adding a quick order form in magento - magento

I want to over ride the magento shopping cart options., i.e on each product when the user presses the order now / add to cart button , an html form will open in which the customer inputs name, address , email , contact number and qty, on submission the order will be placed by sending an email to the admin and the customer
i want to establish the same functionality as in:
help will be appreciated.
Shehzad Rah

perhaps this could help others:
with a little know how you could edit this to display it everywhere you want.
If correctly installed you could also call the block directly like this:
<div><?php echo $this->getLayout()->createBlock('core/template')->setTemplate('chapagain_quickorder/block_sidebar.phtml')->toHtml(); ?></div>


Opencart 2.x.x. cart to enquiry basket

I am a newbie on opencart. I want to change the working of cart button. Actually, i dont want to show the prices of my products instead i want my customers to contact me for quote.
So, i want my cart button work in a way that when user click on checkout button, a form open (instead of paypal) in which cart added product names and ID written with other fields like name, email etc so that the user can get a quote from me.
I also want to change the add to cart text to add to basket and checkout text to Get Qoute.
Please help me, i know my issue is very complex and large. And i also know that you can do that.

Magento: Adding a custom block to "Payment Information" when viewing an order in admin

I am working with Magento version I have been trying to figure out the best way to add some additional payment information to the "Payment Information" section when viewing an order in the admin. For example I'd like to add the expiration date of the credit card that was processed (similar to how it would appear for a saved CC method).
I do not wish to override Mage/Payment/Block/Info/Cc.php because then the changes would appear in other undesired places as well (like in sales emails for example).
Thanks for taking the time to read my question!
In magento you have 2 templates for payment info
Display in sales email/frontend
Display in admin area
To my knowledge #2 only display on the order detail page in admin, but if not then you could do something like..
<?php if ($this->isAdmin() && 'sales_order' == Mage::app()->getRequest()->getControllerName()): ?>
//display expiration date of the credit card
// call function in Mage/Payment/Block/Info/Cc.php
<?php endif; ?>
To implement isAdmin() see Magento Request - Frontend or Backend?
I ended up building a simple extension that creates a new tab on the order page in the admin to display this additional information. I had difficulty getting the info to appear on the main tab for the orders page. So I just created the new tab with the info.

magento show "Sign up to get notified when this product is back in stock" link for simple-associated products

How can we display the "Sign up to get notified when this product is back in stock" link for associated products of a configurable product.
Say, we have a T-Shirt (a configurable product) and we sell it in 3 sizes - Medium, Large and Xtra-Large (simple - associated products).
When the Large size goes out of stock, how can we make user subscribe for it for notification when it is back in stock.
Please note I have already set this setting in admin:
System > Configuration > Catalog > Allow Alert When Product Comes Back in Stock - Yes
I noticed that the url for this alert is like (it is for one of the simple products in my store):
http://localhost/mystore/index.php/productalert/add/stock/product_id/1/[some key]/[some key],,/
Is there any way we can call this url directly, passing the product id of our associated product in question? If so, what about those keys at the end of the url?
please guide.
I added this link beside the out-of-stock associated product:
For e.g.
It does my job.
Only thing is, after successfully adding the alert record, it redirects to home page, instead of same page as in normal case.
This is due to [any_key], if we could somehow encrypt current page url [the any_key] just like magento does, we can have it redirect to same page also, after successful saving of alert record.
Any ideas?
Ok I got it finally!
The uenc key [any_key] is actually base64 encoding of current url.
So with the help of, I did:
var encodedUrl = $.base64.encode(window.location);
var redirectTo = 'http://localhost/mysite/index.php/productalert/add/stock/product_id/[associated_product_id]/uenc/' + encodedUrl + '/';
Hope this helps!
The Magento way to get the url would be:
Magento already avails the functionality to set out of stock from admin panel, unfortunately it is limited to some instances therefore we can not set this from admin panel, either way you can do it in code as above mentioned but its a manual task and can not be done again and again with links.
So i think its better to use ready made extension in case you have specific requirement to set product stock alert functionality for customer and they can subscribe for it.
Here is the well managed extension for Magento 2 which can help you to set Product alert and sign-up / subscription functionality with many more admin manageable features.
Link to Out of stock notification extension for Magento 2 -

Add hidden input to magento cart form and show it into admin/order

I need to add a hidden input to my cart form and show it ( if order is ok ) into order page in admin area, is it possible?
I try to follow this
but in 1.4.2 not work.. can someone help to to translate for 1.4.2?
You can use the checkout success page to retrieve the last order ID and add a comment onto it.

Magento admin section

In my magneto project, admin side invoices, I want to display the product name, sku and
manufactures, is it possible???
I know that when clicking View Link I can show, but I want to show the details in the table in the invoices page
Probably the best place to start is:
Everything within the /app/design/adminhtml/ is where you'll want to go to edit any available templates for the backend.
Remember that Magento is full of magic methods. So, often times if you want to output a particular attribute, simply call something like: echo $_item->getManufacturer();
Hope that helps.
