"If folder isn't empty" - applescript

I'm making a simple Applescript to check if the trash has an item, and if so, ask to empty it. I'm having trouble with checking if the trash is empty or not, though. Here's what I have:
set trashcontents to text returned of (do shell script "ls ~/.Trash").
This returns error "Can’t get text returned of \"untitled folder\"." number -1728 from text returned of "untitled folder" when "untitled folder" is in the trash, and error "Can’t get text returned of \"\"." number -1728 from text returned of "" when it's empty. What am I doing wrong?

It's even simpler actually:
do shell script "ls ~/.Trash"
set trashcontents to result
result will be equal to "" (empty string) when the Trash is empty.
But, unless you want to empty the Trash depending on whether it contains particular items (in your question, it sounds like "if it's not empty, empty it"), there's no need to check if it's empty... The Finder command to empty the Trash will have no effect anyway if there's nothing in it:
tell application "Finder" to empty the trash

Try this:
set trashcontents to quoted form of (do shell script "ls ~/.Trash")


How to start a .command script from a mac automator app

I'm trying to create a mac "app" using automator that basically calls a .command file to do all the work. The command file will be in the same dir as the .app but i'm falling at the first which is - get the current directory of the .app file thats been clicked to determine the file location of the .command file.
i've tried
SCRIPTPATH="$( cd "$(dirname "$0")" ; pwd -P )"
echo "-- $SCRIPTPATH"
This just returns my users director - basically ~
The app itself is in a dir on the Desktop example: ~/Desktop/foo/my.app
I've also tried
here="`dirname \"$0\"`"
echo "cd-ing to $here"
cd "$here" || exit 1
neither work.
ultimately i need to call my.command to run the command but need to know its actual position - or even relative to the app so that it'll fire. currently i get the error that it can't find the my.command as its not located in the root of my user account (since i wont have control over where it can be placed on the end users machine).
Any pointers on what i can do to solve this much appreciated.
Note: To answer - why am i using an app which has a terminal script to call a .command which is essentially a script - basically because if you do it this way a terminal doesn't actually pop up.. which for this demo is what i need to happen.
As you did not include explicit details of your Automator workflow, saved as an application, I'm presenting the following as an example of how to have and Automator app, e.g. my.app, execute the e.g. my.command script file, that which is located in the same folder as e.g. my.app is.
For the purpose of the example, I created a folder named foo on my Desktop, in which my.app was saved along with the my.command script file.
The Automator application workflow uses a Run AppleScript action to accomplish the goal.
Replace the default code with the following example AppleScript code:
set myCommandFilename to "my.command"
set myAppPathAlias to path to me
tell application "System Events"
set myDirName to POSIX path of container of myAppPathAlias
set myCommandFilePathname to myDirName & "/" & myCommandFilename
set myCommandFilenameExists to exists file myCommandFilePathname
end tell
if myCommandFilenameExists then
do shell script myCommandFilePathname's quoted form
on error eStr number eNum
display dialog eStr & " number " & eNum ¬
buttons {"OK"} default button 1 ¬
with title "File I/O Error..." with icon stop
end try
display dialog "A necessary file, ' " & myCommandFilePathname & ¬
"', is missing!" buttons {"OK"} default button 1 ¬
with title "Missing File..." with icon stop
end if
Note: Change my.command to the actual filename. The rest of the example AppleScript code should not need to be modified.
If my.app is launched and the my.command script file is not in the same folder as my.app, then an error message will be displayed, e.g.:
If my.app is launched and the my.command script file doesn't have its executable bit set, then this error message will be displayed, e.g.:
Also, if the my.command script file does not exit cleanly, it too will display an error message, e.g.:
The content of the error message will vary based on the content of the e.g. my.command script file, how it's coded and how it fails. This example is worst case scenario in that it lets you know something failed, but not what failed.
Note: The example AppleScript code is just that and does not contain any additional error handling as may be appropriate. The onus is upon the user to add any error handling as may be appropriate, needed or wanted. Have a look at the try statement and error statement in the AppleScript Language Guide. See also, Working with Errors.

Applescript to ask for input, verify folder exists, and then open folder

I want to write a script using Automator that opens a folder in a particular location, after receiving user input. Doesn't have to be Applescript.
So the steps would be:
Dialog asking for Folder name
Verifying the folder exists
If exists, open folder in new finder window
if not exist, display message
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
instead of asking user to type folder name into a dialog box, why not use the standard "choose folder" which provide usual file/folder selection graphic interface ? on top of that, it will also make sure the folder selected exists !
Also it is possible to user instruction "if My_Folder exists then ..." to check if folder (or file) exists
Example of direct user selection : 5 first lines are asking folder selection in folder Documents and detect user cancellation. Next lines are just example to display result
set SelectFolder to choose folder with prompt "choose folder" default location "/Users/My_User/Documents"
on error number -128
set SelectFolder to ""
end try
if SelectFolder is "" then
display alert "user did not select a folder"
display alert "User selection is " & SelectFolder
end if
The following script does exactly what you're asking for.
on run
set thisFolder to (choose folder with prompt "Choose a folder...")
if folderExists(thisFolder) then
-- display dialog "The folder exists." buttons {"OK"} default button 1
tell application "Finder" to open thisFolder
display dialog "The folder has been deleted" buttons {"OK"} default button 1
end if
end run
on folderExists(theFolder)
tell application "Finder"
set thisFolder to the POSIX path of theFolder
set thisFolder to (POSIX file thisFolder) as text
--set thisFolder to theFolder as alias
return true
on error err
return false
end try
end tell
end folderExists
That said, note that a folder that has been selected using AppleScript's Choose Folder command must always exist. It can't be selected if it doesn't exist. Therefore, my first thought is that you don't need this, but if you need to check whether a folder exist for a different reason, then the folderExists function will do the job.
You could use the following script to do what you're asking for (no choose folder, this script uses a dialog like you asked for):
set folderChosen to text returned of (display dialog "Enter the path to the folder you want to open:" default answer "")
do shell script "ls " & folderChosen
do shell script "open " & folderChosen
on error
display alert "Folder Doesn't Exist" message "The folder path you entered doesn't exist. Make sure to enter a path, e.x. /Users/USERNAME/MyFolder." as critical
end try
This AppleScript uses do shell script "ls " & folderChosen to verify if the folder exists, and then opens the folder if ls successfully runs, indicating the folder path exists. Otherwise, it displays an alert with a warning sign explaining the path they entered doesn't exist.
If you want this to run in automator, you could use Automator's Run AppleScript feature.
I hope this solution helps you solve your problem!

Loop stalling when deleting files

The script below is supposed to delete all files ending in .aux, etc.
in the current directory (i.e. directory displayed in the finder window)
The script seems to stall on deleting .aux files.
Any hint is welcome.
tell application "Finder"
set lieu to target of window 1
set finale to {".aux", ".log", ".bak", ".out", ".synctex.gz"} as list
repeat with x in finale
delete (every item of lieu whose name ends with x)
end try
end repeat
end tell
say "Mess cleaned up"
on error
display dialog ("Error. Couldn't Delete the File") buttons {"OK"}
end try
Here a version that uses rm:
tell application "Finder"
set lieu to target of window 1 as text
set posixPathOfLieu to POSIX path of lieu
set shellScript to "cd" & space & quoted form of posixPathOfLieu & ";rm *.aux *.log *.bak *.out *.synctex.gz"
do shell script shellScript
end try
end tell
Please be extremly careful when using rm. One space character at the wrong place can delete everything.

How to move a file to trash in AppleScript?

I know its a dumb question but somehow the command i type is not working
set deleteFile to srcTemp & "Archive.zip"
--deleteFile path is something like this /Users/home/Desktop/Archive.zip
tell application "Finder"
move POSIX file "" & deleteFile & "" to trash
--move file "\"" & destNoQuote & "Archive.zip\"" to trash
empty the trash
end tell
But I get an error saying can't find the POSIX file.
I know that many people use the posix file command inside the Finder tell block of code however that's a mistake. The posix file command is not a Finder command, it's an applescript command, and therefore should not be in the Finder block if possible. This is true for all commands actually. You should only tell an application to perform the commands you can find inside of its applescript dictionary otherwise you will see unexpected behavior... as you are finding.
As such this is how you should write your code...
set deleteFile to srcTemp & "Archive.zip"
set posixFile to POSIX file deleteFile
--deleteFile path is something like this /Users/home/Desktop/Archive.zip
tell application "Finder"
move posixFile to trash
empty the trash
end tell
Here's another method of your entire script in one line:
do shell script "rm -Rf " & quoted form of (srcTemp & "Archive.zip")
This will force remove your file and it doesn't just go to your trash, it's gone.

TextExpander and AppleScript to get file path on Mac

I would like to create a TextExpander snippet that will prompt me to choose a file in the Finder and copy the file path to the text editor I am working in.
It should work like this:
I am working in NVAlt
I enter the TextExpander command (e.g. ;path)
I am prompt top choose a file
The file path is copied to the note I am working in.
I figured I'll do it using AppleScript, so I tried this:
set source_folder to choose file with prompt "Please select a file."
tell application "System Events"
set item_list to POSIX path of every disk item of source_folder
end tell
return "path:" & item_list
But it is not returning anything to the text note I am working in...
Any suggestion how I should do it?
PS: I used the POSIX command to the folder name as ".../.../.../" instead of "...:...:..."
There are multiple things wrong in the script but instead of trying to correct your script I've looked what textExpander tells me to do. On the help section about textExpander on smilesoftware.com site they say:
The script executes in the context of the TextExpander application.
The script can perform various actions, but the snippet will expand to
whatever text is returned.
When looking at the your goal you simply need to coerce the returned alias from the choose file command into a string and return that. So a single line like below should be enough to use to return an HFS path to a file
return choose file with prompt "Please select a file." as string
if you want to return the file path as POSIX Path you only need this:
return POSIX path of (choose file with prompt "Please select a file.")
If you want the path to be prefixed with "path:" like in your example code:
return "path:" & (choose file with prompt "Please select a file.")
NOTE: there is an implicit coerce of the choose file results, no explicit coercion is needed.
EDIT: I've downloaded textExpander myself and it seems that showing dialog in the context of textExpander will behave wrong. So what I did was looking up the front most application and showing the dialog there, it's also better looking. Then I tell that application explicitly to show the choose file prompt and return the result of the choose file prompt. Here is the code:
tell application "System Events"
set applicationName to (name of every process whose frontmost is true) as string
end tell
using terms from application "AppleScript Editor"
tell application applicationName
set expansionString to (choose file "Please select a file.") as string
end tell
end using terms from
return expansionString
