Create tables with mixed content - xcode

I must create a table with five rows. The first row contains a label and switch button, the remaining 4 rows contain simply a label.
This table has not to be modified.
Then, I used a storyboard to design table as specified above; now, I need a function to manage user's pressure on any row. Anyway, if I associate an UITableViewController class to my storyboard and run simulator, the table appears empty, because the methods of controller to fill rows have not been implemented. But I don't want to implement them, since my table has already been designed through the storyboard.
How can I design a controller simply managing my storyboard as it is, without defining functions trying to modify the structure I designed, but allowing to handle user's interactions as well?
If I loaded my storyboard into an UITableViewController through the use of function instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier, would I have my table as I designed it, giving labels/table/button an identifier? How could I manage user's interaction in this case? how could I access the table and its field/row numbers?
Alternatively, how could I create my table programmatically, with a label and a button on first row?

If you need to easily use the standard switch cells, label cells, and other standard UI cells, then I'd strongly recommend you check out the free Sensible TableView framework. Should save you a ton of time.

The tableview you designed with storyboard has a custom class, it's your view controller. Even you've finished the design of your tableview with storyboard, you still have to implement the delegate & datasource methods in your view controller. In your case, you need to implement "tableView:numberOfRowsInSection" to return 5, and "tableView:heightForRowAtIndexPath" if your custom cells have different height.
You should create custom tableview cells to manage user's interaction. Design the cells in storyboard, implement the logic in your custom UITableViewCell classes. Set the cell's custom class to your custom UITableViewCell classes. Pass users' interaction events to your UITableViewController with delegate.
Create UITableView programmatically is not very different. Create an UITableView and add it as subview. Make sure you set self as the delegate and datasource of the tableview. Implement all the delegate & datasource methods in your ViewController. Create a custom UITableViewCell with button and label programmatically, and return it in "tableView:cellForRowAtIndexPath" when "indexPath.row == 0"


Designing UICollectionView cells in nib with Interface Builder (without storyboard)

I am trying to design a custom UICollectionViewCell prototype (in Xcode 5.0.2), however Interface Builder doesn't let me add a cell to my UICollectionView while designing a nib. I can set the number of items (cells) and Interface Builder creates and displays cells perfectly if I'm using storyboard, but I can't add a cell to my collection view in a nib. I've tried:
Drag and dropping collection view cell into collection view manually from the object library. (fails: doesn't let me drop the cell anywhere in my view)
Creating my collection view with cells in storyboard and copy-pasting the whole view into nib. (fails: collection view is copied but the cell is gone)
Creating my collection view with cells in storyboard, opening the storyboard as source code, finding my collection view cells, copying the relevant XML, opening my nib as source code, pasting it inside my collection view in XML. (fails: unable to open the nib in Interface Builder, it gives errors. When I remove the cell from source code, it opens again. Do not try this if you don't know what you are doing.)
I've also seen several questions about the same issue:
Is it possible to create prototype cells in Interface Builder without story boards?
Custom Header in UICollectionView with Interface Builder without Storyboard
Prototype Cells in a nib instead of a storyboard
They all point out to doing them programatically and/or using another nib for the cell. I know how to do them, but is there any way to design the collection view cell, inside a collection view inside the same view in a nib, just as in storyboard? Why doesn't Interface Builder let me do that in nib where it allows (and even encourages) perfectly using storyboard?
The simple answer is no, this cannot be done. Think of a storyboard as a collection of XIBs. A XIB simply defines the facets of a particular view so that it can be constructed at runtime.
Regarding collection views and their storyboard implementations, it's important to understand that a storyboard allows for nesting of viewcontrollers and defining collection views with their XIBs because that keeps the fundamental paradigm of storyboards coherent. Since a storyboard is the means of defining the "story" or scene of an application it is only natural that it allows for the declaration of the reusable views for use inside a collection view.
The same cannot be said for XIBs because the fundamental idea behind XIBs is in reusability. This will allow a collection view defined in a XIB to have any cells used with it as long as the controller registers these classes with the collection view. This way you get the benefit of reusability as another controller can use the same XIB and register different cells etc.
So I think it would be far more confusing to allow for the declaration of the supported cells of a collection view inside a XIB since that breaks the single responsibility principle(if it can be called that) that XIBs aspire to.
Your best solution would be to define a custom collection view subclass that registers the relevant cells on instantiation, and then use this class in your XIB.

How to set size of UITableView inside Interface Builder?

Is it possible to change the frame of UITableViewController's UITableView frame inside Interface Builder? I want to make my table, which I instantiate in IB, a little bit narrower.
When you have create your tableViewController in IB, if you then go to the section on the right of the screen where all the options are set size to "freeform" then drag it to whatever you like. When you init it it will then get this frame. Unless it is within a container controller.
The best way to do what you are after is to create a viewController and add a table view to its view. Make the table view narrower that the main controller view and wire it up to an IBOutlet on your controller. If you then make your controller implement the and methods you will be able to use your table view exactly as you want to.
Hope this is of help to you, if this is unclear or you would like any extra help, let me know :)
You can change it in IB but unless you customize your view controller somehow, it will set it be full screen (module enclosing controllers like nav, tab bar, split view, etc.) That's just the way view controllers work.
From the Apple docs:
When a view controller is displayed on screen, its root view is
typically resized to fit the available space, which can vary depending
on the window’s current orientation and the presence of other
interface elements such as the status bar.
You can create another UIView to hold your table view and then have more control over the table view sizing, But then you won't be a table view controller and will have to implement some of the things that table view controller provides you, e.g., deselectRowAtIndexPath on viewDidAppear.

Global UITableViewCell identifiers, created once in storyboard and used in all tables of the app

I have an application that loads a cell in various table views. I want this specific cell to be the same across all tables view and every time i change something in its design to be populated in all views.
So far I have the cell creation method inside an object, which is call by all table views. If i make changes to that methods all table view are updated.
I have designed the cell in Storyboard and assign it a unique identifier. I want to keep it that way (not design it programmatically). So far I have to copy/paste the cell to all the tables that it is being used. Is there a solution to create a cell in storyboard that can be used in all table views without having to copy/paste.
Unfortunately we can't create a specifically table view cell in story board.
If you want to maintain a single cell instance for all the tables in the application, you need to to create a singleton instance and need to implement all the delegate and data source methods in that class. While setting the delgate and datesource objects to the table view object, you need to give the singleton instance. So that the implementation of the table view cells is single time through out the application and you don't need to copy paste all these methods for each table.
You can lay out the cell in its own xib file instead, create a UINib object from the nib, and associate that with the reuse identifier for your particular table.
Your nib must have a UITableViewCell (or subclass) as its top level object.
In viewDidLoad, you'd have something like:
UINib *sharedCell = [UINib nibWithName:#"SharedCell" bundle:nil];
[self.tableView registerNib:cellNib forReuseIdentifier:#"SharedCell"];
This way you can use the same design in several storyboards.

How to create a reusable form using Cocoa bindings?

I want to make a user interface in which the user can edit two objects at the same time. The main window would have a vertical split view and a form on each side of the view.
The problem is that the two forms are identical and I don't want to duplicate the view components in the interface builder. I want to create the form one time and add a reference to it in each side of the split view, each one using a different object source.
I could use a NSForm, but the form is not a simple grid of outputTexts and inputText. They have a master table, and diverse kinds of inputs types, like combos, in the detail.
How do I create the reusable form using the interface builder? Or how can I do it programmatically? Do I have to create a subclass of NSView and add the individual components in the code?
Similar to the way you create a NSWindowController subclass which manages a nib containing your window, you can create a NSViewController subclass which manages a nib containing the view, then instantiate it twice and (programmatically) add the two views to each of the subviews of the split view. See the code in this question for a (partial) example.
If you build one form in IB, you can option-drag it to the other side of the split view to create an exact copy, including bindings and connections.

Cocoa: How to make table view draw custom views in each cell

I am learning Cocoa and trying to create an application for Mac that displays a simple book list. Each book is an NSView with its cover image, title and author. I want to present this list as a NSTableView with a single column and a book view in each cell. However i can't yet figure out how to display a custom view inside a table cell in interface builder or programmatically. Any tips would be very appreciated :)
If all of your "book views" are the same size, why not use NSCollectionView / NSCollectionViewItem? It's a much cleaner solution (provided they're all sized the same).
Assuming a collection view wouldn't be a better solution, what you need to do is to write a custom cell. The column owns exactly one such cell, which the table view will use to draw the column's value for each row.
(If you came from the iPhone, yes, this is completely different from UITableView. Each NSTableColumn has exactly one cell, which it uses for every row.)
If you're using your NSView class somewhere else, then you could make it into a subclass of NSControl and have it use another instance of the same cell class. Like most controls, all the real work would be done by the cell, which enables you to reuse that behavior in multiple controls (your single control and your table view).
See Control and Cell Programming Topics for more info.
Apple added view-based table views in Lion, so you should be able do this natively with NSTableView, now.
(You still can't put an NSView in an NSCell—that wouldn't make sense. But you can have views instead of cells in a table view.)
