Autonomy teamsite item status - teamsite

I am wondering if you can assign a status to .page or dcr files in teamsite such as new, review, revise, publish and archive so that this would display in the cms system so each item is clearly identified?

I think it's not possible to assign it in the CMS interface. When I try to control the file status, I do it with workflows. For instance, developing a review workflow that creates a dcr, assigns the review to a review user, then finally creates the edition and deploys it to the Livesite server.

You could add your own extended attribute to keep the status of the file, but it won't be seen in the main teamsite interface. You'll have to click on the Tag link in order to see what the status of the file is, then do with the file as you wish. But if you have some backend to check the file's extended attribute, you would know the status. You can use either the command line tool iwextattr or use the cssdk api to get the extended attribute.

You can try using metatags. You can add metatags to files using file->tag. Please configure \interwoven\TeamSite\local\config\datacapture.cfg to add fields to the meta tag ui. You can also add the statuses you mentioned as categories in taxonomy and add a field to select taxonomy categories as meta tag values. Use below code for that. Once we add meta tags. You can find those files via LSCS query filter the documents.
<item name="ContentCategories">
<label>Related Categories</label>
<description>Select other locations on the site where you would like this content to be visible.</description>
<textarea required="f" rows="8" cols="70" wrap="virtual" maxlength="250" readonly="t">
<cgi-callout url="/iw-cc/livesite/taxonomyexplorer/ Categories&method=loadTaxonomyExplorer&selectMode=multiple" label="Select Related Categories..." window-features="width=495,height=375,resizable=no,toolbar=no,scrollbars=yes,status=no"/>


Select yaml with drop down

I'm using Github pages to build some pages with text I want to get from yaml files. At present I have two yaml files one each for a different car type. I want to use a drop down in the header to select a car type which will then inform which yaml file to get to repopulate the page with text specific to that car.
I can create the drop down which adds a query string param to the page. I can also iterate through the two yaml files and output specific variables. What I can't figure out is how to use the two together so that the yaml file for the page is informed by the user selection from the dropdown.
Or maybe there is a much better way of doing this??
Github pages uses Jekyll, a static site generator. Your site is built once when you push to your gh-pages branch. After that, your browser is just served the generated HTML pages. All the iterating over your YAML files is done at generation time, not when you request the pages. Since you have no server-side code that is executed when you change your dropdown, you cannot process a query parameter.
Since you cannot process query parameters, you need to place your cars on different URLs. Here's a simple example how to change URLs with a <select> and JavaScript, using the code from this answer:
<select name="" onchange="javascript:location.href = this.value;">
<option value="/mypage/car1/" selected>Car1</option>
<option value="/mypage/car2/">Car2</option>
Then you just need to generate the HTML pages for each car, located at /mypage/car1/ and /mypage/car2/ respectively. That can be done by using your YAML data as part of the YAML front matter. For example, this could be
layout: car
permalink: /mypage/car1/
data: # data of your car here
name: my very awesome car
Markdown content here (leave empty if you don't need it)
You then create the layout _layouts/car.html and in it, generate the appropriate HTML page. For example, to show the car's name, do something like:
<label>Name:</label> {{}}
To avoid JavaScript, you can also create a dropdown menu containing <a> links with pure HTML+CSS.

Inserting a hyperlink in a TASK in Dynamics CRM 2013. Hyperlink does not render as HTML hyperlink

Using {Record URL(Dynamic)(Entity Name)} I have inserted it as part of system requirments into the "Description" of a TASK Activity.
But the URL does not render as a HTML hyperlink.
I have also tried using the <hyperlink> tag. But this does not work.
(Important Note : I heard notice this is achievable in an Email
Activity with the Record URL(Dynamic)(Entity Name) attribute. But I am
trying to achieve this in a Task Activity.)
Sample example of code in Workflow that creates this task is the Text given below:
..... project record, available here: {Record URL(Dynamic)(Entity Name)}.
We are using CRM 2013 for this cutomization and configuration.
Can you tell me what I am doing wrong and what I need to change to achieve this feature.?
Unlike email, the Description field of Tasks is plain text and doesn't support hyperlinks. Adding a formula to the task description will just display the formula text, not calculate it or generate a hyperlink.
If you need a link from a task to a specific record, add a custom lookup field to that entity. Another option would be to add an HTML Web Resource where you could show rich HTML with hyperlinks, but you'll need to create its content (with the link) on your own, no formula will generate the content for you.

How to track Mailchimp links from merge tags

I've just created a custom template to be used on Mailchimp.
Some links come from custom merge tags and point to the website related to Mailchimp. The problem is that those links from merge tags are not being tracked by Mailchimp.
I found this and of course tried but it didn't work:
how can i tracking click in custom html template mailchimp?
As an example, one of my links looks like this:
<p mc:edit="product1_url">
<a class="product-button" href="*|PRODURL1|*" target="_blank">BUY NOW</a>
The PRODURL1 merge tag is type text and contains a path to a product, so the resulting url looks like and it works if a click it on the sent email.
Any experience or direction?
Well, after trying and trying and trying more I've found out why it wasn't working.
First part of the links MUST include the /, the second part (contained on the merge tag) MUST NOT include the /).
So now with this configuration Mailchimp tracks the links:
<a class="product-button" href="*|PRODURL1|*" target="_blank">BUY NOW</a>
Of course now PRODURL1 = "products/123456". So the same url is rendered, but this time tracked by Mailchimp.

Joomla 3 Content Restriction

I have a single article and I want to display a portion of the content to the Registered user group only and the other portion to a Custom user group only.
I'm sure I read an article sometimes int he past year about doing this without a plugin (Though I may be mis-remembering the article)
Is this possible without an extension using something along these lines?
{content group=registered}
You can create a category (with limited access) say Registered. Create another category with restricted access say Paid_Access.
Now for every article create two articles - one in Registered category containing only Intro text and another full article in Paid_Access category.
Create Access Group and Access levels with same name
The hierarchy of the access levels will be as follows:
Set the Registered category to access level Registered. Set the Paid_Access category to access level Paid_Access
By default, on Joomla registration every user will be in Registered access level and will be able to only view article intro.
When user make some payment, move the user to Paid_Access access level. Users in this level can view the complete article.
Creating two articles for every new article may be cumbersome, to reduce this pain, you can create a custom form using ChronoForms. This form should have two text areas for the article - one would be for Intro text and another full article (without Intro text). The form while saving, will itself create two articles - one in Registered and another in Paid_Access. Thus your pain of creating two articles will be gone!
It is not possible without a plugin.
Reason : When Joomla is preparing content then there must be a function(code snipet) that detects the Text enclosed in {content} tags and decide what to do with this text and accordingly edits the content.
I have developed a Content Plugin, This will helps you to setup your scenario.
You could do this with CSS if your template adds the access level as a class on the body or html (mine do). Though anyone with firebug or a code inspector could unhide content if they thought to look at the source.
<body class="registered">
// other code up to article content
<div id="articleContent">
// this is now in your article
<div class="hidefrompaid">
// content for registered users
<div class="hidefromregistered">
// content for paid users
Then your css would be:
body.registered .hidefromregistered {
body.paid .hidefrompaid {
Or if you really want to not show it you could use jQuery to delete the text the user should not see using those same css classed wrappers around the text.
I ended up using the jContentHider plugin. While I still had do some work arounds, I got it working the way I want to.
For others interested:
jContentHider on GitHub

How can I preview Virtuemart2 Order verification email layout changes?

I am trying to change the layout ( css/html structure) of Virtuemart 2 order verification emails. Problem is that I have to make a fake purchase each and every time I do a change in the 10 different files (located # components/com_virtuemart/views/invoice/order/tmpl) that create this email template.
The closest "preview" I got was this direct access url ""
But again it loads Joomla's head/body elements not the actual email template.
So how can I have a "preview" of how the template looks like with my new changes BEFORE make an actual test purchase? Is this possible?
You shouldn't change the core files otherwise the next update of VirtueMart (of which there are many) will erase your changes.
You should use Joomla!'s template overrides which VM2 supports that way you can update as needed to new versions without loosing your changes. See this article on on "How to override the output from the Joomla! core" and this one on template overrides.
3. You need to add the &format=raw at the end of the link to retrieve just the output of the component with out the template/html body wrapped around it. Of course that relies on the component as well.
I was going to suggest using raw, but looking at the current VM2 it doesn't properly support the format=raw option. Looking at the mail layout in the invoice view it not structured to return it the way you expect, it actually generates a HTML version by default with a matching text only version.
The best I could come up given those two options
Return a close equivalent of the HTML email
Return the text version, albeit wrapped in the html page... you may have to view the source to see your invoice text.
