MVC parsing localized input - Model? Controller? - model-view-controller

I'm currently working with PHP (CodeIgniter) and I was wondering if I should parse localized input in the Model or Controller? I'm leaning towards Models since parsing would come after/mixed with validation. (which is in the model, no?)
I can't help but get a certain uneasiness in regards to re-usability from clumping everything in the model (validation, parsing/localization, arranging, cache, database, etc)

I usually do input validation / filtering in controllers to reduce the depth of function call stack (so errors get caught more immediately), it's perfectly legal to have them in models however.
Anyway, here's a clue: Is the input parsing process part of the business logic? If so, then it's better to have it in the model. Otherwise (the business logic only cares about the parsed input), I suggest to put it in controller (or helper).


In MVC, should the Model or the Controller be processing and parsing data?

Until now, in my MVC application, I've been using the Model mainly just to access the database, and very little else. I've always looked on the Controller as the true brains of the operation. But I'm not sure if I've been correctly utilizing the MVC model.
For example, assume a database of financial transactions (order number, order items, amount, customer info, etc.). Now, assume there is a function to process a .csv file, and return it as an array, to be inserted into the database of transactions.
I've placed my .csv parse function in my Controller, then the controller passes the parsed information to a function in the Model to be inserted. However, strictly speaking, should the .csv parsing function be included in the Model instead?
EDIT: For clarity's sake, I specifically am using CodeIgniter, however the question does pertain to MVC structure in general.
The internet is full of discussion about what is true MVC. This answer is from the perspective of the CodeIgniter (CI) implementation of MVC. Read the official line here.
As it says on the linked page "CodeIgniter has a fairly loose approach to MVC...". Which, IMO, means there aren't any truly wrong ways to do things. That said, the MVC pattern is a pretty good way to achieve Separation of Concerns (SoC) (defined here). CI will allow you to follow the MVC pattern while, as the linked documentation page says, "...enabling you to work in a way that makes the most sense to you."
Models need not be restricted to database functions. (Though if that makes sense to you, then by all means, do it.) Many CI developers put all kinds of "business logic" in Models. Often this logic could just as easily reside in a custom library. I've often had cases where that "business logic" is so trivial it makes perfect sense to have it in a Controller. So, strictly speaking - there really isn't any strictly speaking.
In your case, and as one of the comments suggests, it might make sense to put the CSV functionality into a library (a.k.a. service). That makes it easy to use in multiple places - either Controller or Model.
Ultimately you want to keep any given block of code relevant to, and only to, the task at hand. Hopefully this can be done in a way that keeps the code DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself). It's up to you to determine how to achieve the desired end result.
You get to decide what the terms Model, View, and Controller mean.
As a general rule MVC is popular because it supports separation of concerns, which is a core tenet of SOLID programming. Speaking generically (different flavors support/ recommend different implementations), your model holds your data (and often metadata for how to validate or parse), your view renders your data, and your controller manages the flow of your data (this is also usually where security and validation occur).
In most systems, the Single Responsibility Principle would suggest that while business logic must occur at the controller level, it shouldn't actually occur in the controller class. Typically, business logic is done in a service, usually injected into the controller. The controller invokes the service with data from the model, gets a result that goes into the model (or a different model), and invokes the view to render it.
So in answer to your question, following "best practices" (and I'll put that in quotes because there's a lot of opinions out there and it's not a black and white proposition), your controller should not be processing and parsing data, and neither should your model; it should be invoking the service that processes and parses the data, then returning the results of aforementioned invocation.
Now... is it necessary to do that in a service? No. You may find it more appropriate, given the size and complexity of your application (i.e. small and not requiring regular maintenance and updates) to take some shortcuts and put the business logic into the controller or the model; it's not like it won't work. If you are following or intend to follow the intent of the Separation of Concerns and SOLID principles, however (and it's a good idea on larger, more complex projects), it's best to refactor that out.
Back to the old concept of decomposing the project logic as Models and Business Logic and the Data Access Layer.
Models was the very thin layer to represent the objects
Business Logic layer was for validations and calling the methods and for processing the data
Data Access Layer for connecting the database and to provide the OR relation
in the MVC, and taking as reference:
Models : to store all the object structure
View: is like an engine to display the data was sent from the controller ( you can think about the view as the xsl file of the xml which is models in this case)
Controller: the place where you call the methods and to execute the processes.
usually you can extend the models to support the validations
finally, in my opinion and based on my experience, most of the sensitive processes that take some execution time, I code it on the sql server side for better performance, and easy to update the procedures in case if any rule was injected or some adjustments was required, all mentioned can be done without rebuilding your application.
I hope my answer gives you some hints and to help you
If your CSV processing is used in more than one place, you can use a CI library to store the processing function. Or you can create a CSV model to store the processing function. That is up to you. I would initially code this in the controller, then if needed again elsewhere, that is when I would factor it out into a library.
Traditionally, models interact with the database, controllers deal with the incoming request, how to process it, what view to respond with. That leaves a layer of business logic (for instance your CSV processing) which I would put in a library, but many would put in its own model.
There is no hard rule about this. MVC, however it was initially proposed, is a loose term interpreted differently in different environments.
Personally, with CI, I use thin controllers, fat models that also contain business logic, and processing logic like CSV parsing I would put in a library, for ease of reuse between projects.

MVC confusion passing data from view to model via controller

If a view is served from a controller is it ok to pass data generated in that view via post and pass it straight to a model or do I need go back through the controller that served the view and call the model from the controller?
In CodeIgniter views get their data from the controller, which demultiplexes / validates parameters and retrieves the appropriate data from the model(s). It's important that:
Views are output. Views are not coupled with the models directly, as they define the HTML/XML/JSON/CSS (either pages, logical parts of pages, or other fragments of output data like APIs and resources). This means you do not call models from views in CI.
Controllers are proxies. Controllers and models do not produce output. Controllers take the GET and POST requests and make the calls needed for a view to print the result, often checking the parameters and multiplexing multiple model calls to get all of the appropriate data.
Models get and put data. Models should return their data in an agnostic format: either as data objects of the model, or as more generic (but consistent) hashes of data. The cleaner the returned model data, the less coupling you will find between your views and models (and the more you will be able to reuse model pieces).
In CodeIgniter there are a few places where you may find overlap:
JavaScript often ends up related to views (and may do things like validation, normally a controller task). You can improve this by moving Javascript out of the views (works well for larger pieces, less well for smaller bits).
In PHP, returning hashes (key/value arrays) is easier than returning objects (less code, but reduced type safety). This is often a source of coupling.
Shared output stuff often finds its way into controllers (you can avoid this by moving it into CI helper libraries).
The goal is for your views to be unaware of your models, except that they receive data from them that meets a particular specification. Controllers just get and put (they neither generate HTML output, nor access the data directly), and models are mostly SQL or other forms of getting data and stuffing it into something structured.
Speaking in an MVC agnostic approach I would say that the View going back to the Model is the correct approach. Purist may state always going back to the Controller.
A comment from here...
The model manages the behavior and
data of the application domain,
responds to requests for information
about its state (usually from the
view), and responds to instructions to
change state (usually from the
The phrases "usually" are key. Patterns are for manageability and maintainability downstream to some degree. Sometimes patterns are a hindrance to accomplishing the goal in a maintainable and manageable manner and are sometimes overused.
I would gather that going either route would be fine in this instance (small scale)...but it is also about how you are approaching the problem on an application wide scale.
Yes, you submit form data to controller functions. That function then processes the data and calls a view.
If you try it any other way, you'll end up in code hell.
One function can handle the original display of the form and the submission of that form.
Simply check if the form has been submitted, if so, process it's data, else display the form.
function login(){
//process the form data
//show the form

MVC: Structuring Feed Output

The framework I'm using on my project follows the MVC Pattern. I"M building JSON feeds and need to structure them in a different way then what the system gives me by default from the ORM. Where should I be handling the task of mangling and shaping my data that I'll serve up, in the model, view or controller?
Right now I'm doing it in my controller, then passing that data to the view. I can see this fitting better under the Model or the View but not sure which one.
If this different structure is only relevant to the view, you should keep it in the view.
If this structure is used in more than one view, make a Helper for it.
Internally your app should standardize on one data format, so models should always return a standardized format. If you were to do something with that data in your controller, you'd need to change the logic for interacting with the data just in that one controller function, which in this case doesn't make much sense. If you later decide to change the format in the model, you'd also need to change code in the controller that interacts with it. Don't create dependencies when there's no advantage to do so.
I'd write a model method to do it if I were you. Having it in the controller will make your controller fat, which is bad, and means you can't call that functionality from other controller actions or anywhere else. Although it could be considered presentation logic, I prefer to keep my views really simple with just conditionals and iterators at most. There may be an argument for having it in a helper, but I'd still stick with the model.

MVC - Who formats the model?

Before rendering into a view model should be formatted:
multilingual data localized;
date, time values formatted;
numbers formatted.
Who performs all this formatting - Controller or View?
Am I right that all the formatting is performed by the Controller which creates so called ViewModel containing only formatted values and sends this ViewModel to the View?
Thanks in advance!
Eric Petroelje is right, but I would build helper a class(es) to get localised content/dates etc, because localisation isn't always in the views, e.g. sending emails with localised content. I would have something like LocalisationHelper.GetString("MyKey"), or LocalisationHelper.GetDate(Date.Now), where the LocalisationHelper knows the users current locale (maybe from Session).
Then use this directly in the views where possible:
<%= Html.Encode(LocalisationHelper.GetDate(Date.Now)) %>
Design Patterns 101.
Model is for storing data (usually database-backed).
View is for presenting the data (not manipulating it).
Controller is for manipulating the model and passing that to the view (choosing the right locale for instance would go here).
MVC doesn't necessarily mean you have 3 distinct classes, but rather 3 components or layers. These are abstract and don't necessarily have to be tied to one physical class. Inside your Controller layer, that can consist of any number of helper classes or whatever.
I agree with part of what cartoonfox is saying, everything is intertwined. For instance, if you develop a view for a shopping cart, but the model is containing birthday information, then it isn't going to work. It is simply a design pattern to help remove duplication of effort. When you have fewer variables and less noise, it is much easier to focus on what needs to be done and understand it very well.
I had a discussion with our team about using annotations to render forms on a web page. These annotations were placed in the model or entity class. You will often work directly with entity classes, so it eliminates quite a bit of overhead and duplication of effort if you put your annotations here. Because your annotations are placed directly on the model class, you cannot end up with a view for birthday information, it just isn't possible. In addition, by following patterns, you strip out the junk that doesn't add value to the end result. You simply write the business logic and close to nothing else.
Although the annotations were in the same class as the model layer, the presentation or view layer consisted of the annotations and the helper classes. It doesn't need to necessarily be distinct classes or boundaries.
Another example would be. I've worked on some PHP web "applications" in the past. I use applications because they were a monolithic block of code, more or less a single main method with all the logic in there (which is hardly a functional application).
If you don't abstract code into functions and simply use a single method, you will end up with a lot of duplication of effort. If you tried to understand that monolithic code block, you would be in for a heap of trouble (as was I, it was hard to learn what was going on, then I would find a similar block of code somewhere else and be dumbfounded why a few things were tweaked the way they were).
It can be done any way you want, but design patterns such as MVC help you simplify what you write in order to get it to work as well as more easily wrap your head around the solution. Another popular design pattern or approach is divide and conquer.
To answer your original questions:
In Java, localized data would be done transparently by the application. For instance, if you wanted US English locale support, you would create a properties file:
and then place all your US English content in there. Depending on how much content this may be, you might want to use a different approach.
For my application I have whole pages in a different language so what I do is this. My controller determines the client's locale or a best match. Then it chooses which view to display and passes the model (data) to the view.
If you need dynamic formatting for your date/times, then your controller is responsible for determining which one will be used. Then, your view is responsible for using that converter to format the value.
I'm using JBoss Seam so the MVC design pattern is still used, but more abstractly. I don't have actual 'controllers', but an interceptor which is responsible for handling a specific piece of functionality (determining the client's locale, then another for their date/time preference). My controllers that would be the equivalent of a Spring Controller are action components responsible for handling page actions.
The view is responsible for this not the controller.
To explain I need to elaborate a bit about what the "view" is:
In both web-based and traditional GUI MVC patterns, the View is responsible for the external representation of whatever parts of the model that are shown. If that means "formatting" data from the model then so be it.
The controller shouldn't format the data - because the controller is responsible for doing things to the model based on events/commands coming in from the outside world. The controller doesn't have anything to do with rendering the output.
I want to display a shopping cart with several order lines:
Adding things to the cart causes the controller to change what's in the cart model.
Changing my locale causes the controller to change a setting in the user model to indicate preferred locale.
Whenever the cart is displayed, the view has to ask the model for the order lines and decide how to display that - maybe doing locale-sensitive work.
The same customer could ask to see the shopping cart in multiple different currencies. That just means changing what it looks like in the view. It's still the same shopping cart for the same customer with the same things in it.
If this is a web-app made from web template pages, you might embed code to pull in localized messages e.g. <%= message_renderer.text(:insufficient_funds) %>. In this case the "message_renderer" and the template file are both part of the view.
Views aren't necessarily just web-based templates. In some Java-based frameworks for example, we put "view objects" into a velocity template. Those view objects are linked back to objects in the model, but they also perform on-demand rendering and formatting behaviour. Those are part of the view although they're not just a template.
It's a bit confusing with frameworks like ruby on rails and groovy on grails where they call the template the "view" - when a view is really more than just a template. Traditionally (in Smalltalk MVC and in Java's Swing) views are just code that can perform formatting, rendering and any other display-related behaviour.
All that stuff seems like presentation layer logic, so personally I think it should go in the view.
I wouldn't advocate for having the view call service layer objects in the general sense, but for localization I think it makes sense.
For example, lets say you have lots of static text on your pages that you have tokenized and stored in a database in various localized forms. I don't think it would make sense for the controller to have to lookup and put all those text tokens in the model. Even though a text token lookup is technically a "service layer" operation, I still think it makes sense for the view to call that service directly via some utility class rather than having the controller do it.

MVC - where to implement form validation (server-side)?

In coding a traditional MVC application, what is the best practice for coding server-side form validations? Does the code belong in the controller, or the model layer? And why?
From Wikipedia:
Model-view-controller (MVC) is an architectural pattern used in software engineering. Successful use of the pattern isolates business logic from user interface considerations, resulting in an application where it is easier to modify either the visual appearance of the application or the underlying business rules without affecting the other. In MVC, the model represents the information (the data) of the application and the business rules used to manipulate the data; the view corresponds to elements of the user interface such as text, checkbox items, and so forth; and the controller manages details involving the communication to the model of user actions such as keystrokes and mouse movements.
Thus, model - it holds the application and the business rules.
I completely agree with Josh. However you may create a kind of validation layer between Controller and Model so that most of syntactical validations can be carried out on data before it reaches to model.
For example,
The validation layer would validate the date format, amount format, mandatory fields, etc...
So that model would purely concentrate on business validations like x amount should be greater than y amount.
My experience with MVC thus far consists of entirely rails.
Rails does it's validation 100% in the Model.
For the most part this works very well. I'd say 9 out of 10 times it's all you need.
There are some areas however where what you're submitting from a form doesn't match up with your model properly. There may be some additional filtering/rearranging or so on.
The best way to solve these situations I've found is to create faux-model objects, which basically act like Model objects but map 1-to-1 with the form data. These faux-model objects don't actually save anything, they're just a bucket for the data with validations attached.
An example of such a thing (in rails) is ActiveForm
Once the data gets into those (and is valid) it's usually a pretty simple step to transfer it directly across to your actual models.
The basic syntax check should be in the control as it translates the user input for the model. The model needs to do the real data validation.
