Translate Prolog Words - prolog

I'm working on this this wonderful Prolog project and I'm stuck at this situation where I need to translate certain words into other words (e.g "i" into "you". "my into "your")
This is what I've done and I'm pretty sure it's kinda iffy. I enter the sentence and when It goes to convert it only changes the one word then goes on wacky on me. (e.g. "i feel happy" changes to "you" then it crashes.)
translate([H|T], [NewH|NewT]):-

Here's the fix:
translate([], []).
translate([H|T], [NewH|NewT]):-
means(H, NewH),
means(i, you) :- !.
means(my, your) :- !.
means(mine, yours) :- !.
means(X, X).
The changes are as follows:
I fixed the missing parameter to the first definition of translate (it's considered a completely independent function if the number of parameters don't match).
I'm calling translate on the rest of the list when the first item is translated.
I'm asserting that every word means itself unless specified otherwise. The :- ! part means if you match this, don't try the rest (this is to avoid lists always matching with themselves).
Example usage:
?- translate([this, is, i], X).
X = [this, is, you].


Representing truth regarding beliefs in prolog

How to make this (or something similar) work in Prolog:
X :- belief(john,X), belief(peter,X).
And get true. for the following query (while consulting above):-
?- red(apple).
First, it's useful to define a little helper to capture when all (relevant) persons believe something:
all_believe(Belief) :-
belief(john, Belief),
belief(peter, Belief).
Then you can define, for example:
red(Object) :-
green(Object) :-
And with your given set of beliefs you get:
?- red(apple).
?- green(apple).
This works. It requires you to define similar rules for any term that you want to use as a belief.
You can make this a bit shorter with macro definitions using term_expansion:
Belief :- all_believe(Belief)).
This means that every top-level definition in your source code of the form declare_belief(Belief) should be treated as if you had written Belief :- all_believe(Belief) instead (with the variable Belief substituted appropriately).
So now you can just write this:
and it will be treated exactly like the longer definitions for red(Object) and red(Object) above. You will still have to write this kind of declaration for any term that you want to use as a possible belief.
Prolog does not allow the head of a rule to be just a variable. The head must be a nonvar term, whose functor (i.e., name and arity) identifies the predicate being defined. So, a possible solution would be something like this:
true_belief(X) :-
belief(john, X),
belief(peter, X).
belief(john, red(apple)).
belief(peter, red(apple)).
?- true_belief(red(apple)).
?- true_belief(X).
X = red(apple).

Want PROLOG to require == matches on already matched variables, = for others

I have this code:
mustContradict(A, B) :- contradicts(A, B).
contradicts/2 is meant to say: if X is at somewhere, then X can't itself be a location.
mustContradict/2 is meant to say: succeed if A and B are contradictory.
When I run it to detect that if you're at a location, you can't be a location (mustContradict(at(Thing,Location),location(Thing)).) -- it succeeds, as it should. On this one, however:
it also succeeds, with variable assignment Thing=Location.
I could probably mangle a way to make it ensure all variables are identical when trying to match, something like:
but then it would fail on the first test, trying to verify that a Thing that is "at" something can't be a location.
What I think I want is to be able to distinguish variables that are already assigned to other variables from those that are so far not matched to anything.
You shouldn't check your predicates with variables (starting with uppercase), but with terms (starting with lowercase).
mustContradict(at(thing,location),location(location)). fails as it should since thing doesn't equal location. In your example you use variables that can be assigned anything.
I have no idea why you are reassigning mustContradict(A, B) :- contradicts(A, B).
you can change contradicts definition to contradicts(at(X,Y),location(X)) :- not(X == Y).
I wonder if this is not what you wanted to achieve:
at(thing, location).
at(thingLocation, location).
contradicts(X) :- at(X,_), location(X).
now contradicts(X). succeeds with X = thingLocation
Looks like the solution was to convert all variables to atoms. Only converting those that were shared or repeated meant that the others could bind to inappropriate things (as in the first example), so the behavior didn't change.
Binding them to atoms, as in this code:
mustContradict(X,Y) :-
replaceVariablesWithAtoms(X,NewX), replaceVariablesWithAtoms(Y,NewY),
replaceVariablesWithAtoms(Term,NewTerm) :-
Term =.. TermAsList,
NewTerm =..NewTermAsList.
terms_to_atoms([H|T],[NewH|NewT]) :-
gives the right answer to both queries.
?- mustContradict(at(Thing,Location),location(Thing)).
?- mustContradict(at(Thing,Location),location(Location)).
Wouldn't it be easier just to write it as you have defined the problem statement:
I have this code:
mustContradict(A, B) :- contradicts(A, B).
contradicts/2 is meant to say: "if X is at somewhere, then X can't itself be a location."
mustContradict/2 is meant to say: "succeed if A and B are contradictory."
Assuming that your at/2 and location/1 are facts/predicates in your prolog program . . . why not something like this:
contradiction(X) :- at(X,_), location(X) .

How to get rid of Singleton variables errors?

I'm supposed to implement a little prolog program out of the Monty Python movie where the people are arguing whether a woman is a witch. Based on what the say, witches are burned, but wood is also burned, and wood floats, but ducks also float, so, if someone weighs the same as a duck, she's made of wood, therefore, she's a witch.
Based on that, I've come up with this:
witch(X) :- burns(X), female(X).
burns(X) :- wooden(X).
wooden(X) :- floats(X).
floats(X) :- sameWeight(duck, X).
sameweight(duck, X).
But when I want to check if X is a witch, by trying witch(X). It actually prints "true", confiming the woman is a witch, but I also get a Singleton variables: [X] error message. So clearly I have a bug somewhere and I would like to fix it.
Those are warnings. It specifies that you use a variable once in clause. This is the case for X in:
sameweight(duck, X).
Now this is rather "odd". Variables are typically used for passing values from head to body, or between two predicate calls in the body. But here you only use X once.
In Prolog one uses an underscore (_) if you "do not care" about the value. The underscore is an "anonymous variable": if you use two underscores in the same clause, those are two different variables.
So you can fix it like:
sameweight(duck, _).
Note that now you have written that everything is a female, and that everything has the same weight as a duck.

Pattern-matching: query returns 'no' even when base case provided

I have a simple Prolog-program that I need some help debugging.
The point is to extend the program by pattern-matching to create a proof checker for propositional logic. The problem I have is that I get no when I expect yes and my 'fix' (providing a base case for valid_proof_aux) still gives me two solutions and I don't know why.
Not sure how to go about debugging Prolog yet, sorry.
valid_proof([p],p,[[1, p, premise]])
reverse_it([H|T],Z,Acc) :- reverse_it(T,Z,[H|Acc]).
last(Proof, [_, Goal, _]),
reverse_it(Proof, RevP, []),
valid_proof_aux(Prems, RevP) .
[[_,Prop,premise] | T]):-
%my 'fix'
valid_proof_aux(_, []) :- true .
You don't really show how to run the program and what exactly you get (you should edit your question with and add this), so this answer is a bit of a guess, but anyway:
You need the base case either way (as you observe yourself), valid_proof_aux/2 would fail when the list becomes empty [] and does not match [[...]|T] anymore.
?- [] = [_|_]. % try to unify an empty list with a non-empty list
What you need to do to get rid of the choice point is to put the list argument as the first argument.
valid_proof_aux([], _).
valid_proof_aux([[_,Prop,premise]|T], Prems) :-
memberchk(Prop, Prems),
valid_proof_aux(T, Prems).
Note that you don't need the :- true., this is implicit. Also, avoid leaving any blanks on the two sides of the | in [Head|Tail].

Get substring from a fact

So I've got facts that are written like this document(Title,Topic). I want to make a rule where with two arguments.The first one is Keys which is a list of keywords and the second one is the document.
I want to get as a result the titles of the documents which cointain the keywords I've given.
This is what I wrote till now:
isInDoc([],'no'). %Recursion stops here. Don't know what to put as 2nd argument
isInDoc([H|T],document(Title,_)) :-
What I've thought is that I read the head of the list of keywords and see if it is a substring of the title of the document. When I type document(Title,_) in SWI-Prolog I get the titles of the documents. I can't think of any other way to get access to the title of the document. If I do a question I get this error ERROR: table: sub_string/3: Type error:'text' expected, found document(_G6503,_G6504).
Isn't document(Title,_) of type text?
in SWI-Prolog, sub_string/5 has been introduced recently, but works only on strings. The correct predicate to use is sub_atom/5 (it is also ISO standard):
isInDoc(Tokens, document(Title, _)) :-
member(Token, Tokens),
sub_atom(Title, _,_,_, Token).
4 ?- document(T,_), isInDoc([and], document(T,_)).
T = 'Rules and Uncertainty' ;
5 ?- document(T,_), isInDoc([and, certa], document(T,_)).
T = 'Rules and Uncertainty' ;
T = 'Rules and Uncertainty' ;
I use member/2 to 'try' all tokens, instead of writing a recursive rule. Btw, since you expect that isInDoc/2 will fail when any of the tokens cannot be found, you can drop altogether the base case (but since you used no, that will never match document(_, _), the effect is the same).
edit Maybe the snippet can be made more useful separating the matching of atoms from the document:
isInDoc(Tokens, document(Title, _)) :- contains(Tokens, Title).
contains(Tokens, Atom) :-
member(Token, Tokens),
sub_atom(Atom, _,_,_, Token).
