How to set size of UITableView inside Interface Builder? - xcode

Is it possible to change the frame of UITableViewController's UITableView frame inside Interface Builder? I want to make my table, which I instantiate in IB, a little bit narrower.

When you have create your tableViewController in IB, if you then go to the section on the right of the screen where all the options are set size to "freeform" then drag it to whatever you like. When you init it it will then get this frame. Unless it is within a container controller.
The best way to do what you are after is to create a viewController and add a table view to its view. Make the table view narrower that the main controller view and wire it up to an IBOutlet on your controller. If you then make your controller implement the and methods you will be able to use your table view exactly as you want to.
Hope this is of help to you, if this is unclear or you would like any extra help, let me know :)

You can change it in IB but unless you customize your view controller somehow, it will set it be full screen (module enclosing controllers like nav, tab bar, split view, etc.) That's just the way view controllers work.
From the Apple docs:
When a view controller is displayed on screen, its root view is
typically resized to fit the available space, which can vary depending
on the window’s current orientation and the presence of other
interface elements such as the status bar.
You can create another UIView to hold your table view and then have more control over the table view sizing, But then you won't be a table view controller and will have to implement some of the things that table view controller provides you, e.g., deselectRowAtIndexPath on viewDidAppear.


Draw manual segue to myself

I have a view controller contains a table view that displays list of items. Each item could contains list of items (or could be a leaf).
To drilldow the list items, I would like to create a show/push segue, kinda in recursively way, but I seem not able to draw the manual segue to the view controller itself?
Is it supported?
I was playing around with it just after leaving that first comment - I don't think you can have a manual segue to the same view controller!
The best thing to do would be to give that view controller a storyboard identifier (e.g Selection and then create an instance of that view controller with (in Swift):
let subCategoryVC = storyboard.instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier("Selection") as! SelectionViewController
or in Objective-C:
SelectionViewController *subCategoryVC = (SelectionViewController *) [self.storyboard instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier:#"Selection"];
(Docs for UIStoryboard.instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier:)
You could put that in your table view section method along with a manual segue to the leaf view controller.
(The code above assumes the view controller with the table view is called SelectionViewController!)
As Rich mentioned, this is probably not doable as for today. There are two workaround/solutions I can think of:
Instaniate the vc programatically from storyboard and programatically
use navigationController to push it. (I think this is what Rich was
talking about.)
Embed the View Controller in another Navigation Controller and draw
the manual segue to the Navigation Controller.
I choose the 2nd one just because it is very easy and more visual in storyboard. The first one should just work, too.

iOS 8 Share Extension custom view controller size

I'm building a share extension for my iOS app and I can't use the default SLComposeServiceViewController, so I created (in the storyboard) a basic UIViewController and embedded in a navigation controller. I get to present it, dismiss it etc but it's always full screen. I would like to make it look more like a dialog.
I have tried using self.preferredContentSize on my view controller, tried Use Preferred Explicit Size on the navigation controller in Interface Builder, but it doesn't work.
This can be done easily and directly using the storyboard but is not immediately obvious. There is no need for multiple view controllers.
Create your own view controller class inheriting from UIViewController.
In the MainInterface.storyboard change the class of the view controller to your new class
In the storyboard you can simply draw your UI - but here is the trick. You need to understand that the storyboard view will fill the screen and by default the view has already been created with a clear background. You simply need to create a view inside of the main view. You can set auto layout constraints to size this view and position it (e.g. centered horizontally and vertically). You can also use size classes to cause this inner view to fill the screen on compact layouts. Connect the controls from the inner view to your view controller in the usual way by control-dragging
In you custom view controller you can refer to self.extensionContext to read and complete the share action. Refer to the code in the template ShareViewExtension
Ok I spent a long time trying to figure this out. For whatever reason you can't set the view size like you can with the action extension. It will always go full screen (even on iPad). So a way around this is to make multiple view controllers. Make the first view controller hidden so the user doesn't notice that there is a full screen view controller present (And yes, in a share extension the first hidden view controller actually hides completely so the user doesn't even know it was presented). Then present your actual view controller using the hidden view controller. This way you can present it any way you like and set the size etc.
In my case I actually made my hidden view controller have a UIEffectView so I can have a nice blur animation in the background and then present my actual view controller over it.
Here is a picture:

Create tables with mixed content

I must create a table with five rows. The first row contains a label and switch button, the remaining 4 rows contain simply a label.
This table has not to be modified.
Then, I used a storyboard to design table as specified above; now, I need a function to manage user's pressure on any row. Anyway, if I associate an UITableViewController class to my storyboard and run simulator, the table appears empty, because the methods of controller to fill rows have not been implemented. But I don't want to implement them, since my table has already been designed through the storyboard.
How can I design a controller simply managing my storyboard as it is, without defining functions trying to modify the structure I designed, but allowing to handle user's interactions as well?
If I loaded my storyboard into an UITableViewController through the use of function instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier, would I have my table as I designed it, giving labels/table/button an identifier? How could I manage user's interaction in this case? how could I access the table and its field/row numbers?
Alternatively, how could I create my table programmatically, with a label and a button on first row?
If you need to easily use the standard switch cells, label cells, and other standard UI cells, then I'd strongly recommend you check out the free Sensible TableView framework. Should save you a ton of time.
The tableview you designed with storyboard has a custom class, it's your view controller. Even you've finished the design of your tableview with storyboard, you still have to implement the delegate & datasource methods in your view controller. In your case, you need to implement "tableView:numberOfRowsInSection" to return 5, and "tableView:heightForRowAtIndexPath" if your custom cells have different height.
You should create custom tableview cells to manage user's interaction. Design the cells in storyboard, implement the logic in your custom UITableViewCell classes. Set the cell's custom class to your custom UITableViewCell classes. Pass users' interaction events to your UITableViewController with delegate.
Create UITableView programmatically is not very different. Create an UITableView and add it as subview. Make sure you set self as the delegate and datasource of the tableview. Implement all the delegate & datasource methods in your ViewController. Create a custom UITableViewCell with button and label programmatically, and return it in "tableView:cellForRowAtIndexPath" when "indexPath.row == 0"

Autolayout with TableViewController

I have my DetailViewController that I originally based on a UIViewController. The view uses Table View with static cells, but xcode then started to complain that I should use UITableViewController as a base class for the view. So I changed my view to be subclass of UITableViewController and wired everything again. There is a Date Picker in the bottom and when I start to use Autolayout to set constrains, xcode does not allow me to manage these under TVC. My setup works fine under ViewController.
Are there any limitations with Autolayout under TableViewController? I can also see that Table View always fills up whole view under TVC and does not allow uder subviews to exist on the same level.
Many thanks!
Only the UITableViewController can use static cells defined in the storyboard. However, it can only really show a table view, not other views as well - it's view property is the table view, which you can't just add new subviews to.
The solution is to use a table view controller to hold and manage the table, and to make this a child view controller of your main controller. This is trivial to achieve in storyboards using a container view and embed . The table view is then a subview of your main view controller's view, and you can add additional views such as the picker just as you were before.

NSView high-level overview?

I am trying to create a custom view and load it into a window.
In the end, I know there will be a few steps to follow, reflecting the key relationships that I am missing. I am hoping someone can explain, in a series of steps, how one creates a view object, view controller, associated .xib, and then loads it into a window (after clearing the current view).
And I mean the real nitty gritty of where to declare and initialize, what needs to be imported, everything. Because I am looking through every book I have and it is just not clear to my puny brain.
how one creates a view object, view controller, associated .xib, and then loads it into a window …
These are several things, and some of them conflict.
If you create a view in code, you don't need to (and shouldn't) also create it in a nib, and vice versa.
If you create a view controller to load the nib, you will be creating the view in a nib, so you definitely should not create the same view in code.
You do not need to create a view controller for most views. It is more common to have each controller own the entirety of exactly one window. The only time you need view controllers is when you manage a complex view hierarchy in a single window (most likely if you make your application single-window).
… (after clearing the current view).
There is no “current view” in Cocoa. You can have multiple windows, and each has a deep view hierarchy that you usually don't edit at run time. Swapping one view for another outside of some sort of tabbed UI is very unusual.
Creating a view object in code
Send the desired view class an alloc message and the returned view an initWithFrame: message (unless otherwise prescribed by the class's documentation). You will, of course, need to release or autorelease this view.
Creating a view object in a nib
Giving it its own nib (especially for view controllers)
Use the view-nib template in IB (New) or Xcode (Add File). If you create it in Xcode, don't forget to get info on it and make it localizable. If you create it in IB, you should save it into one of your .lproj folders; then it will already be localizable.
A nib created from those templates will contain one empty NSView. You can change its class and/or add subviews as described below.
Making it in an existing nib
Drag “Custom View” from the Library palette into the nib window, then set the view's class on the ⌘6 inspector.
You only do this for the top-level view in the nib. For its subviews, see below.
Putting the view into a window's view hierarchy
If the view should be the root of the window's view hierarchy (the window's content view)
Set the window's content view.
In IB, you can't change the window's content view. Instead, you change things about it—its class, subviews, etc. There is no reason to try to replace the window's content view with another view in IB.
If the view should be a subview of an existing view
The way to do this in code is to send the superview an addSubview: message.
If both views are in the same nib, create the subview and add it to the superview in the same act. Drag “Custom View” from the Library into the superview, not the nib window, then set the subview's class on the ⌘6 inspector.
(If you're customizing one of the standard Apple views, rather than making a completely original custom view, drag the standard Apple view you based yours on from the Library, then change its class to your customized subclass.)
