Facebook sharing shows more than one miniature - image

Debug is showing no errors or warnings, my og:image is 200x200, and even then I get other 2 miniatures in the share page in facebook.
I tried to explode the og:image to 1000x1000 and then it was the 1st option presented instead of the actual 3rd, so I think the image size of those 2 other images are the matter.
I saw that the og:image should be the only miniature offered, once it's validated.
I would like it to be so, please advice. Thanks.

Seems like I'm not the only one, it's a bug in facebook


Provided og:image is not big enough

Since some days I'm experiencing this problem.
Here is my debug
The image provided is bigger than 200x200 px, it has unique link and there is any redirection on that page.
Linter response is 200.
When I copy and past page's link on fb it give me the choice between 3 images that are smaller than 200x200px and the one I've provided is ignored.
But If I try to share it through "Like button" or "Send button" it works fine.
It sounds like a fb Bug.
I solved using informations from this and this posts.
You can try using an image that is bigger than 200x200, with dimensions multiple of 100, and squared.
Other useful stuffs are using jpg extension, host the image in the same server of the website and avoid any "strange" chars in filename.
I tried many of the suggestions on this post and others to no avail. The thing finally worked for me (which I have not seen elsewhere) was to add the correct prefix to the element which I previously was missing entirely.
<head prefix="og: http://ogp.me/ns#">
Not sure if that actually fixed the problem for good or it just jogged the debugger into re-scanning the image (properly) but hopefully it helps someone else.
I got it done by renaming the image and the og:image url. Give it a try.
I have been struggling with this for a while too. I have tried all shapes and size for the image, renaming it, adding specific og:image:height and :width tags, etc.
The way I 'solved' it is just putting the image I want to show up in the website's root directory and point in og:image to another (1500x1500, btw) image. Facebook linter then tells me that it will use the image in the root directory. And that just works fine ;-)
Even if your image size is not in multiples of 100, it should work if your image is in jpg or jpeg format.
If your image is in png format, no matter what the size is, it will not work. This is based on my tests only. I would like to hear from other devs here.
I use png's all the time. I always use 1920 x 1080 because they look so good on Facebook shares. 85% of the time they work, sometimes they don't. Sometimes I delete and reload the same photo without renaming or changing a thing and it all of a sudden works. I'm not a real dev so that's all I can offer.
I tried most of these suggestions - double-checked the <head> prefix, tried adding the javascript sdk, tried square images, sourcing from different locations, simplifying the file name...
What finally worked was making sure an <img> tag for the same image appears in the body! I hid it with CSS / inline style.

Lightbox for Flex

Ey. I've seen the other post about Lightbox gallery effect for Flex, but after having played around with it I cant seem to get it to work 100% (The image is as small as the thumb, and I cant make it bigger). And this also lacks some functionality I'd like to have.
So, one example would be, of course, this: http://lokeshdhakar.com/projects/lightbox2/
If you click any image on the image set you can swap between them with an arrow. This is what I'd like to have.
Also, it would be nice if it was possible to display the thumbnails for the other images in the same set under the bigger picture(when one image is already clicked).
I've tried to search for components like this, but I cant seem to find any other.
If any of you know of any nice components or snippets of code for this kind of effect then please let me know! =)
Kind regards,
Stian Berg Larsen
So I've searched around and tried a number of examples, but I cant seem to get any of them to work. There is always an error, and none of the examples are exactly what I want.
I simply need a way to show images like Lightbox. With a prev/next arrow and maybe a close button. Nothing more than that. How would I go about making this, or use an existing component?
Im using a TileGroup to hold all my thumbs (so that they will fill out the width of the Group with more images if there are room for it). If it's possible to generate this list of thumbnails dynamically too then that would be great, but basically what I need is to show images with a Lightbox style when I click them.
Thanks! =)
I ended up just making my own lightbox effect. :)
Created an Actionscript class (based on Group) and added image loading functionality, prev/next/close buttons and borders and such. Works like a charm :)

Open graph single image but showing multiple

We are using the og:image property to supply facebook with the correct image, but in some instances it get's more images which it parses from the DOM. eg:
Only the first image should be shown there. If you look in the debugger it looks fine:
Anyone knows whats going on here?
I've just encountered this issue in a site I maintain.
It appears that bloody Facebook changed again things without notifying anything to developers..
Image for og:image must be now at least 200x200px.
If it is smaller, than facebook will take other images that it parses from the same URL, even if these images have nothing to do as leading image for that URL.
Just take care that og:image is big enough and it will be ok.
* Notice that even after you change it, it may appear wrong for some time, if the URL is already cached in FB. To solve it immediately, just pass again the URL to the FB debugger.

how does facebook select the picture when implementing a "like" feature with multiple og:image

Here's what I'm trying to do : I have about 20 og:image in meta tags on one page, and on this page I have both a like button AND a share button (the deprecated one). I need all the 20 og:image for the share feature, and I want Facebook to pick a particular image when building the popup window (or "flyout"), which will also be the image displayed on a facebook wall after publishing.
Currently, the picture in the popup window is the first og:image, but when I publish and go on my facebook wall, facebook picked another picture to display (the 7th of the og:image list, to be more precise).
I got nearly the same problem on the share feature, I can't obtain the first og:image to be the first thumbnail of the available thumbnails list. The 7th image in og:image list is always the first thumbnail proposed.
Anyone knows the picking algorithm of Facebook or something? I've been searching everywhere and I can't find a single clue on this.
I tried to swap images but I have to avoid putting the same image twice (1st and 7th). I really need some help.
Thank you
I think it's supposed to be random - regardless, if you only want one image, just use one og:url tag

LinkedIn shareArticle thumbnail

how can you specify which image you want to show on when sharing an article? Now it just picks random images from our site which aren't relevant. I tried adding an image_src link to the head of my site but this didn't help. Any idea how you can do this?
The API of LinkedIn doesn't tell us how:
Kind regards,
There is currently no way to specify a thumbnail. They don't seem to use oEmbed, OpenGraph or image_src. However, you can trick it into picking a specific image.
Make your image 62x62 pixels (other sizes will likely work, but non-square aspect ratios failed for us in the combinations we tried). Also, make it the first IMG tag in the document.
If you don't want users to see that image on your site, you can hide it with postion:absolute and right:-999px.
