Flowplayer, is this normal behaviour? - flowplayer

I installed Flowplayer on my site, and the movie plays, but it won't let me move to parts that haven't loaded yet.
Does anyone know if this is normal behavior or just something I did wrong?

This is normal behaviour if you don't have support on the server side in the form of RTMP. It's the server's responsibility to serve the "jump" request, and it can only do that if it supports RTMP.


Play SHOUTcast DNAS without entering admin panel

I need URL of a SHOUTcast streaming to be played in browser without entering administration panel and without adding "/;" Nor "/stream" at the end of the URL.
I give you the example of 2 SHOUTcast streaming URLs where one does what I want and the other does not.
If you open this streaming A in Mozilla Firefox you will see that a player appears and plays the sound. Now if you open this streaming B in the same browser you will see that it goes to the Shoutcast administration panel.
(I advise you to watch it in Mozilla because if they do it in Chrome or any Chromium based browser, the player will not be seen because these last browsers download streaming instead of showing the player.)
To achieve the same thing as streaming A, it would be enough to add a slash and a semicolon at the end of streaming B or "/stream" and this would result.
But that solution does not work for a project I'm testing, I need the streaming URL to end in the port with nothing later, just like streaming A.
I've been searching the internet for information for over a week and haven't found anything on how to accomplish this.
Someone help me please.
Best regards
I have fixed the problem in another way.
I have created independent variables for sound URLs and metadata.
To get metadata I have used https://host:port
And for the sound https://host:port/stream
This way I avoid that the browser recognizes my streaming as html and it plays without problems and I get the metadata correctly . :)

Retrieving .swf from website

I was wondering if you guys can help me out. Im making a website for an authorized Dish dealer. Ive been trying to retrieve the flash animation on dish.com. I was able to get it through firefox with 'Page Info' but all I get is a black rectangle without no animation. Its a .swf, any help is appreciated.
There are a couple of possible issues there.
There's a chance that the movie is loading something from that domain, which will not get loaded when the container movie is loaded in another domain due to cross-domain policy issues (and security sandbox restrictions).
Also, in its code the developer might have made it to check the URL and restricted some actions accordingly.
Another possibility is, it might be using some data that it gathers from the page source, or a server-side script which you might not be providing it.
These are the most likely possibilities I can think of, but if I get a chance to think more I'm sure I can come up with many others.

Creating timer in my Rails App

I am having a rails app that basically changes replaces images at pre-decided time. Now i want to create a ruby timer that triggers an event every second and when any image time is reached, it throws the event and the image changes in the view. I was thinking of using observer pattern for this. Can anyone please advise me on how to go about doing this?
Any help is appreciated.
Have a look at gems that handle scheduled tasks for you. I've used Taskit quite successfully in the past.
Sounds like you may also want image-rotating Javascript...
RubyOnRails is a server-side technology. It does not work in the way, which would let the rails application to change the 'view', after it has been rendered and sent to the client's browser.
You should use a JavaScript for this task.
You may decide who (client or the server) decides which image to serve. You may place all the URLs of the images in JavaScript, or you may provide a single resource in your rails application, which will return different images (or their URLs) in each request. There are many ways, but if I understood your question correctly, observers are not related to the problem.

Javascript file upload mechanism

I need for users to upload files (mostly images) without leaving the current webpage. What's the best tool, library or mechanism for doing this? I'm using the latest jQuery and Spring webmvc (with JSP), so if there's already a mechanism within them then that's ideal.
It would also be really great to have some kind of progress bar. Does that mean it requires coordination with the server to read the progress (where Spring would have to come into play)? Or is there a mechanism within JavaScript for this?
You should check out Plupload.
Plupload offers a cross-browser
JavaScript File uploading API that
handles multiple file uploads,
client-side progress meters, type
filtering and even client-side image
resizing and drag-and-drop from the
desktop. It achieves all of this by
providing backends for Flash,
Silverlight, Google Gears, HTML5 and
Browserplus and picking the most
capable available option.
Its really neat! Here's a link to some of their Demos...
... and a screenshot of the jQuery UI queue widget (it has a progress bar!):
I hope this helps.
I use uploadify pretty regularly: http://www.uploadify.com/
However it does use flash for the upload mechanism and as a result may create some issues if the user is authenticated.
You should use AJAX on the client side
http://www.webtoolkit.info/ajax-file-upload.html This tutorial covers all client side.
Om the server side
This tutorlal covers most of this issue:
Yopu can use jquery as well or any other JS framework.
But the mist important thing is the fact You need to remember that your tag on client side should have.
property. it means that your request contains muultipart data.
Uploadify does that trick > http://www.uploadify.com/
All samples are php but you should be able to convert it to your platform.

How to stop web page refresh to view disappearing error message

We're working on a Joomla site for GiveCamp, and our code is running into some error in production that didn't occur in test.
Nothing is showing up in the server logs, and some error appears on the screen very very briefly, then is replaced by another error page.
How can we freeze the display to view the first page?
Like stepping through code in a debugger, but in the browser?
The only thing we've come up with is making a video and stopping the playback; there's got to be a smarter way of capturing the web traffic, right?
We're open to using a different browser or adding extensions -- I think we've viewed this in Firefox and Conkeror, so far...
UPDATE: we ended up recording a screen-case, then stopping the playback to see the error. I am still hoping to find a better solution, something that would be caching the web stream.
I know it might be late since you've already found your solution, but the following might be useful for for anyone else having the same problem:
Try using a FF extension to capture the response headers like httpfox or live http headers. These will allow you to capture everything received from the web-server and then go through it to find your message. There are also a bunch of dedicated packet sniffing tools such as wireshark - this will capture everything. If you're on windows, theres an awesome app called fiddler.
