How to schedule more than one job - etl

could I please know. If I schedule 5 jobs, the first job settings appears in the contents of the generated file, the 1st and 2nd job settings appear in the second generated file, the 1st 2nd and 3rd job settings appear in the 3rd file, the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th job settings appear in the 4th file. Again the 1st 2nd 3rd 4th and 5th job settings appear in the file.
The question is: Do I copy the contents of the last file only to the crontab configuration of my unix system since all the previous files contain basically the same information?

The content of only the last file will do


Spring Batch Two Files With Different Structure

I have a project in spring batch where I must read from two .txt files, one has many lines and the other is a control file that has the number of lines that should be read from the first file. I know that I must use partition to process these files because the first one is very large and I need to divide it and be able to restart it in case it fails but I don't know how the reader should handle these files since both files do not have the same width in their lines.
None of the files have a header or separator in their lines, so i have to obtain the fields according to a range mainly in the first one.
One of my doubts is whether I should read both in the same reader? And how should I set the reader FixedLengthTokenizer and DefaultLineMapper to handle both files in the case of using the same reader??
These are examples of the input file and the control file
- input file
09459915032508501149343120020562580292792085100204001530012282921883101 the txt file can contain up to 50000 lines
- control file
It only has one line
I must read from two .txt files, one has many lines and the other is a control file that has the number of lines that should be read from the first file
Here is a possible way to tackle your use case:
Create a first step (tasklet) that reads the control file and put the number of lines to read in the job execution context (to share it with the next step)
Create a second step (chunk-oriented) with a step scoped reader that is configured to read only the number of lines calculated by the first step (get value from job execution context)
You can read more about sharing data between steps here:

How to append current date to property file value every day in Unix?

I've got a property file which is read several times per day by an external application in order to process some files. One of the properties tells the app where to store the processed files. Application runs on Linux.
The problem is that every day several files are thrown in that path and after several months, I would have thousands of files in this plane folder.
Question: How can I append the current date to this property file so it would look like:
This would be updated every day at 12:00AM so for example today it would be
The file is /u02/oapp/configuration/
Thanks in advance
Instead of appending current date to the property, add additional logic to the code that stores the processed files so that:
it takes the base directory from the property file (success_path in your case)
it creates a year/month/day directory to store the files
Something like:
/u02/oapp/success/year/month/day (as in `/u02/oapp/success/2017/01/01`)
/u02/oapp/success/yearmonth/day (as in `/u02/oapp/success/201701/01`)
/u02/oapp/success/yearmonthday (as in `/u02/oapp/success/20170101`)
If you don't have the capability to change the app's behavior, you might need to write a cron job that periodically moves the files external to the app.
jq -Rr 'select(startswith("success_path="))="success_path=/u02/oapp/success/"+(now|strflocaltime("%d-%b-%Y")|ascii_upcase)' /u02/oapp/configuration/ | sponge /u02/oapp/configuration/

How to process this kind of edge cases in shell script?

I have a program in Linux to write log into files on a regular interval (for
example: 10 minutes every file), so I have a directory hierachy like this:
In which, 20151001 stands for the log dir for the day
2015(year)/10(month)/01(day), and 00 stands for the first hour in the day,
and 00.00 stands for the log file for the first 10 minutes in the first hour
of the day.
In my shell script I need to detect if there is any previous log file is empty,
for example if now the time is 2015/10/09 09:32, the newest log file should be
20151009/09/09.03, the file 09.03 could be an empty file, but the other
older files should not be empty. In order to simplify the problem, I just detect
if the previous file is empty, so I just detect if the file 20151009/09/09.02
is empty. However I have to handle some edge cases, like:
If now the time is:
2015/10/09 09:01
the previous file is in another directory, it’s:
If now the time is:
2015/10/09 00:01
the previous file is:
Is there any powerful algorithm or tools to handle my problem, especially the
edge cases?

why replacing a file doesn't renew its creation time?

I use windows system. I have two files in two directory. One with creation time 2015/5/15 15:35, the other with creation time 2015/5/15 9:48. After I replace the second one with the first one, the modified time of the two files are the same, but why the creation time of the second file doesn't change and is still 2015/5/15 9:48?!

how to detect file change VBS

i want to make a Visual basic script console app that prints edited if a file has been modified. for example if i have a text file with some notes in and i add it to a folder when its edited the program checks the folder its in and the files then prints the name of the file and modified or not modified
how would i go about doing this i am relatively new to Visual basic script i probably have 4 months basic experience.
console.writeline("what do i do?")
console.writeline("and how do i do it")
and I'm trying to do it as a console app so the preferred outcome i would like to see would be
File Checker
test.txt - Edited
test2.pptx - Un-edited
etc etc etc
If you need an immediate notification, WMI is probably the best route. But WMI will also require your process to be running (in a blocked state) all of the time. Alternatively, you could schedule a VBScript to be launched at some interval and it could check each file's last-modified date against a text file or database that you use to store the modification date the last time the script was run.
An even easier solution would be to just check if the modification time changed since the last run. For example, if your script runs every 10 minutes and you discover a file that was changed within the last 10 minutes, report it.
With CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
For Each File In .GetFolder("c:\folder").Files
If DateDiff("n", File.DateLastModified, Now) < 10 Then
' File has been modified in past 10 minutes.
End If
End With
