Protect joomla article with password - joomla

I have a joomla 1.5.21 website for a friend, he created a selling page for a program...and he wants to protect the page of the program , and send the password to everyone who purchases it.
So I've downloaded the contentPassword Plugin, and put the code : {password pass="123"} in the page I want protect.
When entering the page..the page asks me to enter password, but when I insert password, (123) it doesn't open the page.
My question is : is there someone whose familiar with this plugin? or is there any other better method that will save me more time?
thank you in advance

You could try Mighty Membership. It limits access to articles, modules, components etc. Users can pay for a subscription which will allow them access to a specific article. You can also limit the amount of times they can view the page, so once they've paid, they can view the page once to download the software then it will be restricted again.
I've just used this to make a basic subscription only video site and it's pretty good.
Sadly it's not free though.

I really don't like to install plugins if it's not necessary. In your case I would add to the beginning of the article the following php code:
$protect = $_GET['prot'];
if ($protect != 'xR5dL0Nj76H'){
//get out of here if you don't send the correct GET parameter...
//echo "logged in successfully!";
and of course you'll have to send the users to the article with the GET parameter: &prot=xR5dL0Nj76H (its equivalent to have a shared password to all the users - like you describe)


PayPal Website Payments Standard Error

I currently have my online store set up using Magento and i’m adding my products, I’ve tried to implement the PayPal Website Payments Standard but there is an error. When the user has passed through to the checkout section, after entering all their details, they fail to submit the order. The button is pressed to confirm order and redirect to the PayPal payment stage, the button will load saying that it's submitting the information, but nothing happens, it starts processing, then never goes through to the page. I've checked that the extension for Mage_paypal is enabled and it is.
If you would like try purchasing one of the test products on at the moment, you’ll be able to see what I mean.
2 things ..
Make sure that you have index management and cache management done
Try disabling and then enabling Mage_PayPal Module[Reindex the magento database after that]

Magento - Allow user to manage social media URLs

Ok so I’m trying to implement social media into the footer. However, they are images that change color when hovered over that I’m working into the CSS.
But my question is, if the end user changed their Facebook URL, how will they update the url? I obviously can’t just put it directly into the theme because then the end-user will know how to program and where to look just to change the URL.
How do I go about implementing this the right way so the end-user can update their social media URLs to their Facebook/Twitter/YouTube/Etc easily..?
What do you mean by saying "user changed their Facebook URL"?
You talking about customer or administrator?
If you mean administrator, then the you can create custom settings for social media links
For customers store theirs social uids
In order to do this, you will need to create an extension, albeit not a very complicated one. If you've never done this before, Alan storm wrote an excellent tutorial.
One file that is often included in extensions (but seems not to be mentioned in the above mentioned tutorial) is etc/system.xml. This file lets you define a new page in the System->Configuration section of the Magento admin panel. Magento provides a good tutorial on writing those.
Any fields you put in etc/system.xml will be modifiable in the Magento admin panel, and you can access them anywhere in your code with Mage::getStoreConfig('your extension's name/the name of the field'), e.g., Mage::getStoreConfig('facebook/enabled');

How to use magento's native captcha for product review page and contact us form

In magento, a default captcha is available as out-of-box for only some forms like login, registration, checkout as guest only. But I want to use the same captcha for product review form also.
I have seen an extension which adds captcha for product review page, But it looks different from native captcha. If there are different no.of captcha's in one site, it doesnt looks good. So only I would like to add the native captcha for product review page and contact us page
Install the Product Review Captcha:
If you want to use only one type of captcha, you can install the free Fontis Recaptcha.
Digital Pianism has developped an extension that implements the native Magento captcha on product review forms if you still need it.
You can find it here for now:
If the link dies, just google it ;)

I want to add CAPTCHA on shoppingcart.asp as well one-page-checkout.asp page in Volusion, can anybody help me how to do this? Thanks

My client has ecommerce store on Volusion and he is getting so many fake orders and now I want to add CAPTCHA before user login on shoppincart.asp page or one-page-checkout.asp page (before place order button).
My client website is
I already contacted Volusion support and they don't have any specific answer about this problem and just suggesting to take their serivce or get this done by their partner.
You can use google captcha for this :
Google reCaptcha
It is easy to use... You can find out the code how to put it. You just have to get one Public Key & Private Key for specific domain.
It's under the design menu in the admin panel, Hover over design, then click on articles.
Once on articles change display mode to list, and find one-page-checkout.asp and shoppingcart.asp click edit and add your code.
For reference use see:
Volusion File Editor Support
One Page Checkout and Advanced Shopping Cart Functionality in Volusion

Magento Payment Module like PayPal (external URL redirect)

i need help in magento payment module programming.
I want to develop a payment module for magento which should working like the "PayPal Standard Payment".
The Module in the backend is done. I can choose my new module and can activate/deactivate it.
In The Frontend i see my new payment-type on the Payment-Information site.
Now, the next step which i don't know how to start it is, to tell magento, when my new payment-type is chosen and the order is placed, redirect to the acquirers site(and send chosen data with POST-form), where the customer can fill his credit card informations and so on.
I have searched for information and tutorials but still not found any good tutorials.
Thanks a lot for any helpful answers,
If you go to Mage_Checkout_OnepageController and in savePaymentAction you can see that it loads the redirect url in session.
So what you need to do is, you implement in your payment model the method getCheckoutRedirectUrl() which basically returns the url from config or from hard coded value.
Magento will handle the rest.
