Is there a path-autocomplete extension on Visual Studio 2017? - visual-studio

I used to code on Visual Studio Code. Now, i'm trying to learn how to code on Visual Studio 2017 as it will be more beneficial for me. So far, it's so good.
But there is one thing which i miss on VS which is, in VSC, there was a neat extension, called Path Intellisense which autocompleted (or showed suggestions for) ./../file style file-paths. While coding in javascript (ExpressJS to be exact) i got no suggestions for file path autocomplete. Also, i didnt get any extensions to do so.
Those dot style file paths confuse me and i would really like an extension, or a workaround, in VS to help me with that. Are there any extensions for this?


Visual Studio 2019 not suggesting UE4 Libraries

Visual Studio 2019 stopped to suggest Unreal Engine 4 libraries. It used to suggest the names of the heather files I could include in the "name_of_the_new_class.h" file. It used to look like this:
desired state (not my personal screen but that how it used to work), now I get this current state. I reinstalled UE4 and revalidated Visual Studio how do I solve this if that issue is even solvable?
Manually typed in header files work and it will compile and work but why IntelliSense is not suggesting me this .h files?
Using <> instead of "" works and autocompletion works again.

Visual Studio navigate to source code outside the current solution

At this new company I joined there is a very big and huge multi solution product that I'm working on.
So sometimes when I'm looking through the source i have an interface that has an implementation that is within a project in another solution and when I Ctrl-F12 click that interface I get a "The symbol has no implementations." dialog box from Visual Studio, because it can't find the piece of code where the interface is implemented in.
Is there any way of like telling Visual Studio to just look in some specific directory for the code it's looking for without having to put everything into one giant huge solution that makes Visual Studio explode? I tried that btw and Visual Studio exploded.
While debugging the software there's no problem with the navigation because the debug symbols contain the paths to the source and stuff (if I remember that correctly).
I'm also using Resharper so if there's anything that Resharper can do to help there I wouldn't mind either.

F# Intellisense in Visual Studio for Mac

Autocomplete and intellisense is TERRIBLE for visual studio for mac. It will literally autocomplete random objects in the middle of strings and will not work at all when in the middle of a function that doesn't have a valid return value yet (in for or let statements). I had to turn it off because it's way worse than being useless. Anyone have any tips on how to fix this or should I change IDE's? Or is this a problem unique to myself. For reference I am in a script file.
I would highly recommend Visual Studio Code with Ionide extension installed.

Change Language in Visual Studio 2010 "Spell Checker"-Extension

i'm searching for a way to change the language of the "Spell Checker"-Extension for Visual Studio 2010.
The problem is following:
I'm using the german language version of Visual Studio 2010. If I use the "Spell Checker"-Extension it checks the correctness in german language, while I'm coding in english.
So nearly every single word is underlinded as incorrect.
How can I change the checking language to english or how can I change the libary it used to check language?
Any Ideas?
I found a solution for the problem by myself.
If anybody like to know it:
First download the extension inside the Visual Studio extension-manager.
Second download the source of the extension and open it in Visual Studio (Visual Studio SDK has to be installed to open the project)
Third navigate to Spellchecker/Spelling/SpellingTaggers.cs and add the following line inside the CheckSpellings method of SpellingTaggers class under the textBox initialization:
textBox.Language = XmlLanguage.GetLanguage("en-US");
Next build the dll-Files with Visual Studio
And finally replace the dll-files with those in the directory of the Spell Checker Extension (it can be found under %HOME%\AppData\Local\Microsoft\VisualStudio\10.0\Extensions\Roman Golovin, Michael Lehenbauer, Noah Richards\Spell Checker\2.23 or something similar)
That's it!
If you want to use a language different from "en-US", change the Language Code.
There is a fork of spellchecker, that maybe will eventually be integrated into the main branch, that supports spellchecking in multiple languages here:
Simon Egli
Step 5 will not work in all cases. I think dlls are cached or something like this, so it would be better to uninstall spell checker from Visual Studio and reinstall the new compiled version of SpellChecker.vsix (could be found in SpellChecker.Implementation\bin...).
This worked for me.

Syntax coloring for VBS file in Visual Studio with a different extension

A program we work with in my office can be automated through VBScript Files, yet the files are saved with an extension *.RVB other then *.VBS. I'd like to use Visual Studio as my editor/debugger, which is working. Yet it is not coloring the code like it does if I have a *.VBS file open.
Under Tools->Options->File Extension I added "RVB" and set it's editor to Microsoft Visual Basic, yet it is still not applying any syntax highlighting to my file. What am I missing?
I realize this might be beyond what you had in mind. However, I see no acknowledgement to your solution so I am going out on a limb here. You could create a language extension and totally control all aspects of the coloring. This is easily transfered to 2010 (the example is in 2008) but remains relevant.
In this video, Hilton Giesenow illustrates a simple working Language Service. He begins by building a simple scanner colorizingsing based on regular expressions, then expands on this to implement the Managed Babel framework, integrating MPLex and MPPG directly into the Visual Studio build as well.
