Twitter and iOS 5 - xcode

I need to integrate Twitter for iOS 5 but I musn't use Twitter Framework of Xcode 4. Is it possible? How can I do this?
Thank you very much.

You will need to use the Twitter API directly.

The Twitter framework in iOS 5 is only available when you include the framework. Of course.
If you want to retain compatibility with iOS 4 (why'd you do that anyway?), you should use weak linking against the framework. This allows the app to run on iOS 4 as well.
If you don't want to use the framework altogether, you definitely miss out on all the new features such as automatic account importing. In that case you'd talk to the API itself (see for more info) or use a third party library.

Matt Gemmell's MGTwitterEngine may do what you need.
The source code can be downloaded from


.NET 6 Mobile App without Cross Platform UI

Is it possible to write a mobile app using .NET 6 but still maintain platform specific implementation of UI
So this would involve still using UIViewControllers for iOS and Activities for Android without taking the MAUI approach of writing the UI in a cross platform manner.
If this is possible could you point us at some documentation around how this is achieved.
I haven't tried to follow the instructions yet but the links provided by #Paramjit in the comments to my original question seem to provide the answer I was looking for, namely that MAUI isn' the only mobile option in .NET 6:

How to integrate payfort payment gateway in swift 2.2?

I want to integrate payfort payment gateway in my app. I have read documentation and download demo of payfort but it is compatible with swift 3.0 and I want it in swift 2.2.
I have done so much googling but unfortunately not find any proper solutions.
Any help will be much appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Since the swift syntax has been changed drastically from swift 2 to swift 3, it is a bit much harder to migrate from swift 3 to swift 2.
So, app those are compatible in swift 3 won't be able to be compatible in swift 2.
So, it seems impossible task specially for the newcomers.
What you can do is get the older version of payfort payment gateway and you can select the version of libraries you want to use.
If you can share the link, please do, we could guide you step by step..

Xamarin Forms with Touch ID Fingerprint Authentication

I am developing a multi-platform app with Xamarin Forms. I need to support Touch ID/fingerprint authentication for both the iOS and Android platforms. How can I do this? I am new to Xamarin.
I've developed a Plugin for this. It's available on NuGet, too. Feel free, to drop an issue, if you miss something, or found an error.
In general: There are alot of Plugins that abstract platform specific behavior. Before you write something on your own, just google for "<feature> xamarin plugin". It will safe much time.
You will need to use a Dependency Service for platform-specific behavior. Look to the linked guide as a starting point.

Universal application with IOS 4.2 and Xcode 3.2

I'm developping Iphone application and I want to convert it to a universal one.
I found many tutorial that deals with this issue but they seems to be ancohérent to the new release of SDK and Xcode.
As many said I think that making a universal application is so easy.
Can you give me the necessery steps or a tutorial link? Thanks.
I think you will find necessary information and steps in this tutorial
and as a side note you should be aware of converting an existing app to universal app

Framework creation in Cocoa

I would like to create a framework(Like coreData,CoreAudio,etc ) which can be used in multiple applications.
Can anyone post the links or tutorial for this ...
Try Apple's Framework Programming Guide.
Note that sometimes shared code doesn't make sense in a framework. A lot of documentation about a framework assumes that you're going to install the framework on the computer, not embed it in the application.
