How to adjust the Summary Format to expose a float** as a float[][]? - xcode

I'm using XCode to debug some code. Specifically, the code that I'm debugging exposes a float[][] as float**. I am unable to change this syntax, but I'm not certain it would help anyway.
After including a relevant breakpoint, I want to view the contents of the array in the Variables view of the debugger?
When I double-click on the variable in the list of Autos, I see that I can add a Summary Format which seems deceivingly like it might help, but for the life of me, I can't figure out how to use it!
In conclusion, how do I use the Variables View to see the contents of my array of arrays of this primitive type without resorting to typing commands directly to GDB (which, I believe, can also perform this function)?


How to view the result of an expression in MSVS2013?

I remember seeing somewhere that you can specify which dll to get the address of symbols so that one can use that variable in the watch window. I can't for the life of me remember where I saw this. The best that I can come up with is Format Specifiers in C++.
The reason I want this is so that I can see the visibility status of a window and MSVS keeps saying that identifier "IsWindowVisible" is undefined.
I was trying to use something like the following in the watch window:
results in Function CWnd::IsWindowVisible has no address, possibly due to compiler optimizations. which is why I'm trying to use the win32 call. Ideas?
Haven't tried it, but it seems to me that IsWindowVisible(m_hWnd) should work, or maybe IsWindowVisible(this->m_hWnd).

WinDBG View Passed Arguments to Any Function

I'm using windbg to debug an Windows executable. I want to know how I can see arguments passed to any function using WinDBG.
For example If I wanna know the parameters passed to function Kernel32!CreatefileA using Immunity Debugger or Olly debugger I will set a break point at entry point of Kernel32!CreatefileA.
Now in bottom right corner of debugger window i could see nicely what are the parameters are getting passed to Kernel32!CreatefileA by the program. Like this screen shot.
So my question is how how can I get a similar view of passed parameters using WinDBG.Is thre any way??
Is there any plugin which can represent the stack visually like olly or immunity??
Thanks in Advance
If you have private symbols, dv will show you locals and arguments. There is also a "Locals" window that can be opened with Alt+3 if you prefer to use the GUI.
If symbols are not available, it is not quite so easy. You can start with kv to see raw arguments and calling convention. Once you know the calling convention, you know where arguments are stored (stack and/or registers), and it is a matter of deciphering their layout in memory.

View a custom data type's values while debugging OCaml code

I have a list called list_ds of a custom-defined data structure in my OCaml source. I compiled the source for debugging and ran the debugger halting execution of my code at a breakpoint. Now I want to check particular element of the data structure within the list. If I use the print list_ds command in the debugger, I see [ abstr; abstr; abstr; abstr; <abstr>; ...] - list with word abstr. If I use "print list_ds.(0)" command in the debugger, it tells me that $1 : ds = abstr. But I really want to see the elements of the ds data structure at the first location in the list_ds. How can I do that?
One option would be to install your own custom print function for the type. This is described in Section 16.8.8 of the OCaml Debugger Manual.
A downside of this approach is that it requires quite a bit of setup, especially since the output must be done through the Format module. You might be able to use the deriving project to speed this up. It can generate formatting functions automatically.

RadRails, Ruby, Content Assist and Methods

I am new to Ruby, and I am currently working with an API which is unfamiliar to me. In order to use code completion, which helps me learn, I installed RadRails in Eclipse. However, I am having trouble with Content Assist: specifically, the Content Assist does not reveal the methods for objects in the API.
For example, one of my objects, ins, represents a loaded XBRL instance document. If I run ins.methods, the list contains all of the methods I want, including those in the API (such as functions that allow me to access items in the instance):
However, if I just type ins. with Content Assist enabled, it only shows options like:
which appear to be system options. As a result, the Content Assist exposes exactly zero of the methods I actually want to use. If I know the methods ahead of time and start typing them, I can get Content Assist to give them to me, eventually, by pressing Ctrl+Space. However, that requires me to know what I want ahead of time; since I am using this to explore the API, that doesn't work for me.
Does anyone know how to get RadRails/Eclipse to show me the correct methods?
This is a general problem inherent to dynamic languages and IDEs/editors. The IDE has to guess at the type of the variable that the code assist is being invoked upon, and from that generate the list of applicable methods.
IRB has type information at runtime, so it knows what methods apply. The IDE is trying to guess the type by analyzing your code statically (not running it).
Having said that, the IDE should often be able to guess correctly. Providing the larger context of the snippet of code that this is being invoked on would be helpful to look into whether or not we could provide helpful content assist on this object. You may want to file a ticket with the version number, and the sample code here:

How can I make an external toolbox available to a MATLAB Parallel Computing Toolbox job?

As a continuation of this question and the subsequent answer, does anyone know how to have a job created using the Parallel Computing Toolbox (using createJob and createTask) access external toolboxes? Is there a configuration parameter I can specify when creating the function to specify toolboxes that should be loaded?
According to this section of the documentation, one way you can do this is to specify either the 'PathDependencies' property or the 'FileDependencies' property of the job object so that it points to the functions you need the job's workers to be able to use.
You should be able to point the way to the KbCheck function in PsychToolbox, along with any other functions or directories needed for KbCheck to work properly. It would look something like this:
obj = createJob('PathDependencies',{'path_to_KbCheck',...
A few comments, based on my work troubleshooting this:
It appears that there are inconsistencies with how well nested functions and anonymous functions work with the Parallel Computation toolkit. I was unable to get them to work, while others have been able to. (Also see here.) As such, I would recommend having each function stored in it's own file, and including those files using the PathDependencies or FileDependencies properties, as described by gnovice above.
It is very hard to troubleshoot the Parallel Computation toolkit, as everything happens outside your view. Use breakpoints liberally in your code, and the inspect command is your friend. Also note that if there is an error, task objects will contain an error parameter, which in turn will contain ErrorMessage string, and possibly the Error.causes MException object. Both of these were immensely useful in debugging.
When including Psychtoolbox, you need to do it as follows. First, create a jobStartup.m file with the following lines:
PTB_path = '/Users/eliezerk/Documents/MATLAB/Psychtoolbox3/';
addpath( PTB_path );
cd( PTB_path );
However, since the Parallel Computation toolkit can't handle any graphics functionality, running SetupPsychtoolbox as-is will actually cause your thread to crash. To avoid this, you need to edit the PsychtoolboxPostInstallRoutine function, which is called at the very end of SetupPsychtoolbox. Specifically, you want to comment out the line AssertOpenGL (line 496, as of the time of this answer; this may change in future releases).
