Vim hide tear-off menu on Windows xp - windows

My problem is I'm trying to hide the tear-off-menu for VIM on Window XP(Sp3). I just don't like it. How can I do that. Please help.
Just as a suggestions I'm asking the below mentioned question -
I'm learning to use the VIM editor for Windows, mainly the GUI version. Then I was pointed to learn from this blog - Vim Novice Tutorial Videos. Now the tutorials are good but there are practically no tutorials for VIM on windows. Can anyone point me to some windows tutorial for vim.
Another thing is that, I was trying to use the vimrc file of this user but was unable to setup plugins for windows.

set guioptions-=t
in your _vimrc will hide the tear off menu items in the future.
Regarding the tutorials (Vim/GVim on Windows), no, they aren't usually divided between Vim on Unix/Linux and Vim on Windows, Vim being rather similar on all of those. Some things differ (for example, the name of your vimrc file which is customary _vimrc on Windows, and .vimrc on the *nix boxes), but users usually pick those quickly and forget about them.
Regarding the vimrc file and the plugins found on that link, what is your directory structure? Where did you put vim runtime files and where did you put these configuration files in regards to vim's position? Could you tell what errors (problems) did you encounter?


c++ hide terminal with GTKMM gui apps

I've been looking around on the cplusplus forum and here on stackoverflow, but I have not been able to find an answer. All I find is Windows stuff or people working with IDE'S that do the work for them.
I am creating an application with c++ and GTKMM and nothing else, I just have a texteditor and a compiler that I control with my terminal (I adress this because a lot of people always talk about IDE'S and stuff) on UNIX based computers.
When I run my application (./application) I always see my terminal along with my gui application and I would like to hide the terminal. How would I achieve this?
Thanks in prior :)
So I found out it differs from operation system. I've written out what I've found on my website, so check it out if you want to create a mac application.

Simple Ruby Editor?

This editor isn't intended for me. It's intended for teaching someone else Ruby. I largely use Emacs when writing Ruby. Does anyone know of an editor that
indents the current line correctly when you press tab,
can indent the whole file correctly (keyboard shortcut would be nice),
has syntax highlighting for Ruby,
other than that works kind of like Windows Notepad (maybe with a toolbar of icons),
has a built in terminal (not absolutely required),
has multiple editor tabs,
and works on Windows, Linux, or both?
Or anything somewhat close?
I'm also going to add that I'd like to be available for free (legally for an indefinite period of time). Open source wouldn't hurt.
Check Notepad++
I don't think that jEdit has a built-in terminal, but I believe it does everything else you need. It's implemented in Java, so it should run on any platform for which a JVM exists, including Windows and Linux.
Since it's about teaching ruby RedCar and Diakonos are good choices. They have most of the features you mention and as a bonus both are written in Ruby.
If you are not a die hard fan of emacs, then there's always vim and its plugins for any programming language. Here's one for Ruby: rails.vim : Ruby on Rails: easy file navigation, enhanced syntax highlighting, and more
If you are new to vim, this cheat sheet should help you: vim graphical cheat sheet
I like gedit - it doesn't have a terminal, but should work fine for the other requirements. It can run on Windows with Cygwin.
For a full-blown IDE, Aptana Studio is great. It meets your requirements.
If your main goal is to teach then you could try using Hackety Hack. It is somewhat weak at times, but I found it fun and simple to use, but then again I already knew ruby pretty well.
For a beginner being able to run the programs easily is very important so you want something where irb and ruby can be run very simply. Aptana seems to be a pretty good IDE for this sort of thing, but I have never used it myself aside for web development.
Aside from those two I suggest Notepad++... Also the free KomodoEdit might be worth a look. Personally I say teach the other person emacs, but then again shrug

something similar to Emacs shell?

I'm looking for something similar to Emacs shell.
I want to be able to select text easily in my terminal, be able to manipulate the output.
Unfortunately, emacs is not always an option. I can't figure out how to make a few things (e.g autocompletion) work the way it does in gnome-terminal and it is a bit of a pain on remote system.
I would rather not spend the time fixing/configuring Emacs unless there is a cool piece of software out there doing something similar to gnome-terminal + let's me manipulate the output without touching the bloody mouse.
Thanks for your help,
I'm not sure I completely understand the question, but if you're looking for terminal emulation inside of Emacs, there are at least four options bundled with Emacs 22+ that offer varying levels of xterm-like capability:
eshell, IMO, is the most departed from the tradtional "xterm" experience, but also offers the most buffer-like experience, and it is cross-platform, which is a huge win.
I think shell might be the sweet spot for you if you're looking for term-like behavior, while retaining the editing capabilities.
Finally, term and ansi-term are very term-like, and will behave almost exactly like a xterm/konsole/gnome-shell session.
One other note: if you want scrollback access, copying, pasting, etc. and you don't have Emacs available, I highly recommend learning and using GNU Screen.
You should try the Emacs terminal emulator term(or its colored version ansi-term). There are other terminal emulators for Emacs around, but this is the most popular(and the only one bundled with the default installation).
Looks like you want to look into readline on bash (or if available on your favourite shell). A quick google gives a few links here (including a cheatsheet).
I was also looking for some kind of shell like emacs, with support to some feature like emacs buffers for example. That would be great.
I just found this one: Terminator
Have a look:

How can I print syntax-highlighted Ruby code?

I use TextMate for my Ruby editing, but when printing files, the code isn't syntax highlighted. Are there any good programs for printing out well-formatted color-highlighted Ruby code?
A good solution which I use is to print from TextMate via vim which gives you a syntax-highlighted and line-numbered result (or however you choose to configure it.) In addition to vim it requires ps2pdf but these are easy to install with macports etc.
The only limitation is that the file needs to be saved first.
See this page, which shows how to set up the macro as a TextMate 'command'.
I don't know if it's relevant in Mac-world, but the SciTE editor that's bundled
with the one-click installer for Windows prints nicely in colour on our HP Laserjet. I haven't tried printing from any of the various IDEs - I ought to try it.
I'd probably use Ultraviolet to create an HTML file that's syntax-highlighted to print out...
The syntax gem is pretty awesome.
require 'hpricot'
require 'syntax/convertors/html'
def filter_content(content)
h = Hpricot(content)
c = Syntax::Convertors::HTML.for_syntax "ruby"'//pre[#class="ruby"]') do |e|
e.inner_html = c.convert(e.inner_text,false)
Edit: Oh, you are referring to printing... Well you could do convert it to HTML and then print it from your browser.
Apparently it is difficult to communicate to the printer that a *.txt-equivalent file needs to be colorized but it obviously can be done. TextMate's creator has communicated simply that he doesn't think it is important enough of a feature to have which basically means it is extremely difficult to implement.
Aptana can do this thing no problem but it takes forever to load.
Enter vim. vim is probably already installed on your computer.
vim filename.m
:syntax on
Again, there won't be any prompt for which printer to use, so make sure your system's default printer is set correctly.
If you had to use the :syntax on command to get vim to colorize your code:
To set vim by default to do syntax-based coloring:
nano ~/.vimrc
syntax on
save & quit
Thanks, boulder_ruby
A couple of additional points at the end of 2016 (2 years 10 months later):
If you're on Windows, you cannot count on VIM being already installed. Membership in Stack Overflow does improve the odds, but probably not to 90%). However VIM for Windows is easy to get.
Macs come with MacVim by default.
On a Mac, using MacVim, following your advice, I carefully set the default printer to one where I could empty the queue before wasting paper on testing.
Then I used the :hardcopy VIM command. The printed version went straight to PDF and opened in Preview. It never showed up in the default printer queue.
Also, edavey above points to which contains a link to the TextMate Help page on printing. The TextMate help says:
There are plans to improve the printing capabilities, but until then,
there is also a command in the Source bundle (View Source as PDF)
which produces a PDF from the current source using enscript and has
syntax highlighting enabled for supported languages.
That suggests (I haven't figured it out the "Source bundle" yet) that you can go straight to PDF, with syntax coloring, from TextMate. If I figure that out, I'll add something here (eventually).
I hope this helps.

Ruby and linux, preferred setup?

Mac's have TextMate as there preferred application for ruby development, but what would be the preferred application for linux? I need something where it's easy to work with multiple files, project structure and setup commands to run my ruby app or if it is one my merb app.Syntax highlighting is also a must.
Now I typically use Vim, but it's not the best for working with multiple files or with a project structure, even with VTreeView plug-in or multiple VIM windows.
So what would you guys suggest?
If you have better plugins to use for VIM feel free to mention them, I'm not ruling out VIM here.
I use Vim on both Windows and Linux for development in Rails (we have to use Windows in work, and I only use Linux at home). The environment is almost exactly the same for both platforms. Especially important for me is easy navigation between the various Rails components - from Controllers to views, partials and models, and quick navigation to test files.
Here are the plugins I use:
Vim Rails by Tim Pope. The :R, :A and gf commands are the ones I use mostly for navigation.
NERDTree for a project/explorer view.
NERDCommenter for easy multi-line commenting.
FuzzyFinder and "FuzzyFinder - Textmate" - allows you to quickly find files based on portins of a file name.
dbext for executing SQL commands and getting the results in a Vim buffer.
Ack and the ack plugin for a better grepping experience from within Vim.
VividChalk colour scheme.
RubyMine from works well for Mac/Linux/Windows, the price is 99$ but it's probably the most productive IDE for Ruby and Rails I have tested so far.
Setup Gedit to be almost like Textmate
Aptana with the Rails plugin is pretty good.
If you are on Ubuntu/Debian, plain old emacs with ruby-elisp package isn't bad. It's no TextMate, but it's not bad.
I prefer Netbeans on both linux and Mac
+1 for Netbeans for Rails. Each release gets better and better and with 6.7 beta it's better yet. Using it on Windows and Mac -- under Linux it's what I'd use as well.
Since you are a vimmer, have you looked at this? I have no experience with it, but looks quite good in the screencast.
Why don't you just use Sublime Text 2 Text Editor, it is free and cross platform and lighter than any IDE, and then you can install the SublimeCodeIntel which will provide you with autocomplete features , you can do that through installing Package Control , then
⌘+shift+p → “install” → ENTER → “codeintel” → ENTER → Restart ST2
It is working perfectly with me and I'm totally in love with this smart editor .
You can find this helpful somehow if you wanna give it a try ,
I'm using it with zsh Terminal
Anyways if you are looking for a full IDE give netbeans a try
I prefer Aptana/RadRails on both Mac and Linux. It gives a consistent experience for me no matter what OS I'm on.
I still don't get the excitement over Textmate...
Given that you use vim, this post might be interesting.
Her is the Fuzzyfinder Textmate vim plugin that the post refers to.
Aptana Studio is indeed very nice. Also Gedit does the job if you don't want a full IDE environment and are more inclined to do stuff by hand :).
The other answers are about ruby editors, so I thought I will add an answer on my linux setup.
I use Ubuntu with VM player (free) on top of windows 7. I dedicate 2 core and 2 GB to the vm. Benefit of using the VM on top of windows is that I can use linux just for development and windows for everything else. Skype, webex, and team viewer works in windows, but i find them to be flaky in linux. Also I use office once in a while, very easy on windows.
I have been using GMATE for a while and I can say that I only need gnome-terminal to complete my ruby/groovy/python setup. It have themes imported from textmate and do some method/property code completion (not much ok? but it comes handy).
Edit: forgot to say that GMATE is a set of plugins for Gedit (default text editor on gnome)
With Linux there are 3 really good IDEs and all are free. You have Eclipse, Netbeans, and Aptana... They are all very good and each have some benfits over the other, its more a matter of preference. I would suggest downloading all 3 and giving them a try to see which you prefer.
