username availability in Yii framework using ajax - ajax

the scenario is i have a form in my Yii project that will take the username as input and sends the user a mail containing activation link if he has not received one. the form name is ResendActivationLinkForm which extends the CFormModel class. now at the submission time i wanna check if the username exists or not in the database using AJAX...How to use yii's own classes and functions to accomplish that?

well thanks for replies..but i got it in a simpler fashion.
i just added an array inside the form model ResendActivationLinkForm depicting my rule.. eg..
public function run(){
return array(
where username is my attributeName, exist is the validator alias and className is the Model class name whose attribute it should look for...
you can look at for more details. :) Happy Coding. :)

If Usermodel is the model that has a username attribute, you can do something like this.
'username = :inputtedUsername',
array(':inputtedUsername' => $_POST['username'],)))
//user found
//user not found
For more information about the various CActiveRecord methods check the website

I'd extend the form model with a custom validator, such as array('username','UsernameExistsValidator'). This validator class should extend CValidator and implement public function validateAttribute($object,$attribute) which can use $this->addError() to flag if the username is not available. See the source for other Yii validators if you need some more input on the bits in there.
The logic from the answer above would fit into validateAttribute,


Using getAuthPassword() with another Model instead of User Model?

I am facing issue, I want to use different field name for password. let us say in users table, when I use this code with User model it works perfectly
* Override required, otherwise existing Authentication system will not match credentials
* #return mixed
public function getAuthPassword()
return $this->userPassword;
but when I use it with another Model let us say Customer model with same table structure , it doesnt work??!!! does anyone have idea about this issue
Thanks in advance.
In your config folder there is a file "auth.php" in this file you found authentication driver set to 'model' => 'App\User'
Instead of User you can use any of your model.
Hope this will help you :)

"Beautifying" a URL in Yii

I want to convert a URL which is of the format
I have already seen this tutorial from Yii, but it isnt helping me with anything. Can anyone help me with this?
EDIT: I would also like to know if this thing is even possible in the POST scenario, ie I will only have path/to/my/app/Controller_action in the URL.
Add a getUrl method in your User model
public function getUrl()
return Yii::app()->createUrl('controller/action', array(
Add the following rule urlManager component in config/main.php
'controller/action/<username:.*?>/<id: \d+>'=>'controller/action'
And use the models url virtual attribute everywhere
dInGd0nG is on the correct track, but if I understand correctly you wish to do actions based on the actual username instead of the ID as well right?
It's not that hard in Yii. I'm assuming here for simplicity the controller is user and the action is view.
Your User controller:
public function actionView($id)
if (is_numeric($id))
$oUser = User::model()->findByPk($id);
// Luckily Yii does parameter binding, wouldn't be such a good idea otherwise :)
$oUser = User::model()->findByAttributes(array('username' => $id));
Your urlManager config:
'user/view/<id: \w+>' => 'user/view',
Or more generally:
'user/<action: \w+>/<id: \w+> => 'user/<action>',
To generate a user url in a view:
$this->createUrl('user/view', array('id' => $oUser->username));

Where to validate and test user input date, In the controller or the model?

Where to clean up/ validate/ verify the user input data? In the controller or the model?
In controller.
Look at it this way: Your form will post to a controller function with the form data in $_POST variable. You validate the data in that function of the controller and do some DB inserts or updates. Then you show the success message as a view or in case of error a fail message.
See the form validation tutorial in CodeIgniter's user guide here.
I'd go with the model so your validation can be reused. Models should handle the data and the controller should direct it to where it needs to go.
The code that make the validation must be in the model, but the call to this code must be in the controller.
Something like this:
class MyAwesomeUserModel {
public function isValid()
//some code to validate the user
class MyUserController {
public function myUserAction()
//some code to insert the input of the user in the model
//do nice things with the data and send some message/data to the view
} else {
//send 'nice' error messages to the view
This is just the way I use, may not be the best way, but it's the best fit in my application. And that's what matters, you should look for what best suits your application.

Disabling validation for specific form (user login)

The problem
I have a login form available on every page (in the right menu). The problem is that when the user is on the register page, the fields from the login form are validated. I have username and password fields in both forms, and both are validated.
Different field names for registration form (register_username, register_password, register_email) and then set normal names before saving.
Different model (but albo using the users table) for login form?
Anyway, I just wonder what is the best way to solve this.
I'm guessing that both forms would submit to different actions, with the registration form submitting to Users->register() and the login form submitting to Users->login().
I would suggest that when you're in the register() action, you could try copying the relevant variable into another associative array and then validating and saving that, rather than validating and saving the $this->data variable.
Your second option is correct. I had encountered this problem before and wrote an article about it at the Bakery: Multiple Forms per page for the same model
The basic idea is to create separate models for each form extending the original model:
class RegisterForm extends User {
Then, load these forms in your controller however you please:
Then call validation as usual:
For your particular case, you might not want to create the LoginForm model, and have only the RegisterForm model. This will let you take advantage of whatever magic the AuthComponent has.
I haven't tried two forms with the same inputs, but this works for two forms with different inputs. I don't see why it shouldn't work for your needs.
Make sure each submit button has a name value so that $this->params can identify it.
//first form ...
$profile_options = array('label' => 'edit profile',
'name' => 'form1');
echo $this->Form->end($profile_options);
//second form ...
$password_options = array('label' => 'edit password',
'name' => 'form2');
echo $this->Form->end($password_options);
Controller action:
Use $this->params to test for each form submission
$this->User->set($this->data); //necessary to specify validation rules
if($this->User->validates(array('fieldList' => array('email')))){
$this->User->saveField('email', $this->data['User']['email']);
//same deal for second form
It may be desirable to validate your model only using a subset of the validations specified in your model. For example say you had a User model with fields for first_name, last_name, email and password. In this instance when creating or editing a user you would want to validate all 4 field rules. Yet when a user logs in you would validate just email and password rules. To do this you can pass an options array specifying the fields to validate:
if ($this->User->validates(array('fieldList' => array('email', 'password')))) {
// valid
} else {
// invalid

Where does input validation belong in an MVC application?

I have a MVC application that receives an input from a form.
This is a login form so the only validation that is necessary is to check whether the input is non-empty.
Right now before I pass it to the model I validate it in the controller.
Is this a best practice or not? Does it belong to the model?
I don't think there's an official best practice limiting validation to any single part of the MVC pattern. For example, your view can (and should) do some up-front validation using Javascript. Your controller should also offer the same types of validation, as well as more business-logic related validation. The model can also offer forms of validation, i.e., setters not allowing null values.
There's an interesting discussion of this at joelonsoftware.
I have been thinking about this for a LONG time and after trying putting validation in both controllers and models.... finally I have come to the conclusion that for many of my applications... validation belongs in the model and not in the controller. Why? Because the same model could in the future be used by various other controller calls or APIs... and then I would have to repeat the validation process over and over again. That would violate DRY and lead to many errors. Plus philosophically its the model which interacts with the database ( or other persistent storage ) and thus is sort of a 'last call for alcohol' place to do this anyway.
So I do my get/post translation in the controller and then send raw data to the model for validation and processing. Of course I am often doing php/mysql web applications and if you are doing other things results may vary. I hope this helps someone.
Validation must be in the Model
Only the model knows the "details" of the business. only the model knows which data is acceptable and which data is not. the controller just knows how to "use" the model.
for example: let's say we need the functionality of registering new users to our system.
The Model:
public function registerUser(User $user){
//pseudo code
//primitive validation
//log the invalid input error
return "age";
//log the invalid input error
return "name";
//business logic validation
//our buisnees only accept grown peoples
if($user->age < 18){
//log the error
return "age";
//our buisness accepts only users with good physique
if($user->weight > 100){
//log the error
return "weight";
//ervery thing is ok ? then insert the user
//data base query (insert into user (,,,) valeues (?,?,?,?))
return true;
Now the controller/s job is to "use" the model registerUser() function without the knowledge of how the model is going to do the validation, or even what is considered "valid" or not!
the Controller:
$user = new User();
$user->age = isset($_POST['age']) ? $_POST['age'] : null;
$user->name = isset($_POST['name']) ? $_POST['name'] : null;
$user->age = isset($_POST['weight']) ? $_POST['weight'] : null;
$result = $theModel->registerUser($user);// <- the controller uses the model
if($result === true){
//build the view(page/template) with success message and die
$msg = "";
//use the return value from the function or you can check the error logs
switch ($result){
case"age" :
$msg = "Sorry, you must be over 18";
case "name":
$msg = "name field is not correct";
case "weight":
$msg = "Sorry, you must have a good physique";
//build the view(page/template) with error messages and die
The class user
class User {
public $age;
public $name;
public $weight;
having an architecture like that will "free" the controllers completely from the details of the business logic -which is a good thing-.
Suppose we want to make another form of user registration somewhere else in the website (and we will have another controller allocated for it). now the other controller will use the same method of the model registerUser().
But if we distributed the validation logic between the controller and the model they will not be separated -which is bad and against MVC- meaning that every time you need to make new view and controller to register new user you must use the same old controller AND the model together. Moreover if the business logic is changed (we now accept teenagers in our sports club) you are going only to change the code in the model registerUser() function. the controllers code is still the same.
Its business logic, so no, it doesn't belong in the model.
Within the controller you have the ModelState property to which you can add validation errors to.
See this example on the MSDN.
Assuming your application is structured like:
The user input would come to your controller, and you would use services in the service layer to validate it.
Business Logic -> Controller
Data Validation -> Model
