Xcode debug expressions incorrect - xcode

I'm using XCode 4.2. When I set a breakpoint and check the values of my variables (whether they be Auto, local, or expressions I enter myself) the values return with "empty" type values (integers = 0, BOOL=false, etc. The structure of my objects are correct, but the values don't display the correct information.
Watching the program execution flow confirms that the variables have a value other than the "empty" one since loops and conditional work correctly based on what the variables SHOULD contain.
I am assuming that my debug symbols are not being created correctly (or are corrupt), but I am not sure how to set that in XCode.
I have tried:
I have confirmed that my schema is debug.
I have changed my debugger to GDB
Can anyone help me out?


Print addresses of all local variables in C

I want to print the addresses of all the local and global variables which are being used in a function, at different points of execution of a program and store them in a file.
I am trying to use gdb for this same.
The "info local" command prints the values of all local variables. I need something to print the addresses in a similar way. Is there any built in command for it?
Edit 1
I am working on a gcc plugin which generates a points-to graph at compile time.
I want to verify if the graph generated is correct, i.e. if the pointers do actually point to the variables, which the plugin tells they should be pointing to.
We want to validate this points-to information on large programs with over thousands of lines of code. We will be validating this information using a program and not manually. There are several local and global variables in each function, therefore adding printf statements after every line of code is not possible.
There is no built-in command to do this. There is an open feature request in gdb bugzilla to have a way to show the meaning of all the known slots in the current stack frame, but nobody has ever implemented this.
This can be done with a bit of gdb scripting. The simplest way is to use Python to iterate over the Blocks of the selected Frame. Then in each such Block, you can iterate over all the variables, and invoke info addr on the variable.
Note that printing the address with print &var will not always work. A variable does not always have an address -- but, if the variable exists, it will have a location, which is what info addr will show.
One simple way these ideas can differ is if the compiler decides to put the variable into a register. There are more complicated cases as well, though, for example the compiler can put the variable into different spots at different points in the function; or can split a local struct into its constituent parts and move them around.
By default info addr tries to print something vaguely human-readable. You can also ask it to just dump the DWARF location expressions if you need that level of detail.
programmatically ( in C/C++ ) you use the & operator to get the address of a variable (assuming it's not a pointer):
int a; //variable declaration
print("%d", a); //print the value of the variable (as an integer)
print("0x%x", &a); //print the address of the variable (as hex)
The same goes for (gdb), just use &
plus the question has already been answered here (and not only)

How to adjust the Summary Format to expose a float** as a float[][]?

I'm using XCode to debug some code. Specifically, the code that I'm debugging exposes a float[][] as float**. I am unable to change this syntax, but I'm not certain it would help anyway.
After including a relevant breakpoint, I want to view the contents of the array in the Variables view of the debugger?
When I double-click on the variable in the list of Autos, I see that I can add a Summary Format which seems deceivingly like it might help, but for the life of me, I can't figure out how to use it!
In conclusion, how do I use the Variables View to see the contents of my array of arrays of this primitive type without resorting to typing commands directly to GDB (which, I believe, can also perform this function)?

When I use Conditional Compilation Arguments to Exclude Code, why doesn't VB6 EXE file size change?

Basically, when declaring Windows API functions in my VB6 code, there comes with these many constants that need to be declared or used with this function, in fact, usually most of these constants are not used and you only end up using one of them or so when making your API calls, so I am using Conditional Compilation Arguments to exclude these (and other things) using something like this:
IncludeUnused = 0 : Testing = 1
(this is how I set two conditional compilation arguments (they are of Boolean type by default).
So, many unused things are excluded like this:
#If IncludeUnused Then
' Some constant declarations and API declarations go here, sometimes functions
' and function calls go here as well, so it's not just declarations and constants
#End If
I also use a similar wrapper using the Testing Boolean declared in the Conditional Compilation Argument input field in the VB6 Properties windows "Make" tab. The Testing Boolean is used to display message boxes and things like that when I am in testing mode, and of course, these message boxed are removed (not displayed) if I have Testing set to 0 (and it is obviously 1 when I am Testing).
The problem is, I tried setting IncludeUnused and Testing to 0 and 1 and visa versa, a total of four (4) combinations, and no matter what combination I set these values to, the output EXE file size for my VB6 EXE does not change! It is always 49,152 when compiled to Native Code using Fast Code, and when using Small Code.
Additionally, if I compile to p-code under the four (4) combinations of Testing and IncludeUnused, i always end up with the file size 32,768 no matter what.
This is driving me crazy, since it is leading me to believe that no change is actually occuring, even though it is. Why is it that when segments of code are excluded from compilation, the file size is still the same? What am I missing or doing wrong, or what have I miscalculated?
I have considered the option that perhaps VB6 automatically does not compile code which is not used into the final output EXE, but I have read from a few sources that this is not true, in that, if it's included, it is compiled (correct me if I am wrong), and if this is right, then there is no need to use the IncludeUnused Boolean to remove unused code...?
If anyone can shed some light on these thoughts, I'd greatly appreciate it.
It could well be that the size difference is very small and that the exe size is padded to the next 512 or 1024 byte alignment. Try compressing the exe's with zip and see if the zip-file sizes differ.
You misunderstand what a compiler does. The output of the VB6 compiler is code. Constants are merely place holders for values, they are not code. The compiler adds them to its symbol table. And when it later encounters a statement in your code that uses the constant then it replaces the constant by its value. That statement produces the exact same code whether you use a constant or hard-code the value in the statement.
So this automatically implies that if you never actually use the constant anywhere then there is no difference at all in the generated code. All that you accomplished by using the #If is to keep the compiler's symbol table smaller. Which is something that makes very little sense to do, the actual gain from compilation speed you get is not measurable. Symbol tables are implemented as hash tables, they have O(1) amortized complexity.
You use constants only to make your code more readable. And to make it easy to change a constant value if the need ever arises. By using #If, you actually made your code less readable.
You can't test runtime data in conditional compilation directives.
These directives use expressions made up of literal values, operators, and CC constants. One way to set constant values is:
#Const IncludeUnused = 0
#Const Testing = 1
You can also define them via Project Properties for IDE testing. Go to the Make tab in that dialog and click the Help button for details.
Perhaps this is where you are setting the values? If so, consider this just additional info for later readers rather than an answer.
See #If...Then...#Else Directive
VB6 executable sizes are padded to 4KB blocks, so if the code difference is small it will make no difference to the executable.

Strange env variables in Mac OS X

I'm sometimes using some environment variables in my shell to pass some values to some shell or Ruby scripts. They use the value if the variable is set.
A few times I've noticed that some conditionals statements (based on the presence of such a variable) were executed even if I didn't set a value for the variable $DESTINATION. My scripts are exitting with an error and print the value. It's always something like /var/folders/9X/9XWGo2YVHP0iDllOTi886E+++TI/-Tmp-/[a file name]
As far as I can diagnose this, [a file name] is always something downloaded by something like Sparkle (the library that helps downloading and installing software updates in applications).
It's not that bad, but a little annoying that it is leaking in a completely different context than the one it's used in.
Anybody to confirm or deny my conclusions ?

How to view the variable values in release builds

I want to be able to see the variable values while debugging a release application.
I have set the compiler option as Z7 and given a /DEBUG and /PDB: linker option. Now I have a pdb for the application.
With this set up I am able to put a break point (Windbg) inside the code and it hits properly. But I am not able to see the variable values.
The Locals window only shows the pointer value but I cant see the contents of the same. For instance if I have a pointer to a structure that has an int inside it, it just shows the value of the pointer. If I expand the same by clicking + in the tree, I see the variable name with the value as <Memory access error>
How should I make the release builds show the variable values?
Many times, you cannot see them because they don't exist. If you look at the optimized assembly code, you will find that many intermediate variables are completely removed in favor of performance. That is most likely what you're seeing, and the only way around it is to follow the disassembly and watch the right memory locations / registers.
