Are there any plugins that allow commenting on Blogs? - comments

I am busy researching the best solution to us to apply comments to my blog.
I know that there are a number of interesting solutions such as Facebook Comments
Basically I would like to hear opinions around what the best solution would be to accomodate the following requirements:
You should be able to comment using Facebook
If you dont have facebook you should also be able to comment as Anonymous
You should also be able to comment using your Yahoo, Gmail and Hotmail IDs
Commenting should trigger email notifications
When someone replies to your comment or thread it should also give you an email notification
Interested to see what else is out there in terms of a solution other than Facebook comments
Thanks in advance.

I'd recommend disqus. It's used in lots of places and works well with my own blog(s). It allows for the user to authentic (optional) from several openID providers (google, facebook). In fact, it looks like it meets all of your requirements


reCaptcha - "send alerts to owners" - who?

I'm trying to get reCaptcha working on my website.
I found out I have to register my domain for this first, since I already have a google account this is quite easy, but the very last checkbox made me think:
How does google determine who the owners are?
And what kind of alerts will those be? E-Mails?
I'm a bit worried that some random person will get an E-Mail one day not knowing what to do with it since I'm not the only one working on that domain. And if they just mean my google account I'm registering this with...that doesn't make sense because they should've written "you" instead of owners then. - although your site is making this even more confusing. :D
I'm aware this is not directly a programming question.
I'm open for suggestions for a better Stack-exchange platform to ask this question at, there are too many - I couldn't find any other that seem to fit.
In the reCAPTCHA admin settings, there is a textbox where you can enter a list of email addresses for owners. This will grant them access to manage the reCAPTCHA settings and send them alerts, if enabled.

Is it possible to build this app for Quickbooks?

I use intuit merchant services - customers pay me with credit card after I send them an email with a link to pay, and everything works with no problem. However, my problem is that the link webpage structure is very outdated and some customers have told me that it doesn't look trustworthy, which I have to agree.
Is there any solution to this, like creating a user interface or a app that I can actually have developed to make this links a little bit more to look like my website so customers don't feel they ever left my website?
You should be careful with this idea. I am not a legal professional and am in no way attempting to give legal advice, but doing what you are suggesting can be illegal in some cases. Some sites disguise their payment screens in a similar way for malicious purposes in a manner called phishing, and there may be little legal differentiation between doing so with good or ill intent.
I don't think this is possible but here is what you actually can do:
Ask your Payment-Website about an API, then you might be able to change the layout.
Inform your customers about the situation and that they will be redirected of whatever you do.
Get a SSL-Cert for your website.
Find another way to receive payments in a trustworthy way

Best practice for setting up facebook comments for clients website, My facebook account vs theirs

I'm setting up a website (wordpress) for a client.
For comments to posts on their site, they've indicated they want to use facebook Social comments app.
Do I create the app using my facebook ID , or do I ask them to make me an admin for their page?
Can I transfer an app some day to them?
(I did a little searching on here, i'm sure the question has been asked, perhaps I'm using the wrong terminology, as i'm not finding the answer i need)
Thank you for reading!
I think the answer depends on whether or not who will be moderating the comments and really "managing" the app. If your client would like to see/view/moderate comments, add them as a developer or a comment moderator. If you will be responsible, then obviously use your account.

Using Facebook Comments Social Plugin -- many Facebook users comments aren't Public

I'd like to be able to use site comment features on sites that use the Facebook Comments Social Plugin. When I'm logged in to Facebook, I see my profile picture next to the comment box and I can see other comments if any have been made.
When I make a comment, it shows up right away, but doesn't seem to register publicly. If I log out of Facebook, my comment disappears.
More information is coming to light, as well (added March 26, 2013). There are several people affected by this bug who have attempted to get help on Facebook with the issue, so far withouth success.
After I added a fake app to my Facebook developer profile, I was able to post a bug to Facebook, however it has been since closed without being resolved.
Since Facebook comments are now being used as the exclusive online interaction method by several news media outlets, this problem means that some Facebook users are disempowered from being part of the community discussion of news of the day. Does Facebook wish for that to be?
Over time and in conversations with many people, I've learned more about this issue. From the perspective of websites which host the comments plugin, I've learned that comments from certain users, not on the site banned list, are automatically queued by Facebook for moderation.
Also, I recently ran across an answer here on Stack Overflow that indicates that "Fresh" Facebook accounts are designed to be held for moderation in the Comments Plugin, presumably to prevent someone who has just created a Facebook account from using the new account to post spam comments on other websites. I wouldn't consider my account "Fresh" but it is still less than a year old. In the Facebook response which closes the website report they state "The affected user you added to the report has no friends and we suspect the user to be fake and request moderation. This is by design." While it is understandable that Facebook wants to limit the potential for fake users to post in these comments, this metric apparently also snares legitimate users.
Q.Mark, I strongly recommend that site owners not use the Facebook Social Plugin to support commenting on their sites, unless they want to annoy visitors.
Facebook uses an Orwellian blacklist/censorship model which prevents many people from posting comments. Users get no explanation for why their comments won't post. Rather, it's made to look like a malfunction of the web site, and it is only apparent after the users waste their time composing a comment.
There's discussion of the problem here (among many other places):
(Copy saved here: )
A FB "Like" button is useful, but site owners should not use Facebook to support comments. Use Disqus, or LiveFyre, or anything else besides Facebook.
(I realize this doesn't solve your problem, sorry! But perhaps if enough site owners dump Facebook for comments then Facebook will stop what they're doing.)
I was able to post a comment, but it didn't show up on my profile even though share on fb was enabled.
To submit a bug, all you need to do is go to and start typing something in the search field, and you'll see an option to create a bug report from there.

can Yahoo and Hotmail contacts api be used without leaving the site?

I might be missing something but I'm trying to implement a contacts retrieval mechanism akin to the one that is offered by Google for Yahoo and Hotmail. Both APIs seem to require the user to actually go to their sites to log in. The documentation is really convoluted for both. I was hoping someone has done this and can point me to a simple way (if there is one) to allow the user to log in directly in my app and then for me to go and fetch their contacts for them (preferably in XML, but JSON would also do nicely).
I currently have a Perl script that goes and gets the gmail stuff and works very nicely. I was (maybe wildly optimistically) hoping that Yahoo and Microsoft would have similarly useful mechanisms.
Check out Open Inviter: It has Yahoo, Hotmail, and many more :)
Seems domain is no more. There are few other providers available in market out of which I liked, give it a try.
