How to convert an OpenGL ES texture into a CIImage - opengl-es

I know how to do it the other way around. But how can I create a CIImage from a texture, without having to copy into CPU memory? [CIImage imageWithData]? CVOpenGLESTextureCache?

Unfortunately, I don't think there's any way to avoid having to read back pixel data using glReadPixels(). All of the inputs for a CIImage (data, CGImageRef, CVPixelBufferRef) are CPU-side, so I don't see a fast path to deliver that to a CIImage. It looks like your best alternative there would be to use glReadPixels() to pull in the raw RGBA data from your texture and send it into the CIImage using -initWithData:options: and an kCIFormatRGBA8 pixel format. (Update: 3/14/2012) On iOS 5.0, there is now a faster way to grab OpenGL ES frame data, using the new texture caches. I describe this in detail in this answer.
However, there might be another way to achieve what you want. If you simply want to apply filters on a texture for output to the screen, you might be able to use my GPUImage framework to do the processing. It already uses OpenGL ES 2.0 as the core of its rendering pipeline, with textures as the way that frames of images or video are passed from one filter to the next. It's also much faster than Core Image, in my benchmarks.
You can supply your texture as an input here, so that it never has to touch the CPU. I don't have a stock class for grabbing raw textures from OpenGL ES yet, but you can modify the code for one of the existing GPUImageOutput subclasses to use this as a source fairly easily. You can then chain filters on to that, and direct the output to the screen or to a still image. At some point, I'll add a class for this kind of data source, but the project's still fairly new.

As of iOS 6, you can use a built-in init method for this situation:
See the docs:

You might find these helpful:
In general I think the image data will need to be copied from the GPU to the CPU. However the iOS features mentioned above might make this easier and more efficient.


In OpenGL ES what is an "external image"? Why do we need GL_OES_EGL_image_external?

I am reading through spec for external images. It says:
This extension provides a mechanism for creating EGLImage texture targets
from EGLImages. This extension defines a new texture target,
I have done my best but I can't find out what an "external image is". This extension, and many of the related extension specs, reference "EGLImages" and similar things but I can't figure out what they are.
Why do I need this?
Typically to create an image I load a file from disk. I believe that is "external".
This question basically says it is an image not created by the graphics driver but wouldn't mean virtually all images ever created would be EGLImages or "external images"? When using OpenGL I don't remember having to worry about if my image was external or not.
Can somebody explain what an "External" image is, why it is needed (mainly I see this w/r/t OpenGL ES) and why these extensions are needed? Frankly I am not sure what an "EGL Image" is either, or why they make a distinction.
Thank you
This is a late answer.
An external image AKA external texture is typically used to supply frames from an image stream (e.g. camera preview, decoded video) as OpenGL textures. Such frames usually have special color encodings and memory layouts (e.g. multi-plane YUV). The extension mentioned above allows sampling such images as if they were regular OpenGL textures (with a few limitations).

What does CIImageAccumulator do?

The apple documentation states when the CIImageAccumulater can be used, but unfortunately it does not say what it actually does.
The CIImageAccumulator class enables feedback-based image processing for such things as iterative painting operations or fluid dynamics simulations. You use CIImageAccumulator objects in conjunction with other Core Image classes, such as CIFilter, CIImage, CIVector, and CIContext, to take advantage of the built-in Core Image filters when processing images.
I have to fix code that used a CIImageAccumulator. It seems to me that all it is meant to do, despite its name, is to return a CIImage with all CIFilters applied to the image. Adding the first image however darkens the output. That is not what I would expect from an accumulator nor from any other Operator that enables feedback based image processing.
Can anyone answer what logic / algorithm is being used when setting and getting images in and out of the CIImageAccumulator
The biggest advantage of the CIImageAccumulater is that stores its contents between different rendering steps (in contrast to CIFilter or CIImage). This allows you to use the state of a previous rendering step, blend it with something new and store that result again in the accumulator.
Apple's main use case is interactive painting: You retrieve the current image from the accumulator, blend a new stroke the user just painted with a gesture on top of it, and store the resulting image back into the accumulator. Then you display the content of the accumulator. You can read about it here.

How to redraw partially in opengl Es 2.0

As per my need I want to redraw only some part of the scene for each frame instead
of redrawing the entire scene only if some portion of it is updated.
Is there a way to do that in OpenGL ES 2.0?
Please any input on this will be really helpful
OpenGL does not really support incremental rendering. You need to draw the entire frame every time you are asked to redraw.
The closest I can think of is that you render your static data to an offscreen framebuffer, using a FBO (Frame Buffer Object). You should be able to find plenty of examples online and in books if you look for keywords like "OpenGL FBO". You will be using calls like glGenFramebuffers(), glBindFramebuffer(), glFramebufferTexture2D(), etc.
Once you rendered the static content into an FBO, you can copy it to the default framebuffer at the start of each redraw, and then render the dynamic content on top of it. This can be a worthwhile method if rendering the static content is very expensive. Otherwise, doing the copy from FBO to default framebuffer can be more expensive than simply re-rendering the static content each time.
The above is pretty easy if the static content is in the background, and the dynamic content is completely in front of it. If static and dynamic content overlap, it gets trickier. You will then have to restore the depth buffer resulting from rendering the static content each time before starting to render the dynamic content. I can't think of a good way to do that in ES 2.0. The features to do this relatively smoothly (depth textures, glBlitFramebuffer) are only in ES 3.0 and later.
There is one other option that I don't think is very appealing, but I wanted to mention it for completeness sake: EGL defines a EGL_SWAP_BEHAVIOR attribute that can be set to EGL_BUFFER_PRESERVED. One big caveat is that it's optional, and not supported on all devices. It also only preserves the color buffer, and not auxiliary buffers, like the depth buffer. If you want to read up on it anyway, see eglSwapBuffers and eglSurfaceAttrib.

Render CIImage to a specific rect in IOSurface

I'm trying to render a CIImage to a specific location in an IOSurface using [CIContext render:toIOSurface:bounds:colorSpace:] by specifying the bounds argument r as the destination rectangle.
According to the documentation this should work, but CoreImage always render the image to the bottom-left corner of the IOSurface.
It seems to me like a bug in CoreImage.
I can overcome this problem by rendering the image to an intermediate IOSurface with the same size of the CIImage, and then copy the content of the surface to another surface.
However, I would like to avoid the allocation and the copying in the solution.
Any suggestion?
What you want to happen isn't currently possible with that API (which is a huge bummer).
You can however wrap your IOSurface up as a texture (using CGLTexImageIOSurface2D) and then use CIContext's contextWithCGLContext:…, and then finally use drawImage:inRect:fromRect: to do this.
It's a huge hack, but it works (mostly):
Since macOS 10.13 you can use CIRenderDestination and CIContext.startTask(toRender:from:to:at:) to achieve the same result without having to provide an intermediate image.
In my case I used a combination of Metal and Core Image to render only a subpart of the output image as part of my pipeline as follow:
let renderDst = CIRenderDestination(mtlTexture: texture, commandBuffer: commandBuffer)
try! context.startTask(toRender: ciimage,
from: dirtyRect, to: renderDst, at: dirtyRect.origin)
As I'm already synchronizing against the MTLCommandBuffer I didn't need to synchronize against the returned CIRenderTask.
If you want to more details you can check the slides (starting from 83) of Advances in Core Image: Filters, Metal, Vision, and More (WWDC video from 2017).

Setting up OpenGL/Cuda interop in Windows

I am writing a DLL that needs to do some work in Cuda 3.2 and some work in OpenGL. OpenGL will render some grayscale images that my Cuda code needs to read in and modify, and then give back to OpenGL as a texture. I believe I need to create PBOs to do that. I have done some basic OpenGL stuff before but never worked with extensions, and that's where my problem is - I've been searching for 2 days and so far haven't been able to find a working example, despite wading through pages and pages of code. None of the samples I've tried work (and I'm sure my vid card will support it, being a GTX470)
Some specific questions:
1. I installed the nvidia opengl sdk. Should I be using glew.h and wglew.h to access the extensions?
2. My DLL does not have any UI - do I need to create a hidden window or is there an easier way to create an off-screen rendering context?
3. Can I create a grayscale PBO by using GL_RED_8UI format? Will both cuda and gl be happy with that? I read the opengl interop section in the cuda programming manual and it said GL_RGBA_8UI was only usable by pixel shaders because it was an OpenGL 3.0 feature, but I didn't know if that applied to a 1-channel format. 1 channel float would also work for my purposes.
4. I thought this would be fairly easy to do - does it really require hundreds of lines of code?
I have code to create an OpenGL context attached to a HBITMAP. Should I create a bitmap-rendering context and then try to attach a PBO to that? Or will that slow me down by also rendering to CPU memory? Is it better to create an invisible window and attach the PBO to that? Also, does the pixel format of my PBO have to match the window/bitmap? What about the dimensions?
There's actually an example of how to use OpenGL and CUDA together. Look at the SimpleGL example.
You may want to take a look at this example:
