how does facebook select the picture when implementing a "like" feature with multiple og:image - image

Here's what I'm trying to do : I have about 20 og:image in meta tags on one page, and on this page I have both a like button AND a share button (the deprecated one). I need all the 20 og:image for the share feature, and I want Facebook to pick a particular image when building the popup window (or "flyout"), which will also be the image displayed on a facebook wall after publishing.
Currently, the picture in the popup window is the first og:image, but when I publish and go on my facebook wall, facebook picked another picture to display (the 7th of the og:image list, to be more precise).
I got nearly the same problem on the share feature, I can't obtain the first og:image to be the first thumbnail of the available thumbnails list. The 7th image in og:image list is always the first thumbnail proposed.
Anyone knows the picking algorithm of Facebook or something? I've been searching everywhere and I can't find a single clue on this.
I tried to swap images but I have to avoid putting the same image twice (1st and 7th). I really need some help.
Thank you

I think it's supposed to be random - regardless, if you only want one image, just use one og:url tag


Open Graph Stories with Big Images

Our app shares a custom open graph story that included a 1200x630px preview image. The preview image however always displays as a small square when posted to the Facebook timeline.
As mentioned here, the header of the website I'm linking to already contains og:image and og:image:width and og:image:height. Still the image is cropped and only a square on the left is visible.
Is there any trick to make the image use the full width? User generated images are not the solution to go for because it removes the link from the open graph object and also stores the image in the user's photo albums.
I know that this has to be possible somehow because it works for apps such as Runtastic Results.

Facebook sharing shows more than one miniature

Debug is showing no errors or warnings, my og:image is 200x200, and even then I get other 2 miniatures in the share page in facebook.
I tried to explode the og:image to 1000x1000 and then it was the 1st option presented instead of the actual 3rd, so I think the image size of those 2 other images are the matter.
I saw that the og:image should be the only miniature offered, once it's validated.
I would like it to be so, please advice. Thanks.
Seems like I'm not the only one, it's a bug in facebook

Open graph single image but showing multiple

We are using the og:image property to supply facebook with the correct image, but in some instances it get's more images which it parses from the DOM. eg:
Only the first image should be shown there. If you look in the debugger it looks fine:
Anyone knows whats going on here?
I've just encountered this issue in a site I maintain.
It appears that bloody Facebook changed again things without notifying anything to developers..
Image for og:image must be now at least 200x200px.
If it is smaller, than facebook will take other images that it parses from the same URL, even if these images have nothing to do as leading image for that URL.
Just take care that og:image is big enough and it will be ok.
* Notice that even after you change it, it may appear wrong for some time, if the URL is already cached in FB. To solve it immediately, just pass again the URL to the FB debugger.

Posting link to Page now includes thumbnails when none is set

As of this morning (12th July) a server script we used to automatically add updates to a facebook page is including a thumbail of the website logo.
We add an image ourselves if there is a suitable one - but leave the picture variable as blank otherwise.
As of today Facebook grabs the image set in the webpage og:image setting (or the first off the page if that is disabled) and adds it to the post update.
Net result, every single post this morning has the site logo as an image, and it looks a right mess.
Question - how can I set the image variable to NULL (or equiv) so that it wont try to generate a thumbnail where one is not explicitly defined?
(Every help search I make returns results explaining how to add a thumbail - I want to get rid of it!)
A slight workaround has been to define the thumbnail image as a 1x1 png file, which forces it to use that instead of grabbing the site logo off the linked webpage.
Would still prefer to find a way of forcing it to not use a thumbnail at all though - as was the default behaviour until a couple of days ago.

LinkedIn shareArticle thumbnail

how can you specify which image you want to show on when sharing an article? Now it just picks random images from our site which aren't relevant. I tried adding an image_src link to the head of my site but this didn't help. Any idea how you can do this?
The API of LinkedIn doesn't tell us how:
Kind regards,
There is currently no way to specify a thumbnail. They don't seem to use oEmbed, OpenGraph or image_src. However, you can trick it into picking a specific image.
Make your image 62x62 pixels (other sizes will likely work, but non-square aspect ratios failed for us in the combinations we tried). Also, make it the first IMG tag in the document.
If you don't want users to see that image on your site, you can hide it with postion:absolute and right:-999px.
