Loop stalling when deleting files - applescript

The script below is supposed to delete all files ending in .aux, etc.
in the current directory (i.e. directory displayed in the finder window)
The script seems to stall on deleting .aux files.
Any hint is welcome.
tell application "Finder"
set lieu to target of window 1
set finale to {".aux", ".log", ".bak", ".out", ".synctex.gz"} as list
repeat with x in finale
delete (every item of lieu whose name ends with x)
end try
end repeat
end tell
say "Mess cleaned up"
on error
display dialog ("Error. Couldn't Delete the File") buttons {"OK"}
end try

Here a version that uses rm:
tell application "Finder"
set lieu to target of window 1 as text
set posixPathOfLieu to POSIX path of lieu
set shellScript to "cd" & space & quoted form of posixPathOfLieu & ";rm *.aux *.log *.bak *.out *.synctex.gz"
do shell script shellScript
end try
end tell
Please be extremly careful when using rm. One space character at the wrong place can delete everything.


Apple Script: how to delete a file

I am trying to delete a hidden file that shows up every time I restart my computer with an Apple Script set to run on startup. I can't however seem to be able to correctly guess the path of this file.
The file's path is Macintosh HD/Users/cristian/Dropbox (Hyperion)/Hyperion Team Folder/Icon
If I move the file to the desktop and run the script bellow, it works.
tell application "Finder"
delete the file "Icon
" of the desktop
end tell
My question is, how do I change this script to target the path above?
Also, is there anyway to permanently delete it not just move it to the trash?
Thanks in advance.
Assuming there is no new line character at the end of the file name this code deletes the file in the Dropbox folder and empties the trash.
Be aware that the empty trash command affects all items in the trash not only the currently deleted file.
set iconFile to ((path to home folder as text) & "Dropbox (Hyperion):Hyperion Team Folder:Icon"
tell application "Finder"
delete file iconFile
empty trash
end tell
Alternatively use the shell to delete the file, in this case the file will be deleted immediately.
set iconFile to POSIX path of (path to home folder) & "Dropbox (Hyperion)/Hyperion Team Folder/Icon"
do shell script "/bin/rm " & quoted form of iconFile
just use a do shell script command "rm" which delete file directly (without transfer to trash), like in script bellow :
Set myFile to "Macintosh HD/Users/cristian/Dropbox (Hyperion)/Hyperion Team Folder/Icon"
do shell script "rm " & quoted form of myFile
end try
However, it should be better to understand root cause why this file is added every time, and then address this root cause.

Automator/Applescript + shell script: grab parent folder name

I have a Automator workflow that utilizes this shell script to grab the name of the directory hosting the file running through this workflow. Later I place that directory name as comment for the file.
for f in "$#"
filepath=$(dirname "$f")
dirname=$(basename "$filepath")
echo "$dirname"
Whenever I throw multiple files at it though, the directory name gets reflected not once (as I would like to) but times however many files I dropped at it. This then later adds the same comment that many times.
How do I fix that?
I want to try eliminate Automator and go with Applescript + Shell alone.
How do I have the shell return the directory name? Right now it just gives me $dirname in the dialog...
on adding folder items to theWatchedFolder after receiving theDetectedItems
set dirName to do shell script "for f in '$#'
filepath=$(dirname '$f')
dirname=$(basename '$filepath')
echo '$dirname'
display alert dirName
end adding folder items to
on adding folder items to thisFolder after receiving added_items
repeat with aFile in added_items
tell application "Finder"
set parentpath to POSIX path of (parent of (aFile) as string)
set comment of aFile to parentpath
end tell
end repeat
end adding folder items to
I would go with an Applescript droplet.
Save this code as an Application.
When you drop files onto it from a single dir or multiple, it will comment each file with it's own original dir.
Then move the file to the listed move folder.
property moveFolder : "Macintosh HD:Users:USERNAME:fooDIR:"
on open theseFiles
repeat with i from 1 to number of items in theseFiles
set this_item to item i of theseFiles
tell application "Finder"
set parentpath to POSIX path of (parent of (this_item) as string)
set comment of this_item to parentpath
end tell
end repeat
tell application "Finder"
move theseFiles to moveFolder
end tell
end open
You could use a choose command to choose where to move the files instead of hard coding but the files may not be always handed of to the droplet in a single batch even though thats how you dropped them on to it. This means the `choose dialog may display multiple times on whats seems a single run.
But the above hopefully gives you a starting place.

How to move a file to trash in AppleScript?

I know its a dumb question but somehow the command i type is not working
set deleteFile to srcTemp & "Archive.zip"
--deleteFile path is something like this /Users/home/Desktop/Archive.zip
tell application "Finder"
move POSIX file "" & deleteFile & "" to trash
--move file "\"" & destNoQuote & "Archive.zip\"" to trash
empty the trash
end tell
But I get an error saying can't find the POSIX file.
I know that many people use the posix file command inside the Finder tell block of code however that's a mistake. The posix file command is not a Finder command, it's an applescript command, and therefore should not be in the Finder block if possible. This is true for all commands actually. You should only tell an application to perform the commands you can find inside of its applescript dictionary otherwise you will see unexpected behavior... as you are finding.
As such this is how you should write your code...
set deleteFile to srcTemp & "Archive.zip"
set posixFile to POSIX file deleteFile
--deleteFile path is something like this /Users/home/Desktop/Archive.zip
tell application "Finder"
move posixFile to trash
empty the trash
end tell
Here's another method of your entire script in one line:
do shell script "rm -Rf " & quoted form of (srcTemp & "Archive.zip")
This will force remove your file and it doesn't just go to your trash, it's gone.

Accessing folders in AppleScript

Sorry, complete beginner here with AppleScripting.
I'm trying to do a very simple thing, move files from one folder to another.
tell application "Finder"
set this_folder to "Users:chris.nicol:Movies:SmartConverter:"
set this_list to every file of this_folder
repeat with i in this_list
--if i does not start with "x" then
move i to "users:chris.nicol:music:itunes:itunes media:automatically add to itunes:"
--end if
end repeat
end tell
However I keep getting an error:
I've tried different commands (count, parentContainer, etc.) on the folder, but I get the same type of error. I've tried different formatting for the folder ...
Macintosh HD:Users:chris.nicol:Movies:SmartConverter
Any ideas on what I'm doing wrong?
Thanks in advance,
Simple tip... if you want to find the proper path you should use try this and look in the results field for the proper path. You'll see that the name of the hard drive, Macintosh HD, is required. Note you could use "choose file" as well if you wanted the path to a file.
(choose folder) as text
Next, the path that you will see is a string. Applescript sees it as a string not a path to a file or folder. As such, when you want to use the string as a path then you must put the word "file" or "folder" in front of it as appropriate to make applescript use it properly. Therefore your script should look like this. Note that the move command can handle a list of files so the repeat loop isn't needed.
set this_folder to "Macintosh HD:Users:chris.nicol:Movies:SmartConverter:"
tell application "Finder"
set this_list to every file of folder this_folder
move this_list to folder "Macintosh HD:Users:chris.nicol:music:itunes:itunes media:automatically add to itunes:"
end tell
set thisFolder to (path to movies folder as text) & "SmartConverter"
set thatFolder to (path to music folder as text) & "itunes:itunes media:automatically add to itunes"
tell application "Finder" to move files of folder thisFolder to thatFolder
You must have some invisible or otherwise uncopyable files in one of the folders. Either add something like without invisibles to the end of your set this_folder line, or get rid of your loop altogether and simply call
move files of entire contents of this_folder to (the Add Automatically folder)

Remove multiple PDF passwords with workflow or applescript in a folder

How do I remove passwords from multiple PDF files using Applescript or by creating a Workflow in OS X?
My scenario is that I have multiple password protected PDF files in a folder. I know the passwords for all, which is same. I want to be able to run a Workflow on this folder so that all PDFs inside it are unlocked by the workflow.
OR run an Applescript shell code on all these files at once
I also preferably want to be able to create a way where putting / moving / pasting any PDF in the folder automatically unlocks it :)
Help appreciated !!
I have tried pdftk. The following code works awesome in Terminal, once pdftk is installed
pdftk secured.pdf input_pw foopass output unsecured.pdf
Now I want to be able to create a workflow that runs this command on selected files or on all the files in a folder
The AppleScript command to execute a shell script is do shell script...
So something like this:
do shell script "pdftk secured.pdf input_pw foopass output unsecured.pdf"
should work.
At this point I see 2 options:
write an AppleScript script that ask the user for the folder or get it from the Finder selection and then execute the command for each file in the folder;
write an Automator workflow that get the files from the folder using already available actions and then attach a new action that execute the AppleScript script.
For option 2 you can set an Automator workflow as in the following image.
Have you heard of "Folder Actions"? It's a way to attach an applescript to a folder so that whenever a new file is added to the folder the applescript is run. A quick google search turned up this which will give you directions on how to set it up. You can do more google searching if you still have questions.
Here's an applescript you can use with folder actions. I didn't test it but it should work (it's basic code). This will do its stuff on only pdf files. Other files you add to the folder will be left alone. NOTE: you have to put in your values for the first 4 variables of the script.
Good luck.
on adding folder items to theFolder after receiving theItems
-- enter your values here
set pdftkPosixPath to "/usr/bin/pdftk"
set pWord to "foopass"
set appendedName to "_unlocked" -- text to append to the file name
set shouldTrash to true -- true or false, move the locked file to the trash after unlocking?
set fContainer to theFolder as text
repeat with anItem in theItems
tell application "System Events"
set fName to name of anItem
set fExt to name extension of anItem
end tell
if fExt is "pdf" and fName does not contain appendedName then
set baseName to (text 1 thru -5 of fName) & appendedName & ".pdf"
set newPath to fContainer & baseName
do shell script (quoted form of pdftkPosixPath & space & quoted form of POSIX path of anItem & " input_pw " & quoted form of pWord & " output " & quoted form of POSIX path of newPath)
if shouldTrash then
tell application "Finder" to move anItem to trash
end if
end if
end try
end repeat
end adding folder items to
EDIT: here's how you can ask for a password. Note that if you want to see the text then remove "with hidden answer".
display dialog "Enter a password:" default answer "" with icon note with hidden answer
set theAnswer to text returned of the result
if theAnswer is not "" then set pWord to theAnswer
