AngularJS / AJAX app and search engine crawlers - ajax

I've got a web app which heavily uses AngularJS / AJAX and I'd like it to be crawlable by Google and other search engines. My understanding is that I need to do something special to make it work, as described here:
Unfortunately, that looks quite nasty and I'd rather not introduce the hash tags. What I'd like to do is to serve a static page to Googlebot (based on the User-Agent), either directly or by sending it a 302 redirect. That way, the web app can be the same, and the whole Googlebot workaround is nicely isolated until it is no longer necessary.
My worry is that Google may mistakenly assume that I'm trying to trick Googlebot, while my goal is to help it. What do you guys think about this approach, and what would you recommend?

Recently I come upon this excellent post from yearofmoo, explaining in details how to make your Angular app SEO friendly. In essence, when bots see an uri with a hash tag they will know it's an ajaxed page and will try to reach the same uri by replacing '#!' in your uri with '?_escaped_fragment_='. This alternative uri instructs bots that they should expect to find a definitive static version of the page they were accessing.
Of course, to achieve this you'd have to introduce hash tags into your uris. I don't see why are you trying to avoid them. Isn't gmail using hash tags?

Yeah unfortunately, if you want to be indexed - you have to adhere to the scheme :( If your running a ruby app - there's a gem that implements the crawling scheme for any rack app....
gem install google_ajax_crawler
writeup of how to use it is at, source code at

Have a look at these links and it will give you a good direction:
Set up your own Prerender service using open source code:
Use a different existing service such as BromBone, Seo.js or SEO4AJAX:
Create your own service for rendering and serving snapshots to search engines. Read this article. It will give you the big picture:

As of May 2014 GoogleBot now executes JavaScript. Check WebmasterTools to see how Google sees your site.
Edit: Note that this does not mean other crawlers (Bing, Facebook, etc.) will execute Javascript. You may still need to take additional steps to ensure that these crawlers can see your site.


AJAX Crawling with question mark instead of hashbang

Where I'm at: I've read Google's documentation regarding it's AJAX crawling, and I've searched around a bit in this website and others, but I'm quite confused, as it seems that all problems address the same issue: AJAX crawing with hashbangs?
I've developed an app which, among other purposes, let's the user search for locations worldwide, using an AJAX searcher quite similar to Google's, but my app uses exclusively the question mark in AJAX, instead of hashbang. Due to compatibility issues, changing it to the hashbang is not an option.
Not only am I largely confused by the fact that I could not find anyone else using the question mark instead of the hashbang, I'm also wondering if there is any documentation regarding my issue: how to let google bot crawl all my AJAX content when I'm using the question mark instead of a hashbang in my AJAX app.
The AJAX crawling schema was created explicitly for applications and websites using hashbang (#!) in the URL structure, because the fragment part of the URLs only exist on the client side; the URL rewriting in the specs, i.e. from #! to ?_escaped_fragment_= is meant to solve that.
Since most of the web is already making use of Javascript in a way or other, we (Google) needed a better solution, so we started executing Javascript in the pages we crawled and effectively render every page, just like a normal browser would. To quote our blogpost, Understanding web pages better:
In order to solve this problem, we decided to try to understand pages by executing JavaScript. It’s hard to do that at the scale of the current web, but we decided that it’s worth it. We have been gradually improving how we do this for some time. In the past few months, our indexing system has been rendering a substantial number of web pages more like an average user’s browser with JavaScript turned on.
You can also see what we "see" using Fetch as Google in Search Console (former Webmaster Tools); read more about the feature in our post titled Rendering pages with Fetch as Google
Before you do anything else, please try to fetch a few pages from your site with Fetch as Google. You might not have to do anything at all, it might actually work out of the box. And the good news is that it's not only Google that's rendering pages!

SEO with angularjs and restfull service

I have developed a website using angularjs and web api.
The problem is that the ajax rendered content is not crawable by google. And no one can find the website using google search.
After reading many articles regarding this issue, including:
This one with all links of explanation going out,
Google ajax crawling protocol, and also stack over flow question, I couldn't find the proper solution. Those that mention solutions, are talking about mvc, and I need only the simple REST by web api, other articles are not talking about
Is there any simple explanation?
I'm the one who asked this same question long ago, so I will answer from my experience:
Firstly, if all your content are accessible via unique URIs (including the hashbang if you use it), modern search engines should index it just fine. In fact Google can index javascript generated content now. You can try that via the Google Webmaster tool and see how your site is indexed.
Secondly, there are libraries that help you to serve parsed content to search engines if you need to, but in my case I didn't bother much with it since Google is indexing js nicely.
I've seen others ask this question, and maybe I'm missing something or this is outdated, but I don't see why AngularJS needs to be an issue with SEO.
Say you have a landing page and it has a bunch of links. Assuming you're using html5 mode in AngularJS (and I'm not sure that's 100% necessary) and something like ng-route then the links on the landing page can work both as "angular" (JavaScript) links and "old school" (full page load) links.
If you're a human user you can click a link and it will do angular magic and adjust the content without loading the full page. Ok, all fine.
But if you instead copy the link and paste it in a new tab or new browser, it will still work - assuming you've set up routes correctly.
I'm not an SEO expert by any stretch of the imagination, but as I understand it, having links that load pages and having those pages have real and useful content is the core of SEO, and done this way, AngularJS should work fine. The key thing to check is if you copy and paste the link (not just click it) that it works.

Google crawl ajax / dynamically generated content - SEO

I've got a very unique situation that I don't believe any of the other topics here can relate.
I have a ecommerce module that is dynamically loaded / embedded into third party sites, no iframe straight JSON to web client into content. I have no access to these third part sites at all, other then my javascript file being loaded from their page and dynamically generating the content.
I'm aware of the #! method, but that's no good here, my JS does generate "urls" within the embedded platform, but they're fake and for the address bar only, and I don't believe google crawlers can reach this far.
So my question is, is there a meta that we can set to point outside the url to i.e. back to my server with static crawlable content. I.e. pointing the canonical to my server... but again I don't think that would work.
If you implement #! then you have to make sure the url your embedded in supports the fragment parameter versions, which you probably can't. It's server side stuff.
You probably can't influence the canonical tag of the page either. It again has to be done server side. Any meta tag you set via JavaScript will not be seen by a bot.
Disqus solved the problem by providing an API so the embedding websites could get there comments server side and render then in plain html. WordPress has a plugin to do this. Disqus are also one of the few systems that Google has worked out how to crawl their AJAX pages.
Some plugins request people to also include a plain link with the JavaScript. Be careful with this as you may break Google Guidelines if you do it wrong. But you may be able to integrate the plain link with your plugin so that it directs bots and users to a crawlable version of the content.
Look into Google's crawlable ajax standard (and why it's a bad idea) and canonical URLs.
Now you can actually do this. A complete guide and examples can be found here:

With Google's #! mess, what effect would a redirect on the converted URL have?

So Google takes:!pageState
and converts it to:
...So... Would be it fair game to redirect that with a 301 status to something like:
and then return an HTML snapshot?
My thought is if you have an existing html structure, and you just want to add ajax as a progressive enhancement, this would be a fair way to do it, if Google just skipped over _escaped_fragment_ and indexed the redirected URL. Then your ajax links are configured by javascript, and underneath them are the regular links that go to your regular site structure.
So then when a user comes in on a static url (ie ), the first link he clicks takes him to the ajax interface if he has javascript, then it's all ajax.
On a side note does anyone know if Yahoo/MSN onboard with this 'spec' (loosely used)? I can't seem to find anything that says for sure.
If you redirect the "?_escaped_fragment_" URL it will likely result in the final URL being indexed (which might result in a suboptimal user experience, depending on how you have your site setup). There might be a reason to do it like that, but it's hard to say in general.
As far as I know, other search engines are not yet following the AJAX-crawling proposal.
You've pretty much got it. I recently did some tests and experimented with sites like Twitter (which uses #!) to see how they handle this. From what I can tell they handle it like you're describing.
If this is your primary URL!pageState
Google/Facebook will go to
You can setup a server-side 301 redirect to a prettier URL, perhaps something like
On these HTML snapshot pages you can add a client-side redirect to send most people back to the dynamic version of the page. This ensures most people share the dynamic URL. For example, if you try to go to it'll redirect you to the dynamic (!/brettdewoody) version of the page.
To answer your last question, both Google and Facebook use the _escaped_fragment_ method right now.

full ajax site and SEO

i am planing to start a full ajax site project, and i was wondering about SEO.
The site will have urls like etc
Can Google crawl the site.
Is something that i have to noticed about full ajax and SEO
Any reading suggestions are welcome
You might want to read about so called progressive enhancement.
Google supports indexing of AJAX sites, but unfortunately it involves extra work for the developer. See
I don't think Google is capable of doing so (yet)
However you can of course make your site usable with or without JavaScript. That way, browsers will have the full candy stuff and Google (and text browsers) still can navigation your site.
In addition to SEO, you also need to think about usability standards here. A site that is that reliant on AJAX isn't going to work for things like screen-readers as well as spiders. You need a system for graceful degreadation. A website that can't function without JavaScript isn't really a functioning website.
The search engines will spider the initial page load - what happens to the page (with ajax) after that is irrelevant to listings.
Google itself doesn't crawl ajax content but advice a mechanism for it. For this you first need to change # to #!
Whole process to SEO AJAX content is explained here along with simple code to start working on it.
Imagine having to hit the “refresh” button in your browser to update your Twitter feed rather than just hitting the button on the page itself and having it instantly update? These are the types of problems that AJAX solves, although it does come with its pitfalls. Google might claim it’s able to crawl and parse AJAX websites, yet it’s risky to just take its word for it and leave your website’s organic traffic up to chance. Even though Google can usually index dynamic AJAX content, it’s not always that simple. This guide covers some of the things that can go wrong and how you can make sure your AJAX website is crawlable:
