Redis CPU performance on sorted sets - performance

we are running redis and doing hundreds of increments per second of keys in a sorted set, and at the same time doing thousands of reads on the sorted set every second as well.
This seems to be working well but during peak load cpu usage gets pretty high, 80% of a single core. The sorted set itself is a small memory footprint of a few thousand keys.
is the cpu usage increase likely to be due to the hundreds of increments per second or the thousands of reads? understand both impact performance but which has the larger impact?
given this what are some of the best metrics to monitor on my production instance to review these bottlenecks?

One point to check is whether the sorted sets are small enough to be serialized by Redis or not. For instance the "debug object" could be applied on a sample of sorted sets to check if they are encoded as ziplist or not.
ziplist usage trade memory against CPU, especially when the size of the sorted set is close to threshold (zset-max-ziplist-entries, zset-max-ziplist-value, in the configuration file).
Supposing the sorted sets are not ziplist encoded, I would say CPU usage is likely due to the thousands of reads per sec rather than the hundreds of updates per sec. An update of a zset is a log(n) operation. It is very fast, and there is no locking related latency with Redis. A read of the zset items is a O(n) operation, and may result in a large buffer to build and return to the client.
To be sure, you may want to generate the read only traffic, check the CPU, then stop it, generate the update traffic, check the CPU again and compare.
The zset read operations performance should be close to the LRANGE performance you can find in the Redis benchmark. A few thousands of TPS for zsets featuring a thousand of items seem to be in line with typical Redis performance.


Influxdb(single node) scaling to ~200 writes per second

What is the maximum number of points that can be written to influxdb (single node) per second? Is it feasible to scale influxdb without going for the paid cluster? And should I consider elasticsearch instead of influxdb for time series data (~3000 bytes/sec/user) if I am expecting around 60 concurrent users?
Depends on hardware.
Limiting factors are
Cardinality of series in the DB (total unique series)
WAL disk throughput (this could be put on tmpfs if you don't have SSD)
Data disk throughput (use SSD for best results)
RAM (more is better)
CPU for ingestion, indexing and queries
How far a single node can go largely depends on these and on the workload.
For write-heavy workloads of low cardinality, CPU generally tends to run out faster than anything else, assuming SSDs are used and disk I/O has been optimised accordingly.
After that, cardinality is the biggest limiting factor. Schema design plays a huge role, much bigger than number of nodes.
From some benchmarks I have done, a single node easily scales to ~70K series per second, with CPU being the limiting factor. This was on an old version though, likely higher than that now. Again, largely depends on data and schema design.
It is feasible to scale it without paid cluster by adding separate nodes, but not if you want to keep a homogeneous view (single source of all your data). Scaling vertically (more CPU, RAM) works only as long as cardinality remains consistent, meaning more data points for roughly same number of series.
InfluxDB suggest up to 250K writes / second with 25 queries per second on up to 1M unique queries is feasible on a single node. See hardware guidelines.
For the amount of data you have single node is more than enough - size of data does not matter, number of series does. Avoid elasticsearch for time series data - needs much more infrastructure to handle same amount of data.

Cassandra client code with high read throughput with row_cache optimization

Can someone point me to cassandra client code that can achieve a read throughput of at least hundreds of thousands of reads/s if I keep reading the same record (or even a small number of records) over and over? I believe row_cache_size_in_mb is supposed to cache frequently used records in memory, but setting it to say 10MB seems to make no difference.
I tried cassandra-stress of course, but the highest read throughput it achieves with 1KB records (-col size=UNIFORM\(1000..1000\)) is ~15K/s.
With low numbers like above, I can easily write an in-memory hashmap based cache that will give me at least a million reads per second for a small working set size. How do I make cassandra do this automatically for me? Or is it not supposed to achieve performance close to an in-memory map even for a tiny working set size?
Can someone point me to cassandra client code that can achieve a read throughput of at least hundreds of thousands of reads/s if I keep reading the same record (or even a small number of records) over and over?
There are some solution for this scenario
One idea is to use row cache but be careful, any update/delete to a single column will invalidate the whole partition from the cache so you loose all the benefit. Row cache best usage is for small dataset and are frequently read but almost never modified.
Are you sure that your cassandra-stress scenario never update or write to the same partition over and over again ?
Here are my findings: when I enable row_cache, counter_cache, and key_cache all to sizable values, I am able to verify using "top" that cassandra does no disk I/O at all; all three seem necessary to ensure no disk activity. Yet, despite zero disk I/O, the throughput is <20K/s even for reading a single record over and over. This likely confirms (as also alluded to in my comment) that cassandra incurs the cost of serialization and deserialization even if its operations are completely in-memory, i.e., it is not designed to compete with native hashmap performance. So, if you want get native hashmap speeds for a small-working-set workload but expand to disk if the map grows big, you would need to write your own cache on top of cassandra (or any of the other key-value stores like mongo, redis, etc. for that matter).
For those interested, I also verified that redis is the fastest among cassandra, mongo, and redis for a simple get/put small-working-set workload, but even redis gets at best ~35K/s read throughput (largely independent, by design, of the request size), which hardly comes anywhere close to native hashmap performance that simply returns pointers and can do so comfortably at over 2 million/s.

MongoDB insert performance with 2nd index

I'm trying to insert about 250 million documents that are each roughly 400 bytes into MongoDB 3.0 with WiredTiger. I need to search on only one short string key, _user_lower. Although I'm using WiredTiger now, which is much better than MMAPv1, I did use MMAPv1 first and had similar issues.
My server (a very cheap VPS) has:
250 GB magnetic disk
2 GB Swap
2.1 GHz single-core CPU
I know that this machine is really slow, and I'm asking it to do something a bit unrealistic. But I'm confused about how it started so fast with one index, and the second just ruined the performance:
I inserted all the data that I had at the time (about 250M rows) without any index except on _id. This performed very well, considering my awful hardware:
Approximately 5000 inserts per second (totally acceptable)
This rate was nearly constant for the 14 hours hours it took to complete
The index size on _id once complete was nearly 2.5GB. Note that this is more than double my physical RAM.
The RES of the process didn't exceed 450 MB according to mongostat.
No swapping
top seemed to indicate that CPU time wasn't all being spent waiting for the disk (so a significant amount was spent in userspace, presumably with WiredTiger in the snappy code)
Then I built a (non-unique) index on the only field I need to query by, _user_lower. This took 7.7 hours, which is fine since that's a one-time deal. The index ended up being 1.6 GB, which seems really low to me when compared to the _id index. The RES went up to about 750 MB.
Then, I downloaded a new data set to load. It was only 102 MB (238 K documents). I loaded it in the same way, using mongoimport, but this time:
Only 80 inserts per second (slower at times)
RES stayed at around 750 MB
top says almost 100% of the CPU was spent waiting for IO
Of course, load went through the roof.
I could understand a sizable performance hit, since that index has to be updated. But I didn't expect this much. I've read all over the place that my indexes should fit in RAM, but the performance was great during the initial insert, where the index quickly outgrew my memory.
Can I optimize the _user_index index at all? I don't know what this would even mean, but maybe only index the first few characters? I'm definitely willing to halve the query performance in exchange for tripling the insert performance.
What accounts for the massive performance hit? How do I fix it without new hardware? I'm not really attached to MongoDB, so alternatives that don't have these performance characteristics are fine. I have an idea that just uses flat files which would probably work but I don't want to write all that code.
When adding new items to a collection, the database will have to keep the index up-to-date. Since the index in MongoDB is a B-Tree by default, that means it will have to insert an item in the tree. While that isn't a particularly expensive operation in the best case, it comes with two potential performance problems:
performance jitter: from time to time, the B-Tree bucket might be full, requiring a bucket split and hence a lot more operations than the 'simple' insert
the insert destination must be readily available
In this case, the latter is likely to cause trouble: because the insertion of a name hits a random node in the tree (i.e, the name insertion doesn't follow a pattern) and your RAM is smaller than the index, chances are high that the destination must be fetched from disk. Unfortunately, the performance of disk seeks is orders of magnitude lower than main memory references. If you're unlucky, the first ref location requires another disk seek such that for a single insert multiple disk reads are required before MongoDB can even begin writing. That can take hundreds of milliseconds, with spinning disks or some contention on typical IaaS infrastructure even seconds.
Because ObjectIds are generated monotonically (the timestamp is the most significant part), the insertion always happens at the end and it is possible to keep the destination largely in RAM. Performance jitter, i.e. problem 1 might still be an issue since a bucket split might require a disk seek, but it happens so rarely compared to the first case that it doesn't wreck average performance, which should explain the observed behavior.
Also, when the bucket is filled by a monotonically increasing value, MongoDB will split the bucket when it is 90% filled; with random insertion, splits will happen a lot earlier, at 50%, so the tree is a little more 'dense' in that case.

How much load can cassandra handle on m1.xlarge instance?

I setup 3 nodes of Cassandra (1.2.10) cluster on 3 instances of EC2 m1.xlarge.
Based on default configuration with several guidelines included, like:
not using EBS, raided 0 xfs on ephemerals instead,
commit logs on separate disk,
6GB heap, 200MB new size (also tested with greater new size/heap values),
enhanced limits.conf.
With 500 writes per second, the cluster works only for couple of hours. After that time it seems like not being able to respond because of CPU overload (mainly GC + compactions).
Nodes remain Up, but their load is huge and logs are full of GC infos and messages like:
ERROR [Native-Transport-Requests:186] 2013-12-10 18:38:12,412 (line 210) Unexpected exception during request Broken pipe
nodetool shows many dropped mutations on each node:
Message type Dropped
MUTATION 4072827
Is 500 wps too much for 3-node cluster of m1.xlarge and I should add nodes? Or is it possible to further tune GC somehow? What load are you able to serve with 3 nodes of m1.xlarge? What are your GC configs?
Cassandra is perfectly able to handle tens of thousands small writes per second on a single node. I just checked on my laptop and got about 29000 writes/second from cassandra-stress on Cassandra 1.2. So 500 writes per second is not really an impressive number even for a single node.
However beware that there is also a limit on how fast data can be flushed to disk and you definitely don't want your incoming data rate to be close to the physical capabilities of your HDDs. Therefore 500 writes per second can be too much, if those writes are big enough.
So first - what is the average size of the write? What is your replication factor? Multiply number of writes by replication factor and by average write size - then you'll approximately know what is required write throughput of a cluster. But you should take some safety margin for other I/O related tasks like compaction. There are various benchmarks on the Internet telling a single m1.xlarge instance should be able to write anywhere between 20 MB/s to 100 MB/s...
If your cluster has sufficient I/O throughput (e.g. 3x more than needed), yet you observe OOM problems, you should try to:
reduce memtable_total_space_mb (this will cause C* to flush smaller memtables, more often, freeing heap earlier)
lower write_request_timeout to e.g. 2 seconds instead of 10 (if you have big writes, you don't want to keep too many of them in the incoming queues, which reside on the heap)
turn off row_cache (if you ever enabled it)
lower size of the key_cache
consider upgrading to Cassandra 2.0, which moved quite a lot of things off-heap (e.g. bloom filters and index-summaries); this is especially important if you just store lots of data per node
add more HDDs and set multiple data directories, to improve flush performance
set larger new generation size; I usually set it to about 800M for a 6 GB heap, to avoid pressure on the tenured gen.
if you're sure memtable flushing lags behind, make sure sstable compression is enabled - this will reduce amount of data physically saved to disk, at the cost of additional CPU cycles

Configuring redis to consistently evict older data first

I'm storing a bunch of realtime data in redis. I'm setting a TTL of 14400 seconds (4 hours) on all of the keys. I've set maxmemory to 10G, which currently is not enough space to fit 4 hours of data in memory, and I'm not using virtual memory, so redis is evicting data before it expires.
I'm okay with redis evicting the data, but I would like it to evict the oldest data first. So even if I don't have a full 4 hours of data, at least I can have some range of data (3 hours, 2 hours, etc) with no gaps in it. I tried to accomplish this by setting maxmemory-policy=volatile-ttl, thinking that the oldest keys would be evicted first since they all have the same TTL, but it's not working that way. It appears that redis is evicting data somewhat arbitrarily, so I end up with gaps in my data. For example, today the data from 2012-01-25T13:00 was evicted before the data from 2012-01-25T12:00.
Is it possible to configure redis to consistently evict the older data first?
Here are the relevant lines from my redis.cnf file. Let me know if you want to see any more of the cofiguration:
maxmemory 10gb
maxmemory-policy volatile-ttl
vm-enabled no
AFAIK, it is not possible to configure Redis to consistently evict the older data first.
When the *-ttl or *-lru options are chosen in maxmemory-policy, Redis does not use an exact algorithm to pick the keys to be removed. An exact algorithm would require an extra list (for *-lru) or an extra heap (for *-ttl) in memory, and cross-reference it with the normal Redis dictionary data structure. It would be expensive in term of memory consumption.
With the current mechanism, evictions occur in the main event loop (i.e. potential evictions are checked at each loop iteration before each command is executed). Until memory is back under the maxmemory limit, Redis randomly picks a sample of n keys, and selects for expiration the most idle one (for *-lru) or the one which is the closest to its expiration limit (for *-ttl). By default only 3 samples are considered. The result is non deterministic.
One way to increase the accuracy of this algorithm and mitigate the problem is to increase the number of considered samples (maxmemory-samples parameter in the configuration file).
Do not set it too high, since it will consume some CPU. It is a tradeoff between eviction accuracy and CPU consumption.
Now if you really require a consistent behavior, one solution is to implement your own eviction mechanism on top of Redis. For instance, you could add a list (for non updatable keys) or a sorted set (for updatable keys) in order to track the keys that should be evicted first. Then, you add a daemon whose purpose is to periodically check (using INFO) the memory consumption and query the items of the list/sorted set to remove the relevant keys.
Please note other caching systems have their own way to deal with this problem. For instance with memcached, there is one LRU structure per slab (which depends on the object size), so the eviction order is also not accurate (although more deterministic than with Redis in practice).
