Opencart 2.x.x. cart to enquiry basket - quote

I am a newbie on opencart. I want to change the working of cart button. Actually, i dont want to show the prices of my products instead i want my customers to contact me for quote.
So, i want my cart button work in a way that when user click on checkout button, a form open (instead of paypal) in which cart added product names and ID written with other fields like name, email etc so that the user can get a quote from me.
I also want to change the add to cart text to add to basket and checkout text to Get Qoute.
Please help me, i know my issue is very complex and large. And i also know that you can do that.


Add custom text to each product in cart - Magento 1.9X

how can I attach a custom text to a product which will be added into the cart along with the product itself when adding it to cart and furthermore being passed through the whole order process like in order page in back office or on pdf invoices and so on??
Ex :
When customer is on my product page he has the opportunity to
"customize" the product with the help of a configuration wizard I
have built with javascript/jquery.
List item At the end of this process customer can add customized
product to cart which now has a custom price and a custom
"order text" for me as the shop-owner to get all the customization
When clicking on add-to-cart-button
product is added to cart with new custom price and custom text
Please note that my custom text is not entered by customer. Instead it's gonna be generated by programmatically.
1- make a text or textarea in custom options according to your need.
2- hide it by title
3- put your calculated information into that text field or text area using client side script before adding product into cart.
4- then you will be able to get that information in cart order overview and order details in frontend/backend.

Hook in cart update on change

I have a Woocommerce One Page Checkout and I have the quantity input changed to a select box according this snippet.
Now I want that when I change my quantity with the select, the quantity in my shopping cart also updates with the selected quantity using AJAX. How can I achieve this in my functions.php?
The snippet later on that page does not what it should do. Can someone help me out?
Could this maybe part of my solution?

Add two products to magento Shopping Cart simultaneously on click of add to cart button

I have been working on a LiftSuggest - an automatic Product Recommendations generator.
Now,I have introduced a bundling functionality which will bundle two products and assign discount.
For example,
On product page of A of the client's site,I(LiftSuggest) displays a bundle Saying "Buy A and B together and avail 10% off on net value". Now, when the user clicks on the add to cart button , I want both the products to be added simultaneously to cart. I had implemented the solution proposed on this link, but I need the products to be added on click of add to cart button,without entering the quantity or providing the check box.Just imagine that you can see a box( container) containing two products and on click of add to cart button-in that div container itself, both of them should be added to cart.I can make out that I need to store both the products in session, but I don't know exactly how to proceed.
Scripting language used:PHP
Please Help!
There are cart rules for various shopping carts. You can manipulate those rules through coding and achieve the desired output.

How do I add checkboxes to Magento's "Estimate Shipping and Tax" in the cart?

So, on the cart page, my customers can view the "Estimate Shipping and Tax" area. I don't want to remove it, but I need to know a little additional information from them to properly process the shipping. For example, on a freight item, I need to know if they have a loading dock.
Currently, I do this in the checkout without any issue. I was able to check if there is a freight item, and, if so, show the checkboxes to the customer during the "Shipping Address" stage. Then, in the saveShipping function, I was able to pull in the values and pass them to the shipping charge calculation.
Well, I've got the checkboxes in the template to display in the "Estimate Shipping and Tax" when there is a freight item in the cart, but I don't know much about the coShippingMethodForm function so that I can add in the values of the checkboxes. Anyone have any idea where I should be looked for this?
Additionally, when I hit "Get estimate", the page refreshes and it removes their selections. How best can I retain their selections to repopulate the correct boxes once the page refreshes?
I think that the best way would be to write your own shipping method module. I personally would steer clear of having a checkbox added to 'Estimate shipping and taxes' instead in my module I'd output both prices with loading bay, without loading bay (just for the estimates) in checkout you can get that option from the "Shipping Address" section and pass it into you shipping module calculation this is just a little 'cleaner.'
Check out this wiki for how to write a custom shipping module

Magento admin section

In my magneto project, admin side invoices, I want to display the product name, sku and
manufactures, is it possible???
I know that when clicking View Link I can show, but I want to show the details in the table in the invoices page
Probably the best place to start is:
Everything within the /app/design/adminhtml/ is where you'll want to go to edit any available templates for the backend.
Remember that Magento is full of magic methods. So, often times if you want to output a particular attribute, simply call something like: echo $_item->getManufacturer();
Hope that helps.
