Extremely clever URL system (how to make advance SEO urls) - url-rewriting

I am building an intensive web application and currently all my URLs at the moment are in page.php?action=string format. Don't worry, we have a fall back plan to change all pages quickly to the SEO URLs via a config file.
I want to know two things. What script is running this site:
http://lookbook.nu/ (also http://stackoverflow.com)
If you just look at it, hover over areas, crazy ajax calls, so many subdomain calls, so many clean URLs. What would be the best approach to do this - is this a RoR thing? All the URLs are so clean and structured. It really impressed me.
I am not wishing for a htaccess solution as I am using nginx.

StackOverflow actually runs on ASP.NET MVC, but you have URL rewriting built in Apache too if that's your thing. No clue about nginx, though.
Edit: A simple Google search revealed http://wiki.nginx.org/HttpRewriteModule so you're in luck!


How to apply pagespeed insights results

Well, I trying establish a web page with a wordpress and GoDaddy hosting. I want to make fast web page, because people says fast web pages appear on first line at Google (as specially mobile web page speed is very important people says). So want to make very fast web page but my level of knowledge is not very advanced, I progress by learning.
If I test my web page with Insights, mine mobile score is about 60-70. If I read reports of Insights there are lots of improvements links appear at blow. I want to learn how to fix that. If you help me make an example, I will do the others myself.
If we start at first problem which is /css?family=…(fonts.googleapis.com) this problem seen below of "Eliminate resources that prevent rendering" topic. So how to fix it. What should I do?
Also at the "covorage" tab there are some source codes are seen and it is not using. For example I am not using easy-sheare plugin (secong row at the image) at homepage.
How to remove safely that codes from home page. If I can learn how one is made, I can correct the others myself.
The issue you are running into is something I have seen over and over again. GoDaddy and Wordpress sites generally are bloated and perform poorly.
Here are some tips to improve your speed & get a better PS ranking.
Hosting: Do you need to be on Godaddy? I have seen this time and time again. Most websites on GD are SLOW. GD is good for domain registration, not for hosting. Most non-tech folks do not know any better. Try using Amazon Lightsail, AWS-S3, Google Firebase, or Netlify. They all offer much faster page loads by reducing initial server response time. And they are surprisingly simple to learn and deploy.
CDN: You must use a content-distribution-network (CDN). Check out Cloudfront. They offer a free tier that works quite well.
Wordpress: This is your real issue. Wordpress is neither easy to build nor easy to maintain. You need multiple plugins to make the site perform. Best you build your own. If you have to be on Wordpress checkout image optimizers, minifiers, and cache plugins. Gumlet, WP Rocket, Shortpixel are quite popular to improve speed.

What's the best SEO practice when you do an AJAX driven website?

I encountered several websites running in Ajax and it seems like their SEO is pretty bad, does Google really crawl websites like that?
Optimization guides for different search engines tell that bots are unable to crawl such sites. I think, Google's bots might use Chrome's engine for some purposes (I remember, they made site screenshots one time), but nevertheless, it's the static HTML that's important. Therefore, the usual practice would be generating valid HTML on the server to provide functional site for user agents like, for example, Lynx, and then patching it with AJAX, history API and all other imaginable bells and whistles.

AngularJS / AJAX app and search engine crawlers

I've got a web app which heavily uses AngularJS / AJAX and I'd like it to be crawlable by Google and other search engines. My understanding is that I need to do something special to make it work, as described here: https://developers.google.com/webmasters/ajax-crawling
Unfortunately, that looks quite nasty and I'd rather not introduce the hash tags. What I'd like to do is to serve a static page to Googlebot (based on the User-Agent), either directly or by sending it a 302 redirect. That way, the web app can be the same, and the whole Googlebot workaround is nicely isolated until it is no longer necessary.
My worry is that Google may mistakenly assume that I'm trying to trick Googlebot, while my goal is to help it. What do you guys think about this approach, and what would you recommend?
Recently I come upon this excellent post from yearofmoo, explaining in details how to make your Angular app SEO friendly. In essence, when bots see an uri with a hash tag they will know it's an ajaxed page and will try to reach the same uri by replacing '#!' in your uri with '?_escaped_fragment_='. This alternative uri instructs bots that they should expect to find a definitive static version of the page they were accessing.
Of course, to achieve this you'd have to introduce hash tags into your uris. I don't see why are you trying to avoid them. Isn't gmail using hash tags?
Yeah unfortunately, if you want to be indexed - you have to adhere to the scheme :( If your running a ruby app - there's a gem that implements the crawling scheme for any rack app....
gem install google_ajax_crawler
writeup of how to use it is at http://thecodeabode.blogspot.com.au/2013/03/backbonejs-and-seo-google-ajax-crawling.html, source code at https://github.com/benkitzelman/google-ajax-crawler
Have a look at these links and it will give you a good direction:
Set up your own Prerender service using Prerender.io open source code:
Use a different existing service such as BromBone, Seo.js or SEO4AJAX:
Create your own service for rendering and serving snapshots to search engines. Read this article. It will give you the big picture:
As of May 2014 GoogleBot now executes JavaScript. Check WebmasterTools to see how Google sees your site.
Edit: Note that this does not mean other crawlers (Bing, Facebook, etc.) will execute Javascript. You may still need to take additional steps to ensure that these crawlers can see your site.

How effective is ajaxcrawling compared to serverside created website SEO?

I'm looking for real world experiences in regards to ajaxcrawling:
I'm particularly concerned about the infamous Gizmodo failure of late, I know I can find them via Google now, but it's not clear to me how effective this method of ajaxcrawling is in comparison to serverside generated sites is.
I would like to make a wiki that lives mostly on the client side, and which is populated by ajax json. It just feels more fluid, and I think it would be a pluspoint over my competition. (wikipedia, wikimedia)
Obviously, for a wiki it's incredibly important to have working SEO.
I would be very happy for any experiences you have had dealing with clientside development.
My research shows that the general consensus on the web right now is, that you should absolutely avoid doing ajax sites unless you don't care about SEO (for example, a portfolio site, a corporate site etc).
Well, these SEO problems arise when you have a single page that loads content dynamically based on sophisticated client-side behavior. Spiders aren't always smart enough to know when JavaScript is being injected, so if they can't follow links to get to your content, most of them won't understand what's going on in a predictable way, and thus won't be able to fullly index your site.
If you could have the option of unique URLs that lead to static content, even if they all route back to a single page by a URL rewriting scheme, that could solve the problem. Also, it will yield huge benefits down the road when you've got a lot of traffic -- the whole page can be cached at the web server/proxy level, leading to less load on your servers.
Hope that helps.

Does Wicket hamper SEO or search engines ability to crawl?

We're coming from GWT projects and because of problems with SEO not liking GWT for our next project we're going to move clear of GWT (mainly because seo is a high priority for this next project). In choosing a new framework, I'm looking at Wicket and liking what I've seen so far. I've only done a few tutorials, but in looking at the war layout (from these tutorials) it looks like most of the html pages are in the WEB-INF folder.
It this going to cause problems for SEO and search engines crawling through the sites files?
Ideally, I'd like to use Wicket with some AJAX and deploy to Google App Engine.
It does not matter if your .jsps (or whatever) are stored in /WEB-INF. It just means they cannot be accessed directly by going to http://webapp/path/to/jsp.
For SEO think about:
Meaningful URLs and link text (i.e. URLs should be similar to expected search engine queries)
Crawlable pages (make sure all your content can be reached by a non-JS enabled bot... i.e. don't make content only available through AJAX, for instance). A sitemap might help
Look into Wicket's Bookmarkable page links and UrlCodingStrategies for a very powerful combination to use in SEO. Basicly all your links and parameters can be encoded as/a/static/url, regardless of (changing) implementation on the backend.
if you project SEO is really important than you might reconsider using a lot of ajax since crawler wont execute javascript they are not gonna read all the return of your ajax calls... that being said the SEO quality of your site is not really based on the framework you will be using ... jsut always think about img alts, links, meta, title, h1 ... in every pages and you should be fine ... also always try to post links to your site on other websites to gain visibility and get importance for crawlers
