MongoDB insert performance with 2nd index - performance

I'm trying to insert about 250 million documents that are each roughly 400 bytes into MongoDB 3.0 with WiredTiger. I need to search on only one short string key, _user_lower. Although I'm using WiredTiger now, which is much better than MMAPv1, I did use MMAPv1 first and had similar issues.
My server (a very cheap VPS) has:
250 GB magnetic disk
2 GB Swap
2.1 GHz single-core CPU
I know that this machine is really slow, and I'm asking it to do something a bit unrealistic. But I'm confused about how it started so fast with one index, and the second just ruined the performance:
I inserted all the data that I had at the time (about 250M rows) without any index except on _id. This performed very well, considering my awful hardware:
Approximately 5000 inserts per second (totally acceptable)
This rate was nearly constant for the 14 hours hours it took to complete
The index size on _id once complete was nearly 2.5GB. Note that this is more than double my physical RAM.
The RES of the process didn't exceed 450 MB according to mongostat.
No swapping
top seemed to indicate that CPU time wasn't all being spent waiting for the disk (so a significant amount was spent in userspace, presumably with WiredTiger in the snappy code)
Then I built a (non-unique) index on the only field I need to query by, _user_lower. This took 7.7 hours, which is fine since that's a one-time deal. The index ended up being 1.6 GB, which seems really low to me when compared to the _id index. The RES went up to about 750 MB.
Then, I downloaded a new data set to load. It was only 102 MB (238 K documents). I loaded it in the same way, using mongoimport, but this time:
Only 80 inserts per second (slower at times)
RES stayed at around 750 MB
top says almost 100% of the CPU was spent waiting for IO
Of course, load went through the roof.
I could understand a sizable performance hit, since that index has to be updated. But I didn't expect this much. I've read all over the place that my indexes should fit in RAM, but the performance was great during the initial insert, where the index quickly outgrew my memory.
Can I optimize the _user_index index at all? I don't know what this would even mean, but maybe only index the first few characters? I'm definitely willing to halve the query performance in exchange for tripling the insert performance.
What accounts for the massive performance hit? How do I fix it without new hardware? I'm not really attached to MongoDB, so alternatives that don't have these performance characteristics are fine. I have an idea that just uses flat files which would probably work but I don't want to write all that code.

When adding new items to a collection, the database will have to keep the index up-to-date. Since the index in MongoDB is a B-Tree by default, that means it will have to insert an item in the tree. While that isn't a particularly expensive operation in the best case, it comes with two potential performance problems:
performance jitter: from time to time, the B-Tree bucket might be full, requiring a bucket split and hence a lot more operations than the 'simple' insert
the insert destination must be readily available
In this case, the latter is likely to cause trouble: because the insertion of a name hits a random node in the tree (i.e, the name insertion doesn't follow a pattern) and your RAM is smaller than the index, chances are high that the destination must be fetched from disk. Unfortunately, the performance of disk seeks is orders of magnitude lower than main memory references. If you're unlucky, the first ref location requires another disk seek such that for a single insert multiple disk reads are required before MongoDB can even begin writing. That can take hundreds of milliseconds, with spinning disks or some contention on typical IaaS infrastructure even seconds.
Because ObjectIds are generated monotonically (the timestamp is the most significant part), the insertion always happens at the end and it is possible to keep the destination largely in RAM. Performance jitter, i.e. problem 1 might still be an issue since a bucket split might require a disk seek, but it happens so rarely compared to the first case that it doesn't wreck average performance, which should explain the observed behavior.
Also, when the bucket is filled by a monotonically increasing value, MongoDB will split the bucket when it is 90% filled; with random insertion, splits will happen a lot earlier, at 50%, so the tree is a little more 'dense' in that case.


How to determine what causes ES's query API instability

Normally, my ES query API takes less than 1s.But sometimes these queries get slow.
cluster consists of three 32G machines (16G allocated to ES).The index consists of 20 primaries and 1 replica, 303,000,000 dos count and 500gb primaries storage size and 1tb storage size.
Here's kibana's monitoring data:
Personally, I think it's the result of GC. I want to add machines.But I need to find a reason to convince my leader.
Yes it could be a GC problem. But can you be more specific? What do you mean by slow?
Anyway it seems the allocated heap is way too large for your needs. You have a collection when the heap is at 12Go ( 75% of 16go ) and it goes back to 5go every time. Its generate huge garbage collection.
You should try to lower the heap to like 10Go and check the impact on performance GC count and GC duration.
I recommands you too read this article especially the "Together We Can Prevent Forest Fires" part.

Influxdb(single node) scaling to ~200 writes per second

What is the maximum number of points that can be written to influxdb (single node) per second? Is it feasible to scale influxdb without going for the paid cluster? And should I consider elasticsearch instead of influxdb for time series data (~3000 bytes/sec/user) if I am expecting around 60 concurrent users?
Depends on hardware.
Limiting factors are
Cardinality of series in the DB (total unique series)
WAL disk throughput (this could be put on tmpfs if you don't have SSD)
Data disk throughput (use SSD for best results)
RAM (more is better)
CPU for ingestion, indexing and queries
How far a single node can go largely depends on these and on the workload.
For write-heavy workloads of low cardinality, CPU generally tends to run out faster than anything else, assuming SSDs are used and disk I/O has been optimised accordingly.
After that, cardinality is the biggest limiting factor. Schema design plays a huge role, much bigger than number of nodes.
From some benchmarks I have done, a single node easily scales to ~70K series per second, with CPU being the limiting factor. This was on an old version though, likely higher than that now. Again, largely depends on data and schema design.
It is feasible to scale it without paid cluster by adding separate nodes, but not if you want to keep a homogeneous view (single source of all your data). Scaling vertically (more CPU, RAM) works only as long as cardinality remains consistent, meaning more data points for roughly same number of series.
InfluxDB suggest up to 250K writes / second with 25 queries per second on up to 1M unique queries is feasible on a single node. See hardware guidelines.
For the amount of data you have single node is more than enough - size of data does not matter, number of series does. Avoid elasticsearch for time series data - needs much more infrastructure to handle same amount of data.

What is the ideal bulk size formula in ElasticSearch?

I believe there should be a formula to calculate bulk indexing size in ElasticSearch. Probably followings are the variables of such a formula.
Number of nodes
Number of shards/index
Document size
Disk write speed
LAN speed
I wonder If anyone know or use a mathematical formula. If not, how people decide their bulk size? By trial and error?
Read ES bulk API doc carefully:
Try with 1 KiB, try with 20 KiB, then with 10 KiB, ... dichotomy
Use bulk size in KiB (or equivalent), not document count !
Send data in bulk (no streaming), pass redundant info API url if you can
Remove superfluous whitespace in your data if possible
Disable search index updates, activate it back later
Round-robin across all your data nodes
There is no golden rule for this. Extracted from the doc:
There is no “correct” number of actions to perform in a single bulk call. You should experiment with different settings to find the optimum size for your particular workload.
I derived this information from the Java API's BulkProcessor class. It defaults to 1000 actions or 5MB, it also allows you to set a flush interval but this is not set by default. I'm just using the default settings.
I'd suggest using BulkProcessor if you are using the Java API.
I was searching about it and i found your question :)
i found this in elastic documentation
.. so i will investigate the size of my documents.
It is often useful to keep an eye on the physical size of your bulk requests. One thousand 1KB documents is very different from one thousand 1MB documents. A good bulk size to start playing with is around 5-15MB in size
In my case, I could not get more than 100,000 records to insert at a time. Started with 13 million, down to 500,000 and after no success, started on the other side, 1,000, then 10,000 then 100,000, my max.
I haven't found a better way than trial and error (i.e. the traditional engineering process), as there are many factors beyond hardware influencing indexing speed: the structure/complexity of your index (complex mappings, filters or analyzers), data types, whether your workload is I/O or CPU bound, and so on.
In any case, to demonstrate how variable it can be, I can share my experience, as it seems different from most posted here:
Elastic 5.6 with 10GB heap running on a single vServer with 16GB RAM, 4 vCPU and an SSD that averages 150 MB/s while searching.
I can successfully index documents of wildly varying sizes via the http bulk api (curl) using a batch size of 10k documents (20k lines, file sizes between 25MB and 79MB), each batch taking ~90 seconds. index.refresh_interval is set to -1 during indexing, but that's about the only "tuning" I did, all other configurations are the default. I guess this is mostly due to the fact that the index itself is not too complex.
The vServer is at about 50% CPU, SSD averaging at 40 MB/s and 4GB RAM free, so I could probably make it faster by sending two files in parallel (I've tried simply increasing the batch size by 50% but started getting errors), but after that point it probably makes more sense to consider a different API or simply spreading the load over a cluster.
Actually, there is no clear way of finding out the exact upper limit for the bulk update. An important factor to consider in the bulk update is request data volume not only the no. of documents
An excerpt from link
How Big Is Too Big?
      The entire bulk request needs to be loaded into memory by the node that receives our request, so the bigger the request, the less memory available for other requests. There is an optimal size of bulk request. Above that size, performance no longer improves and may even drop off. The optimal size, however, is not a fixed number. It depends entirely on your hardware, your document size and complexity, and your indexing and search load.
      Fortunately, it is easy to find this sweet spot: Try indexing typical documents in batches of increasing size. When performance starts to drop off, your batch size is too big. A good place to start is with batches of 1,000 to 5,000 documents or, if your documents are very large, with even smaller batches.
      It is often useful to keep an eye on the physical size of your bulk requests. One thousand 1KB documents is very different from one thousand 1MB documents. A good bulk size to start playing with is around 5-15MB in size.
Actually I'm facing some problems related to bulk API. There is one parameter that impact the bulk api. It's the number of index inside a bulk request.

Index linear growth - Performance degradation

We have 4 shards with 14GB index on each of them
Each shard has a master and 3 slaves (each of them with 32GB RAM)
We're expecting that the index size will grow to double or triple in near future.
So we thought of merging our indexes to 28GB index so that each shard has 28GB index and also increased our RAM on each slave to 48GB.
We made this changes locally and tested the server by sending same 10K realistic queries to each server with 14GB & 28GB index, we found that
For server with 14GB index (48GB RAM): search time was 480ms, number of index hits: 3.8G
For server with 28GB index (48GB RAM): search time was 900ms, number of index hits: 7.2G
So we saw that having the whole index in RAM doesn't help in sustaining the performance in terms of search time. Search time increased linearly to double when the index size was doubled.
We were thinking of keeping only 4 shards configuration but it looks like now we have to add another shard or another slave to each shard.
Is there any other way that we can configure our servers so that the performance isn't affected even when index size doubles or triples?
I'd hate to say it depends, but it... depends.
The total size of your index on each is 14GB, which basically doesn't mean much of anything to SOLR. To get a real feel for performance what is the uniqueness of the terms indexed? An index of 14GB worth of data with the single word "cat" in it over and over again will be really quick.
Also have you confirmed you need the following features, disabling them can boost performance large amounts:
Stored Fields
Do you need stored fields? Removing this can greatly increase performance (you can safely have an entire index without any stored fields and rely completely on facets, pivots, and other features in solr to drive a UX).
You can, in some instances, set this flag to false to reduce memory in general and increase performance.
Can be turned off, reduced memory in general and increase in performance.
Optimize Core/Index (Segment Count)
Index optimization is important when dealing with larger index sizes. Ensure each core is optimized and that when you look at the core it says the segment count is = 1. What I found is that this play a more important role as you increase the index size (this plays into OS level file caching and the fact it's easier to read one large file, rather than multiple small files) And yes, that does say 171 million+ documents.
Term Index Interval/Frequency
Configuration of term index interval may be required (by default 256) if you have a field or multiple fields that contain very unique values (for example GUID/UUIDs or unique IDs in general). Typically, the lower the TIF the more memory you need, the higher the TIF the less memory you need but the more disk seeks you may have.
Allocation of too much Ram
Solr works best with a good split between OS level disk cache and RAM used when faceting, you'd be surprised that you could actually get better performance by tweaking other parameters which lower required ram usage and free up resources for disk.

Redis CPU performance on sorted sets

we are running redis and doing hundreds of increments per second of keys in a sorted set, and at the same time doing thousands of reads on the sorted set every second as well.
This seems to be working well but during peak load cpu usage gets pretty high, 80% of a single core. The sorted set itself is a small memory footprint of a few thousand keys.
is the cpu usage increase likely to be due to the hundreds of increments per second or the thousands of reads? understand both impact performance but which has the larger impact?
given this what are some of the best metrics to monitor on my production instance to review these bottlenecks?
One point to check is whether the sorted sets are small enough to be serialized by Redis or not. For instance the "debug object" could be applied on a sample of sorted sets to check if they are encoded as ziplist or not.
ziplist usage trade memory against CPU, especially when the size of the sorted set is close to threshold (zset-max-ziplist-entries, zset-max-ziplist-value, in the configuration file).
Supposing the sorted sets are not ziplist encoded, I would say CPU usage is likely due to the thousands of reads per sec rather than the hundreds of updates per sec. An update of a zset is a log(n) operation. It is very fast, and there is no locking related latency with Redis. A read of the zset items is a O(n) operation, and may result in a large buffer to build and return to the client.
To be sure, you may want to generate the read only traffic, check the CPU, then stop it, generate the update traffic, check the CPU again and compare.
The zset read operations performance should be close to the LRANGE performance you can find in the Redis benchmark. A few thousands of TPS for zsets featuring a thousand of items seem to be in line with typical Redis performance.
