how to uninstall Flashbuilder manually. - windows-7

I've flashbuilder 4.6 and I need to uninstall it. It appears to be missing the installation package, and as such it doesn't appear in the control panel->uninstall list for windows 7.
I have filed a case with adobe for help (as its a paid product), but after month & 1/2 no answer.
So any suggestions on how to get rid of it including any links it will have to the registry or similar. It must be a clean uninstall as to install the newer version the current one must be removed and the newer version installation knows that I have it (previous version) installed already.
I have tried the uninstall tool called Revo as well without success.

What I needed to do was to find the exact version of the software I used to install it originally. Then once I ran the installer, (for the already installed software) windows picked up the installation packager and I could uninstall it.
Once removed I could then install the newer version of the same software.


How to install C++Builder (RAD Studio) documentation

I've clicked a "Help" button in an error message box shown by the C++Builder IDE, and another error message box pops up telling me
RAD Studio's help is not installed. Please reinstall RAD Studio's documentation.
So I seem to have missed checking the checkbox for installing the help when installing C++Builder 11.2. I would like to fix that and install the documentation.
When I invoke the C++Builder installer again, the installer says
A previous version of RAD Studio 11 was found on your system that needs to be uninstalled first.
But the message is not quite correct, it is not a previous version that is installed, but the exact same version: 11.2 is currently installed, and the installer that I execute is for 11.2, and exactly the same installer that I have previously used to install the current version. I've double-checked.
Is uninstalling and reinstalling the only way to get the documentation for the 11.2 version, or is there some way how I can just add the documentation to the existing installation?
As Remy Lebeau has pointed out in a comment to this answer, you can open a "feature manager" inside RADStudio by choosing menu item Tools->"Manage Platforms..." which will show you all options from the installer again, and allow to change the options and apply the changes.
I wish I had known this before I actually uninstalled and reinstalled C++Builder with some hassles (described in the original answer).

MiKTeX dvipdfmx stopped working under Windows XP

On our PC (under Windows XP there is MiKTeX, and it have been working well for many years. However, several month ago, after installing the latest version (setup from 09/16/2017), dvipdfmx stopped working reporting something like 'it is not win32 application'. It has been appeared that the problem is arisen by mgs.exe (ghostscript for MiKTeX). The first thought was that a 64-bit version of mgs.exe was mistakenly included into 32-bit MiKteX. However, it is appeared not the bug: MiKTeX team says that it is worked under 32-bit Windows 7.
I do know that officially MiKTeX now requires Windows 7 or higher (so, XP is not supported). However. it was perfectly well until the latest update, and even now latex.exe, yap.exe and others still work. So, the question: is it possible to go the problem around within XP?
Without knowing what the actual problem is, its impossible to offer any advice. When quoting errors it is important to quote the exact error message.
"Something like 'it is not win32 application'" is not precise enough.
This is also not a Ghostscript question, because 'mgs.exe' isn't Ghostscript, its clearly a fork of some kind.
My guess is that its the fact you are using an ancient version of Windows, most likely the application is no longer compatible with such an old version, possibly because whoever built it is using a newer version of Visual Studio.
In order to build Ghostscript for Windows XP I think you need to use Visual Studio 2005 or earlier, a more recent version will create an executable that will not run on Windows XP.
The only solution to this would be to build 'mgs.exe' with an older version of Visual Studio, or try the pre-built executable 'gswin32.exe' which is available from the website in the downloads section. Obviously that's not the same as mgs.exe, but I can't help you with a fork since I have no clue what's been done.
The first thing to try is running 'mgs.exe' from the command line, if that fails to work then its almost certainly because the developer who built it used too recent a version of Visual Studio.
If this is the case then no, you can't fix it within Windows XP, you need to do one of:
1) Upgrade to a newer OS
2) Downgrade your MikTeX and live with the older version until you are prepared to upgrade your OS.
3) Rebuild 'mgs.exe' yourself using an old version of Visual Studio. This could be challenging because I can't find anywhere on the MikTeX website where they make the source files available. I've been to their Github repository and I can't find anything from Ghostscript there either. I'm going to have to contact the developers, they are not using a stock version of Ghostscript, they do not appear to make their revisions available, ansd although they correctly reference Ghostscript as AGPL I cannot see anywhere in the install or their Github repository which lists Artifex as the owner or points to the Artifex website. They also don't copy the Licence or readme files (slapped wrists for them).
I was going to try using the regular Ghostscript instead of the modified version, but I don't have know anything about MikTeX so I have no way of testing whether that works. It looks to me like it probably would, since it appears that MikTeX forks Ghostscript as a process. So copying and renaming the 64-bit Windows version of Ghostscript's binaries would probably work.
As you note, the developers state themselves that they no longer support Windows XP.

How to upgrade latest version of my application without uninstall the old version manually?

I have my project in visual studio and i am using installshield as my windows installer. When I am installing new updated version of my application it will shows
Another version of this product is automatically installed like this...
How can I install new version by overwriting my old version?
Is there any way to configure in installshield or give me any other way
The error that you're getting is because the ProductCode has not been changed. This code is what makes your product/installer unique. Generally to author the upgrade you'll need to change this code and make sure the UpgradeCode is the same so that it recognizes what is already installed.
Authoring upgrades is a much wider topic and far too much information then can be covered here. I would suggest this page for learning about Windows installer upgrading.
Every upgraded version of install should have a different ProductCode. UpgradeCode is what tells the install package that this product has been installed. If ProductCode is also the same, install assumes you are installing the same product again. ProductCode needs to be different for each of the updated packages.
Under The Upgrade Paths, create a new path. Leave the min version blank (unless you need it), include min version yes, Max version should be set to the version You are installing now. Include max version to yes.
Each time you are installing an update, Increase the Product version(If u want to change) in the General Information section. Click on a new Product Code in the General Information Section Do not change the upgrade code.
Go back to the upgrade path, and set the Max version to the same version you are deploying now.
And make sure the Upgrade code in the "General Information" and "Upgrade path" are same.
This process uninstalls previous version, and installs the latest. No duplicates in add/remove programs.
If any doubt on this, comment your question...

Service Pack Setup Error VB6

I am installing an old version of VB6. I had installed a previous version of the software, but uninstalled it. Now I get an error saying 'setup has detected that the service pack version of this system installed is newer that the update you are applying to it'. I searched in the registry for the appropriate keys to modify, however I have not found same. Any help would be appreciated.
Which versions do you have installed of VB6 and of the servicepack?
I suggest you uninstall all VB6 related items, reboot, and then install VB6 again.
After that download servicepack 6 from SP6 from the microsoft site and install that.
If you are still having problems you might try to uninstall all versions of visual studio and install in order of release, so first install VB6 and then install
I did a reinstall on my machines several times (xp, w7-32b, x7-64b) and never had any problems, but I always installed VB6 first, then its SP6, and then Visual Studio (2005) with its servicepacks, and then checked the windows update to make sure I didn't miss anything.

Installing earlier version of Ankhsvn

I installed Ankhsvn 2.3, but that assumes I'm using Subversion 1.7, which I'm not. Now I'm trying to install Ankhsvn 2.1, but it says that I'm unable to install because a newer version of the product is already installed.
So, how do I uninstall Ankhsvn 2.3? I can't find the uninstaller.
The Windows design guideliness tell application developers that they should just add uninstallers to the Start->Control Panel->Software list. So this is where you can find the AnkhSVN uninstall (like that of any other MSI)
Adding an unnecessary uninstall icon in the program menu would even be a design error for a 'Designed for Windows' application.
