how can I get the count of matches for filters of jqgrid - jqgrid

I have pulldown select box for filtering the jqgrid (not using the builtin navbar, and data is local). I'd like to grey out the ones that have no matches in the grid.
Is there a way to perform the query to just get the count without updating the ui rows so I can initialize/update the pulldown to enable only those with matches (or even better to supply the number of matches in the menu)
To clarify I want to disable/greyout my filter menu items not the table row items

Internally jqGrid uses $.jgrid.from method to apply the filter to the data. What you want to implement it's probably not just getting the counts because you wrote:
I'd like to grey out the ones that have no matches in the grid.
Nevertheless all want you want is possible to implement. You will have to write some JavaScript code which uses $.jgrid.from($("#list")[0] for initialization. Then you have to construct the query using methods like contains, lessOrEquals, andNot, orNot and so on. Then you should apply the query with respect of var queryResults =;. If you examine ids in the queryResults you can make gray all items which are not in the set.
I recommend you to read and to debug the addLocalData method of jqGrid and which contain all what you need. Moreover I recommend you to set breakpoint on the line and examine match and results variables. It this is not simple of cause, but if you need some individual solution you have to invest time in it.
UPDATED: I though more about the described problem. My recent answer with the demo demonstrate how you can solve your problem.


(Google Sheets) How to remove certain dropdown options after a certain number of cells with said option is met?

I'm currently working on a google sheets file to organize the members of my class. I am currently assigning committees and I want them to choose their committee in Google Sheets. However, I want to apply only a certain limit per committee.
What I want to happen is, if a certain choice has been chosen i.e. 5 times, I would like that choice to disappear from the choices and would make it reappear again if ever a students change their choice, however, I do not know how to do this in terms of a formula or through data validation.
I would really appreciate your help. Thank you!
Here's a toy example you may be able to adapt to your needs:
Create a list of options a,b,c,d,e in A1:E1 of Sheet1
Create a list of the limits for each option in A2:E2 (for instance 2,1,3,5,3)
Create a list of people Person1,Person2,Person3 in G2:G4
Apply data validation to H2:H4:
Use criteria 'drop down (from a range)'
Set the data range to =Sheet1!$A3:$E3 (only lock columns, not rows)
In A3 enter the following formula:
We are using MAKEARRAY to create a 2D array with the list of options on each line, however we are asking it to omit elements of the list from each line if they haven't already been selected AND a preset limit on the number of selections for that option has not been reached. Obviously in a 'real' example you would place the data range for validation in a separate sheet and probably hide and protect that sheet as well. You could also potentially use an array literal of strings rather than a cell range as the list of options in order to make the validation list formula completely self-contained.

SSRS Static fields in groups

Good afternoon!
I have created a report with the wizard to create a matrix that is grouped and has drill down rows. I have added filters to the rows and columns and it works great! I then copied that matrix and modified the filters, so I had two matrixes.
But what I really wanted was those two rows in the same matrix, just in different row groups. So I added another group, using the adjacent below option, and then added all the child groupings. However, when I run the report it shows the values for the first row of the drill down data.
When I look at the groupings I can see the one I did manually has a 'Static' field in each row grouping but the ones that the wizard did (with the red ?), they don't have that "extra" row:
What do I need to change or how do I need to add my groups so that I don't get that "static" row and not show the data? I have the visibility set to 'Hidden' and the toggle set up for the prior grouping set data.
Assuming a few things....
the data comes from a single dataset
You are differentiating between Property and Violent crimes by filtering on a column, I'll call it IncidentGroup for the sake of illustration..
I've understood your question ! :)
Get to the point where you had just a single tablix filtered to show 'Property crime'.
Now remove or edit that filter so it shows all the data you need in the report.
Finally, right click on your Matrix1_IncidentCategory row and add a parent group, choose IncidentGroup (or whatever the column is actually called) and check the box to add a group header.
That should be it, there is no need for a second tablix.
Without knowing how you are filtering currently it's hard to give a complete answer but this should get you close, if not all the way there.
If this doesn't work for whatever reason, please post sample data from your dataset output and your current filters.

ArrayFormula column disappears when sorting in a filter view in Google Sheets

I'd like to use ArrayFormula to populate a column in spreadsheet, but when I Sort A->Z in a filter view, the ArrayFormula column vanishes. In some cases, the column includes a #REF! error about the range, and in some cases the column is just blank after the Sort. The following is a simplified version of what I'm trying to do (in my actual application, I'm doing a Vlookup to another sheet):
The column 3 header uses an ArrayFormula to copy from column 1. If you go to the Filter 1 filter view, you'll note that column 3 is blank except for an error. This happens after I try to Sort Z->A on column 2. In my more complicated use-case, involving a Vlookup, after a Sort the column disappears entirely (leaving no #REF! error). Before sorting in both cases, everything is fine.
How do I make ArrayFormula values persist in filter views after sorting?
Thanks for your help!
I'm guessing that, because your references are normal (relative, not anchored/absolute), the range A2:A10 after sorting down turns into something absurd, like A7:A4, depending on actual sorted values.
Also, if you hover with your mouse on the #REF error, what does it tell you?
Anyway, try using absolute references in your formula:
=arrayformula({"Column 3"; A$2:A$10})
Fascinating. It's the first time I see this type of error. Taking it at face value, it seems that it's a limitation of Google Spreadsheets - you cannot use ARRAYFORMULAS spanning multiple rows inside sorted filter views, because, like I sort of guessed, it messes up the ARRAYFORMULA's range (as indicated by the fact that the formula is now in C4 instead of C1).
But that gives you also the solution: do not include the cell with the arrayformula in the filter view. Instead of making your filter view's target range A1:C20, make it A1:B20. Then the arrayformula in C1 will be untouched by the filter and will indeed continue to work.
I have found a solution for my usecase, in your case, it could be:
=arrayformula(if(row(C:C)=1;"Column 3";A:A))
But you'll need to consider the whole columns in your formulas.
Have you tried A2:A?
If you don't put an ending row, means the end of the column.
It worked for me.

How to filter entries that are not duplicates of entries from others columns in Google Sheets?

I have a column called "Masterlist" which contains values from Lists 1, 2 and 3. It also contains values which are present only in Masterlist.
How can I filter them, like shown at the attached image in Google Sheets?
EDIT: The lists will have more than one entries.
Solution 1
In E2, type in
Check the documentation of filter or match for how to use them. With match, be sure to include the third argument. That is an easy one to forget. arrayformula iterates a formula over a range. The output can be a range, in which case it will print over any un-written cells. When arrayformula interacts with match, it only iterates over the first argument, which is why this solution works.
EDIT: If you have a two-dimensional range to match to, you need to collapse them into a one-dimensional range using the concatenation operators such as
You can experiment with endings without row indices and let Google Sheets select an ending index for you.
Solution 2
Use the native Filter View feature. Good for the scenarios where you don't need to separately print a list of the unique values in "masterlist".
Go to Data -> Create Filter View
Use the relevant help pages to navigate yourself. I can see a few ways to implement what you desire, including
filter by value on the same column (selecting the actual values manually);
filter by value on a "helper column" where you include a formula in the cells to check whether the content in "masterlist" belongs to the list you want to check against. You can use the match and iserror combo here;
custom formula using a similar formula as above.
If your column A, ie. the "masterlist", is something a user would add to, then Data Validation can be used to good effect in conjunction with Filter View.

Best practice for single-valued result in SSRS 2012

I'm new to Reporting Services and using SQL Server Data Tools (Visual Studio 2012). I want to add an item that will display a single value - in this case, the result of a stored procedure call. The value would probably be displayed in the report header.
I've looked at the Tablix data parts that can be added to the report: table, list, and matrix. Not sure which of them, if any, would be appropriate. I could add a parameter item, but it seems that these function as user input choices.
I also looked at a read-only text box, but don't see how to populate it with a query result.
What is the accepted method of adding a single-value result to a report?
If this is to be displayed in the page header, your only option is a textbox; you can't add tablix type parts to page headers/footers.
The textbox expression would be something like:
=First(Fields!MyValue.Value, "DataSet1")
By using an aggregate expression like this you can make sure only one value is returned (even though you might always have only one) and you can also specify the aggregate's Scope; in this case the DataSet you want to query.
If this was going in the report body I would still recommend the same approach, though I wouldn't go so far as to call it best practise, any would work so it's really personal taste.
However, if you had multiple fields returned by the SP but still only one row, in that case I would recommend a table style tablix with one header-level row; easiest to maintain and layout.
