Looking for Windows Phone 7 design templates [closed] - image

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I am just wondering if anyone know good site/images to see various design of windows phone 7 UI (buttons,background,mediaplayer....etc)
for example for web : we have http://www.templatemonster.com/ any many more site
(i'm not asking for ready made design like web)
i'm wondering if any metro designer developed some good UI and share on internet via website, blog or kind of psd template,Images ...like that.

See the resources provided by microsoft, it is a good place to get started. Design templates for windows phone 7 has the photoshop layouts. If you ever feel like designing on paper, this stencil kit might come handy.

link for this : http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ff637515%28v=vs.92%29.aspx


is there GUI framework for mobile and desktop applications? [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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HI I'm big lover of golang but I'm beginner and I want to knew if it possible to build interface application with go for mobile or desktop
I see video on YouTube that's talk about framework called GIO https://gioui.org/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PxnL3-Sex3o
but it's has small community and I've got many errors so is there any one familiar with GIO tell how to start if it's possible
There is also the Fyne toolkit that aims to be easy to learn for anyone. It supports desktop and mobile and it's apps follow use material design using light and dark themes. There are tutorials available on YouTube and there is a tour if you prefer reading.

How do I start with writing Windows minifilter drivers ? [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I want to use windows miniFilter in my project.
I have seen the Microsoft documentation, but it seemed very hard to understand.
I have also read the GitHub examples for miniFilters, but they don't provide explanation for everything, as I want to understand what I write and not just copy and paste. Is there any beginner friendly site that can help me learn more ?
There are not a lot of great resources for getting started on this - no real tutorials or anything. The best sources are the Windows driver samples. Start with a simple one like filesys\miniFilter\nullFilter and then move up to filesys\miniFilter\passThrough to get you started. OSROnline is also a really great resource. And (shameless plug here) I have written a short, 4-part blog post on writing a register filter driver that starts pretty basic.

Auto Face Tagging Library [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I am looking for library which can auto tag persons on a photo. The features is similar to Facebook, Picasa or iPhoto tagging function. Preferably it's able to run on Linux server, callable through PHP and Python. Any recommendation? Thanks.
With regard to what you're looking for, you probably aren't going to find anything that you can host on your own server. Rather, most companies will offer an API to which you can send requests, and you will be charged base don how much you use the API. In no particular order, here are several resources you might consider using.
https://lambdal.com/face-recognition-api - They have low priced entry options, and they are well-suited to detecting and recognizing new faces.
http://www.alchemyapi.com/products/alchemyvision/face-detection - This is more geared to recognizing famous or well-know people.

Any good tutorials / resources to learn Win32 GDI? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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So far i have been searching on google and haven't fount a single good tutorial which is comprehensive. Does any one know of any good site or book which teaches Win32 GDI?
Petzold (Programming Windows, now in its >=5th edition) has good coverage.
GDI has been replaced by Direct2D and DirectWrite, which are available down to Vista, and substantially more performant and flexible. You might want to double-check that you really need to support XP, which is already past end-of-life.
I found bobobobo's blog to be quite helpful for getting started with Win32 and related concepts.

Design desktop applications [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I create a desktop application. Are there any books or sites on which there are examples of design desktop applications?
I found Quince as a valuable resource when it comes to UI design questions.
There are also a few platform specific "best practices": This one for Windows or this one for java applications.
This book contains some good Interface Design Patterns: Designing Interfaces: Patterns for Effective Interaction Design + link to patterns from the 2nd edition
Also this post contains some valuable resources: http://www.smashingmagazine.com/2009/06/15/40-helpful-resources-on-user-interface-design-patterns/
