Maven 2 - dependency type directory - maven

In order to get a file I can use the following dependency
<groupId>some group</groupId>
<type>some type</type>
<systemPath>path to file</systemPath>
What can I do in order to get a directory?

Maven works with jar dependencies. It appears you want to create and use your own local repository.
Please refer How do I Create a Jar And Install It In My Local Repository from Maven Docs.
Hope it helps.


POM file for Camel

I am trying to compile the sample app for Camel and having problems with the POM file. The POM includes the following yet I am getting error (compile time) that the dependency is missing.
What am I missing here? Thanks!
Update the repository (File->Settings->Build->Build Tools->Maven->Repositories->Update-Ok) and reimport the project into IntelliJ.
please add output which contains error.
Most probably, you could have problem with:
you forgot define repository
problem with proxy .m2/settings.xml
something bad with your firewall, try remove current artifact from .m2/repository/org/apache/camel
Try :
Right click project > Maven > Update Project (Select Force Update)

Passing a property value in Maven goal is not working. pom.xml variable does not reflect in to artifact pom.xml at maven repository

I am trying to get dependency version at run time from command line in maven, but it does not reflect into artifact pom at maven repository.
My project pom is like :-
My command is like - mvn install -Dmy.version=, project is build successfully and uploaded at maven repository , but when I verify artifact pom.xml at maven repository its same as.
I think it should be like below at maven repository.
How could I resolve this issue, or if someone has some other solution for this issue please suggest.
This is mainly because, you are over-writing the value you pass in goal -Dmy.version= with the properties tag in pom.xml. To fix it, Either you can remove this properties tag completely (or) set it as below
Another way is to pass the arguments as : -Darguments="-Dparam1=val1 -Dparam2=val2" in CI environment
As mentioned in this article : enter link description here

maven repository setup not working

I am referencing a repository in my POM.xml to add the ojdbc.jar to my project but Maven (I use the STS plugin) keeps telling me it can't find the jar.
I am showing below my repositories and jar dependency as defined in my POM.xml.
Anyone has an idea as to why the jar can't be found? Is my POM.xml not setup properly?
Note the vaadin repo works fine as the vaadin jars are correctly added to my project.
and here is the dependency setup as defined at
Anyone has an idea as to why the jar can't be found?
The jar can't be found due to license constraints.
Is my POM.xml not setup properly?
No it isn't, but adding to your pom the dependency:
you are able to download only the ojdbc14 pom because it has not a license limitation about distribution.
In order to make the above dependency works the jar has to be manually installed into your local Maven repository, without violating the license, by running:
mvn install:install-file -Dfile={Path_to_your_ojdbc.jar} -DgroupId=ojdbc
-DartifactId=ojdbc -Dversion=14 -Dpackaging=jar
eventually changing to the appropriate version number in -Dversion attribute, as correctly suggested by user1570577.
To use Oracle jdbc(OJDBC) driver with Maven, you can download the jar to your local machine and install it manually into your Maven local repository.
After downloading the jar install using the following command :
mvn install:install-file -Dfile={Path_to_your_ojdbc.jar}
-DartifactId=ojdbc -Dversion=14 -Dpackaging=jar . If the version is less than 14 change the appropriate version number in -Dversion attribute
Now you can set the dependency details in the pom file :
Oracle now has a maven repository:

Maven cannot resolve a jar which I can see on the repository

I specify wicket version 1.5-RC7 in my pom.xml. When I do a mvn install it complains about: The following artifacts could not be resolved: org.apache.wicket:wicket:jar:1.5-RC7, javax.transaction:jta:jar:1.0.1B. So I try searching for the javax.transaction.jta-1.0.1B.jar on, and I am able to find it. Why does maven tell me it can't resolve avax.transaction:jta:jar:1.0.1B?
My pom.xml:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
First, is the default one that Maven will lookup. You don't need to declare it again.
Can you check, when you build, which server your Maven is trying to connect? You should see something like Downloading:
I have just checked in maven central repo, there is no org.apache.wicket:wicket:1.5-RC7. You have better to check if you have declared the correct dependency
For JTA, it is a bit tricky. For quite some Java spec JARs, because of licensing issue, the actual JAR is not available in the public central Maven repo. If you look at|javax.transaction|jta|1.0.1B|jar , you will see it only contains POM, but not the JAR.
There are some ways to solve:
If you have a Maven repo in your own company, consider getting the JAR from Sun/Oracle, and deploy it yourself
For JTA spec itself, JAR is available for newer version (1.1) . Check if it is fine for you to use to latter spec
Switch to use Geromino spec. It should be compatible.|gav|1|g%3A%22geronimo-spec%22%20AND%20a%3A%22geronimo-spec-jta%22
I have missed the wicket 1.5-RC7 in my previous search. Sorry. After looking into the POM, it seems that it is not a JAR POM. org.apache.wicket:wicket:1.5-RC7 is of type POM, in which declares dependency to wicket-core artifact.
You have two ways to do:
Change your dependency to point to wicket-core (and maybe other wicket modules) instead of wicket.
Change your dependency declaration to have <type>pom</type> (because default is jar)
I am not familiar with Wicket, but I believe method 1 is preferred.
Check your ~/.m2/settings.xml, I'm guessing you have an internal company (Nexus) repo mirror/proxy setting avoiding you fetching from internet -- and this mirror is stale.
If this is the case there are two common way to fix it: fix your internal Nexus repo so it's up to date, or bypass the Nexus repo so you fetch from the internet
I had faced this issue just now and resolved it. I have seen lot of questions in stack overflow related to this . Since my resolution was slightly different I am posting this answer. .
Issue :-Failed to execute goal on project Apigee-Edge-deploy-plugin: Could not resolve dependencies for project The following artifacts could not be resolved:
Root Cause:- The Repo had the dependency jars mentioned in the project. But the dependencies in turn had other dependencies which was not present in the repo and caused this issue. I added exclusion to the dependency and it worked.
Also checkout the very good article on maven dependencies and exclusion

How to properly link two Maven projects?

I have two projects:
Project-Core POM.xml:
Project-Source POM.xml:
<type>pom</type> (have tried leaving it out)
I've done mvn clean install on Project-core, which installed the artifact in the local maven repository.
I am able to CD to Project-source and use mvn clean install (this installs Project-Source in the local maven repo as well), but I'm having trouble with NetBeans not finding the classes I need (from Project-Core) inside Project-Source.
What's a proper way of linking multiple projects? Since Project-Core produces a jar and that jar is installed in the local repository, it looks logical to only have to list that jar as a dependency on my Project-Source project. Is anything else needed?
You specified that the dependency "project-core" is of type "pom", but from the declaration it has packaging "jar" ?
I've created a simple test project which worked just fine to use in Netbeand 7.0.1. Take a look and see if it gives you any hints.Code snippet
