below xpath
//span[not(#ng-show)][not(#class='percent ng-binding')][#class='ng-binding']
Explanation of xpath:- Only those <span> tag will return, which attribute does not contains ng-show

Xpath - Selecting attributes using starts-with

I am trying to write an xpath expression that selects all div tags that have an attribute id that start with CompanyCalendar. Below is a snippet of the HTML that I am looking at:
<td class="some class" align="center" onclick="Calendar_DayClicked(this,'EventCont','Event');">
<span class="Text"></span>
<div id="CompanyCalendar02.21" class="Pop CalendarClick" style="right: 200px; top: 235px;"></div>
There are multiple divs that have an id like CompanyCalendar02.21 but for each new month in the calendar, they change the id. For example, the next month would be CompanyCalendar02.22. I would like to be able to select all of the divs that are equal to CompanyCalendar*
I am rather new at this so I was using some example off the net to try and get my xpath expression to work but to no avail. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I am trying to write an xpath expression that selects all div tags that have an attribute id that start with CompanyCalendar.
The following expression is perhaps what you are looking for:
What it does, in plain English, is
Return all div elements in the XML document that have an attribute id whose attribute value starts with "CompanyCalendar".
While checking in Browser console with the $x() call, it worked only after flipping the quotes - i.e. double quotes inside the Xpath starts-with() call.

Xpath of a text containing Bold text

I am trying to click on the link whose site is‎ by searching in google
"qualtra" but there is problem in writing xpath as <cite> tag contains <B> tag inside it. How to do any any one suggest?
<div class="f kv" style="white-space:nowrap">
<cite class="vurls">
You may overcome this by using the '.' in the XPath, which stands for the 'text in the current node'.
The XPath would look like the following:

Selecting specific using x-path while disregarding certain nodes

I have some html that looks pretty much like this.
<a img src="img src">
This is the text I want to select using xpath.
How can I select only this particular text node as indicated above using xpath?
How do I get at only this particular
text element in question using xpath?
"/p/text()" xpath expression will select the text from "p" node in above XML (Posted in question).
this will remove trailing spaces from string. This xpath produces exactly what you want.
There is very good tutorial at
