Prolog predicate calling - prolog

In the following tutorial:
There is the part:
test_parser :- repeat,
write('?? '),
( c(F,X,[]) | q(F,X,[]) ),
nl, write(X), nl, write(F), nl, fail.
Now I'm extremely confused about the c(F,X,[]) and q(F,X,[]) part because it doesn't seem to match any thing that I have seen, c only takes one parameter from what I can tell and these parameters don't seem to make sense for q. Please help me understand what is going on here.

c//1 and q//1 are entry points (aka top level production) of the Definite Clauses Grammar defined below, where you find
c(F) --> ....
q(F) --> ....
This style of 'call' on a DCG entry point is discouraged, usually is better to invoke the phrase(Grammar, TextToAnalyze, TextAfterAnalysis), in this case phrase((c(F) ; q(F)), "some text", "")...
The --> operator is usually rewritten adding 2 arguments, that are cause of your concern.
c(L) --> lead_in,arrange(L),end.
is rewritten to
c(L,X,Y) :- lead_in(X,X1),arrange(L,X1,X2),end(X2,Y).

c is defined with -->, which actually adds two hidden arguments to it. The first of these is a list to be parsed by the grammar rule; the second is "what's left" after the parse. c(F,X,[]) calls c on the list X to obtain a result F, expecting [] to be left, i.e. the parser should consume the entire list X.


How to check whether some variable returns something in predicate

Lets assume I have facts as follows:
I want want to display a message if the user inputs an airport that doesn't exist.
My Attempt:
isAirport(Air) :-
(var(T) -> true
write('Airport not found'),
However, this doesn't seem to work.
First let's see what happens if you query a conjunction (the , operator) first:
?- airport(nyc, _), write('found!').
?- airport(abc, _), write('found!').
This means, isAirport(abc) directly fails after trying airport(abc,_) without the rest of your predicate being evaluated. In many cases, you can therefore get by without an explicit if-then-else construct and just write something of the form
predicate(X) :-
and it will only succeed if both conditions are fulfilled for X.
In case you really want to create some user interface, this is a bit more tricky, because I/O is inherently non-logical, in particular when there is backtracking involved. We usually call a program which behaves like we would expect from a logical formula pure and when it contains non-logical constructs like I/O or the cut operator ! are called impure.
Unfortunately, the if-then-else construct (-> and ;) and negation (\+) are implemented via cut and therefore impure as well. Luckily, most of the time people want a conditional, a pure disjunction is sufficient:
We have an automatic branching from the execution mechanism of Prolog:
?- case(X,Y).
X = 1,
Y = a ;
X = 2,
Y = b.
But sometimes we really want to do something that needs the impure constructs, like user input. Then the easiest way to keep the nice logical properties of our program is to separate the task into pure and impure ones:
main :-
pure_predicate(Data, Result),
After we have done all the impure parts, Data is unified with the user data we wanted. Let's have a look at the implementation of uinput/1:
uinput(data(Airport,D-M-Y)) :-
format('~nAirport? '),
( ground(Airport), airport(Airport, _) )
format('~nDay? '),
format('~nMonth? '),
format('~nYear? '),
( ground(D-M-Y), isDate(D-M-Y) )
throw(failure('unknown date'))
throw(failure('unknown airport'))
We successively read terms from the input and throw an exception if we can't handle it. For the if-then-else construct to work, we need to take special care. If we compare the two queries:
?- between(1,3,X), write(X).
X = 1 ;
X = 2 ;
X = 3.
?- between(1,3,X) -> write(X); false.
X = 1.
you can see that the if-then-else is losing solutions. This means we need to make sure that our condition is deterministic. Asking for a user input term to be ground is already a good idea, because without variables, there is only one solution term. Still, a call to one of the data-predicates airport/1 and isDate/1 might generate the same term multiple times or not terminate at all. In this particular case, we just need to make sure that each airport has a unique shortcut name, we can also generate dates without repetition:
airport(nyc, 'New York City').
airport(wdc, 'Washington DC').
isDate(X-Y-Z) :-
Another trick in the implementation of uinput is that we just succeed with true when we have validated everything. The only effect of is now that Data is instantiated with whatever the user entered.
If we give a dummy implementation of the actual implementation, we can already try the implementation oursevles:
pure_predicate(_Data, Result) :-
% here goes the actual stuff
Result='we have found something awesome'.
On the prompt we can use the pure predicate without trouble:
?- pure_predicate(someinputdata,Y).
Y = 'we have computed something awesome'.
On the other hand, we can also use the full predicate as follows:
?- main(_).
Airport? wdc.
Day? |: 1.
Month? |: 2.
Year? |: 2000.
we have found something awesome
Since we are using read, we have to input prolog terms and terminate with a dot ., but everything worked as expected.
In case the user input fails, we get:
?- main(_).
Airport? bla(X).
ERROR: Unhandled exception: failure('unknown airport')
Please note that we only went through this trouble to actually fail early and give a user message in that case. For the actual computation, this is completely unneccessary.
In the code below you are making false assumption that T will remain unbound in case if airport will not be found in database:
airport(Air, T)
What happens actually is that call to airport(Air, T) will make isAirport(Air) to fail immediately and your var(T) and other parts will not be executed at all.
Try this code instead:
isAirport(Air) :-
airport(Air, _T), ! ; write('Airport not found'), fail.

Pattern-matching: query returns 'no' even when base case provided

I have a simple Prolog-program that I need some help debugging.
The point is to extend the program by pattern-matching to create a proof checker for propositional logic. The problem I have is that I get no when I expect yes and my 'fix' (providing a base case for valid_proof_aux) still gives me two solutions and I don't know why.
Not sure how to go about debugging Prolog yet, sorry.
valid_proof([p],p,[[1, p, premise]])
reverse_it([H|T],Z,Acc) :- reverse_it(T,Z,[H|Acc]).
last(Proof, [_, Goal, _]),
reverse_it(Proof, RevP, []),
valid_proof_aux(Prems, RevP) .
[[_,Prop,premise] | T]):-
%my 'fix'
valid_proof_aux(_, []) :- true .
You don't really show how to run the program and what exactly you get (you should edit your question with and add this), so this answer is a bit of a guess, but anyway:
You need the base case either way (as you observe yourself), valid_proof_aux/2 would fail when the list becomes empty [] and does not match [[...]|T] anymore.
?- [] = [_|_]. % try to unify an empty list with a non-empty list
What you need to do to get rid of the choice point is to put the list argument as the first argument.
valid_proof_aux([], _).
valid_proof_aux([[_,Prop,premise]|T], Prems) :-
memberchk(Prop, Prems),
valid_proof_aux(T, Prems).
Note that you don't need the :- true., this is implicit. Also, avoid leaving any blanks on the two sides of the | in [Head|Tail].

Read the whole fact from external file

According to the below when try to assert the fact I have type error callable expected , I think the insertion o facts line by line happens successfully.But,the asserta does not work well.Despite that,I tried to convert to string using ( string_codes(?String, ?Codes) ) or insert as line of code but it does not success
writef('What is your Name'),nl,
writef('What is your country'),nl,
writef('What is your education'),nl,
string_codes(S, X),
You are trying to write and then read back Prolog terms. For this you should use the combination write_term/3 and read_term/3.
Since read/1 requires you to add a dot to the end of the input term, I have added the option fullstop/1 to write_term/3. The working code then looks as follows:
:- dynamic(usereduc/2).
writef('What is your Name'),nl,
writef('What is your country'),nl,
writef('What is your education'),nl,
write_term(Out,usercountry(Name,Country), [fullstop(true)]),nl(Out),
write_term(Out,usereduc(Name,Education), [fullstop(true)])
read_term(In, X, []),
readfactsFromfile(X),asserta(X), !
readfactsFromfile(end_of_file):- !.
Notice that I have added the following additional improvements to your code:
* The declaration of usereduc/2 as a dynamic predicate. If this is left out Prolog complains that the predicate does not exists, since it is asserted at run time.
* Removed unwanted determinism using the cut ! at two spots.
* Use of setup_call_cleanup/3 to ensure that opened streams get closed even if the operations performed on the stream are buggy.
Notice that the code is still non-deterministic, giving you the same result twice. This is due to the code asserting the same terms twice.
Hope this helps!
This is a good example where code-injection can be exploited in Prolog without proper care.
My name is 'a,b).\n:- initialization(dobadthings). %'. So output.txt will look like
:- initialization(dobadthings). %whatevercountry).
The built-in predicate read/1 accepts full Prolog syntax.
Unfortunately, the analogon to read/1 is not write/1, nor writeq/1 (which is close) but rather:
write_term(T, [quoted(true)]).
Additional options like variable_names/1 may help in a specific situation where variable names should be retained.
Another (potential) problem is the usage of the idiosyncratic writef/1 which seems to be unique to SWI and does some specific interpretation of certain characters. In any case, not a good idea to use. A simple write/1 would be of same value.

Is there a way to annotate the parameter and return value in Prolog?

parent(mel, joan).
parent(jane, betty).
parent(jane, tom).
parent(richard, adam).
parent(richard, rosa).
parent(joan, fran).
For example someone asks me to find all ancestors of a parent. I give him the code:
ancestor(P,C) :- parent(P, C).
ancestor(P,C) :- ancestor(P,P1), parent(P1, C).
But my friend still doesn't know how to use the predicate. Does he call it like
ancestor(richard, C) or ancestor(C, richard) ?
Is there a way to annotate that P is the parameter while C is the return value? And in a complex case, there will be predicates with different names, how should my user know which predicate is the final predicate he wants to use?
To help the human-readable meaning, you could add an extra predicate documenting the parameters as readable name/value pairs:
entry_ancestor_of(ancestor=P, descendent=C) :-
?- entry_ancestor_of(ancestor=richard, descendent=C).
C = adam .
Above, the suffix *ancestor_of* suggests param 1 is ancestor of param 2, so naming the predicate carefully can make it clearer.
Usually(convention), input parameters are the earlier parameters, and output parameters are later parameters, but where the predicate 'works both ways', ie. either could be input or output, this rule can't hold. This is the case for your predicate:
?- entry_ancestor_of(ancestor=X, descendent=adam).
X = richard .
Either parameter could be input or output, so there is no need to codify/explain them as such, although you might want to comment that it works both ways.
I would usually comment these 'flexible' predicates by putting an example of both of the above usages in a comment next to the predicate.
For entrypoint labelling, just do one or more of the following:
explicitly name the predicate as an entrypoint, as above
document using comments in the code which are the entrypoints
arrange the entrypoints in the same physical section with a comment
block saying that the predicates below are entrypoints.
Edit: Extra things re: coding guidelines / other answers.
In Coding guidelines for Prolog, section 3.8, it says 'For example, mother_of(A, B) is ambiguous;', so I gave bad advice on that.. perhaps acapelli's suggestion would be more useful on that.
In that document, also have a look at:
3.5 Choose sensible names for auxiliary predicates
3.8 Choose predicate names to help show the argument order
3.13 Decide whether predicate names should carry the types on which they operate
4.1 Begin every predicate (except perhaps auxiliary predicates) with an introductory comment in a well-defined format
The '?' system for identifying parameter types that will ness mentioned is on page 21.
a useful convention, sponsored for instance by Markus Triska, builds a predicate functor by joining the parameters 'names' - in a wide, applicable sense. Your example could be
parent_child(mel, joan).
ancestor_descendant(P, C) :- parent_child(P, C).
ancestor_descendant(A, D) :- ancestor_descendant(A, I), parent_child(I, D).
Also ISO-Prolog, and - for instance - SWI-Prolog library, attempt to follow this strategy.
For instance
atom_codes(Atom, Codes) :- ...
WRT to declare the type and status of arguments, some Prolog provide declarations - for instance Turbo Prolog, ECLiPSe, others... Sometime such declarations are required - usually to check correctness, often to speed up the computation.
SWI-Prolog offers 'just' structured comments, that IDE process automatically, and there has been a contribution aiming to exploit such declarations with runtime check.
Yes, with comments, and/or meaningful argument names,
% ancestor( ?Ancestor, ?Descendent).
ancestor(P,C) :- parent(P, C).
ancestor(P,C) :- ancestor(P,P1), parent(P1, C).
? means the argument can be used both as input (already set when the call is made), or for output (not yet set when the call is made).
The convention promoted in The Art of Prolog (I think) is that you place the name of the predicate after its first argument, to get at the intended argument ordering: P "is" ancestor C. Presumably "ancestor_of". But if you use that name, someone unfamiliar with that convention might read ancestor_of(P,C) as "ancestor of P is C", so it's a double-edged sword.

Translate Prolog Words

I'm working on this this wonderful Prolog project and I'm stuck at this situation where I need to translate certain words into other words (e.g "i" into "you". "my into "your")
This is what I've done and I'm pretty sure it's kinda iffy. I enter the sentence and when It goes to convert it only changes the one word then goes on wacky on me. (e.g. "i feel happy" changes to "you" then it crashes.)
translate([H|T], [NewH|NewT]):-
Here's the fix:
translate([], []).
translate([H|T], [NewH|NewT]):-
means(H, NewH),
means(i, you) :- !.
means(my, your) :- !.
means(mine, yours) :- !.
means(X, X).
The changes are as follows:
I fixed the missing parameter to the first definition of translate (it's considered a completely independent function if the number of parameters don't match).
I'm calling translate on the rest of the list when the first item is translated.
I'm asserting that every word means itself unless specified otherwise. The :- ! part means if you match this, don't try the rest (this is to avoid lists always matching with themselves).
Example usage:
?- translate([this, is, i], X).
X = [this, is, you].
