Setting up OpenGL/Cuda interop in Windows - winapi

I am writing a DLL that needs to do some work in Cuda 3.2 and some work in OpenGL. OpenGL will render some grayscale images that my Cuda code needs to read in and modify, and then give back to OpenGL as a texture. I believe I need to create PBOs to do that. I have done some basic OpenGL stuff before but never worked with extensions, and that's where my problem is - I've been searching for 2 days and so far haven't been able to find a working example, despite wading through pages and pages of code. None of the samples I've tried work (and I'm sure my vid card will support it, being a GTX470)
Some specific questions:
1. I installed the nvidia opengl sdk. Should I be using glew.h and wglew.h to access the extensions?
2. My DLL does not have any UI - do I need to create a hidden window or is there an easier way to create an off-screen rendering context?
3. Can I create a grayscale PBO by using GL_RED_8UI format? Will both cuda and gl be happy with that? I read the opengl interop section in the cuda programming manual and it said GL_RGBA_8UI was only usable by pixel shaders because it was an OpenGL 3.0 feature, but I didn't know if that applied to a 1-channel format. 1 channel float would also work for my purposes.
4. I thought this would be fairly easy to do - does it really require hundreds of lines of code?
I have code to create an OpenGL context attached to a HBITMAP. Should I create a bitmap-rendering context and then try to attach a PBO to that? Or will that slow me down by also rendering to CPU memory? Is it better to create an invisible window and attach the PBO to that? Also, does the pixel format of my PBO have to match the window/bitmap? What about the dimensions?

There's actually an example of how to use OpenGL and CUDA together. Look at the SimpleGL example.

You may want to take a look at this example:


In OpenGL ES what is an "external image"? Why do we need GL_OES_EGL_image_external?

I am reading through spec for external images. It says:
This extension provides a mechanism for creating EGLImage texture targets
from EGLImages. This extension defines a new texture target,
I have done my best but I can't find out what an "external image is". This extension, and many of the related extension specs, reference "EGLImages" and similar things but I can't figure out what they are.
Why do I need this?
Typically to create an image I load a file from disk. I believe that is "external".
This question basically says it is an image not created by the graphics driver but wouldn't mean virtually all images ever created would be EGLImages or "external images"? When using OpenGL I don't remember having to worry about if my image was external or not.
Can somebody explain what an "External" image is, why it is needed (mainly I see this w/r/t OpenGL ES) and why these extensions are needed? Frankly I am not sure what an "EGL Image" is either, or why they make a distinction.
Thank you
This is a late answer.
An external image AKA external texture is typically used to supply frames from an image stream (e.g. camera preview, decoded video) as OpenGL textures. Such frames usually have special color encodings and memory layouts (e.g. multi-plane YUV). The extension mentioned above allows sampling such images as if they were regular OpenGL textures (with a few limitations).

Camera texture in Unity with multithreaded rendering

I'm trying to do pretty much what TangoARScreen does but with multithreaded rendering on in Unity. I did some experiments and I'm stuck.
I tried several things, such as letting Tango render into the OES texture that would be then blitted into a regular Texture2D in Unity, but OpenGL keeps complaining about invalid display when I try to use it. Probably not even OnTangoCameraTextureAvailable is called in the correct GL context? Hard to say when you have no idea how Tango Core works internally.
Is registering a YUV texture via TangoService_Experimental_connectTextureIdUnity the way to go? I'd have to deal with YUV2RGB conversion I assume. Or should I use OnTangoImageMultithreadedAvailable and deal with the buffer? Render it with a custom share for instance? The documentation is pretty blank in these areas and every experiment means several wasted days at least. Did anyone get this working? Could you point me in the right direction? All I need is live camera image rendered into Unity's camera background.
Frome the April 2017: Gankino release notes: "The C API now supports getting the latest camera image's timestamp outside a GL thread .... Unity multithreaded rendering support will get added in a future release.". So I guess we need to wait a little bit.
Multithreaded rendering still can be used in applications without camera feed (with motion tracking only), choosing "YUV Texture and Raw Bytes" as overlay method in Tango Application Script.

OpenGL and (the lack of) glBlendFuncSeparate

I need to blend a few image together into a single one, pretty much as what's described here: OpenGL - mask with multiple textures.
I used the solution that is proposed there, but there's an issues with the glBlendFuncSeparate method.
Turns out that this method was introduced in later openGL versions, and according to my gl.h file the version I'm using is 1.
After much searching and reading I realized that this is what I have to work with and that I can't just upgrade my openGL version.
I went ahead and downloaded GLEW.
I added glew.h and glew.c into my VS10 project, defined GLEW_BUILD and now it finally compiles without complaining about glBlendFuncSeparate, but when I run the program it crashes when it tries to call the method, saying Access Violation, I guess that it points to NULL and then crashes when that's being run.
I continued reading and searching on this, and from what I understand, I need to use OpenGl Extensions to make it work.
If what's written in Using OpenGL extensions On Windows is correct then I'm missing something.
Let's say I do everything it says, I "download and install the latest drivers and SDKs for your graphics card" and then compile it, even if it runs on my machine, I see no guarantee that it won't crash on someone else's machine, since they might not have done the same.
I have two questions:
Am I missing something here? this whole process seems way too complicated, and environment dependent.
Is there an alternative for using glBlendFuncSeparate in this kind of a scenario?
You don't need glBlendFuncSeparate(GL_ZERO, GL_ONE, GL_SRC_COLOR, GL_ZERO); to use trick described in OpenGL - mask with multiple textures. Yes, you can't added color directly to alpha channel, like described in previous example, but you can be little tricky.
During writing your mask just disable writting all color channels, except alpha:
glColorMask(false, false, false, true);
and enable multiplying mask's alpha on background alpha-channel:
After writing bitmask, don't forget setup your glColorMask back.
glColorMask(true, true, true, true);
And yes, you need mask with information in alpha channel:
1) It's can be done with GIMP (very simple, but required GIMP knowlege).
2) You can write you own rootine, for pushing color information to alpha channel, before mask texture creation (it's very simple - just few lines of code).
3) Or just use GL_ALPHA "format" attribute in glTexImage2D for mask texture. This flag just writes bitmaps color to texture alpha channel.

Easiest way to import image file to OpenGL ES 2.0 cross platform

I am learning to use OpenGL ES 2.0 by using MoSync to write cross platform C code. I have already managed to draw basic shapes such as a triangle, square and circle so the next stage is to draw some text to the screen. After reading various books, tutorials and forum posts I realise I have to create a texture atlas bitmap.
I have a file with the text I want to use, i.e 0-9 a-z image file. Before I can upload and bind it to a texture object I first need to upload the image to OpenGL. Various tutorials use UIImage or BitmapFactory to upload the image but I cannot use these as MoSync does not contain their header files. Could anyone suggest a way to load my image file to OPenGL?
To use MoSync on the Android platform you are probably going to have to make a native library for MoSync and your OpenGL ES code in C++. Most OpenGL ES projects on Android are done in native code for many reasons which are detailed in this article:
I ended up using maOpenGLTexImage(MAHandle image), which works exactly as glTexImage2D() but it uses an image resource instead and figures out pixel formats etc.

How to save the content of a ID2D1RenderTarget to a file

I have an existing component that draws Direct2D content to an ID2D1RenderTarget and I would like to save that drawing to an image file. The questions here, here and here, although they helped me, did not provide a clear answer as how to do it.
My nullth idea was to try the official MSDN method. Unfortunately, it is not available in Win7.
My first idea was to modify the drawing routine to make it accept the RenderTarget as a parameter and use ID2D1Factory::CreateWicBitmapRenderTarget to draw directly into a IWICBitmap, but it turns out to be quite difficult for me (because it would be necessary to modify not only the drawing routine itself, but also the drawing callbacks of all users of that component (the code, written in Delphi, uses Embarcadero's TDirect2DCanvas, and thus did not need to manage all Direct2D resources, like render target or brushes)).
My second idea was to create an ID2D1Bitmap, fill it with what is already drawn using ID2D1Bitmap::CopyFromRenderTarget and then draw that ID2D1Bitmap to a WicBitmapRenderTarget (this is about what was done here). I had the same kind of problems as those who asked the questions I link to: different resources affinities, as briefly explained Kenny Kerr.
So is it possible under Win7 without having to implement my first idea, and how would you do it?
Direct2D 1.1 is supported on Windows 7 if you install the Platform Update. Unfortunately, that doesn't solve your problem without first creating two more of them: 1) it's still pre-release/beta, and 2) it adds another installation dependency for you to worry about.
