Inserting a hyperlink in a TASK in Dynamics CRM 2013. Hyperlink does not render as HTML hyperlink - dynamics-crm

Using {Record URL(Dynamic)(Entity Name)} I have inserted it as part of system requirments into the "Description" of a TASK Activity.
But the URL does not render as a HTML hyperlink.
I have also tried using the <hyperlink> tag. But this does not work.
(Important Note : I heard notice this is achievable in an Email
Activity with the Record URL(Dynamic)(Entity Name) attribute. But I am
trying to achieve this in a Task Activity.)
Sample example of code in Workflow that creates this task is the Text given below:
..... project record, available here: {Record URL(Dynamic)(Entity Name)}.
We are using CRM 2013 for this cutomization and configuration.
Can you tell me what I am doing wrong and what I need to change to achieve this feature.?

Unlike email, the Description field of Tasks is plain text and doesn't support hyperlinks. Adding a formula to the task description will just display the formula text, not calculate it or generate a hyperlink.
If you need a link from a task to a specific record, add a custom lookup field to that entity. Another option would be to add an HTML Web Resource where you could show rich HTML with hyperlinks, but you'll need to create its content (with the link) on your own, no formula will generate the content for you.


How to have summary API in my own wikidata

I would like to have the summary API to show in the tooltip just like in wikipedia page.
The example could be
But then this is not one of the default end point. Is there any extension out there I have to install? Or this one is a custom one? The goal is to get a small part of text and image if available

Markup tags in product descriptions

I'm trying to use markup tags to link to info pages within the "description" attribute of a product. However, it's not giving me a clean URL path when the description is printed to the page.
Contact Us
does not give the expected url. I've confirmed i'm doing this outside of WYSIWYG mode too.
When the text is rendered is returned to the browser as this html:
Contact Us
A resulting click on the link then ends up as:
From what I can tell the markup tags aren't designed to be used in this way. Is it possible to extend it so it could work? Otherwise I guess I need to include the actual URL in the description?
Thanks for suggestions.
You can´t use the double-curly syntax because the attributes value is not being processed by magento´s template filter, which does the magic. You can use them e.g. in CMS or email Templates out of the box.

Changing the BIRT hyperlink at run time

Is my expectation valid? If yes, please guide me.
Local machine->local server process-> I generate Birt report-> which contain hyperlinks hard coded for example: is fine and points to another report and get me the report also when I hit the Url from inside the generated pdf report).
Now, what I need is to change ip_one to suppose ip_two once I hit the hyperlink which is inside the pdf(on the fly) keeping all the other parts of the url intact.
I am using birt-rcp-report-designer-4_2_2.
Thanks in advance.
It sounds like you are trying to dynamically create a hyperlink at report run time.
In the properties editor of the report item that has your link (i.e. label), edit the hyperlink. In the Hypelink Options (pop-up) to the left of "Location" field is the button ab| select 'JavaScript' Syntax.
You will be able to create the URL using JavaScript.

XPages - show image contained with email in xpage document

I am working on an internal helpdesk. Emails address to the helpdesk appear in a Notes View, and I can open the document in XPages and see the text. But it won't show any inserted images within the text.
I can list the attachments as external links (courtesy of but I can't seem to get a handle on the images.
Any ideas ??
One way around that challenge is to use a Dojo ContentPane. It has a href attribute that can point to a different url. You then can point it to the content rendered by the classic engine:
Note: this won't work in XPiNC
To you HelpDeskOpenDoc.xsp XPage add a Rich Text control and bind it to the Rich Text Field with the images and other rich content ...
<xp:inputRichText id="inputRichText1" value="#{document1.Body}"></xp:inputRichText>

How can I preview Virtuemart2 Order verification email layout changes?

I am trying to change the layout ( css/html structure) of Virtuemart 2 order verification emails. Problem is that I have to make a fake purchase each and every time I do a change in the 10 different files (located # components/com_virtuemart/views/invoice/order/tmpl) that create this email template.
The closest "preview" I got was this direct access url ""
But again it loads Joomla's head/body elements not the actual email template.
So how can I have a "preview" of how the template looks like with my new changes BEFORE make an actual test purchase? Is this possible?
You shouldn't change the core files otherwise the next update of VirtueMart (of which there are many) will erase your changes.
You should use Joomla!'s template overrides which VM2 supports that way you can update as needed to new versions without loosing your changes. See this article on on "How to override the output from the Joomla! core" and this one on template overrides.
3. You need to add the &format=raw at the end of the link to retrieve just the output of the component with out the template/html body wrapped around it. Of course that relies on the component as well.
I was going to suggest using raw, but looking at the current VM2 it doesn't properly support the format=raw option. Looking at the mail layout in the invoice view it not structured to return it the way you expect, it actually generates a HTML version by default with a matching text only version.
The best I could come up given those two options
Return a close equivalent of the HTML email
Return the text version, albeit wrapped in the html page... you may have to view the source to see your invoice text.
