How to use language files in MVC3? -

right now I am typing out my messages in the controllers I use like this:
TempData["flashError"] = "There Was A Problem Updating Your Account, Please Try Again";
I would like to reference a key/value system such as:
TempData["flashError"] = Messages["accountProblem"];
Is there a certain way to do this so I can maintain my messages from a separate file? Can someone tell me best practice?

You may take a look at the following guide. You'd basically externalize the messages into resource files for each language and then you could use the strongly typed class that is automatically generated by Visual Studio to access those strings in your code.

to add to Darin's answer
there's a sample application that uses resource files for MUI
you can download it from here:
it also has a code walkthrough pdf file
also, see it live:


Present content like power point or impress

I want to build an application that displays the content that user types on the command prompt to the display like a presentation.
I am writing this application in golang. If there are existing libraries that I can use to do this great and if not would need direction how to approach solving this.
I did search on the internet for pointers but found none.
Have a look at the present tool, it does a similar thing using flat files and might even be useful for you.

Is there a way to link two comments together in an IDE?

Case: One source file has a comment in it that is directly linked to a comment in another source file (it says see line 315 in xxx.cs for more information). The problem with this approach is that the comment on line 315 may not be at that line number in the future. Is there a way to link comments together in an IDE? (currently using Visual Studio 2010, but use other IDEs from time to time)
You can try this addin (I haven't used this):
Besides this addin, the only thing I can think of is using a file link to directly go to the linked file; something like:
// ...
// See file://path_to_file
The link will be converted to an actual link that you can click using Ctrl+Left Click but it won't take you to a given line number - it just opens the file.
The path can be a relative file path or a full file path - full paths work best if all team members use the same folder structure in the project. For example:
// file://w:/projects/GUI/frmMain.cs
Referring to a particular source file and line number is never a good idea, because someone might move things around in the other file without being aware that something is pointing at it. It's better to point at the particular type/method, for example See DoThings() in the MyThing class..
In Java, using Javadoc, you can use #link to do this, for instance See {#link MyThing#doThings()}. Eclipse will automatically update these when using its refactoring tools (e.g. renaming the class or the method). If the change is done manually, Eclipse will still warn that the target of the #link is invalid. (There is also #see which is more appropriate in some situations.)
I'm not sure about C# and Visual Studio, but it's likely that its XML-based doc format offers similar functionality.
The only way to handle this is to put the comment in the same file. Duplicating a comment is not the same as duplicating code, although ideally the code wouldn't need too much explanation in comments.
There are many, many reasons why the comment being in another file will cause pain. As you have stated, the line number may change but also it could be deleted (as they won't know another comment references it), updated in a way that changes its meaning and it is annoying to have to open another file in any case.

Windows Phone: Targets, Branding

i have an app that will be shipped by different providers. So i need to exchange the backgrounds etc, ss there is probably some kind of unique identifier for each app i also need different projects for that. What's the best practice to do this on windows phone ? Do i have to write own "Wrapper"-Projects ? (In iOS there is a concept called targets where i just link relevant branding files, appname, identifiers etc)
Thanks for your help !
In XAML, you can use Styling and Templating to dynamically change the whole look and feel of your application.
The same principal applies to Windows Phone apps as well. Then all you got to do is, maintain different style xaml files and apply them to create unique builds, or once the application launches.
Update: As willmel suggests below, which I forgot to mention, localization techniques mentioned here are a great way to maintain application strings.
Update 2: You can package your 'themes' into separate ZIP files, as demonstrated here and use post build events and VS commands to create different packages. You can always call msbuild from the command line as well and customize your build process even further. You can use different manifests this way as well.
If you have provider information which is language specified, you can download a sample project here:
or another here, or in VB
Once, you know the provider, you can select your resource file.
That article from Tim Heuer can show how you can work with less work for different situations like used in XCode iOS. Additional to strings you can use image URL as well.

How to variables from a textfile into a C# script

I need to create a text file for a game designer to edit variables in my C# script. I would like to be able to write the variable in the text file and the designer can put in a value and hten it would change in my script.
However, after much searching I have not been able to find a solution to my problem and was hoping someone with some experience in this method could help me.
I'm using Visual Studio for writing my scripts and the designer would require Notepad.
You can try using this class that will allow you to use ini files to hold your configuration.
I'm assuming your designer wouldn't like to use XML (which is the .NETy way of doing things); making humans edit XML is a form of torture anyway.
Here's the link to the CodeProject page: An INI file handling class using C#.
You can also use some other (relatively simple) format like JSON if ini files are too flat for you.

ASP.NET MVC 3 faster localization?

is there any way to speed up the string localization on ASp.Net mvc3 with razor? Lest say I write on my .cshtml "Hello World", and then I want to send that "Hello world" to the resources, with an automatic Id and refactor that string to the calling the resource, with just some clicks. Something like but for VS 2010 and razor.
And Free!
So I touch some few lines of the Resource Refactoring Tool and I make it work with Razor (cshtml files). You can find the source and the installer here:
I have used a helper for this, which get's a key for what you need to translate like this
and in the helper I took the value from the resources file I used, but you can also use a DB or what ever you want to getting the translation data.
String translated = (String)helper.ViewContext.HttpContext.GetGlobalResourceObject("Translation", key);
For development I add an # in front of the key, if no translation could be found, this way if I have something like #MyHeader1 in my user interace I know there is something I have to translate.
Interesting.. I wasn't aware of that project as it seems pretty nice - too bad there haven't been recent updates to it. So is your question how to extract them easier, or develop using resource files from the start? Ideally you can just create on resource file, and use it directly by programming against the resource name to start - no extracting required then. You can simply copy and paste your resource files, rename them and change the language content. See
