Exe locked after exit - visual-studio-2010

Switched development to 64bit windows and I'm having an issue. After I quit the executable it is still locked for at least 5min and sometimes until I reboot. So I can't do a new build, which makes development a little slow and frustrating.
Filelock reports it to be locked by "system" (helpful) and can't unlock it, even running as admin. It doesn't appear to be runni=ng in procexp or taskmanager.
This is a C++ app using Qt, with vs2010 pro on Windows7 pro 64bit - not sure if any of those are the problem, it was fine on 32bit.
Has anyone else seen anything like this?

I frequently have similar problems, which in my case are caused when I'm debugging an application that uses a MIDI device. If the app crashes or I stop debugging (ie stopping in the debugger, rather than letting the app finish normally) then one driver on my system doesn't release the device. The process resists all attempts to kill it. Either I have to disconnect the device temporarily (so the driver gets released) or reboot. As a workaround I can usually just rename the .exe which means that I can link again, though I end up with lots of zombie processes.
So the first thing to check is whether there are any particular I/O devices you're using in this app, and whether the drivers are up to date. If you don't think there's any specific drivers you're using then try running windbg, attach to the process and type !analyze -v -hang. This may tell you which driver dll it's waiting on.

Probably a stupid idea- But try changing the file ownership to you again, and turn on "Take Ownership" in the file system settings.
It is annoyingly common to own a folder, and not all the files inside it.


Debugging Spawns A Non Terminable Process, and CLI not launching

I've been fighting this little problem for a while now, so I'm really hoping I can get some help. I've been looking for a solution to this, and I found this SO question: Debugging doesn't start.
My issue is somewhat similar to the issue discussed here, except that my issue is a two-parter.
Part 1: Similar to the issue discussed on the other question. (Debug Window Doesn't show up)
When I attempt to launch my Windows 32 console application project (The simple kind that opens in the windows CLI). The CLI (or CMD) window doesn't open, and windows idles giving me a spinning cursor wheel. Visual Studio IDE (I'm using VS 2013 Community) becomes unresponsive and I cannot access any menus, or use any hotkey to "Stop Debugging". One difference from the provided SO question though, is that when I try to launch "MyProject.exe" from my project's "Debug" folder I get the same result as attempting to debug in the IDE.
Part 2: Unkillable Process
When I try to close my debug application in the windows task manager, it is not listed as an ongoing process. However, whenever I try to manipulate, delete, or otherwise modify my Project.exe application (in my Project's "Debug" folder), windows informs me that the application is in use. Confused by this, I downloaded two applications. The first was Process explorer, which showed me that I did in fact have 2 instances of "MyProject.exe" running. The second was Process Hacker, which also showed me 2 instances of "MyProject.exe". However, neither of these programs were able to terminate either of the "MyProject.exe" processes.
I am capable of terminating the processes for visual studio and restarting the IDE, however, because the "MyProject.exe" processes are still running. Building always fails with the error
"Error 1 error LNK1168: cannot open C:\Users\Brandon\Desktop\MyProject\Debug\MyProject.exe for writing"
Whenever I restart my computer, the lock files (as expected) are removed, and the "MyProject.exe" processes disappear. I can restart VS and everything works, but if I try to Debug (pressing "Start Debugging" or F5) the same issue occurs.
A process of my program is started ("MyProject.exe"), but the CLI window where my program's text should appear doesn't show up. Visual studio locks up, and "MyProject.exe" persists until the next restart because "MyProcess.exe" cannot be terminated.
My solution configuration is set to "Debug", Solution Platforms = Win32.
I have tried creating a new blank console project in VS 2013 and I get the same result: code builds fine, but I have the same debugging issue. I get an identical result with a quickly assembled "Hello World" project.
Sorry for being a noob, but honestly. I really don't know what's going on, so any help is greatly appreciated.
(Note: Running Windows 10 with VS2013)
So, I'm having the same problem with several programs in Windows 10 (most notably Allegorithmic's Substance Painter). So it looks like this may actually be an OS problem. Several of my programs whenever I try to launch them do the same thing...the program acts like it's going to launch, but then no usable window appears. Looking at my processes I can see that the process has been started, but it is once again unkillable. For reference, I am using Windows 10 Version 1511 (OS Build 10586.17).
I believe your problem might be Avast, if you are running it. I had exactly the same issues until I uninstalled it. Had upgraded to Win10 and VS2013 just froze, same as you described.

foxpro program freezes while it is running

I am using foxpro apps under Windows 7. During the compilation one of my program it suddenly became freezing until I move the mouse or press any key. And this happens all the time while I am working with prog.
This happens when I move only the data to a mapped directory on the host. If my application, foxpro and the data are in the same directory on the virtual machine there are no problem with it.
This happens when my data is not on the virtual machine.
Can it be a caching issue?
Change the registry:
Save export as backup. Then change value "DefaultSeparateVDM" to "yes"
If you have 64bit then you need to create a file for 16bit applications that use the internal start command in separate memory space as follows:
Start /separate command
Also have a look at this article. http://www.reddit.com/r/Database/comments/2kz0x5/dbf_file_getting_corrupt/
There kind of similar problem, who knows, maybe it would be helpful for you
I have run into similar in the past, and it doesn't have to do with VFP application and data residing in the same folder. What has happened to me is the debugger. You mention "...while I am working with the prog." tells me you are in the VFP development mode, and not run-time from the app itself. If you have issues where your debugger has breakpoints, or other flags that have become corrupted somehow, I have done
But that is something going back several years and MIGHT be what you are encountering.

PyInstaller Created App WIll Launch from cmd but not from explorer

I am having some problems with a app we are making with wxWidget/wxPython and PyInstaller.
We have compiled the app into a single exe for windows but:
1) On some machines it will not launch at all. It doesn't generate a error or anything in the app logs. It just stops almost immediately.
2) On some machines it will launch fine from cmd but not from explorer. again, same behavior. It just stops almost immediately. I don't even see it pop up in the process explorer.
3) On some machines it works just fine.
Are there any tips on how I can figure out what is going wrong? Is there a way to launch a exe with a debugger?
There are a few things you may want to look into:
Did you compile it as "one file"? I have heard that one exe may be blocked by some antivirus programs. It uses a few of hacks to get everything in one executable which may be considered malicious.
Did you compile it as Windows app (no console)? You may want to enable console and run it on machine where it does not run at all from console. That way you may see why it crashes.

Killing processes on Windows 7

I'm debugging plugins on Windows 7 and of course the plugin host (Cubase5.exe) occasionally crashes because of errors in the plugin. On XP or Vista, I could always restart it immediately and continue working. But on Windows 7, even though Cubase appears to close, it is still visible in Task Manager and I cannot kill it by any means. After a minute or two, it disappears by itself. In the mean time, I can't work because the plugin DLL is still locked by the process.
Does anyone know why this happens on Windows 7? I've already tried disabling Automatic Error Reporting but that didn't help. I've tried attaching cdb to Cubase, but I get:
Cannot debug pid 5252, NTSTATUS 0xC0000001
"{Operation Failed} The requested operation was unsuccessful."
Debuggee initialization failed, NTSTATUS 0xC0000001
"{Operation Failed} The requested operation was unsuccessful."
I tried following the instructions here but it appears this is only possible if I connect a second machine to my computer to debug it remotely.
I finally found the solution, using this article:
This required installing the Windows Debugging Tools for Windows (nice name) and LiveKd, but by following the steps outlined I was able to track which driver was causing the process to hang: it turned out to be the 64-bit driver for the M-Audio Oxygen 8 V2 controller I'm using. Unfortunately no driver update is available.
Anyway, if anyone encounters a similar problem, this is the way to solve it.
Have you tried Process Explorer by Mark Russinovich? It is really useful for "killing":)
If you have error reporting enabled, it's possible that werfault.exe has Cubase open to write a minidump for crash reporting purposes.
This is just a stab in the dark but it might be your problem.
One thing you can try is to check with Process Monitor what Cubase is doing. Set a filter so that everything with a process name containing "cubase" will be recorded. It could be that you are facing some timeout issue when Cubase wants to exit.
you can end the process the service is running under. You can find this process by going to the Services tab of the Task Manager, right-clicking, and selecting Go To Process(you need to click the Show processes from all users button.). Note that one process may host multiple services (especially if it's svchost.exe), and ending the process will kill all those services. Also, this is an unclean exit, and may cause data corruption depending on what the service(s) was doing when you killed it.
Depending on which specific service you are trying to stop, there may be a cleaner way to simulate failure.

Stop VB application from running in background

I have a console application (written in VB6 ) which is behaving strangely on my machine. I kick it off from the command line and what should be a two minute job drops straight back to the prompt - if I run this on another machine the executable will sit and wait until the job finishes before returning control back to the prompt. If I check process explorer I can see that the executable is running as a background process and other than this strange background-ness is running as expected.
Any thoughts on why this could be happening? (Running on 32-bit Windows XP Pro SP3.)
It's totally unclear whether this is an application you wrote and have the source code for. If that's the case, you need to get in and start debugging. At the least, use OutputDebugString to send information about what's going on to any number of potential viewers. Taking that a step further, consider rewiring the app using the Console module I wrote, along with vbAdvance to recompile. This combination will allow you the full power of the VB6 IDE to debug within. No more guessing about what's going on.
Then again, if it's not your app, I'm not sure what VB6 has to do with it and wish you the best of luck trying to figure out what's up.
It sounds to me as though the app isn't being recognised as a console app on one of your machines. Console apps weren't officially supported in VB6, although there are some well-known hacks for creating them (particularly the free add-in vbAdvance). Possibly your console app is a bit unreliable? If Windows thinks your app is a GUI rather than a console app, it won't wait for it to finish.
As a pragmatic workaround: try launching with start /wait rather than just using the exename. That forces the command prompt to wait for the program to finish, whether it's a GUI app or a console app.
Sounds like an error is occurring that is being 'swallowed' by the application. Do you have the source code?
Errors in VB6 apps are often due to some COM component not installed and/or registered.
Download SysInternals Process Monitor and this will show up accesses to ProgIDs that fail (uninstalled/unregistered COM components).
Check out: Process Monitor - Hands-On Labs and Examples.
Have you checked permissions? Is the application accessing any network based resources?
